blob: 2a29c2a28e4506a0608ea7472452e5544f6222d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/scoped_multi_source_observation.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/side_panel/side_panel_entry.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/side_panel/side_panel_registry.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/side_panel/side_panel_registry_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/side_panel/side_panel_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/side_panel/side_panel_view_state_observer.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_id.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
class Browser;
class BrowserView;
class SidePanelComboboxModel;
namespace views {
class ImageButton;
class Combobox;
class View;
} // namespace views
// Class used to manage the state of side-panel content. Clients should manage
// side-panel visibility using this class rather than explicitly showing/hiding
// the side-panel View.
// This class is also responsible for consolidating multiple SidePanelEntry
// classes across multiple SidePanelRegistry instances, potentially merging them
// into a single unified side panel.
// Existence and value of registries' active_entry() determines which entry is
// visible for a given tab where the order of precedence is contextual
// registry's active_entry() then global registry's. These values are reset when
// the side panel is closed and |last_active_global_entry_id_| is used to
// determine what entry is seen when the panel is reopened.
class SidePanelCoordinator final : public SidePanelRegistryObserver,
public TabStripModelObserver {
explicit SidePanelCoordinator(BrowserView* browser_view);
SidePanelCoordinator(const SidePanelCoordinator&) = delete;
SidePanelCoordinator& operator=(const SidePanelCoordinator&) = delete;
~SidePanelCoordinator() override;
static SidePanelRegistry* GetGlobalSidePanelRegistry(Browser* browser);
void Show(absl::optional<SidePanelEntry::Id> entry_id = absl::nullopt,
absl::optional<SidePanelUtil::SidePanelOpenTrigger> open_trigger =
void Show(SidePanelEntry::Key entry_key,
absl::optional<SidePanelUtil::SidePanelOpenTrigger> open_trigger =
void Close();
void Toggle();
// Opens the current side panel contents in a new tab. This is called by the
// header button, when it's visible.
void OpenInNewTab();
// Prevent content swapping delays from happening for testing.
// This should be called before the side panel is first shown.
void SetNoDelaysForTesting();
SidePanelEntry* GetCurrentSidePanelEntryForTesting() {
return current_entry_.get();
views::Combobox* GetComboboxForTesting() { return header_combobox_; }
SidePanelComboboxModel* GetComboboxModelForTesting() {
return combobox_model_.get();
absl::optional<SidePanelEntry::Id> GetCurrentEntryId() const;
SidePanelEntry::Id GetComboboxDisplayedEntryIdForTesting() const;
SidePanelEntry* GetLoadingEntryForTesting() const;
bool IsSidePanelShowing();
// Re-runs open new tab URL check and sets button state to enabled/disabled
// accordingly.
void UpdateNewTabButtonState();
void AddSidePanelViewStateObserver(SidePanelViewStateObserver* observer);
void RemoveSidePanelViewStateObserver(SidePanelViewStateObserver* observer);
friend class SidePanelCoordinatorTest;
views::View* GetContentView() const;
// Returns the corresponding entry for `entry_key` or a nullptr if this key is
// not registered in the currently observed registries. This looks through the
// active contextual registry first, then the global registry.
SidePanelEntry* GetEntryForKey(const SidePanelEntry::Key& entry_key);
void SetSidePanelButtonTooltipText(std::u16string tooltip_text);
// Creates header and SidePanelEntry content container within the side panel.
void InitializeSidePanel();
// Removes existing SidePanelEntry contents from the side panel if any exist
// and populates the side panel with the provided SidePanelEntry and
// |content_view| if provided, otherwise get the content_view from the
// provided SidePanelEntry.
void PopulateSidePanel(
SidePanelEntry* entry,
absl::optional<std::unique_ptr<views::View>> content_view);
// Clear cached views for registry entries for global and contextual
// registries.
void ClearCachedEntryViews();
// Returns the last active entry or the reading list entry if no last active
// entry exists.
absl::optional<SidePanelEntry::Key> GetLastActiveEntryKey() const;
// Returns the currently selected id in the combobox, if one is shown.
absl::optional<SidePanelEntry::Key> GetSelectedKey() const;
SidePanelRegistry* GetActiveContextualRegistry() const;
std::unique_ptr<views::View> CreateHeader();
std::unique_ptr<views::Combobox> CreateCombobox();
// This is called after a user has made a selection in the combobox dropdown
// and before any selected id and combobox model change takes place. This
// allows us to make the entry displayed in the combobox follow the same
// delays as the side panel content when there are delays for loading content.
bool OnComboboxChangeTriggered(size_t index);
// SidePanelRegistryObserver:
void OnEntryRegistered(SidePanelEntry* entry) override;
void OnEntryWillDeregister(SidePanelRegistry* registry,
SidePanelEntry* entry) override;
void OnEntryIconUpdated(SidePanelEntry* entry) override;
// TabStripModelObserver:
void OnTabStripModelChanged(
TabStripModel* tab_strip_model,
const TabStripModelChange& change,
const TabStripSelectionChange& selection) override;
// When true, prevent loading delays when switching between side panel
// entries.
bool no_delays_for_testing_ = false;
// Timestamp of when the side panel was opened. Updated when the side panel is
// triggered to be opened, not when visibility changes. These can differ due
// to delays for loading content. This is used for metrics.
base::TimeTicks opened_timestamp_;
const raw_ptr<BrowserView, DanglingUntriaged> browser_view_;
raw_ptr<SidePanelRegistry> global_registry_;
absl::optional<SidePanelEntry::Key> last_active_global_entry_key_;
// current_entry_ tracks the entry that currently has its view hosted by the
// side panel. It is necessary as current_entry_ may belong to a contextual
// registry that is swapped out (during a tab switch for e.g.). In such
// situations we may still need a reference to the entry corresponding to the
// hosted view so we can cache and clean up appropriately before switching in
// the new entry.
// Use a weak pointer so that current side panel entry can be reset
// automatically if the entry is destroyed.
base::WeakPtr<SidePanelEntry> current_entry_;
// Used to update SidePanelEntry options in the header_combobox_ based on
// their availability in the observed side panel registries.
std::unique_ptr<SidePanelComboboxModel> combobox_model_;
raw_ptr<views::Combobox, DanglingUntriaged> header_combobox_ = nullptr;
// Used to update the visibility of the 'Open in New Tab' header button.
raw_ptr<views::ImageButton, DanglingUntriaged>
header_open_in_new_tab_button_ = nullptr;
base::ObserverList<SidePanelViewStateObserver> view_state_observers_;