blob: 5b9f40b91b11966d12e1ec8d73dfb43e761dbb43 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<p id="paragraph">
The <b id="quick">quick</b> brown fox
jumps over the lazy <b id="dog">dog</b>.
<div contentEditable="true" id="contentEditable">
<span>Line </span><span>one has one trailing space.</span><span> </span>
<span>&#9;&#9;</span><span>Line</span><span> two has two leading tabs.</span>
<p id="paragraphWithLink">
Paragraph with a <a href="#">link</a> inside.
<p id="paragraphWithAnonymousBlock">
Paragraph with an <span style="background-color: red;">anonymous block</span> inside.
<ol id="list">
<li>List item</li>
test(() => {
let axObj = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById('paragraph');
// Find the first inline text box.
while (axObj.childrenCount > 0)
axObj = axObj.childAtIndex(0);
assert_equals(axObj.role, 'AXRole: AXInlineTextBox');
let lineText = [];
let lastInlineText = axObj;
while (axObj && axObj.isValid) {
assert_equals(axObj.role, 'AXRole: AXInlineTextBox');
lineText.push('AXValue: ', ''));
lastInlineText = axObj;
axObj = axObj.nextOnLine();
assert_array_equals(lineText, ['The ', 'quick', ' brown fox ']);
// Now walk backwards.
lineText = [];
axObj = lastInlineText;
while (axObj && axObj.isValid) {
assert_equals(axObj.role, 'AXRole: AXInlineTextBox');
lineText.unshift('AXValue: ', ''));
axObj = axObj.previousOnLine();
assert_array_equals(lineText, ['The ', 'quick', ' brown fox ']);
}, 'Test |NextOnLine| and |PreviousOnLine| on |AXInlineTextBox|.');
test(() => {
let axEditable = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById('contentEditable');
// There should be two lines in this content editable.
assert_equals(axEditable.childrenCount, 2);
let lines = [axEditable.childAtIndex(0), axEditable.childAtIndex(1)];
let lineText = [
['Line ', 'one has one trailing space.'],
['Line', ' two has two leading tabs.']
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
let currentLine = lines[i];
assert_equals(currentLine.nextOnLine(), undefined);
assert_equals(currentLine.previousOnLine(), undefined);
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
let currentLine = lines[i];
let currentLineText = lineText[i];
// There should be two spans per line since white space is removed.
assert_equals(currentLine.childrenCount, 2);
let span1 = currentLine.childAtIndex(0);
let span2 = currentLine.childAtIndex(1);
let inlineText1 = span1.childAtIndex(0);
let inlineText2 = span2.childAtIndex(0);
let spanText1 = currentLineText[0];
let spanText2 = currentLineText[1];
assert_equals(span1.role, 'AXRole: AXStaticText');
assert_equals(span2.role, 'AXRole: AXStaticText');
assert_equals(, spanText1);
assert_equals(, spanText2);
// |next/previousOnLine| APIs jump directly to the inline text boxes
// skipping the parent span element.
assert_equals(span1.nextOnLine(), inlineText2, 'span1 -> inlineText2');
assert_equals(inlineText1.nextOnLine(), inlineText2, 'inlineText1 -> inlineText2');
assert_equals(span2.previousOnLine(), inlineText1, 'span2 -> inlineText1');
assert_equals(inlineText2.previousOnLine(), inlineText1, 'inlineText2 -> inlineText1');
}, 'Test |NextOnLine| and |PreviousOnLine| on |AXLayoutObject|.');
test(() => {
let axObj = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById('paragraphWithLink');
// There should be two static text children and a link in this paragraph.
assert_equals(axObj.childrenCount, 3);
axObj = axObj.childAtIndex(0);
assert_equals(axObj.role, 'AXRole: AXStaticText');
let lineText = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
axObj = axObj.nextOnLine();
assert_equals(axObj.role, 'AXRole: AXInlineTextBox');
for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
axObj = axObj.previousOnLine();
assert_equals(axObj.role, 'AXRole: AXInlineTextBox');
assert_array_equals(lineText, ['Paragraph with a ', 'link', ' inside.',
'link', 'Paragraph with a ']);
}, 'Test |NextOnLine| and |PreviousOnLine| on paragraphs with links.');
test(() => {
let axObj = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById('paragraphWithAnonymousBlock');
// There should be three static text children in this paragraph.
assert_equals(axObj.childrenCount, 3);
axObj = axObj.childAtIndex(0);
assert_equals(axObj.role, 'AXRole: AXStaticText');
let lineText = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
axObj = axObj.nextOnLine();
assert_equals(axObj.role, 'AXRole: AXInlineTextBox');
for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
axObj = axObj.previousOnLine();
assert_equals(axObj.role, 'AXRole: AXInlineTextBox');
assert_array_equals(lineText, ['Paragraph with an ', 'anonymous block', ' inside.',
'anonymous block', 'Paragraph with an ']);
}, 'Test |NextOnLine| and |PreviousOnLine| on paragraphs with anonymous blocks.');
test(() => {
let axObj = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById('list');
// There should be a list item in this list.
assert_equals(axObj.childrenCount, 1);
axObj = axObj.childAtIndex(0);
assert_equals(axObj.role, 'AXRole: AXListItem');
// There should be a list marker and some text in this list item.
assert_equals(axObj.childrenCount, 2);
axObj = axObj.childAtIndex(0);
assert_equals(axObj.role, 'AXRole: AXListMarker');
let lineText = [];
axObj = axObj.nextOnLine();
assert_equals(axObj.role, 'AXRole: AXInlineTextBox');
axObj = axObj.previousOnLine();
assert_equals(axObj.role, 'AXRole: AXListMarker');
assert_array_equals(lineText, ['1. ', 'List item', '1. ']);
}, 'Test |NextOnLine| and |PreviousOnLine| on list markers.');