blob: 9e97ec7c9d7d892dd9a82f229e86008569aca074 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Includes needed for macros allowing conditional compilation of some strings.
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/buildflag.h"
#include "media/media_features.h"
// This file declares strings used in chrome://flags. These messages are not
// translated, because instead of end-users they target Chromium developers and
// testers. See and for more
// details.
namespace flag_descriptions {
// Material Design version of chrome://bookmarks
// Name for the flag to enable the material design bookmarks page.
extern const char kEnableMaterialDesignBookmarksName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the material design bookmarks page.
extern const char kEnableMaterialDesignBookmarksDescription[];
// Material Design version of chrome://policy
// Name for the flag to enable the material design policy page.
extern const char kEnableMaterialDesignPolicyPageName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the material design policy page.
extern const char kEnableMaterialDesignPolicyPageDescription[];
// Material Design version of chrome://history
// Name for the flag to enable the material design history page.
extern const char kEnableMaterialDesignHistoryName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the material design history page.
extern const char kEnableMaterialDesignHistoryDescription[];
// Material Design version of chrome://settings
// Name for the flag to enable the material design settings page.
extern const char kEnableMaterialDesignSettingsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the material design settings page.
extern const char kEnableMaterialDesignSettingsDescription[];
// Material Design version of chrome://extensions
// Name for the flag to enable the material design extensions page.
extern const char kEnableMaterialDesignExtensionsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the material design extensions page.
extern const char kEnableMaterialDesignExtensionsDescription[];
// Material Design version of feedback form
// Name for the flag to enable the material design feedback UI.
extern const char kEnableMaterialDesignFeedbackName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the material design feedback UI.
extern const char kEnableMaterialDesignFeedbackDescription[];
// Report URL to SafeSearch
// Name for the flag to enable reporting URLs to SafeSearch.
extern const char kSafeSearchUrlReportingName[];
// Description for the flag to enable reporting URLs to SafeSearch.
extern const char kSafeSearchUrlReportingDescription[];
// Device scale factor change in content
// Name for the flag to use Blink's zooming mechanism to implement device scale
// factor.
extern const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfName[];
// Description for the flag to use Blink's zooming mechanism to implement device
// scale factor.
extern const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfDescription[];
// Text to indicate that it'll use the platform settings to enable/disable
// use-zoom-for-dsf mode.
extern const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfChoiceDefault[];
// Text to indicate the use-zoom-for-dsf mode is enabled.
extern const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfChoiceEnabled[];
// Text to indicate the use-zoom-for-dsf mode is disabled.
extern const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfChoiceDisabled[];
// Name for the flag to set parameters for No-State Prefetch.
extern const char kNostatePrefetch[];
// Description for the flag to set parameters for No-State Prefetch.
extern const char kNostatePrefetchDescription[];
// Name for the flag to set parameters for Speculative Prefetch
extern const char kSpeculativePrefetchName[];
// Description for the flag to set parameters for Speculative Prefetch.
extern const char kSpeculativePrefetchDescription[];
// Force Tablet Mode
// Name for the flag to force tablet mode.
extern const char kForceTabletModeName[];
// Description for the flag to force tablet mode.
extern const char kForceTabletModeDescription[];
// Description of the TouchView mode. In TouchView mode, the keyboard can flip
// behind the screen so the Chromebook operates like a tablet computer.
extern const char kForceTabletModeTouchview[];
// Description of the Clamshell mode. In Clamshell mode, the Chromebook operates
// like a standard laptop computer, keyboard on the bottom, screen on top, with
// a hinge like a clamshell.
extern const char kForceTabletModeClamshell[];
// Description of the default or 'automatic' mode.
extern const char kForceTabletModeAuto[];
// Print Preview features
// Name for the flag to add the option to print PDFs as images to print preview.
extern const char kPrintPdfAsImageName[];
// Description for the flag to add the option to print PDFs as images in print
// preview.
extern const char kPrintPdfAsImageDescription[];
// Name for the flag to add the print scaling feature to print preview.
extern const char kPrintScalingName[];
// Description for the flag to add the print scaling feature to print preview.
