blob: d0e4a1914544d167beb418c92d5c93d47d3e41a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace content {
FORWARD_DECLARE_TEST(ContentBrowserTest, RunTimeoutInstalled);
namespace base {
namespace test {
FORWARD_DECLARE_TEST(TaskEnvironmentTest, SetsDefaultRunTimeout);
// Configures all RunLoop::Run() calls on the current thread to run the
// supplied |on_timeout| callback if they run for longer than |timeout|.
// Specifying Run() timeouts per-thread avoids the need to cope with Run()s
// executing concurrently with ScopedRunLoopTimeout initialization or
// teardown, and allows "default" timeouts to be specified by suites, rather
// than explicitly configuring them for every RunLoop, in each test.
// This is used by test classes including TaskEnvironment and TestSuite to
// set a default Run() timeout on the main thread of all tests which use them.
// Tests which have steps which need to Run() for longer than their suite's
// default (if any) allows can override the active timeout by creating a nested
// ScopedRunLoopTimeout on their stack, e.g:
// ScopedRunLoopTimeout default_timeout(kDefaultRunTimeout);
// ... do other test stuff ...
// RunLoop().Run(); // Run for up to kDefaultRunTimeout.
// ...
// {
// ScopedRunLoopTimeout specific_timeout(kTestSpecificTimeout);
// RunLoop().Run(); // Run for up to kTestSpecificTimeout.
// }
// ...
// RunLoop().Run(); // Run for up to kDefaultRunTimeout.
// The currently-active timeout can also be temporarily disabled:
// ScopedDisableRunLoopTimeout disable_timeout;
// By default LOG(FATAL) will be invoked on Run() timeout. Test binaries
// can opt-in to using ADD_FAILURE() instead by calling
// SetAddGTestFailureOnTimeout() during process initialization.
// TaskEnvironment applies a default Run() timeout.
class ScopedRunLoopTimeout {
ScopedRunLoopTimeout(const Location& timeout_enabled_from_here,
TimeDelta timeout);
// Invokes |on_timeout_log| if |timeout| expires, and appends it to the
// logged error message.
ScopedRunLoopTimeout(const Location& timeout_enabled_from_here,
TimeDelta timeout,
RepeatingCallback<std::string()> on_timeout_log);
ScopedRunLoopTimeout(const ScopedRunLoopTimeout&) = delete;
ScopedRunLoopTimeout& operator=(const ScopedRunLoopTimeout&) = delete;
// Returns true if there is a Run() timeout configured on the current thread.
static bool ExistsForCurrentThread();
static void SetAddGTestFailureOnTimeout();
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ScopedRunLoopRunTimeoutTest, TimesOut);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ScopedRunLoopRunTimeoutTest, RunTasksUntilTimeout);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TaskEnvironmentTest, SetsDefaultRunTimeout);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(content::ContentBrowserTest, RunTimeoutInstalled);
// Exposes the RunLoopTimeout to the friend tests (see above).
static const RunLoop::RunLoopTimeout* GetTimeoutForCurrentThread();
const RunLoop::RunLoopTimeout* const nested_timeout_;
RunLoop::RunLoopTimeout run_timeout_;
class ScopedDisableRunLoopTimeout {
ScopedDisableRunLoopTimeout(const ScopedDisableRunLoopTimeout&) = delete;
ScopedDisableRunLoopTimeout& operator=(const ScopedDisableRunLoopTimeout&) =
const raw_ptr<const RunLoop::RunLoopTimeout> nested_timeout_;
} // namespace test
} // namespace base