blob: 0b2bdbee0664b4cc68eb4494e28b4f5e32d80e6e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/about_flags.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/format_macros.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/flags_ui/feature_entry.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/libxml/chromium/libxml_utils.h"
namespace about_flags {
namespace {
typedef base::HistogramBase::Sample Sample;
typedef std::map<std::string, Sample> SwitchToIdMap;
// This is a helper function to the ReadEnumFromHistogramsXml().
// Extracts single enum (with integer values) from histograms.xml.
// Expects |reader| to point at given enum.
// Returns map { value => label }.
// Returns empty map on error.
std::map<Sample, std::string> ParseEnumFromHistogramsXml(
const std::string& enum_name,
XmlReader* reader) {
int entries_index = -1;
std::map<Sample, std::string> result;
bool success = true;
while (true) {
const std::string node_name = reader->NodeName();
if (node_name == "enum" && reader->IsClosingElement())
if (node_name == "int") {
std::string value_str;
std::string label;
const bool has_value = reader->NodeAttribute("value", &value_str);
const bool has_label = reader->NodeAttribute("label", &label);
if (!has_value) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Bad " << enum_name << " enum entry (at index "
<< entries_index << ", label='" << label
<< "'): No 'value' attribute.";
success = false;
if (!has_label) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Bad " << enum_name << " enum entry (at index "
<< entries_index << ", value_str='" << value_str
<< "'): No 'label' attribute.";
success = false;
Sample value;
if (has_value && !base::StringToInt(value_str, &value)) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Bad " << enum_name << " enum entry (at index "
<< entries_index << ", label='" << label
<< "', value_str='" << value_str
<< "'): 'value' attribute is not integer.";
success = false;
if (result.count(value)) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Bad " << enum_name << " enum entry (at index "
<< entries_index << ", label='" << label
<< "', value_str='" << value_str
<< "'): duplicate value '" << value_str
<< "' found in enum. The previous one has label='"
<< result[value] << "'.";
success = false;
if (success) {
result[value] = label;
// All enum entries are on the same level, so it is enough to iterate
// until possible.
return (success ? result : std::map<Sample, std::string>());
// Find and read given enum (with integer values) from histograms.xml.
// |enum_name| - enum name.
// |histograms_xml| - must be loaded histograms.xml file.
// Returns map { value => label } so that:
// <int value="9" label="enable-pinch-virtual-viewport"/>
// becomes:
// { 9 => "enable-pinch-virtual-viewport" }
// Returns empty map on error.
std::map<Sample, std::string> ReadEnumFromHistogramsXml(
const std::string& enum_name,
XmlReader* histograms_xml) {
std::map<Sample, std::string> login_custom_flags;
// Implement simple depth first search.
while (true) {
const std::string node_name = histograms_xml->NodeName();
if (node_name == "enum") {
std::string name;
if (histograms_xml->NodeAttribute("name", &name) && name == enum_name) {
if (!login_custom_flags.empty()) {
<< "Duplicate enum '" << enum_name << "' found in histograms.xml";
return std::map<Sample, std::string>();
const bool got_into_enum = histograms_xml->Read();
if (got_into_enum) {
login_custom_flags =
ParseEnumFromHistogramsXml(enum_name, histograms_xml);
<< "Bad enum '" << enum_name
<< "' found in histograms.xml (format error).";
} else {
<< "Bad enum '" << enum_name
<< "' (looks empty) found in histograms.xml.";
if (login_custom_flags.empty())
return std::map<Sample, std::string>();
// Go deeper if possible (stops at the closing tag of the deepest node).
if (histograms_xml->Read())
// Try next node on the same level (skips closing tag).
if (histograms_xml->Next())
// Go up until next node on the same level exists.
while (histograms_xml->Depth() && !histograms_xml->SkipToElement()) {
// Reached top. histograms.xml consists of the single top level node
// 'histogram-configuration', so this is the end.
if (!histograms_xml->Depth())
<< "Enum '" << enum_name << "' is not found in histograms.xml.";
return login_custom_flags;
std::string FilePathStringTypeToString(const base::FilePath::StringType& path) {
#if defined(OS_WIN)
return base::UTF16ToUTF8(path);
return path;
// Get all associated switches corresponding to defined entries.
std::set<std::string> GetAllSwitchesAndFeaturesForTesting() {
std::set<std::string> result;
size_t num_entries = 0;
const flags_ui::FeatureEntry* entries =
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i) {
const flags_ui::FeatureEntry& entry = entries[i];
switch (entry.type) {
case flags_ui::FeatureEntry::SINGLE_VALUE:
case flags_ui::FeatureEntry::SINGLE_DISABLE_VALUE:
case flags_ui::FeatureEntry::MULTI_VALUE:
for (int j = 0; j < entry.num_options; ++j) {
case flags_ui::FeatureEntry::ENABLE_DISABLE_VALUE:
case flags_ui::FeatureEntry::FEATURE_VALUE:
case flags_ui::FeatureEntry::FEATURE_WITH_PARAMS_VALUE:
result.insert(std::string(entry.feature->name) + ":enabled");
result.insert(std::string(entry.feature->name) + ":disabled");
return result;
} // anonymous namespace
// Makes sure there are no separators in any of the entry names.
