blob: fae115c1e941e864c04d692e72dc075c23ddf96d [file] [log] [blame]
{% filter format_blink_cpp_source_code %}
{% include 'copyright_block.txt' %}
#include "{{this_include_header_path}}"
{% for filename in cpp_includes if filename != '%s.h' % cpp_class_or_partial %}
#include "{{filename}}"
{% endfor %}
namespace blink {
{% set dom_template = '%s::DomTemplate' % v8_class if not is_array_buffer_or_view else 'nullptr' %}
{% set parent_wrapper_type_info = '&V8%s::wrapperTypeInfo' % parent_interface
if parent_interface else 'nullptr' %}
{% set active_scriptwrappable_inheritance =
if active_scriptwrappable else
'kNotInheritFromActiveScriptWrappable' %}
{% set wrapper_type_info_const = '' if has_partial_interface else 'const ' %}
{% if not is_partial %}
// Suppress warning: global constructors, because struct WrapperTypeInfo is trivial
// and does not depend on another global objects.
#if defined(COMPONENT_BUILD) && defined(WIN32) && defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wglobal-constructors"
{{wrapper_type_info_const}}WrapperTypeInfo {{v8_class}}::wrapperTypeInfo = {
{{install_conditional_features_func or 'nullptr'}},
#if defined(COMPONENT_BUILD) && defined(WIN32) && defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
{% if not is_typed_array_type %}
// This static member must be declared by DEFINE_WRAPPERTYPEINFO in {{cpp_class}}.h.
// For details, see the comment of DEFINE_WRAPPERTYPEINFO in
// platform/bindings/ScriptWrappable.h.
const WrapperTypeInfo& {{cpp_class}}::wrapper_type_info_ = {{v8_class}}::wrapperTypeInfo;
{% endif %}
{% if active_scriptwrappable %}
// [ActiveScriptWrappable]
std::is_base_of<ActiveScriptWrappableBase, {{cpp_class}}>::value,
"{{cpp_class}} does not inherit from ActiveScriptWrappable<>, but specifying "
"[ActiveScriptWrappable] extended attribute in the IDL file. "
"Be consistent.");
"{{cpp_class}} is not overriding hasPendingActivity(), but is specifying "
"[ActiveScriptWrappable] extended attribute in the IDL file. "
"Be consistent.");
{% else %}
// not [ActiveScriptWrappable]
!std::is_base_of<ActiveScriptWrappableBase, {{cpp_class}}>::value,
"{{cpp_class}} inherits from ActiveScriptWrappable<>, but is not specifying "
"[ActiveScriptWrappable] extended attribute in the IDL file. "
"Be consistent.");
"{{cpp_class}} is overriding hasPendingActivity(), but is not specifying "
"[ActiveScriptWrappable] extended attribute in the IDL file. "
"Be consistent.");
{% endif %}
{% endif %}{# not is_partial #}
{% if not is_array_buffer_or_view %}
namespace {{internal_namespace}} {
{% if has_partial_interface %}
{% for method in methods if method.overloads and method.overloads.has_partial_overloads %}
static void (*{{}}MethodForPartialInterface)(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&) = 0;
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Attributes #}
{% from '' import attribute_getter,
with context %}
{% for attribute in attributes %}
{% for world_suffix in attribute.world_suffixes %}
{% if not attribute.has_custom_getter and not attribute.constructor_type %}
{{attribute_getter(attribute, world_suffix)}}
{% endif %}
{% if attribute.has_setter and not (attribute.has_custom_setter or attribute.is_lenient_setter) %}
{{attribute_setter(attribute, world_suffix)}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{# Methods #}
{% from '' import generate_method, overload_resolution_method,
origin_safe_method_getter, generate_constructor,
runtime_determined_length_method, runtime_determined_maxarg_method
with context %}
{% for method in methods %}
{% for world_suffix in method.world_suffixes %}
{% if not method.is_custom and method.visible %}
{{generate_method(method, world_suffix)}}
{% endif %}
{% if method.overloads and method.overloads.visible %}
{% if method.overloads.runtime_determined_lengths %}
{% endif %}
{% if method.overloads.runtime_determined_maxargs %}
{% endif %}
{{overload_resolution_method(method.overloads, world_suffix)}}
{% endif %}
{% if method.is_cross_origin and method.visible and
(not method.overload_index or method.overloads) %}
{{origin_safe_method_getter(method, world_suffix)}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% if iterator_method %}
{% endif %}
{% block origin_safe_method_setter %}{% endblock %}
{# Constructors #}
{% for constructor in constructors %}
{% endfor %}
{% block overloaded_constructor %}{% endblock %}
{# Special operations (methods) #}
{% block named_property_getter %}{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_setter %}{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_deleter %}{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_query %}{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_descriptor %}{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_enumerator %}{% endblock %}
{% block indexed_property_getter %}{% endblock %}
{% block indexed_property_descriptor %}{% endblock %}
{% block indexed_property_setter %}{% endblock %}
{% block indexed_property_deleter %}{% endblock %}
{% if has_access_check_callbacks and not is_partial and has_cross_origin_named_enumerator %}
static const struct {
using GetterCallback = void(*)(const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&);
using SetterCallback = void(*)(v8::Local<v8::Value>, const V8CrossOriginSetterInfo&);