extern const char kPrintScalingDescription[];
// Name of the 'Native Client' lab.
extern const char kNaclName[];
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Mobile: Description of the 'Native Client' lab.
extern const char kNaclDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Description of the 'Native Client' lab.
extern const char kNaclDescription[];
#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of the 'NaCl GDB debug stub' lab.
extern const char kNaclDebugName[];
// Description of the 'NaCl GDB debug stub' lab.
extern const char kNaclDebugDescription[];
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of the 'Force PNaCl Subzero' lab.
extern const char kPnaclSubzeroName[];
// Description of the 'Force PNaCl Subzero' lab.
extern const char kPnaclSubzeroDescription[];
#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of the 'Restrict NaCl GDB debugging' lab.
extern const char kNaclDebugMaskName[];
// Description of the 'Restrict NaCl GDB debugging' lab.
extern const char kNaclDebugMaskDescription[];
extern const char kNaclDebugMaskChoiceDebugAll[];
extern const char kNaclDebugMaskChoiceExcludeUtilsPnacl[];
extern const char kNaclDebugMaskChoiceIncludeDebug[];
// Name of the 'HTTP form warning' feature.
extern const char kEnableHttpFormWarningName[];
// Description of the 'HTTP form warning' feature.
extern const char kEnableHttpFormWarningDescription[];
// Name of the 'Mark Non-Secure Origins As' lab.
extern const char kMarkHttpAsName[];
// Description of the 'Mark Non-Secure Origins As' lab.
extern const char kMarkHttpAsDescription[];
extern const char kMarkHttpAsDangerous[];
// Name of the 'Save Page as MHTML' lab.
extern const char kSavePageAsMhtmlName[];
// Description of the 'Save Page as MHTML' lab.
extern const char kSavePageAsMhtmlDescription[];
// Flag and values for MHTML Geenrator options lab.
// Name of the 'MHTML Generator Options' lab.
extern const char kMhtmlGeneratorOptionName[];
// Description of the 'MHTML Generator Options' lab.
extern const char kMhtmlGeneratorOptionDescription[];
extern const char kMhtmlSkipNostoreMain[];
extern const char kMhtmlSkipNostoreAll[];
// Title of the 'device discovery notificatios' flag.
extern const char kDeviceDiscoveryNotificationsName[];
// Description of the 'device discovery notifications' flag.
extern const char kDeviceDiscoveryNotificationsDescription[];
#if defined(OS_WIN)
extern const char kCloudPrintXpsName[];
extern const char kCloudPrintXpsDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
// Title of the flag for loading the Media Router component extension.
extern const char kLoadMediaRouterComponentExtensionName[];
// Description of the flag for loading the Media Router component extension.
extern const char kLoadMediaRouterComponentExtensionDescription[];
extern const char kPrintPreviewRegisterPromosName[];
extern const char kPrintPreviewRegisterPromosDescription[];
// Title of the flag which enables scroll prediction.
extern const char kScrollPredictionName[];
// Title of the flag which controls UI layout in the browser's top chrome.
extern const char kTopChromeMd[];
// Description of the flag which changes the material design elements in the top
// chrome of the browser.
extern const char kTopChromeMdDescription[];
// Top Chrome material design option (default).
extern const char kTopChromeMdMaterial[];
// Top Chrome material hybrid design option (for touchscreens).
extern const char kTopChromeMdMaterialHybrid[];
// Title of the flag which enables the site settings all sites list and site
// details.
extern const char kSiteSettings[];
// Description of the flag which enables or disables the site settings all sites
// list and site details.
extern const char kSiteSettingsDescription[];
// Title of the flag which enables or disables material design in the rest of
// the native UI of the browser (beyond top chrome).
extern const char kSecondaryUiMd[];
// Description of the flag which enables or disables material design in the rest
// of the native UI of the browser (beyond top chrome).
extern const char kSecondaryUiMdDescription[];
// Description of the flag to enable scroll prediction.
extern const char kScrollPredictionDescription[];
// Title of the flag for add to shelf banners.
extern const char kAddToShelfName[];
// Description of the flag for add to shelf banners.
