blob: a5697adddc68a97d022d21e2f7e179dab588b107 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "content/browser/attribution_reporting/attribution_storage_delegate.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/attribution_reporting.h"
namespace content {
struct AttributionConfig;
class CommonSourceInfo;
// Implementation of the storage delegate. This class handles assigning
// report times to newly created reports. It
// also controls constants for AttributionStorage. This is owned by
// AttributionStorageSql, and should only be accessed on the attribution storage
// task runner.
class CONTENT_EXPORT AttributionStorageDelegateImpl
: public AttributionStorageDelegate {
static std::unique_ptr<AttributionStorageDelegate> CreateForTesting(
AttributionNoiseMode noise_mode,
AttributionDelayMode delay_mode,
const AttributionConfig& config);
explicit AttributionStorageDelegateImpl(
AttributionNoiseMode noise_mode = AttributionNoiseMode::kDefault,
AttributionDelayMode delay_mode = AttributionDelayMode::kDefault);
AttributionStorageDelegateImpl(const AttributionStorageDelegateImpl&) =
AttributionStorageDelegateImpl& operator=(
const AttributionStorageDelegateImpl&) = delete;
AttributionStorageDelegateImpl(AttributionStorageDelegateImpl&&) = delete;
AttributionStorageDelegateImpl& operator=(AttributionStorageDelegateImpl&&) =
~AttributionStorageDelegateImpl() override;
// AttributionStorageDelegate:
base::Time GetEventLevelReportTime(const CommonSourceInfo& source,
base::Time trigger_time) const override;
base::Time GetAggregatableReportTime(base::Time trigger_time) const override;
base::TimeDelta GetDeleteExpiredSourcesFrequency() const override;
base::TimeDelta GetDeleteExpiredRateLimitsFrequency() const override;
base::GUID NewReportID() const override;
absl::optional<OfflineReportDelayConfig> GetOfflineReportDelayConfig()
const override;
void ShuffleReports(std::vector<AttributionReport>& reports) override;
RandomizedResponse GetRandomizedResponse(
const CommonSourceInfo& source) override;
// Generates fake reports using a random "stars and bars" sequence index of a
// possible output of the API.
// Exposed for testing.
std::vector<FakeReport> GetRandomFakeReports(const CommonSourceInfo& source);
// Generates fake reports from the "stars and bars" sequence index of a
// possible output of the API. This output is determined by the following
// algorithm:
// 1. Find all stars before the first bar. These stars represent suppressed
// reports.
// 2. For all other stars, count the number of bars that precede them. Each
// star represents a report where the reporting window and trigger data is
// uniquely determined by that number.
// Exposed for testing.
std::vector<FakeReport> GetFakeReportsForSequenceIndex(
const CommonSourceInfo& source,
int random_stars_and_bars_sequence_index) const;
AttributionStorageDelegateImpl(AttributionNoiseMode noise_mode,
AttributionDelayMode delay_mode,
const AttributionConfig& config);
const AttributionNoiseMode noise_mode_ GUARDED_BY_CONTEXT(sequence_checker_);
const AttributionDelayMode delay_mode_ GUARDED_BY_CONTEXT(sequence_checker_);
} // namespace content