const char* const name;
const GetterCallback getter;
const SetterCallback setter;
} kCrossOriginAttributeTable[] = {
{##### Cross-origin attributes #####}
{% for attribute in attributes if attribute.has_cross_origin_getter or attribute.has_cross_origin_setter %}
{% if attribute.has_cross_origin_getter %}
{% if attribute.has_custom_getter %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{%+ if attribute.has_cross_origin_setter %}&{{internal_namespace}}::{{attribute.camel_case_name}}AttributeSetter{% else %}nullptr{% endif %},
{% endfor %}
{##### Cross-origin methods #####}
{% for method in methods if method.is_cross_origin and
(not method.overload_index or method.overloads) %}
{"{{}}", &{{internal_namespace}}::{{method.camel_case_name}}OriginSafeMethodGetter, nullptr},
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
} // namespace {{internal_namespace}}
{# Constants #}
{% from '' import constant_getter_callback with context %}
{% for constant in constants | has_special_getter %}
{% endfor %}
{# Attributes #}
{% from '' import constructor_getter_callback,
attribute_getter_callback, attribute_setter_callback with context %}
{% for attribute in attributes %}
{% for world_suffix in attribute.world_suffixes %}
{% if not attribute.constructor_type %}
{{attribute_getter_callback(attribute, world_suffix)}}
{% else %}
{{constructor_getter_callback(attribute, world_suffix)}}
{% endif %}
{% if attribute.has_setter %}
{{attribute_setter_callback(attribute, world_suffix)}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{# Methods #}
{% from '' import origin_safe_method_getter_callback,
method_callback with context %}
{% for method in methods %}
{% for world_suffix in method.world_suffixes %}
{% if not method.overload_index or method.overloads %}
{# Document about the following condition: #}
{# #}
{% if (method.overloads and method.overloads.visible and
(not method.overloads.has_partial_overloads or not is_partial)) or
(not method.overloads and method.visible) %}
{# A single callback is generated for overloaded methods #}
{# with considering partial overloads #}
{{method_callback(method, world_suffix)}}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if method.is_cross_origin and method.visible and
(not method.overload_index or method.overloads) %}
{{origin_safe_method_getter_callback(method, world_suffix)}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% if iterator_method %}
{% endif %}
{% block origin_safe_method_setter_callback %}{% endblock %}
{# Special operations (methods) #}
{% block named_property_getter_callback %}{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_setter_callback %}{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_deleter_callback %}{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_query_callback %}{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_enumerator_callback %}{% endblock %}
{% block indexed_property_getter_callback %}{% endblock %}
{% block indexed_property_descriptor_callback %}{% endblock %}
{% block indexed_property_setter_callback %}{% endblock %}
{% block indexed_property_deleter_callback %}{% endblock %}
{% block indexed_property_definer_callback %}{% endblock %}
{% if has_access_check_callbacks and not is_partial %}
bool {{v8_class_or_partial}}::SecurityCheck(v8::Local<v8::Context> accessingContext, v8::Local<v8::Object> accessedObject, v8::Local<v8::Value> data) {
{% if interface_name == 'Window' %}
v8::Isolate* isolate = v8::Isolate::GetCurrent();
v8::Local<v8::Object> window = V8Window::FindInstanceInPrototypeChain(accessedObject, isolate);
if (window.IsEmpty())
return false; // the frame is gone.
const DOMWindow* targetWindow = V8Window::ToImpl(window);
return BindingSecurity::ShouldAllowAccessTo(ToLocalDOMWindow(accessingContext), targetWindow, BindingSecurity::ErrorReportOption::kDoNotReport);
{% elif interface_name == 'Location' %}
{{cpp_class}}* impl = {{v8_class}}::ToImpl(accessedObject);
return BindingSecurity::ShouldAllowAccessTo(ToLocalDOMWindow(accessingContext), impl, BindingSecurity::ErrorReportOption::kDoNotReport);
{% else %}
#error "Unexpected security check for interface {{interface_name}}"
{% endif %}
{% if has_cross_origin_named_getter %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::CrossOriginNamedGetter(v8::Local<v8::Name> name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
{{ runtime_timer_scope_disabled_by_default(runtime_call_stats.cross_origin_named_getter_counter) }}
if (!name->IsString())
const AtomicString& propertyName = ToCoreAtomicString(name.As<v8::String>());
for (const auto& attribute : {{internal_namespace}}::kCrossOriginAttributeTable) {
if (propertyName == && attribute.getter) {
{% if named_property_getter and named_property_getter.is_cross_origin %}
{% if named_property_getter.is_custom %}
{{v8_class}}::NamedPropertyGetterCustom(propertyName, info);
{% else %}
{{internal_namespace}}::NamedPropertyGetter(propertyName, info);
{% endif %}
{% else %}
// HTML CrossOriginGetOwnPropertyHelper ( O, P )
// step 3. If P is "then", @@toStringTag, @@hasInstance, or
// @@isConcatSpreadable, then return PropertyDescriptor{ [[Value]]:
// undefined, [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false,
// [[Configurable]]: true }.