extern const char kAddToShelfDescription[];
// Title of the flag which bypasses the user engagement checks for app banners.
extern const char kBypassAppBannerEngagementChecksName[];
// Description of the flag to bypass the user engagement checks for app banners.
extern const char kBypassAppBannerEngagementChecksDescription[];
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of the flag to enable the accessibility tab switcher.
extern const char kAccessibilityTabSwitcherName[];
// Description of the flag to enable the accessibility tab switcher.
extern const char kAccessibilityTabSwitcherDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable the physical web feature.
extern const char kEnablePhysicalWebName[];
// Description of the flag to enable the physical web feature.
extern const char kEnablePhysicalWebDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Title of the touch-events flag.
extern const char kTouchEventsName[];
// Description of the touch-events flag.
extern const char kTouchEventsDescription[];
// Title of the disable touch adjustment flag.
extern const char kTouchAdjustmentName[];
// Description of the disable touch adjustment flag.
extern const char kTouchAdjustmentDescription[];
// Name of the 'Composited layer borders' lab.
extern const char kCompositedLayerBorders[];
// Description of the 'Composited layer borders' lab.
extern const char kCompositedLayerBordersDescription[];
// Name of the 'Composited layer borders' lab.
extern const char kGlCompositedTextureQuadBorders[];
// Description of the 'Composited layer borders' lab.
extern const char kGlCompositedTextureQuadBordersDescription[];
// Name of the 'Overdraw feedback' lab.
extern const char kShowOverdrawFeedback[];
// Description of the 'Overdraw feedback' lab.
extern const char kShowOverdrawFeedbackDescription[];
// Name for the flag that sets partial swap behavior.
extern const char kUiPartialSwapName[];
// Description for the flag that sets partial swap behavior.
extern const char kUiPartialSwapDescription[];
// Name of the 'Debugging keyboard shortcuts' lab.
extern const char kDebugShortcutsName[];
// Name of the 'Ignore GPU blacklist' lab.
extern const char kIgnoreGpuBlacklistName[];
// Description of the 'Ignore GPU blacklist' lab.
extern const char kIgnoreGpuBlacklistDescription[];
// Title of the flag to enable the inert visual viewport experiment.
extern const char kInertVisualViewportName[];
// Description of the flag to enable the inert visual viewport experiment.
extern const char kInertVisualViewportDescription[];
// Name of the 'Enable experimental canvas features' lab.
extern const char kExperimentalCanvasFeaturesName[];
// Description of the 'Enable experimental canvas features' lab.
extern const char kExperimentalCanvasFeaturesDescription[];
// Name of the 'Accelerated 2D canvas' lab.
extern const char kAccelerated2dCanvasName[];
// Description of the 'Accelerated 2D canvas' lab.
extern const char kAccelerated2dCanvasDescription[];
// Name of the 'Enable display list 2D canvas' lab.
extern const char kDisplayList2dCanvasName[];
// Description of the 'Enable display list 2D canvas' lab.
extern const char kDisplayList2dCanvasDescription[];
// Option that allows canvas 2D contexts to switch from one rendering mode to
// another on the fly.
extern const char kEnable2dCanvasDynamicRenderingModeSwitchingName[];
// Description of 'Enable canvas 2D dynamic pipeline switching mode'
extern const char kEnable2dCanvasDynamicRenderingModeSwitchingDescription[];
// Name of the 'Experimental Extension APIs' lab.
extern const char kExperimentalExtensionApisName[];
// Description of the 'Experimental Extension APIs' lab.
extern const char kExperimentalExtensionApisDescription[];
// Name of the 'Extensions on chrome:// URLs' lab
extern const char kExtensionsOnChromeUrlsName[];
// Description of the 'Extensions on chrome:// URLs' lab
extern const char kExtensionsOnChromeUrlsDescription[];
// Name of the 'Fast Unload' lab
extern const char kFastUnloadName[];
// Description of the 'Fast Unload' lab.
extern const char kFastUnloadDescription[];
// Name of the 'User consent for extension scripts' lab.
extern const char kUserConsentForExtensionScriptsName[];
// Description of the 'User consent for extension scripts' lab
extern const char kUserConsentForExtensionScriptsDescription[];
// Name of the flag that requires a user gesture before script can add a histroy
// entry to the back/forward list.
