blob: e5f0f7730ef5e3fe1c38bbbdc6b80ae72761988f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "chromecast/external_mojo/public/mojom/connector.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/interface_ptr.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/interface_request.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/message_pipe.h"
namespace chromecast {
namespace external_service_support {
class ExternalService;
// Interface to the Mojo broker, allowing services to be registered and other
// processes to bind to registered services. Once any public methods are called
// on an instance of this class, that instance is bound to the calling thread.
// To use the same interface on another thread, call Clone() and pass the new
// instance to the desired thread before calling any public methods on it.
class ExternalConnector {
static void Connect(
const std::string& broker_path,
base::OnceCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<ExternalConnector>)> callback);
explicit ExternalConnector(
external_mojo::mojom::ExternalConnectorPtr connector);
explicit ExternalConnector(
external_mojo::mojom::ExternalConnectorPtrInfo unbound_state);
// Sets the callback that will be called if this class loses its connection to
// the Mojo broker. Note that once the connection is lost, this instance
// becomes nonfunctional (all public methods are no-ops); a new connection
// must be made instead.
void set_connection_error_callback(base::OnceClosure callback) {
connection_error_callback_ = std::move(callback);
// Registers a service that other Mojo processes/services can bind to. Others
// can call BindInterface(|service_name|, interface_name) to bind to this
// |service|.
void RegisterService(const std::string& service_name,
ExternalService* service);
void RegisterService(const std::string& service_name,
external_mojo::mojom::ExternalServicePtr service_ptr);
// Asks the Mojo broker to bind to a matching interface on the service with
// the given |service_name|. If the service does not yet exist, the binding
// will remain in progress until the service is registered.
template <typename Interface>
void BindInterface(const std::string& service_name,
mojo::InterfacePtr<Interface>* ptr) {
BindInterface(service_name, Interface::Name_,
void BindInterface(const std::string& service_name,
const std::string& interface_name,
mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle interface_pipe);
// Creates a new instance of this class which may be passed to another thread.
// The returned object may be passed across sequences until any of its public
// methods are called, at which point it becomes bound to the calling
// sequence.
std::unique_ptr<ExternalConnector> Clone();
// Sends a request for a Chromium ServiceManager connector.
void SendChromiumConnectorRequest(mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle request);
void OnConnectionError();
bool BindConnectorIfNecessary();
external_mojo::mojom::ExternalConnectorPtr connector_;
external_mojo::mojom::ExternalConnectorPtrInfo unbound_state_;
base::OnceClosure connection_error_callback_;
} // namespace external_service_support
} // namespace chromecast