if (propertyName == "then") {
V8SetReturnValue(info, v8::Undefined(info.GetIsolate()));
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if has_cross_origin_named_setter %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::CrossOriginNamedSetter(v8::Local<v8::Name> name, v8::Local<v8::Value> value, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
{{ runtime_timer_scope_disabled_by_default(runtime_call_stats.cross_origin_named_setter_counter) }}
if (!name->IsString())
const AtomicString& propertyName = ToCoreAtomicString(name.As<v8::String>());
for (const auto& attribute : {{internal_namespace}}::kCrossOriginAttributeTable) {
if (propertyName == && attribute.setter) {
attribute.setter(value, V8CrossOriginSetterInfo(info.GetIsolate(), info.Holder()));
{# If there were no matches in the cross-origin attribute table, consider it
an access check failure: there are no custom named setters that are
accessible from a cross-origin context. #}
{% endif %}
{% if has_cross_origin_named_enumerator %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::CrossOriginNamedEnumerator(const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Array>& info) {
Vector<String> names;
for (const auto& attribute : {{internal_namespace}}::kCrossOriginAttributeTable)
// Use the current context as the creation context, as a cross-origin access
// may involve an object that does not have a creation context.
ToV8(names, info.GetIsolate()->GetCurrentContext()->Global(),
{% endif %}
{% if has_cross_origin_indexed_getter %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::CrossOriginIndexedGetter(uint32_t index, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
{% if indexed_property_getter.is_custom %}
{{v8_class}}::IndexedPropertyGetterCustom(index, info);
{% else %}
{{internal_namespace}}::IndexedPropertyGetter(index, info);
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}{# has_access_check_callbacks #}
{% block visit_dom_wrapper %}{% endblock %}
{% block install_attributes %}
{% from '' import attribute_configuration with context %}
{% if data_attributes %}
// Suppress warning: global constructors, because AttributeConfiguration is trivial
// and does not depend on another global objects.
#if defined(COMPONENT_BUILD) && defined(WIN32) && defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wglobal-constructors"
static const V8DOMConfiguration::AttributeConfiguration {{v8_class}}Attributes[] = {
{% for data_attribute in data_attributes %}
{{attribute_configuration(data_attribute) | trim | indent(4)}},
{% endfor %}
#if defined(COMPONENT_BUILD) && defined(WIN32) && defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block install_accessors %}
{% from '' import accessor_configuration with context %}
{% if accessors %}
static const V8DOMConfiguration::AccessorConfiguration {{v8_class}}Accessors[] = {
{% for accessor in accessors %}
{{accessor_configuration(accessor) | trim | indent(4)}},
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block install_methods %}
{% from '' import method_configuration with context %}
{% if methods | has_method_configuration(is_partial) %}
static const V8DOMConfiguration::MethodConfiguration {{v8_class}}Methods[] = {
{% for method in methods | has_method_configuration(is_partial) %}
{{method_configuration(method) | trim | indent(4)}},
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}{# not is_array_buffer_or_view #}
{% block named_constructor %}{% endblock %}
{% block constructor_callback %}{% endblock %}
{% block install_dom_template %}
{% if not is_array_buffer_or_view %}
{% from '' import install_custom_signature,
method_configuration with context %}
{% from '' import accessor_configuration,
with context %}
{% from '' import install_constants,
constant_configuration with context %}
{% if has_partial_interface or is_partial %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::Install{{v8_class}}Template(
v8::Isolate* isolate,
const DOMWrapperWorld& world,
v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> interfaceTemplate) {
{% else %}
static void Install{{v8_class}}Template(
v8::Isolate* isolate,
const DOMWrapperWorld& world,
v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> interfaceTemplate) {
{% endif %}
// Initialize the interface object's template.
