blob: aee65c3840e9815e4030c1668a2104f4c87e9967 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module side_panel.mojom;
import "skia/public/mojom/skcolor.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// The background image URL and styling.
struct BackgroundImage {
// URL to the background image. Can point to untrusted content.
url.mojom.Url url;
// URL to snapshot of the background image. Can point to untrusted content.
url.mojom.Url snapshot_url;
// Whether the image is a local resource.
bool is_uploaded_image;
// Title of the background image.
string title;
// The main color of the background image.
skia.mojom.SkColor? main_color;
// Additional info for third-party themes.
struct ThirdPartyThemeInfo {
// ID in the Chrome Web Store.
string id;
// Human-readable theme name.
string name;
// A generic theme.
struct Theme {
// The background image.
BackgroundImage? background_image;
// Whether the user is using a third party theme.
ThirdPartyThemeInfo? third_party_theme_info;
// Whether the OS is in dark mode.
bool system_dark_mode;
// The color this theme was calculated from.
skia.mojom.SkColor seed_color;
// The current theme background color.
skia.mojom.SkColor background_color;
// The current theme foreground color. If not set, we use the default theme.
skia.mojom.SkColor? foreground_color;
// The color of the color picker icon.
skia.mojom.SkColor color_picker_icon_color;
// True if the colors are managed by a policy.
bool colors_managed_by_policy;
// Selected collection for daily refresh.
string? daily_refresh_collection_id;
struct ChromeColor {
// Localized string of the color name.
string name;
// The color this Chrome color was calculated from.
skia.mojom.SkColor seed;
// The foreground color.
skia.mojom.SkColor background;
// The background color.
skia.mojom.SkColor foreground;
// A collection of background images.
struct BackgroundCollection {
// Collection identifier.
string id;
// Localized string of the collection name.
string label;
// URL to a preview image for the collection. Can point to untrusted content.
url.mojom.Url preview_image_url;
// A background image in a collection.
struct CollectionImage {
// Human readable attributions of the background image.
string attribution_1;
string attribution_2;
// URL associated with the background image. Used for href.
url.mojom.Url attribution_url;
// URL of image. Can point to untrusted content.
url.mojom.Url image_url;
// URL to a preview of the image. Can point to untrusted content.
url.mojom.Url preview_image_url;
// Settings associated with a given module.
struct ModuleSettings {
// A unique identifier associated with a module.
string id;
// The name associated with a module.
string name;
// Whether the module is enabled or not.
bool enabled;
// Used by the WebUI page to bootstrap bidirectional communication.
interface CustomizeChromePageHandlerFactory {
// The WebUI calls this method when the page is first initialized.
CreatePageHandler(pending_remote<CustomizeChromePage> page,
pending_receiver<CustomizeChromePageHandler> handler);
// Browser-side handler for requests from WebUI page.
interface CustomizeChromePageHandler {
// Sets the visibility of NTP tiles and whether custom links are enabled.
SetMostVisitedSettings(bool custom_links_enabled, bool shortcuts_visible);
// Returns the visibility of NTP tiles and whether custom links are enabled.
GetMostVisitedSettings() => (bool custom_links_enabled,
bool shortcuts_visible);
// Returns the chrome colors used in the customize chrome side panel.
GetChromeColors() => (array<ChromeColor> colors);
// Returns the collections of background images.
GetBackgroundCollections() => (array<BackgroundCollection> collections);
// Returns the images of a collection identified by |collection_id|.
GetBackgroundImages(string collection_id) => (array<CollectionImage> images);
// Triggers a call to |CustomizeChromePage.SetModulesSettings|.
// Triggers a call to |CustomizeChromePage.SetTheme()|.
// Sets Chrome's theme according to the default color.
// Sets a Chrome theme generated from |seed_color|.
SetSeedColor(skia.mojom.SkColor seed_color);
// Sets theme to default classic chrome.
// Choose custom background from local file system.
ChooseLocalCustomBackground() => (bool success);
// Sets the background image and notifies all NTPs of the change.
SetBackgroundImage(string attribution_1, string attribution_2,
url.mojom.Url attribution_url, url.mojom.Url image_url,
url.mojom.Url thumbnail_url);
// Sets collection id for daily refresh. When |collection_id| is empty, the
// daily refresh is turned off.
SetDailyRefreshCollectionId(string collection_id);
// Open Chrome Web Store's theme page in a new tab.
// Opens link to Chrome Web Store theme in a new tab.
OpenThirdPartyThemePage(string theme_id);
// If |visible| the modules will be shown.
SetModulesVisible(bool visible);
// Disables module with ID `module_id` if `disabled`. Enables otherwise.
SetModuleDisabled(string module_id, bool disabled);
// WebUI-side handler for requests from the browser.
interface CustomizeChromePage {
// Sets available modules and their associated properties such as id, name,
// enabled status, visibility and managed state.
SetModulesSettings(array<ModuleSettings> modules_settings, bool managed,
bool visible);
// Sets the current theme.
SetTheme(Theme theme);