blob: eea94e00d2d7c56b25dec93aaa5df117cd2c1eed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/system/audio/unified_volume_slider_controller.h"
#include "ash/system/unified/unified_system_tray_model.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/animation_delegate.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
namespace gfx {
class SlideAnimation;
} // namespace gfx
namespace ash {
class DetailedViewController;
class FeaturePodControllerBase;
class UnifiedBrightnessSliderController;
class UnifiedVolumeSliderController;
class UnifiedSystemTrayBubble;
class UnifiedSystemTrayModel;
class UnifiedSystemTrayView;
// Controller class of UnifiedSystemTrayView. Handles events of the view.
class ASH_EXPORT UnifiedSystemTrayController
: public gfx::AnimationDelegate,
public UnifiedVolumeSliderController::Delegate {
UnifiedSystemTrayController(UnifiedSystemTrayModel* model,
UnifiedSystemTrayBubble* bubble = nullptr);
~UnifiedSystemTrayController() override;
// Create the view. The created view is unowned.
UnifiedSystemTrayView* CreateView();
// Switch the active user to |user_index|. Called from the view.
void HandleUserSwitch(int user_index);
// Show multi profile login UI. Called from the view.
void HandleAddUserAction();
// Sign out from the current user. Called from the view.
void HandleSignOutAction();
// Show lock screen which asks the user password. Called from the view.
void HandleLockAction();
// Show WebUI settings. Called from the view.
void HandleSettingsAction();
// Shutdown the computer. Called from the view.
void HandlePowerAction();
// Show date and time settings. Called from the view.
void HandleOpenDateTimeSettingsAction();
// Show enterprise managed device info. Called from the view.
void HandleEnterpriseInfoAction();
// Toggle expanded state of UnifiedSystemTrayView. Called from the view.
void ToggleExpanded();
// Clear all notifications. It triggers animation, and does not remove
// notifications immediately. Called from the view.
void HandleClearAllAction();
// Called when notification removing animation is finished. Called from the
// view.
void OnClearAllAnimationEnded();
// Called when message center visibility is changed. Called from the
// view.
void OnMessageCenterVisibilityUpdated();
// Handle finger dragging and expand/collapse the view. Called from view.
void BeginDrag(const gfx::Point& location);
void UpdateDrag(const gfx::Point& location);
void EndDrag(const gfx::Point& location);
void Fling(int velocity);
// Show user selector view. Called from the view.
void ShowUserChooserView();
// Show the detailed view of network. If |force| is true, it shows the
// detailed view even if it's collapsed. Called from the view.
void ShowNetworkDetailedView(bool force);
// Show the detailed view of bluetooth. If collapsed, it doesn't show the
// detailed view. Called from the view.
void ShowBluetoothDetailedView();
// Show the detailed view of cast. Called from the view.
void ShowCastDetailedView();
// Show the detailed view of accessibility. Called from the view.
void ShowAccessibilityDetailedView();
// Show the detailed view of VPN. Called from the view.
void ShowVPNDetailedView();
// Show the detailed view of IME. Called from the view.
void ShowIMEDetailedView();
// Show the detailed view of audio. Called from the view.
void ShowAudioDetailedView();
// Show the detailed view of notifier settings. Called from the view.
void ShowNotifierSettingsView();
// If you want to add a new detailed view, add here.
// Show the main view back from a detailed view. If |restore_focus| is true,
// it restores previous keyboard focus in the main view. Called from a
// detailed view controller.
void TransitionToMainView(bool restore_focus);
// Close the bubble. Called from a detailed view controller.
void CloseBubble();
// Ensure the main view is expanded. Called from the slider bubble controller.
void EnsureExpanded();
// Return true if user chooser is enabled. Called from the view.
bool IsUserChooserEnabled() const;
// gfx::AnimationDelegate:
void AnimationEnded(const gfx::Animation* animation) override;
void AnimationProgressed(const gfx::Animation* animation) override;
void AnimationCanceled(const gfx::Animation* animation) override;
// UnifiedVolumeSliderController::Delegate:
void OnAudioSettingsButtonClicked() override;
UnifiedSystemTrayModel* model() { return model_; }
friend class UnifiedSystemTrayControllerTest;
// How the expanded state is toggled. The enum is used to back an UMA
// histogram and should be treated as append-only.
enum ToggleExpandedType {
// Initialize feature pod controllers and their views.
// If you want to add a new feature pod item, you have to add here.
void InitFeaturePods();
// Add the feature pod controller and its view.
void AddFeaturePodItem(std::unique_ptr<FeaturePodControllerBase> controller);
// Show the detailed view.
void ShowDetailedView(std::unique_ptr<DetailedViewController> controller);
// Update how much the view is expanded based on |animation_|.
void UpdateExpandedAmount();
// Return touch drag amount between 0.0 and 1.0. If expanding, it increases
// towards 1.0. If collapsing, it decreases towards 0.0. If the view is
// dragged to the same direction as the current state, it does not change the
// value. For example, if the view is expanded and it's dragged to the top, it
// keeps returning 1.0.
double GetDragExpandedAmount(const gfx::Point& location) const;
// Return true if UnifiedSystemTray is expanded.
bool IsExpanded() const;
// Starts animation to expand or collapse the bubble.
void StartAnimation(bool expand);
// Model that stores UI specific variables. Unowned.
UnifiedSystemTrayModel* const model_;
// Unowned. Owned by Views hierarchy.
UnifiedSystemTrayView* unified_view_ = nullptr;
// Unowned.
UnifiedSystemTrayBubble* bubble_ = nullptr;
// The controller of the current detailed view. If the main view is shown,
// it's null. Owned.
std::unique_ptr<DetailedViewController> detailed_view_controller_;
// Controllers of feature pod buttons. Owned by this.
// Controller of volume slider. Owned.
std::unique_ptr<UnifiedVolumeSliderController> volume_slider_controller_;
// Controller of brightness slider. Owned.
// If the previous state is expanded or not. Only valid during dragging (from
// BeginDrag to EndDrag).
bool was_expanded_ = true;
// The last |location| passed to BeginDrag(). Only valid during dragging.
gfx::Point drag_init_point_;
// Animation between expanded and collapsed states.
std::unique_ptr<gfx::SlideAnimation> animation_;
} // namespace ash