{% if is_partial %}
{{v8_class}}::Install{{v8_class}}Template(isolate, world, interfaceTemplate);
{% else %}
{% set parent_interface_template =
'%s::DomTemplateForNamedPropertiesObject(isolate, world)' % v8_class
if has_named_properties_object else
'V8%s::DomTemplate(isolate, world)' % parent_interface
if parent_interface else
'v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate>()' %}
V8DOMConfiguration::InitializeDOMInterfaceTemplate(isolate, interfaceTemplate, {{v8_class}}::wrapperTypeInfo.interface_name, {{parent_interface_template}}, {{v8_class}}::internalFieldCount);
{% if constructors or has_custom_constructor or has_html_constructor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}{# is_partial #}
{% if runtime_enabled_feature_name and not context_enabled_feature_name %}
if (!{{runtime_enabled_feature_name | runtime_enabled_function}}) {
{% endif %}
v8::Local<v8::Signature> signature = v8::Signature::New(isolate, interfaceTemplate);
v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> instanceTemplate = interfaceTemplate->InstanceTemplate();
v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> prototypeTemplate = interfaceTemplate->PrototypeTemplate();
{% if interface_name == 'Window' and not is_partial %}
{% endif %}
{% if is_immutable_prototype %}
// Global object prototype chain consists of Immutable Prototype Exotic Objects
{% endif %}
{% if is_global %}
// Global objects are Immutable Prototype Exotic Objects
{% endif %}
// Register IDL constants, attributes and operations.
{% if constants %}
{{install_constants() | trim | indent(2)}}
{% endif %}
{% if data_attributes %}
isolate, world, instanceTemplate, prototypeTemplate,
{{'%sAttributes' % v8_class}}, {{'base::size(%sAttributes)' % v8_class}});
{% endif %}
{% if accessors %}
isolate, world, instanceTemplate, prototypeTemplate, interfaceTemplate,
signature, {{'%sAccessors' % v8_class}}, {{'base::size(%sAccessors)' % v8_class}});
{% endif %}
{% if methods | has_method_configuration(is_partial) %}
isolate, world, instanceTemplate, prototypeTemplate, interfaceTemplate,
signature, {{'%sMethods' % v8_class}}, {{'base::size(%sMethods)' % v8_class}});
{% endif %}
{% if has_access_check_callbacks and not is_partial %}
// Cross-origin access check
{% set cross_origin_named_getter = '%s::CrossOriginNamedGetter' % v8_class_or_partial if has_cross_origin_named_getter else 'nullptr' %}
{% set cross_origin_named_setter = '%s::CrossOriginNamedSetter' % v8_class_or_partial if has_cross_origin_named_setter else 'nullptr' %}
{% set cross_origin_named_enumerator = '%s::CrossOriginNamedEnumerator' % v8_class_or_partial if has_cross_origin_named_enumerator else 'nullptr' %}
{% set cross_origin_indexed_getter = '%s::CrossOriginIndexedGetter' % v8_class_or_partial if has_cross_origin_indexed_getter else 'nullptr' %}
v8::External::New(isolate, const_cast<WrapperTypeInfo*>(&{{v8_class}}::wrapperTypeInfo)));
{% endif %}
{% if (indexed_property_getter or named_property_getter) and not is_partial %}
// Indexed properties
{{install_indexed_property_handler('instanceTemplate') | trim | indent(2)}}
{% endif %}
{% if named_property_getter and not is_partial and not has_named_properties_object %}
// Named properties
{{install_named_property_handler('instanceTemplate') | trim | indent(2)}}
{% endif %}
{% if has_array_iterator and not is_partial %}
// Array iterator (@@iterator)
{%+ if is_global %}instanceTemplate{% else %}prototypeTemplate{% endif %}->SetIntrinsicDataProperty(v8::Symbol::GetIterator(isolate), v8::kArrayProto_values, v8::DontEnum);
{% if iterable %}
{% if is_global %}
#error "iterable<V> on [Global] is currently unsupported."
{% endif %}
// For value iterators, the properties below must originally be set to the corresponding ones in %ArrayPrototype%.
// See
prototypeTemplate->SetIntrinsicDataProperty(V8AtomicString(isolate, "entries"), v8::kArrayProto_entries);
prototypeTemplate->SetIntrinsicDataProperty(V8AtomicString(isolate, "forEach"), v8::kArrayProto_forEach);
prototypeTemplate->SetIntrinsicDataProperty(V8AtomicString(isolate, "keys"), v8::kArrayProto_keys);
prototypeTemplate->SetIntrinsicDataProperty(V8AtomicString(isolate, "values"), v8::kArrayProto_values);
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if iterator_method and not iterator_method.runtime_enabled_feature_name %}
{% filter exposed(iterator_method.exposed_test) %}
{% set symbol_alias = '"%s"' % iterator_method_alias
if iterator_method_alias else 'nullptr' %}
// Iterator (@@iterator)
static const V8DOMConfiguration::SymbolKeyedMethodConfiguration
symbolKeyedIteratorConfiguration = {
V8DOMConfiguration::InstallMethod(isolate, world, prototypeTemplate, signature, symbolKeyedIteratorConfiguration);
{% endfilter %}
{% endif %}
{% if interface_name == 'Iterator' %}
// The WebIDL spec says when an interface has pair iterators the iterators it
// returns must be instances of the "default iterator object" whose
// [[Prototype]] points to an "iterator prototype object" whose
// [[Prototype]], on its turn, points to %IteratorPrototype%. next() must be
// implemented in the "iterator prototype object", while %IteratorPrototype%
// provides @@iterator.
