blob: 4a7be2976ec7be4d70a8fd12852b727818c93ea1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "components/tab_groups/tab_group_id.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/focus_ring.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
class TabGroupViews;
class TabGroupStyle;
// View for tab group underlines in the tab strip, which are markers of group
// members. Underlines are included in the tab
// strip flow and positioned across all tabs in the group, as well as the group
// header. There is one underline for the tabs in the TabContainer, and another
// for any tabs in the group that are being dragged. These merge visually into a
// single underline, but must be separate views so that paint order requirements
// can be met.
class TabGroupUnderline : public views::View {
static constexpr int kStrokeThickness =
static int GetStrokeInset();
TabGroupUnderline(TabGroupViews* tab_group_views,
const tab_groups::TabGroupId& group,
const TabGroupStyle& style);
TabGroupUnderline(const TabGroupUnderline&) = delete;
TabGroupUnderline& operator=(const TabGroupUnderline&) = delete;
// Updates the bounds of the underline for painting.
void UpdateBounds(const views::View* leading_view,
const views::View* trailing_view);
// Checks if the `TabGroupUnderline` should be hidden before
// setting the visibility.
void MaybeSetVisible(bool visible);
// views::View:
void OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) override;
// Returns the insets from `sibling_view`'s bounds this underline would have
// if it were underlining only `sibling_view`.
gfx::Insets GetInsetsForUnderline(const views::View* sibling_view) const;
// The underline is a straight line with half-rounded endcaps. Since this
// geometry is nontrivial to represent using primitives, it's instead
// represented using a fill path.
SkPath GetPath() const;
// Returns the tab group underline bounds based on a `leading_view` and a
// `trailing_view`.
gfx::Rect CalculateTabGroupUnderlineBounds(
const views::View* underline_view,
const views::View* leading_view,
const views::View* trailing_view) const;
const raw_ptr<TabGroupViews> tab_group_views_;
const tab_groups::TabGroupId group_;
const raw_ref<const TabGroupStyle> style_;