extern const char kHistoryRequiresUserGestureName[];
// Description of the flag that requires that a page process a user action
// (e.g., a mouse click) before script can add an entry to the tab's
// back/forward list.
extern const char kHistoryRequiresUserGestureDescription[];
// Name of the 'Disable hyperlink auditing' lab.
extern const char kHyperlinkAuditingName[];
// Description of the 'Disable hyperlink auditing' lab.
extern const char kHyperlinkAuditingDescription[];
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Title for the flag to enable Contextual Search.
extern const char kContextualSearch[];
// Description for the flag to enable Contextual Search.
extern const char kContextualSearchDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable Contextual Search integration with Contextual
// Cards data in the bar.
extern const char kContextualSearchContextualCardsBarIntegration[];
// Description for the flag to enable Contextual Search integration with
// Contextual Cards data in the bar.
extern const char kContextualSearchContextualCardsBarIntegrationDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable Contextual Search single actions using
// Contextual Cards data in the bar.
extern const char kContextualSearchSingleActions[];
// Description for the flag to enable Contextual Search single actions using
// Contextual Cards data in the bar.
extern const char kContextualSearchSingleActionsDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable Contextual Search url actions using Contextual
// Cards data in the bar.
extern const char kContextualSearchUrlActions[];
// Description for the flag to enable Contextual Search URL actions using
// Contextual Cards data in the bar.
extern const char kContextualSearchUrlActionsDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of the smooth scrolling flag
extern const char kSmoothScrollingName[];
// Description of the smooth scrolling flag
extern const char kSmoothScrollingDescription[];
// Title for the flag to turn on overlay scrollbars
extern const char kOverlayScrollbarsName[];
// Description for the flag to turn on overlay scrollbars
extern const char kOverlayScrollbarsDescription[];
// Title for the flag to show Autofill field type predictions for all forms
extern const char kShowAutofillTypePredictionsName[];
// Description for the flag to show Autofill field type predictions for all
// forms
extern const char kShowAutofillTypePredictionsDescription[];
// Name of the flag that enables TCP Fast Open.
extern const char kTcpFastOpenName[];
// Description of the flag that enables TCP Fast Open.
extern const char kTcpFastOpenDescription[];
// Name of the flag that enables touch initiated drag drop.
extern const char kTouchDragDropName[];
// Description of the flag to enable touch initiated drag drop.
extern const char kTouchDragDropDescription[];
// Name of the flag that controls touch based text selection strategy.
extern const char kTouchSelectionStrategyName[];
// Description of the flag that controls touch based text selection strategy.
extern const char kTouchSelectionStrategyDescription[];
// Description for the touch text selection strategy which always uses character
// granularity.
extern const char kTouchSelectionStrategyCharacter[];
// Description for the touch text selection strategy which is based on the
// direction in which the handle is dragged.
extern const char kTouchSelectionStrategyDirection[];
// Title for the flag to use the Online Wallet sandbox servers (instead of
// production).
extern const char kWalletServiceUseSandboxName[];
// Description of the flag to use the Online Wallet sandbox servers.
extern const char kWalletServiceUseSandboxDescription[];
// Title for the flag for history navigation from horizontal overscroll.
extern const char kOverscrollHistoryNavigationName[];
// Description for the flag to disable history navigation from horizontal
// overscroll.
extern const char kOverscrollHistoryNavigationDescription[];
// Description for the simple UI for history navigation from horizontal
// overscroll.
extern const char kOverscrollHistoryNavigationSimpleUi[];
// Title for the flag to specify the threshold for starting horizontal
// overscroll.
extern const char kOverscrollStartThresholdName[];
// Description for the flag to specify the threshold for starting horizontal
// overscroll.
extern const char kOverscrollStartThresholdDescription[];
// Description for the 133% threshold for starting horizontal overscroll.
extern const char kOverscrollStartThreshold133Percent[];
// Description for the 166% threshold for starting horizontal overscroll.
extern const char kOverscrollStartThreshold166Percent[];
// Description for the 200% threshold for starting horizontal overscroll.