// References:
// The iterators we return from interfaces that have pair interators adhere
// to the above by:
// - Adding the "next()" property to its prototype object.
// - Making the prototype object inherit from %IteratorPrototype% with the
// hack below, which creates another function template with no prototype
// and sets the "prototype" property of its function object.
// When |interfaceTemplate|'s function object is created, its
// prototype.__proto__ will point to the value of the "prototype" property
// of |intrinsicIteratorPrototypeInterfaceTemplate|, which is exactly what
// we want.
// Finally, creating a FunctionTemplate here might look expensive since they
// have the same lifetime as their context, but:
// - |interfaceTemplate| is cached in V8PerIsolateData, so we create only one
// FunctionTemplate per interface.
// - There is only one Iterator interface that creates this FunctionTemplate,
// so there is no need to reuse this FunctionTemplate and register it in
// V8PerIsolateData.
v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> intrinsicIteratorPrototypeInterfaceTemplate =
V8AtomicString(isolate, "prototype"), v8::kIteratorPrototype);
{% endif %}
{% if interface_name == 'DOMException' %}
// The WebIDL spec states that DOMException objects have a few peculiarities.
// One of them is similar to what it mandates for Iterator objects when it
// comes to the inheritance chain. Instead of
// DOMException -> prototype -> %ObjectPrototype%
// we have
// DOMException -> prototype -> %ErrorPrototype% -> %ObjectPrototype%
// so that DOMException objects "inherit" toString() and a few properties
// from %ErrorPrototype%.
// See
// We achieve this with the same hack we use for Iterators: create a new
// function template with no prototype, set its "prototype" property to
// %ErrorPrototype% and make |interfaceTemplate| inherit from it. When
// |interfaceTemplate| is instantiated, its prototype.__proto__ will point to
// |intrinsicErrorPrototypeInterfaceTemplate|'s "prototype" property.
v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> intrinsicErrorPrototypeInterfaceTemplate =
V8AtomicString(isolate, "prototype"), v8::kErrorPrototype);
{% endif %}
{% if interface_name == 'Location' %}
// Symbol.toPrimitive
// Prevent author scripts to inject Symbol.toPrimitive property into location
// objects, also prevent the look-up of Symbol.toPrimitive through the
// prototype chain.
v8::ReadOnly | v8::DontEnum | v8::DontDelete));
{% endif %}
{% if has_custom_legacy_call_as_function and not is_partial %}
{% endif %}
{% if interface_name == 'HTMLAllCollection' and not is_partial %}
// Needed for legacy support of document.all
{% endif %}
// Custom signature
{% for method in methods | custom_registration(is_partial) %}
{% filter exposed(method.overloads.exposed_test_all
if method.overloads else method.exposed_test) %}
{% set feature_name = method.overloads.runtime_enabled_all
if method.overloads else method.runtime_enabled_feature_name %}
{% if not feature_name %}
{% if method.is_cross_origin %}
{{install_origin_safe_method(method, 'instanceTemplate', 'prototypeTemplate') | trim | indent(2)}}
{% else %}
{{install_custom_signature(method, 'instanceTemplate', 'prototypeTemplate', 'interfaceTemplate', 'signature') | trim | indent(2)}}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfilter %}
{% endfor %}
{% if not has_partial_interface %}
isolate, world, interfaceTemplate);
{% endif %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::InstallRuntimeEnabledFeaturesOnTemplate(
v8::Isolate* isolate,
const DOMWrapperWorld& world,
v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> interface_template) {
{% if runtime_enabled_feature_name and not context_enabled_feature_name %}
if (!{{runtime_enabled_feature_name | runtime_enabled_function}}) {
{% endif %}
{% if is_partial %}
{{v8_class}}::InstallRuntimeEnabledFeaturesOnTemplate(isolate, world, interface_template);
{% endif %}
v8::Local<v8::Signature> signature = v8::Signature::New(isolate, interface_template);
v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> instance_template = interface_template->InstanceTemplate();
v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> prototype_template = interface_template->PrototypeTemplate();
// Register IDL constants, attributes and operations.
