blob: 6fae760c59f18255806363e8a30cfb4b4d63d133 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/pending_task.h"
namespace base {
PendingTask::PendingTask() = default;
PendingTask::PendingTask(const Location& posted_from, OnceClosure task)
: PendingTask(posted_from, std::move(task), TimeTicks(), TimeTicks()) {}
PendingTask::PendingTask(const Location& posted_from,
OnceClosure task,
TimeTicks queue_time,
TimeTicks delayed_run_time)
: task(std::move(task)),
delayed_run_time(delayed_run_time) {}
PendingTask::PendingTask(PendingTask&& other) = default;
PendingTask::~PendingTask() = default;
PendingTask& PendingTask::operator=(PendingTask&& other) = default;
TimeTicks PendingTask::GetDesiredExecutionTime() const {
if (!delayed_run_time.is_null())
return delayed_run_time;
return queue_time;
} // namespace base