extern const char kOverscrollStartThreshold200Percent[];
// Title for the flag for scroll end effect from vertical overscroll.
extern const char kScrollEndEffectName[];
// Description for the flag that controls scroll end effect from vertical
// overscroll.
extern const char kScrollEndEffectDescription[];
// Name of the 'Enable WebGL 2.0' flag.
extern const char kWebgl2Name[];
// Description for the flag to enable WebGL 2.0.
extern const char kWebgl2Description[];
// Name of the 'Enable WebGL Draft Extensions' flag.
extern const char kWebglDraftExtensionsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable WebGL Draft Extensions.
extern const char kWebglDraftExtensionsDescription[];
// Name of chrome:flags option to turn off WebRTC hardware video decoding
// support.
extern const char kWebrtcHwDecodingName[];
// Description of chrome:flags option to turn off WebRTC hardware video decoding
// support.
extern const char kWebrtcHwDecodingDescription[];
// Name of chrome:flags option to turn off WebRTC hardware video encoding
// support.
extern const char kWebrtcHwEncodingName[];
// Description of chrome:flags option to turn off WebRTC hardware video encoding
// support.
extern const char kWebrtcHwEncodingDescription[];
// Name of chrome:flags option to turn on WebRTC h264 hardware video encoding
// support.
extern const char kWebrtcHwH264EncodingName[];
// Description of chrome:flags option to turn on WebRTC hardware h264 video
// encoding support.
extern const char kWebrtcHwH264EncodingDescription[];
// Name of chrome:flags option to enable GCM cipher suites for WebRTC
extern const char kWebrtcSrtpAesGcmName[];
// Description of chrome:flags option to enable GCM cipher suites for WebRTC
extern const char kWebrtcSrtpAesGcmDescription[];
// Name of chrome:flags option to turn on Origin header for WebRTC STUN messages
extern const char kWebrtcStunOriginName[];
// Description of chrome:flags option to turn on Origin header for WebRTC STUN
// messages
extern const char kWebrtcStunOriginDescription[];
// Name of chrome:flags option to enable WebRTC Echo Canceller 3.
extern const char kWebrtcEchoCanceller3Name[];
// Description of chrome:flags option to enable WebRTC Echo Canceller 3.
extern const char kWebrtcEchoCanceller3Description[];
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of chrome:flags option to enable screen capture.
extern const char kMediaScreenCaptureName[];
// Description of chrome:flags option to enable screen capture.
extern const char kMediaScreenCaptureDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of chrome:flags option to enable WebRTC H.264 sw encoder/decoder
extern const char kWebrtcH264WithOpenh264FfmpegName[];
// Description of chrome:flags option to enable WebRTC H.264 sw encoder/decoder
extern const char kWebrtcH264WithOpenh264FfmpegDescription[];
// Name of the 'Enable WebVR' flag.
extern const char kWebvrName[];
// Description for the flag to enable WebVR APIs.
extern const char kWebvrDescription[];
// Name of the 'Enable WebVR experimental optimizations' flag.
extern const char kWebvrExperimentalRenderingName[];
// Description for the flag to enable experimental WebVR rendering
// optimizations.
extern const char kWebvrExperimentalRenderingDescription[];
// Name of the flag which allows users to enable experimental extensions to the
// Gamepad API.
extern const char kGamepadExtensionsName[];
// Description for the flag which allows users to enable experimental extensions
// to the Gamepad API.
extern const char kGamepadExtensionsDescription[];
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of about:flags option to turn on the new Photo picker.
extern const char kNewPhotoPickerName[];
// Description of about:flags option to turn on the new Photo picker.
extern const char kNewPhotoPickerDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of about:flags option to turn on the overscrolling for the OSK.
extern const char kEnableOskOverscrollName[];
// Description of about:flags option to turn on overscrolling for the OSK.
extern const char kEnableOskOverscrollDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Title for the flag to enable QUIC.
extern const char kQuicName[];
// Description for the flag to enable QUIC.
extern const char kQuicDescription[];
// Title for the flag to switch the maximum TLS version.