{% for feature_name, constants_list in constants | selectattr('runtime_enabled_feature_name') | groupby('runtime_enabled_feature_name') %}
{% filter runtime_enabled(feature_name) %}
static const V8DOMConfiguration::ConstantConfiguration constant_configurations[] = {
{% for constant in constants_list %}
{{constant_configuration(constant) | trim | indent(6)}},
{% endfor %}
isolate, interface_template, prototype_template,
constant_configurations, base::size(constant_configurations));
{% endfilter %}
{% endfor %}
{% for feature_name, attribute_list in runtime_enabled_attributes | selectattr('is_data_type_property') | groupby('runtime_enabled_feature_name') %}
{% filter runtime_enabled(feature_name) %}
static const V8DOMConfiguration::AttributeConfiguration attribute_configurations[] = {
{% for attribute in attribute_list | sort %}
{{attribute_configuration(attribute) | trim | indent(6)}},
{% endfor %}
isolate, world, instance_template, prototype_template,
attribute_configurations, base::size(attribute_configurations));
{% endfilter %}
{% endfor %}
{% for feature_name, attribute_list in runtime_enabled_attributes | selectattr('is_data_type_property', 'equalto', False) | groupby('runtime_enabled_feature_name') %}
{% filter runtime_enabled(feature_name) %}
static const V8DOMConfiguration::AccessorConfiguration accessor_configurations[] = {
{% for attribute in attribute_list | sort %}
{{accessor_configuration(attribute) | trim | indent(6)}},
{% endfor %}
isolate, world, instance_template, prototype_template, interface_template,
signature, accessor_configurations,
{% endfilter %}
{% endfor %}
{% if iterator_method and iterator_method.runtime_enabled_feature_name %}
{% filter exposed(iterator_method.exposed_test) %}
{% filter runtime_enabled(iterator_method.runtime_enabled_feature_name) %}
{% set symbol_alias = '"%s"' % iterator_method_alias
if iterator_method_alias else 'nullptr' %}
// Iterator (@@iterator)
static const V8DOMConfiguration::SymbolKeyedMethodConfiguration
symbol_keyed_iterator_configuration = {
isolate, world, prototype_template, signature,
{% endfilter %}
{% endfilter %}
{% endif %}
// Custom signature
{% for method in methods | custom_registration(is_partial) %}
{% filter exposed(method.overloads.exposed_test_all
if method.overloads else method.exposed_test) %}
{% set feature_name = method.overloads.runtime_enabled_all
if method.overloads else method.runtime_enabled_feature_name %}
{% if feature_name %}
{% filter runtime_enabled(feature_name) %}
{% if method.is_cross_origin %}
{{install_origin_safe_method(method, 'instance_template', 'prototype_template') | trim | indent(2)}}
{% else %}
{{install_custom_signature(method, 'instance_template', 'prototype_template', 'interface_template', 'signature') | trim | indent(2)}}
{% endif %}
{% endfilter %}
{% endif %}
{% endfilter %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}{# not is_array_buffer_or_view #}
{% endblock %}
{% block install_runtime_enabled %}
{% if needs_runtime_enabled_installer %}
{% from '' import accessor_configuration, attribute_configuration with context %}
{% from '' import install_custom_signature with context %}
{% if not is_partial %}
void {{v8_class}}::InstallRuntimeEnabledFeatures(
v8::Isolate* isolate,
const DOMWrapperWorld& world,
v8::Local<v8::Object> instance,
v8::Local<v8::Object> prototype,
v8::Local<v8::Function> interface) {
{% if runtime_enabled_feature_name %}
#error "We don't expect a runtime enabled interface {{v8_class_or_partial}} to have InstallRuntimeEnabledFeatures()."
{% endif %}
InstallRuntimeEnabledFeaturesImpl(isolate, world, instance, prototype, interface);
{% if has_partial_interface %}
// Call partial interface's installer.
install_runtime_enabled_features_function_(isolate, world, instance, prototype, interface);
{% endif %}
{% endif %}{# not is_partial #}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::InstallRuntimeEnabledFeaturesImpl(
v8::Isolate* isolate,
const DOMWrapperWorld& world,
v8::Local<v8::Object> instance,
v8::Local<v8::Object> prototype,
v8::Local<v8::Function> interface) {
{% if runtime_enabled_feature_name %}
#error "We don't expect a runtime enabled interface {{v8_class_or_partial}} to have InstallRuntimeEnabledFeatures()."