TEST(AboutFlagsTest, NoSeparators) {
size_t count;
const flags_ui::FeatureEntry* entries = testing::GetFeatureEntries(&count);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
std::string name = entries[i].internal_name;
EXPECT_EQ(std::string::npos, name.find(flags_ui::testing::kMultiSeparator))
<< i;
class AboutFlagsHistogramTest : public ::testing::Test {
// This is a helper function to check that all IDs in enum LoginCustomFlags in
// histograms.xml are unique.
void SetSwitchToHistogramIdMapping(const std::string& switch_name,
const Sample switch_histogram_id,
std::map<std::string, Sample>* out_map) {
const std::pair<std::map<std::string, Sample>::iterator, bool> status =
out_map->insert(std::make_pair(switch_name, switch_histogram_id));
if (!status.second) {
EXPECT_TRUE(status.first->second == switch_histogram_id)
<< "Duplicate switch '" << switch_name
<< "' found in enum 'LoginCustomFlags' in histograms.xml.";
// This method generates a hint for the user for what string should be added
// to the enum LoginCustomFlags to make in consistent.
std::string GetHistogramEnumEntryText(const std::string& switch_name,
Sample value) {
return base::StringPrintf(
"<int value=\"%d\" label=\"%s\"/>", value, switch_name.c_str());
TEST_F(AboutFlagsHistogramTest, CheckHistograms) {
base::FilePath histograms_xml_file_path;
PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &histograms_xml_file_path));
histograms_xml_file_path = histograms_xml_file_path.AppendASCII("tools")
XmlReader histograms_xml;
std::map<Sample, std::string> login_custom_flags =
ReadEnumFromHistogramsXml("LoginCustomFlags", &histograms_xml);
<< "Error reading enum 'LoginCustomFlags' from histograms.xml.";
// Build reverse map {switch_name => id} from login_custom_flags.
SwitchToIdMap histograms_xml_switches_ids;
<< "Entry for UMA ID of incorrect command-line flag is not found in "
"histograms.xml enum LoginCustomFlags. "
"Consider adding entry:\n"
<< " " << GetHistogramEnumEntryText("BAD_FLAG_FORMAT", 0);
// Check that all LoginCustomFlags entries have correct values.
for (const auto& entry : login_custom_flags) {
if (entry.first == testing::kBadSwitchFormatHistogramId) {
// Add error value with empty name.
SetSwitchToHistogramIdMapping(std::string(), entry.first,
const Sample uma_id = GetSwitchUMAId(entry.second);
EXPECT_EQ(uma_id, entry.first)
<< "histograms.xml enum LoginCustomFlags "
"entry '" << entry.second << "' has incorrect value=" << entry.first
<< ", but " << uma_id << " is expected. Consider changing entry to:\n"
<< " " << GetHistogramEnumEntryText(entry.second, uma_id);
SetSwitchToHistogramIdMapping(entry.second, entry.first,
// Check that all flags in have entries in login_custom_flags.
std::set<std::string> all_flags = GetAllSwitchesAndFeaturesForTesting();
for (const std::string& flag : all_flags) {
// Skip empty placeholders.
if (flag.empty())
const Sample uma_id = GetSwitchUMAId(flag);
EXPECT_NE(testing::kBadSwitchFormatHistogramId, uma_id)
<< "Command-line switch '" << flag
<< "' from has UMA ID equal to reserved value "
<< testing::kBadSwitchFormatHistogramId
<< ". Please modify switch name.";
SwitchToIdMap::iterator enum_entry =
// Ignore case here when switch ID is incorrect - it has already been
// reported in the previous loop.
EXPECT_TRUE(enum_entry != histograms_xml_switches_ids.end() &&
enum_entry->first == flag)
<< "histograms.xml enum LoginCustomFlags doesn't contain switch '"
<< flag << "' (value=" << uma_id
<< " expected). Consider adding entry:\n"
<< " " << GetHistogramEnumEntryText(flag, uma_id);
} // namespace about_flags