extern const char kSslVersionMaxName[];
// Description for the flag to switch the maximum TLS version.
extern const char kSslVersionMaxDescription[];
extern const char kSslVersionMaxTls12[];
extern const char kSslVersionMaxTls13[];
// Title for the flag to enable Token Binding. Please do not translate 'Token
// Binding'.
extern const char kEnableTokenBindingName[];
// Description for the flag to enable Token Binding. Please do not translate
// 'Token Binding'.
extern const char kEnableTokenBindingDescription[];
// Title for the flag for gesture requiment for media playback
extern const char kGestureRequirementForMediaPlaybackName[];
// Description for the flag for gesture requiment for media playback
extern const char kGestureRequirementForMediaPlaybackDescription[];
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Title for the flag for gesture requiment for media playback
extern const char kCrossOriginMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGestureName[];
// Description for the flag for gesture requiment for media playback
extern const char kCrossOriginMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGestureDescription[];
#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Description for the flag to adjust the default behaviour for document level
// passive touch listeners.
extern const char kPassiveDocumentEventListenersDescription[];
// Name for the flag to adjust the default behaviour for document level passive
// listeners.
extern const char kPassiveDocumentEventListenersName[];
// Description for the flag to adjust the default behaviour for passive touch
// listeners during fling.
extern const char kPassiveEventListenersDueToFlingDescription[];
// Name for the flag to adjust the default behaviour for passive touch listeners
// during fling.
extern const char kPassiveEventListenersDueToFlingName[];
// Choice for passive listeners to default to true on all nodes not explicitly
// set.
extern const char kPassiveEventListenerTrue[];
// Choice for passive listeners to default to true on all nodes.
extern const char kPassiveEventListenerForceAllTrue[];
// Name for the flag to adjust the default behaviour for passive event
// listeners.
extern const char kPassiveEventListenerDefaultName[];
// Description for the flag to adjust default behaviour for passive event
// listeners.
extern const char kPassiveEventListenerDefaultDescription[];
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Title for the flag for including important sites whitelisting in the clear
// browsing dialog.
extern const char kImportantSitesInCbdName[];
// Description for the flag for using important sites whitelisting in the clear
// browsing dialog.
extern const char kImportantSitesInCbdDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(USE_ASH)
// Title of the flag which specifies the shelf coloring in Chrome OS system UI.
extern const char kAshShelfColor[];
// Description of the flag which specifies the shelf coloring in Chrome OS
// system UI.
extern const char kAshShelfColorDescription[];
// A shelf coloring style to be used by Chrome OS UI.
extern const char kAshShelfColorLightVibrant[];
// A shelf coloring style to be used by Chrome OS UI.
extern const char kAshShelfColorNormalVibrant[];
// A shelf coloring style to be used by Chrome OS UI.
extern const char kAshShelfColorDarkVibrant[];
// A shelf coloring style to be used by Chrome OS UI.
extern const char kAshShelfColorLightMuted[];
// A shelf coloring style to be used by Chrome OS UI.
extern const char kAshShelfColorNormalMuted[];
// A shelf coloring style to be used by Chrome OS UI.
extern const char kAshShelfColorDarkMuted[];
// Title for the flag which can be used for window backdrops in TouchView.
extern const char kAshMaximizeModeWindowBackdropName[];
// Description for the flag which can be used for window backdrops in TouchView.
extern const char kAshMaximizeModeWindowBackdropDescription[];
// Title for the flag which can be used for support for javascript locking
// rotation.
extern const char kAshScreenOrientationLockName[];
// Description for the flag which can be used for support for javascript locking
// rotation
extern const char kAshScreenOrientationLockDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable the mirrored screen mode.
extern const char kAshEnableMirroredScreenName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the mirrored screen mode.
extern const char kAshEnableMirroredScreenDescription[];
// Description for the flag that sets material design ink drop animation speed
// of fast.
extern const char kMaterialDesignInkDropAnimationFast[];
// Description for the flag that sets material design ink drop anation speeds of
// slow.
extern const char kMaterialDesignInkDropAnimationSlow[];
// Name for the flag that sets the material design ink drop animation speed.