{% endif %}
v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> interface_template = {{v8_class}}::wrapperTypeInfo.domTemplate(isolate, world);
v8::Local<v8::Signature> signature = v8::Signature::New(isolate, interface_template);
{# TODO(peria): Generate code to install constants. It depends on runtime_enabled_feaure of this interface. #}
{% for feature_name, attrs in runtime_enabled_attributes | selectattr('is_data_type_property') | groupby('runtime_enabled_feature_name') %}
{% filter runtime_enabled(feature_name) %}
static const V8DOMConfiguration::AttributeConfiguration attribute_configurations[] = {
{% for attribute in attrs | sort %}
{{attribute_configuration(attribute) | trim | indent(6)}},
{% endfor %}
V8DOMConfiguration::InstallAttributes(isolate, world, instance, prototype,
attribute_configurations, base::size(attribute_configurations));
{% endfilter %}
{% endfor %}
{% for feature_name, attrs in runtime_enabled_attributes | selectattr('is_data_type_property', 'equalto', False) | groupby('runtime_enabled_feature_name') %}
{% filter runtime_enabled(feature_name) %}
static const V8DOMConfiguration::AccessorConfiguration accessor_configurations[] = {
{% for attribute in attrs | sort %}
{{accessor_configuration(attribute) | trim | indent(6)}},
{% endfor %}
V8DOMConfiguration::InstallAccessors(isolate, world, instance, prototype,
interface, signature, accessor_configurations,
{% endfilter %}
{% endfor %}
{% if iterator_method and iterator_method.runtime_enabled_feature_name %}
#error "{{v8_class_or_partial}} should not have runtime enabled iterator (@@iterator)."
{% endif %}
{% if methods | custom_registration(is_partial) %}
{% for method in methods | custom_registration(is_partial) %}
{% filter exposed(method.overloads.exposed_test_all
if method.overloads else method.exposed_test) %}
{% set feature_name = (method.overloads.runtime_enabled_all
if method.overloads else method.runtime_enabled_feature_name) %}
{% if feature_name %}
{% filter runtime_enabled(feature_name) %}
{% if method.is_cross_origin %}
#error "{{v8_class_or_partial}} should not have runtime enabled and cross origin methods."
{% else %}
{{install_custom_signature(method, 'instance', 'prototype', 'interface', 'signature') | trim | indent(2)}}
{% endif %}
{% endfilter %}
{% endif %}
{% endfilter %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}{# needs_runtime_enabled_installer #}
{% endblock %}
{% block origin_trials %}
{% from '' import accessor_configuration,
with context %}
{% from '' import constant_configuration with context %}
{% from '' import method_configuration with context %}
{% for feature in optional_features %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::Install{{}}(v8::Isolate* isolate, const DOMWrapperWorld& world, v8::Local<v8::Object> instance, v8::Local<v8::Object> prototype, v8::Local<v8::Function> interface) {
{% if feature.attributes or feature.methods %}
v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> interfaceTemplate = {{v8_class}}::wrapperTypeInfo.domTemplate(isolate, world);
v8::Local<v8::Signature> signature = v8::Signature::New(isolate, interfaceTemplate);
{% endif %}
{% if feature.needs_secure_context %}
ExecutionContext* executionContext = ToExecutionContext(isolate->GetCurrentContext());
bool isSecureContext = (executionContext && executionContext->IsSecureContext());
{% endif %}{# needs secure context #}
{# Origin-Trial-enabled attributes #}
{% for attribute in feature.attributes %}
{% filter secure_context(attribute.secure_context_test) %}
{% if attribute.is_data_type_property %}
static const V8DOMConfiguration::AttributeConfiguration attribute{{}}Configuration[] = {
{{attribute_configuration(attribute) | trim | indent(2)}}
for (const auto& attributeConfig : attribute{{}}Configuration)
V8DOMConfiguration::InstallAttribute(isolate, world, instance, prototype, attributeConfig);
{% else %}
static const V8DOMConfiguration::AccessorConfiguration accessor{{}}Configuration[] = {
{{accessor_configuration(attribute) | trim | indent(2)}}
for (const auto& accessorConfig : accessor{{}}Configuration)
V8DOMConfiguration::InstallAccessor(isolate, world, instance, prototype, interface, signature, accessorConfig);
{% endif %}
{% endfilter %}{# secure_context #}
{% endfor %}
{# Origin-Trial-enabled constants #}
{% for constant in feature.constants %}
{% set constant_name ='_', '') %}
const V8DOMConfiguration::ConstantConfiguration constant{{constant_name}}Configuration = {{constant_configuration(constant)}};
V8DOMConfiguration::InstallConstant(isolate, interface, prototype, constant{{constant_name}}Configuration);
{% endfor %}
{# Origin-Trial-enabled methods (no overloads) #}
{% for method in feature.methods %}
{% filter secure_context(method.secure_context_test) %}
{% set method_name ='_', '') %}
static const V8DOMConfiguration::MethodConfiguration method{{method_name}}Configuration[] = {
{{method_configuration(method) | trim | indent(2)}}
for (const auto& methodConfig : method{{method_name}}Configuration)
