blob: ff137cfe7039696e24e0cf1899ed6ac16e660b70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "content/browser/appcache/appcache_database.h"
#include "content/browser/appcache/appcache_entry.h"
#include "content/browser/appcache/appcache_manifest_parser.h"
#include "content/browser/appcache/appcache_namespace.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/appcache/appcache.mojom.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace content {
FORWARD_DECLARE_TEST(AppCacheTest, InitializeWithManifest);
FORWARD_DECLARE_TEST(AppCacheTest, ToFromDatabaseRecords);
class AppCacheGroup;
class AppCacheHost;
class AppCacheStorage;
class AppCacheTest;
class AppCacheStorageImplTest;
namespace appcache_update_job_unittest {
class AppCacheUpdateJobTest;
// Set of cached resources for an application. A cache exists as long as a
// host is associated with it, the cache is in an appcache group or the
// cache is being created during an appcache update.
: public base::RefCounted<AppCache> {
using EntryMap = std::map<GURL, AppCacheEntry>;
using AppCacheHosts = std::set<AppCacheHost*>;
AppCache(AppCacheStorage* storage, int64_t cache_id);
int64_t cache_id() const { return cache_id_; }
AppCacheGroup* owning_group() const { return owning_group_.get(); }
bool is_complete() const { return is_complete_; }
void set_complete(bool value) { is_complete_ = value; }
// Adds a new entry. Entry must not already be in cache.
void AddEntry(const GURL& url, const AppCacheEntry& entry);
// Adds a new entry or modifies an existing entry by merging the types
// of the new entry with the existing entry. Returns true if a new entry
// is added, false if the flags are merged into an existing entry.
bool AddOrModifyEntry(const GURL& url, const AppCacheEntry& entry);
// Removes an entry from the EntryMap, the URL must be in the set.
void RemoveEntry(const GURL& url);
// Do not store or delete the returned ptr, they're owned by 'this'.
AppCacheEntry* GetEntry(const GURL& url);
const AppCacheEntry* GetEntryWithResponseId(int64_t response_id) {
return GetEntryAndUrlWithResponseId(response_id, nullptr);
const AppCacheEntry* GetEntryAndUrlWithResponseId(int64_t response_id,
GURL* optional_url);
const EntryMap& entries() const { return entries_; }
// Returns the URL of the resource used as entry for 'namespace_url'.
GURL GetFallbackEntryUrl(const GURL& namespace_url) const {
return GetNamespaceEntryUrl(fallback_namespaces_, namespace_url);
GURL GetInterceptEntryUrl(const GURL& namespace_url) const {
return GetNamespaceEntryUrl(intercept_namespaces_, namespace_url);
AppCacheHosts& associated_hosts() { return associated_hosts_; }
bool IsNewerThan(AppCache* cache) const {
// TODO(michaeln): revisit, the system clock can be set
// back in time which would confuse this logic.
if (update_time_ > cache->update_time_)
return true;
// Tie breaker. Newer caches have a larger cache ID.
if (update_time_ == cache->update_time_)
return cache_id_ > cache->cache_id_;
return false;
base::Time update_time() const { return update_time_; }
int64_t cache_size() const { return cache_size_; }
void set_update_time(base::Time ticks) { update_time_ = ticks; }
// Initializes the cache with information in the manifest.
// Do not use the manifest after this call.
void InitializeWithManifest(AppCacheManifest* manifest);
// Initializes the cache with the information in the database records.
void InitializeWithDatabaseRecords(
const AppCacheDatabase::CacheRecord& cache_record,
const std::vector<AppCacheDatabase::EntryRecord>& entries,
const std::vector<AppCacheDatabase::NamespaceRecord>& intercepts,
const std::vector<AppCacheDatabase::NamespaceRecord>& fallbacks,
const std::vector<AppCacheDatabase::OnlineWhiteListRecord>& whitelists);
// Returns the database records to be stored in the AppCacheDatabase
// to represent this cache.
void ToDatabaseRecords(
const AppCacheGroup* group,
AppCacheDatabase::CacheRecord* cache_record,
std::vector<AppCacheDatabase::EntryRecord>* entries,
std::vector<AppCacheDatabase::NamespaceRecord>* intercepts,
std::vector<AppCacheDatabase::NamespaceRecord>* fallbacks,
std::vector<AppCacheDatabase::OnlineWhiteListRecord>* whitelists);
bool FindResponseForRequest(const GURL& url,
AppCacheEntry* found_entry, GURL* found_intercept_namespace,
AppCacheEntry* found_fallback_entry, GURL* found_fallback_namespace,
bool* found_network_namespace);
// Populates the 'infos' vector with an element per entry in the appcache.
void ToResourceInfoVector(
std::vector<blink::mojom::AppCacheResourceInfo>* infos) const;
static const AppCacheNamespace* FindNamespace(
const std::vector<AppCacheNamespace>& namespaces,
const GURL& url);
friend class AppCacheGroup;
friend class AppCacheHost;
friend class content::AppCacheTest;
friend class content::AppCacheStorageImplTest;
friend class content::appcache_update_job_unittest::AppCacheUpdateJobTest;
friend class base::RefCounted<AppCache>;
// Use AppCacheGroup::Add/RemoveCache() to manipulate owning group.
void set_owning_group(AppCacheGroup* group) { owning_group_ = group; }
// FindResponseForRequest helpers
const AppCacheNamespace* FindInterceptNamespace(const GURL& url) {
return FindNamespace(intercept_namespaces_, url);
const AppCacheNamespace* FindFallbackNamespace(const GURL& url) {
return FindNamespace(fallback_namespaces_, url);
bool IsInNetworkNamespace(const GURL& url) {
return FindNamespace(online_whitelist_namespaces_, url) != nullptr;
GURL GetNamespaceEntryUrl(const std::vector<AppCacheNamespace>& namespaces,
const GURL& namespace_url) const;
// Use AppCacheHost::Associate*Cache() to manipulate host association.
void AssociateHost(AppCacheHost* host) {
void UnassociateHost(AppCacheHost* host);
const int64_t cache_id_;
scoped_refptr<AppCacheGroup> owning_group_;
AppCacheHosts associated_hosts_;
EntryMap entries_; // contains entries of all types
std::vector<AppCacheNamespace> intercept_namespaces_;
std::vector<AppCacheNamespace> fallback_namespaces_;
std::vector<AppCacheNamespace> online_whitelist_namespaces_;
bool online_whitelist_all_;
bool is_complete_;
// when this cache was last updated
base::Time update_time_;
int64_t cache_size_;
// to notify storage when cache is deleted
AppCacheStorage* storage_;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(content::AppCacheTest, InitializeWithManifest);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(content::AppCacheTest, ToFromDatabaseRecords);
} // namespace content