blob: 0c8b6fdcd79d9f1dca8687e471e3908db5f26320 [file] [log] [blame]
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/feature_policy/feature_policy.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/execution_context/execution_context.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/origin_trials/origin_trial_context.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/origin_trials/origin_trials.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/json/json_values.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/network/http_parsers.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/weborigin/security_origin.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/bit_vector.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/string_utf8_adaptor.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
// TODO(loonybear): once the new syntax is implemented, use this method to
// parse the policy value for each parameterized feature, and for non
// parameterized feature (i.e. boolean-type policy value).
PolicyValue GetFallbackValueForFeature(mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature feature) {
if (feature == mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature::kOversizedImages) {
return PolicyValue(2.0);
if (feature == mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature::kUnoptimizedLossyImages) {
// Lossy images default to at most 0.5 bytes per pixel.
return PolicyValue(0.5);
if (feature == mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature::kUnoptimizedLosslessImages ||
feature ==
mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature::kUnoptimizedLosslessImagesStrict) {
// Lossless images default to at most 1 byte per pixel.
return PolicyValue(1.0);
return PolicyValue(false);
PolicyValue ParseValueForType(mojom::PolicyValueType feature_type,
const String& value_string,
bool* ok) {
*ok = false;
PolicyValue value;
switch (feature_type) {
case mojom::PolicyValueType::kBool:
// recognize true, false
if (value_string.LowerASCII() == "true") {
value = PolicyValue(true);
*ok = true;
} else if (value_string.LowerASCII() == "false") {
value = PolicyValue(false);
*ok = true;
case mojom::PolicyValueType::kDecDouble: {
if (value_string.LowerASCII() == "inf") {
value = PolicyValue::CreateMaxPolicyValue(feature_type);
*ok = true;
} else {
double parsed_value = value_string.ToDouble(ok);
if (*ok && parsed_value >= 0.0f) {
value = PolicyValue(parsed_value);
} else {
*ok = false;
if (!*ok)
return PolicyValue();
return value;
} // namespace
ParsedFeaturePolicy ParseFeaturePolicyHeader(
const String& policy,
scoped_refptr<const SecurityOrigin> origin,
Vector<String>* messages,
ExecutionContext* execution_context) {
return ParseFeaturePolicy(policy, origin, nullptr, messages,
GetDefaultFeatureNameMap(), execution_context);
ParsedFeaturePolicy ParseFeaturePolicyAttribute(
const String& policy,
scoped_refptr<const SecurityOrigin> self_origin,
scoped_refptr<const SecurityOrigin> src_origin,
Vector<String>* messages,
Document* document) {
return ParseFeaturePolicy(policy, self_origin, src_origin, messages,
GetDefaultFeatureNameMap(), document);
ParsedFeaturePolicy ParseFeaturePolicy(
const String& policy,
scoped_refptr<const SecurityOrigin> self_origin,
scoped_refptr<const SecurityOrigin> src_origin,
Vector<String>* messages,
const FeatureNameMap& feature_names,
ExecutionContext* execution_context) {
ParsedFeaturePolicy allowlists;
BitVector features_specified(
static_cast<int>(mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature::kMaxValue) + 1);
// RFC2616, section 4.2 specifies that headers appearing multiple times can be
// combined with a comma. Walk the header string, and parse each comma
// separated chunk as a separate header.
Vector<String> policy_items;
// policy_items = [ policy *( "," [ policy ] ) ]
policy.Split(',', policy_items);
for (const String& item : policy_items) {
Vector<String> entry_list;
// entry_list = [ entry *( ";" [ entry ] ) ]
item.Split(';', entry_list);
for (const String& entry : entry_list) {
// Split removes extra whitespaces by default
// "name value1 value2" or "name".
Vector<String> tokens;
entry.Split(' ', tokens);
// Empty policy. Skip.
if (tokens.IsEmpty())
String feature_name = tokens[0];
if (!feature_names.Contains(feature_name)) {
if (messages) {
messages->push_back("Unrecognized feature: '" + tokens[0] + "'.");
if (DisabledByOriginTrial(feature_name, execution_context)) {
if (messages) {
messages->push_back("Origin trial controlled feature not enabled: '" +
tokens[0] + "'.");
mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature feature =;
mojom::PolicyValueType feature_type =
// If a policy has already been specified for the current feature, drop
// the new policy.
if (features_specified.QuickGet(static_cast<int>(feature)))
// Count the use of this feature policy.
if (src_origin) {
Document* document = DynamicTo<Document>(execution_context);
if (!document || !document->IsParsedFeaturePolicy(feature)) {
if (document) {
} else {
ParsedFeaturePolicyDeclaration allowlist(feature, feature_type);
// TODO(loonybear): fallback value should be parsed from the new syntax.
allowlist.fallback_value = GetFallbackValueForFeature(feature);
allowlist.opaque_value = GetFallbackValueForFeature(feature);
std::map<url::Origin, PolicyValue> values;
PolicyValue value = PolicyValue::CreateMaxPolicyValue(feature_type);
// If a policy entry has no listed origins (e.g. "feature_name1" in
// allow="feature_name1; feature_name2 value"), enable the feature for:
// a. |self_origin|, if we are parsing a header policy (i.e.,
// |src_origin| is null);
// b. |src_origin|, if we are parsing an allow attribute (i.e.,
// |src_origin| is not null), |src_origin| is not opaque; or
// c. the opaque origin of the frame, if |src_origin| is opaque.
if (tokens.size() == 1) {
if (!src_origin) {
values[self_origin->ToUrlOrigin()] = value;
} else if (!src_origin->IsOpaque()) {
values[src_origin->ToUrlOrigin()] = value;
} else {
allowlist.opaque_value = value;
for (wtf_size_t i = 1; i < tokens.size(); i++) {
if (!tokens[i].ContainsOnlyASCIIOrEmpty()) {
messages->push_back("Non-ASCII characters in origin.");
// Break the token into an origin and a value. Either one may be
// omitted.