V8DOMConfiguration::InstallMethod(isolate, world, instance, prototype, interface, signature, methodConfig);
{% endfilter %}{# secure_context #}
{% endfor %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::Install{{}}(ScriptState* scriptState, v8::Local<v8::Object> instance) {
V8PerContextData* perContextData = scriptState->PerContextData();
v8::Local<v8::Object> prototype = perContextData->PrototypeForType(&{{v8_class}}::wrapperTypeInfo);
v8::Local<v8::Function> interface = perContextData->ConstructorForType(&{{v8_class}}::wrapperTypeInfo);
Install{{}}(scriptState->GetIsolate(), scriptState->World(), instance, prototype, interface);
{% if not feature.needs_instance %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::Install{{}}(ScriptState* scriptState) {
Install{{}}(scriptState, v8::Local<v8::Object>());
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}{# feature #}
{% endblock %}
{% block get_dom_template %}{% endblock %}
{% block get_dom_template_for_named_properties_object %}{% endblock %}
{% block has_instance %}{% endblock %}
{% block to_impl %}{% endblock %}
{% block to_impl_with_type_check %}{% endblock %}
{% block native_value_traits %}{% endblock %}
{% block install_conditional_features %}
{% from '' import install_conditional_attributes,
install_conditional_interface_objects with context %}
{% from '' import install_conditional_methods with context %}
{% if install_conditional_features_func %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::InstallConditionalFeatures(
v8::Local<v8::Context> context,
const DOMWrapperWorld& world,
v8::Local<v8::Object> instanceObject,
v8::Local<v8::Object> prototypeObject,
v8::Local<v8::Function> interfaceObject,
v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> interfaceTemplate) {
DCHECK((!prototypeObject.IsEmpty() && !interfaceObject.IsEmpty()) ||
{% if is_partial %}
context, world, instanceObject, prototypeObject, interfaceObject, interfaceTemplate);
{% endif %}
v8::Isolate* isolate = context->GetIsolate();
{% if unscopables %}
if (!prototypeObject.IsEmpty()) {
v8::Local<v8::Name> unscopablesSymbol(v8::Symbol::GetUnscopables(isolate));
v8::Local<v8::Object> unscopables;
bool has_unscopables;
if (prototypeObject->HasOwnProperty(context, unscopablesSymbol).To(&has_unscopables) && has_unscopables) {
unscopables = prototypeObject->Get(context, unscopablesSymbol).ToLocalChecked().As<v8::Object>();
} else {
// Web IDL 3.6.3. Interface prototype object
// step 8.1. Let unscopableObject be the result of performing
// ! ObjectCreate(null).
unscopables = v8::Object::New(isolate);
unscopables->SetPrototype(context, v8::Null(isolate)).ToChecked();
{% for name, runtime_enabled_feature_name in unscopables %}
{% filter runtime_enabled(runtime_enabled_feature_name) %}
context, V8AtomicString(isolate, "{{name}}"), v8::True(isolate))
{% endfilter %}
{% endfor %}
prototypeObject->CreateDataProperty(context, unscopablesSymbol, unscopables).FromJust();
{% endif %}{# unscopables #}
{% if conditional_attributes or conditional_methods %}
v8::Local<v8::Signature> signature = v8::Signature::New(isolate, interfaceTemplate);
{% endif %}
{% if conditional_attributes or conditional_methods or conditional_interface_objects %}
ExecutionContext* executionContext = ToExecutionContext(context);
{% if has_conditional_secure_attributes or has_conditional_secure_methods %}
bool isSecureContext = (executionContext && executionContext->IsSecureContext());
{% endif %}
{% set attributes_on_instance = conditional_attributes | selectattr('on_instance') | list %}
{% set methods_on_instance = conditional_methods | selectattr('on_instance') | list %}
{% if attributes_on_instance or conditional_interface_objects or methods_on_instance %}
if (!instanceObject.IsEmpty()) {
{{install_conditional_attributes(attributes_on_instance) | trim | indent(4)}}
{{install_conditional_interface_objects(conditional_interface_objects) | trim | indent(4)}}
{{install_conditional_methods(methods_on_instance) | trim | indent(4)}}
{% endif %}
{% set attributes_on_prototype = conditional_attributes | selectattr('on_prototype') | list %}
{% set attributes_on_interface = conditional_attributes | selectattr('on_interface') | list %}
{% set methods_on_prototype = conditional_methods | selectattr('on_prototype') | list %}
{% set methods_on_interface = conditional_methods | selectattr('on_interface') | list %}
{% if attributes_on_prototype or attributes_on_interface or methods_on_prototype or methods_on_interface %}
if (!prototypeObject.IsEmpty() || !interfaceObject.IsEmpty()) {
{{install_conditional_attributes(attributes_on_prototype + attributes_on_interface) | trim | indent(4)}}
{{install_conditional_methods(methods_on_prototype + methods_on_interface) | trim | indent(4)}}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}{# conditional_attributes or conditional_methods #}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}{# install_conditional_features #}
{% block partial_interface %}{% endblock %}
} // namespace blink
{% endfilter %}{# format_blink_cpp_source_code #}