blob: 16923b35a968790ae7741dc13dcbad0361efb448 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_finder.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_window.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tab_contents/tab_contents_wrapper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_controller.h"
using content::WebContents;
namespace browser {
namespace {
// Type used to indicate to match anything.
const int kMatchAny = 0;
// See BrowserMatches for details.
const int kMatchOriginalProfile = 1 << 0;
const int kMatchCanSupportWindowFeature = 1 << 1;
const int kMatchTabbed = 1 << 2;
// Returns true if the specified |browser| matches the specified arguments.
// |match_types| is a bitmask dictating what parameters to match:
// . If it contains kMatchOriginalProfile then the original profile of the
// browser must match |profile->GetOriginalProfile()|. This is used to match
// incognito windows.
// . If it contains kMatchCanSupportWindowFeature
// |CanSupportWindowFeature(window_feature)| must return true.
// . If it contains kMatchTabbed, the browser must be a tabbed browser.
bool BrowserMatches(Browser* browser,
Profile* profile,
Browser::WindowFeature window_feature,
uint32 match_types) {
if (match_types & kMatchCanSupportWindowFeature &&
!browser->CanSupportWindowFeature(window_feature)) {
return false;
if (match_types & kMatchOriginalProfile) {
if (browser->profile()->GetOriginalProfile() !=
return false;
} else if (browser->profile() != profile) {
return false;
if (match_types & kMatchTabbed)
return browser->is_type_tabbed();
return true;
// Returns the first browser in the specified iterator that returns true from
// |BrowserMatches|, or null if no browsers match the arguments. See
// |BrowserMatches| for details on the arguments.
template <class T>
Browser* FindBrowserMatching(const T& begin,
const T& end,
Profile* profile,
Browser::WindowFeature window_feature,
uint32 match_types) {
for (T i = begin; i != end; ++i) {
if (BrowserMatches(*i, profile, window_feature, match_types))
return *i;
return NULL;
Browser* FindBrowserWithTabbedOrAnyType(Profile* profile,
bool match_tabbed,
bool match_original_profiles) {
uint32 match_types = kMatchAny;
if (match_tabbed)
match_types |= kMatchTabbed;
if (match_original_profiles)
match_types |= kMatchOriginalProfile;
Browser* browser = FindBrowserMatching(
BrowserList::begin_last_active(), BrowserList::end_last_active(),
profile, Browser::FEATURE_NONE, match_types);
// Fall back to a forward scan of all Browsers if no active one was found.
return browser ? browser :
FindBrowserMatching(BrowserList::begin(), BrowserList::end(), profile,
Browser::FEATURE_NONE, match_types);
size_t GetBrowserCountImpl(Profile* profile, uint32 match_types) {
size_t count = 0;
for (BrowserList::const_iterator i = BrowserList::begin();
i != BrowserList::end(); ++i) {
if (BrowserMatches(*i, profile, Browser::FEATURE_NONE, match_types))
return count;
} // namespace
Browser* FindTabbedBrowser(Profile* profile, bool match_original_profiles) {
return FindBrowserWithTabbedOrAnyType(profile,
Browser* FindOrCreateTabbedBrowser(Profile* profile) {
Browser* browser = FindTabbedBrowser(profile, false);
if (!browser)
browser = Browser::Create(profile);
return browser;
Browser* FindAnyBrowser(Profile* profile, bool match_original_profiles) {
return FindBrowserWithTabbedOrAnyType(profile,
Browser* FindBrowserWithFeature(Profile* profile,
Browser::WindowFeature feature) {
Browser* browser = FindBrowserMatching(
BrowserList::begin_last_active(), BrowserList::end_last_active(),
profile, feature, kMatchCanSupportWindowFeature);
// Fall back to a forward scan of all Browsers if no active one was found.
return browser ? browser :
FindBrowserMatching(BrowserList::begin(), BrowserList::end(), profile,
feature, kMatchCanSupportWindowFeature);
Browser* FindBrowserWithProfile(Profile* profile) {
return FindAnyBrowser(profile, false);
Browser* FindBrowserWithID(SessionID::id_type desired_id) {
for (BrowserList::const_iterator i = BrowserList::begin();
i != BrowserList::end(); ++i) {
if ((*i)->session_id().id() == desired_id)
return *i;
return NULL;
Browser* FindBrowserWithWindow(gfx::NativeWindow window) {
for (BrowserList::const_iterator it = BrowserList::begin();
it != BrowserList::end(); ++it) {
Browser* browser = *it;
if (browser->window() && browser->window()->GetNativeHandle() == window)
return browser;
return NULL;
Browser* FindBrowserWithWebContents(WebContents* web_contents) {
for (TabContentsIterator it; !it.done(); ++it) {
if (it->web_contents() == web_contents)
return it.browser();
return NULL;
Browser* FindBrowserForController(
const content::NavigationController* controller,
int* index_result) {
for (BrowserList::const_iterator it = BrowserList::begin();
it != BrowserList::end(); ++it) {
int index = (*it)->GetIndexOfController(controller);
if (index != TabStripModel::kNoTab) {
if (index_result)
*index_result = index;
return *it;
return NULL;
Browser* FindLastActiveWithProfile(Profile* profile) {
// We are only interested in last active browsers, so we don't fall back to
// all browsers like FindBrowserWith* do.
return FindBrowserMatching(
BrowserList::begin_last_active(), BrowserList::end_last_active(), profile,
Browser::FEATURE_NONE, kMatchAny);
size_t GetBrowserCount(Profile* profile) {
return GetBrowserCountImpl(profile, kMatchAny);
size_t GetTabbedBrowserCount(Profile* profile) {
return GetBrowserCountImpl(profile, kMatchTabbed);
} // namespace browser