PolicyValue value = PolicyValue::CreateMaxPolicyValue(feature_type);
String origin_string = tokens[i];
String value_string;
wtf_size_t param_start = origin_string.find('(');
if (param_start != kNotFound) {
// There is a value attached to this origin
if (!origin_string.EndsWith(')')) {
// The declaration is malformed if the value is not the last part of
// the string.
if (messages)
messages->push_back("Unable to parse policy value.");
value_string = origin_string.Substring(
param_start + 1, origin_string.length() - param_start - 2);
origin_string = origin_string.Substring(0, param_start);
bool ok = false;
value = ParseValueForType(feature_type, value_string, &ok);
if (!ok) {
if (messages)
messages->push_back("Unable to parse policy value.");
// Determine the target of the declaration. This may be a specific
// origin, either explicitly written, or one of the special keywords
// 'self' or 'src'. ('src' can only be used in the iframe allow
// attribute.)
url::Origin target_origin;
// If the iframe will have an opaque origin (for example, if it is
// sandboxed, or has a data: URL), then 'src' needs to refer to the
// opaque origin of the frame, which is not known yet. In this case,
// the |opaque_value| on the declaration is set, rather than adding
// an origin to the allowlist.
bool target_is_opaque = false;
bool target_is_all = false;
// 'self' origin is used if either the origin is omitted (and there is
// no 'src' origin available) or the origin is exactly 'self'.
if ((origin_string.length() == 0 && !src_origin) ||
EqualIgnoringASCIICase(origin_string, "'self'")) {
target_origin = self_origin->ToUrlOrigin();
// 'src' origin is used if |src_origin| is available and either the
// origin is omitted or is a match for 'src'. |src_origin| is only set
// when parsing an iframe allow attribute.
else if (src_origin &&
(origin_string.length() == 0 ||
EqualIgnoringASCIICase(origin_string, "'src'"))) {
if (!src_origin->IsOpaque()) {
target_origin = src_origin->ToUrlOrigin();
} else {
target_is_opaque = true;
} else if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(origin_string, "'none'")) {
} else if (origin_string == "*") {
target_is_all = true;
// Otherwise, parse the origin string and verify that the result is
// valid. Invalid strings will produce an opaque origin, which will
// result in an error message.
else {
scoped_refptr<SecurityOrigin> parsed_origin =
if (!parsed_origin->IsOpaque()) {
target_origin = parsed_origin->ToUrlOrigin();
} else if (messages) {
messages->push_back("Unrecognized origin: '" + origin_string +
// Assign the value to the target origin(s).
if (target_is_all) {
allowlist.fallback_value = value;
allowlist.opaque_value = value;
} else if (target_is_opaque) {
allowlist.opaque_value = value;
} else {
values[target_origin] = value;
// Size reduction: remove all items in the allowlist whose value is the
// same as the fallback.
for (auto it = values.begin(); it != values.end();) {
if (it->second == allowlist.fallback_value)
it = values.erase(it);
allowlist.values = std::move(values);
return allowlists;
bool IsFeatureDeclared(mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature feature,
const ParsedFeaturePolicy& policy) {
return std::any_of(policy.begin(), policy.end(),
[feature](const auto& declaration) {
return declaration.feature == feature;
bool RemoveFeatureIfPresent(mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature feature,
ParsedFeaturePolicy& policy) {
auto new_end = std::remove_if(policy.begin(), policy.end(),
[feature](const auto& declaration) {
return declaration.feature == feature;
if (new_end == policy.end())
return false;
policy.erase(new_end, policy.end());
return true;
bool DisallowFeatureIfNotPresent(mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature feature,
ParsedFeaturePolicy& policy) {
if (IsFeatureDeclared(feature, policy))
return false;
blink::mojom::PolicyValueType feature_type =
ParsedFeaturePolicyDeclaration allowlist(feature, feature_type);
return true;
bool AllowFeatureEverywhereIfNotPresent(mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature feature,
ParsedFeaturePolicy& policy) {
if (IsFeatureDeclared(feature, policy))
return false;
blink::mojom::PolicyValueType feature_type =
ParsedFeaturePolicyDeclaration allowlist(feature, feature_type);
return true;
void DisallowFeature(mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature feature,
ParsedFeaturePolicy& policy) {
RemoveFeatureIfPresent(feature, policy);
DisallowFeatureIfNotPresent(feature, policy);
void AllowFeatureEverywhere(mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature feature,
ParsedFeaturePolicy& policy) {
RemoveFeatureIfPresent(feature, policy);
AllowFeatureEverywhereIfNotPresent(feature, policy);
const Vector<String> GetAvailableFeatures(ExecutionContext* execution_context) {
Vector<String> available_features;
for (const auto& feature : GetDefaultFeatureNameMap()) {
if (!DisabledByOriginTrial(feature.key, execution_context))
return available_features;
const String& GetNameForFeature(mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature feature) {
for (const auto& entry : GetDefaultFeatureNameMap()) {
if (entry.value == feature)
return entry.key;
return g_empty_string;
} // namespace blink