blob: ac75c57a83b9dbdef979d309b3a73fd3780fbfe1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <initializer_list>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest.h"
#include "extensions/common/value_builder.h"
namespace extensions {
class Extension;
// An easier way to create extensions than Extension::Create. The
// constructor sets up some defaults which are customized using the
// methods.
// This class can be used in two ways:
// Aided Manifest Construction
// The easy way. Use the constructor that takes a name and use helper methods
// like AddPermission() to customize the extension without needing to
// construct the manifest dictionary by hand. For more customization, you can
// use MergeManifest() to add additional keys (which will take precedence over
// others).
// Custom Manifest Construction
// The hard way. Use the default constructor. SetManifest() *must* be called
// with a valid manifest dictionary.
// TODO(devlin): My suspicion is that this is almost always less readable and
// useful, but it came first and is used in many places. It'd be nice to maybe
// get rid of it.
// These are not interchangable - calling SetManifest() with aided manifest
// construction or e.g. AddPermissions() with custom manifest construction will
// crash.
class ExtensionBuilder {
enum class Type {
enum class ActionType {
enum class BackgroundContext {
static constexpr char kServiceWorkerScriptFile[] = "sw.js";
// Initializes an ExtensionBuilder that can be used with SetManifest() for
// complete customization.
// Initializes an ExtensionBuilder that can be used with various utility
// methods to automatically construct a manifest. |name| will be the name of
// the extension and used to generate a stable ID.
ExtensionBuilder(const std::string& name, Type type = Type::EXTENSION);
// Move constructor and operator=.
ExtensionBuilder(ExtensionBuilder&& other);
ExtensionBuilder& operator=(ExtensionBuilder&& other);
// Can only be called once, after which it's invalid to use the builder.
// CHECKs that the extension was created successfully.
scoped_refptr<const Extension> Build();
// Utility methods for use with aided manifest construction.
// Add one or more permissions to the extension.
ExtensionBuilder& AddPermission(const std::string& permission);
ExtensionBuilder& AddPermissions(const std::vector<std::string>& permissions);
// Sets an action type for the extension to have. By default, no action will
// be set (though note that we synthesize a page action for most extensions).
ExtensionBuilder& SetAction(ActionType action);
// Sets a background context for the extension. By default, none will be set.
ExtensionBuilder& SetBackgroundContext(BackgroundContext background_context);
// Adds a content script to the extension, with a script with the specified
// |script_name| that matches the given |match_patterns|.
ExtensionBuilder& AddContentScript(
const std::string& script_name,
const std::vector<std::string>& match_patterns);
// Shortcut for setting a specific manifest version. Typically we'd use
// SetManifestKey() or SetManifestPath() for these, but provide a faster
// route for version, since it's so central.
ExtensionBuilder& SetVersion(const std::string& version);
// Shortcuts to setting values on the manifest dictionary without needing to
// go all the way through MergeManifest(). Sample usage:
// ExtensionBuilder("name").SetManifestKey("version", "0.2").Build();
// Can be used in conjuction with ListBuilder and DictionaryBuilder for more
// complex types.
template <typename T>
ExtensionBuilder& SetManifestKey(base::StringPiece key, T value) {
SetManifestKeyImpl(key, base::Value(value));
return *this;
template <typename T>
ExtensionBuilder& SetManifestPath(
std::initializer_list<base::StringPiece> path,
T value) {
SetManifestPathImpl(path, base::Value(value));
return *this;
// Specializations for unique_ptr<> to allow passing unique_ptr<base::Value>.
// All other types will fail to compile.
template <typename T>
ExtensionBuilder& SetManifestKey(base::StringPiece key,
std::unique_ptr<T> value) {
SetManifestKeyImpl(key, std::move(*value));
return *this;
template <typename T>
ExtensionBuilder& SetManifestPath(
std::initializer_list<base::StringPiece> path,
std::unique_ptr<T> value) {
SetManifestPathImpl(path, std::move(*value));
return *this;
// Utility methods for use with custom manifest construction.
// Assigns the extension's manifest to |manifest|.
ExtensionBuilder& SetManifest(
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> manifest);
// Common utility methods (usable with both aided and custom manifest
// creation).
// Defaults to FilePath().
ExtensionBuilder& SetPath(const base::FilePath& path);
// Defaults to Manifest::UNPACKED.
ExtensionBuilder& SetLocation(Manifest::Location location);
// Merge another manifest into the current manifest, with new keys taking
// precedence.
ExtensionBuilder& MergeManifest(
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> manifest);
// Add flags to the extension. Default is no flags.
ExtensionBuilder& AddFlags(int init_from_value_flags);
// Defaults to the default extension ID created in Extension::Create or to an
// ID generated from the extension's name, if aided manifest construction is
// used.
ExtensionBuilder& SetID(const std::string& id);
struct ManifestData;
void SetManifestKeyImpl(base::StringPiece key, base::Value value);
void SetManifestPathImpl(std::initializer_list<base::StringPiece> path,
base::Value value);
// Information for constructing the manifest; either metadata about the
// manifest which will be used to construct it, or the dictionary itself. Only
// one will be present.
std::unique_ptr<ManifestData> manifest_data_;
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> manifest_value_;
base::FilePath path_;
Manifest::Location location_;
int flags_;
std::string id_;
} // namespace extensions