extern const char kMaterialDesignInkDropAnimationSpeedName[];
// Description for the flag that sets the material design ink drop animtion
// speed.
extern const char kMaterialDesignInkDropAnimationSpeedDescription[];
// Name for the flag that enables slow UI animations.
extern const char kUiSlowAnimationsName[];
// Description for the flag that enables slow UI animations.
extern const char kUiSlowAnimationsDescription[];
#endif // defined(USE_ASH)
// Title for the flag for latest (non-experimental) JavaScript fatures
extern const char kJavascriptHarmonyShippingName[];
// Description for the flag for latest (non-experimental) JavaScript fatures
extern const char kJavascriptHarmonyShippingDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable JavaScript Harmony features.
extern const char kJavascriptHarmonyName[];
// Description for the flag to enable JavaScript Harmony features.
extern const char kJavascriptHarmonyDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable future features in V8.
extern const char kV8FutureName[];
// Description for the flag to enable future features in V8.
extern const char kV8FutureDescription[];
// Title for disabling the Ignition and TurboFan compilation pipeline in V8.
extern const char kV8DisableIgnitionTurboName[];
// Description for disabling the Ignition and TurboFan compilation pipeline in
// V8.
extern const char kV8DisableIgnitionTurboDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable Asm.js to WebAssembly.
extern const char kEnableAsmWasmName[];
// Description for the flag to enable Asm.js to WebAssembly.
extern const char kEnableAsmWasmDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable SharedArrayBuffers in JavaScript.
extern const char kEnableSharedArrayBufferName[];
// Description for the flag to enable SharedArrayBuffers in JavaScript.
extern const char kEnableSharedArrayBufferDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable WebAssembly structured cloning.
extern const char kEnableWasmName[];
// Description for the flag to enable WebAssembly.
extern const char kEnableWasmDescription[];
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Title for the flag to enable the download button on MediaDocument.
extern const char kMediaDocumentDownloadButtonName[];
// Description for the flag to enable download button on MediaDocument.
extern const char kMediaDocumentDownloadButtonDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Title for the flag for using a software rasterizer.
extern const char kSoftwareRasterizerName[];
// Description for the flag for using a software renderer.
extern const char kSoftwareRasterizerDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable GPU rasterization.
extern const char kGpuRasterizationName[];
// Description for the flag to enable GPU rasterizer.
extern const char kGpuRasterizationDescription[];
// Description of the 'Force GPU rasterization' experiment
extern const char kForceGpuRasterization[];
// Name of about:flags option for number of GPU rasterization MSAA samples.
extern const char kGpuRasterizationMsaaSampleCountName[];
// Description of about:flags option for number of GPU rasterization MSAA
// samples.
extern const char kGpuRasterizationMsaaSampleCountDescription[];
extern const char kGpuRasterizationMsaaSampleCountZero[];
extern const char kGpuRasterizationMsaaSampleCountTwo[];
extern const char kGpuRasterizationMsaaSampleCountFour[];
extern const char kGpuRasterizationMsaaSampleCountEight[];
extern const char kGpuRasterizationMsaaSampleCountSixteen[];
// Title for about:flags option for slimming paint invalidation.
extern const char kSlimmingPaintInvalidationName[];
// Description of about:flags option for slimming paint invalidation.
extern const char kSlimmingPaintInvalidationDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable experimental security features.
extern const char kExperimentalSecurityFeaturesName[];
// Description for the flag to enable experimental security features.
extern const char kExperimentalSecurityFeaturesDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable experimental Web Platform features.
extern const char kExperimentalWebPlatformFeaturesName[];
// Description for the flag to enable experimental Web Platform features.
extern const char kExperimentalWebPlatformFeaturesDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable pointer events.
extern const char kExperimentalPointerEventName[];
// Description for the flag to enable pointer events.
extern const char kExperimentalPointerEventDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable origin trials.
extern const char kOriginTrialsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable origin trials.
extern const char kOriginTrialsDescription[];
// Name for the flag for BLE Advertising
extern const char kBleAdvertisingInExtensionsName[];
// Description of the flag to enable BLE Advertising
extern const char kBleAdvertisingInExtensionsDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable experiments in Developer Tools
extern const char kDevtoolsExperimentsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable experiments in Developer Tools.
extern const char kDevtoolsExperimentsDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable silent debugging via chrome.debugger extension
// API.
extern const char kSilentDebuggerExtensionApiName[];
// Description for the flag to enable silent debugging via chrome.debugger
// extension API.
extern const char kSilentDebuggerExtensionApiDescription[];
// Name for the flag to show a heads-up display for tracking touch-points.
extern const char kShowTouchHudName[];
// Description for the flag to show a heads-up display for tracking
// touch-points.
extern const char kShowTouchHudDescription[];
// Name for the Prefer HTML over Plugins feature.
extern const char kPreferHtmlOverPluginsName[];
// Description for the Prefer HTML over Plugins feature.
extern const char kPreferHtmlOverPluginsDescription[];
// Name for the NaCl Socket API feature.
extern const char kAllowNaclSocketApiName[];
// Description for the NaCl Socket API feature.
extern const char kAllowNaclSocketApiDescription[];
// Name for the Run all Flash in Allow mode feature.
extern const char kRunAllFlashInAllowModeName[];
// Description for the Run all Flash in Allow mode feature.
extern const char kRunAllFlashInAllowModeDescription[];
// Name of the flag to turn on experiental pinch to scale.
extern const char kPinchScaleName[];
// Description of the flag to turn on experiental pinch to scale.
extern const char kPinchScaleDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable 'navigator.credentials'.
extern const char kCredentialManagerApiName[];
// Description for the flag to enable 'navigator.credentials'.
extern const char kCredentialManagerApiDescription[];
// Name for the flag to reduce referer granularity.
extern const char kReducedReferrerGranularityName[];
// Description for the flag to reduce referer granularity.
extern const char kReducedReferrerGranularityDescription[];
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Name for the flag to enable the new UI service.
extern const char kUseMashName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the new UI service.
extern const char kUseMashDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable touchpad three finger click as middle button.
extern const char kAllowTouchpadThreeFingerClickName[];
// Description for the flag to enable touchpad three finger click as middle
// button.
extern const char kAllowTouchpadThreeFingerClickDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable unified desktop mode.
extern const char kAshEnableUnifiedDesktopName[];
// Description for the flag to enable unified desktop mode.
extern const char kAshEnableUnifiedDesktopDescription[];
// Name for the flag for wallpaper boot animation (except for OOBE).
extern const char kBootAnimation[];
// Description for the flag for wallpaper boot animation (except for OOBE).
extern const char kBootAnimationDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Name of the flag for accelerated video decode where available.
extern const char kAcceleratedVideoDecodeName[];
// Description for the flag for accelerated video decode where available.
extern const char kAcceleratedVideoDecodeDescription[];
// Name for the flag for cloud import feature.
extern const char kCloudImport[];
// Description for the flag for cloud import.
extern const char kCloudImportDescription[];
// Name for the flag to set to enable Request Tablet Site in the wrench menu.
extern const char kRequestTabletSiteName[];
// Description for the flag to set to enable Request Tablet Site in the wrench
// menu.
extern const char kRequestTabletSiteDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable debugging context menu options for packed apps.
extern const char kDebugPackedAppName[];
// Description of the flag to enable debugging context menu options for packed
// apps.
extern const char kDebugPackedAppDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable drop sync credential
extern const char kDropSyncCredentialName[];
// Description of the flag to enable drop sync credential
extern const char kDropSyncCredentialDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable password generation.
extern const char kPasswordGenerationName[];
// Description of flag to enable password generation.
extern const char kPasswordGenerationDescription[];
// Name of the flag for the password manager's force-saving option.
extern const char kPasswordForceSavingName[];
// Description of the flag for the password manager's force-saving option.
extern const char kPasswordForceSavingDescription[];
// Name of the flag for manual password generation.
extern const char kManualPasswordGenerationName[];
// Description of the flag for manual password generation.
extern const char kManualPasswordGenerationDescription[];
// Name of the flag to show autofill signatures.
extern const char kShowAutofillSignatures[];
// Description of the flag to show autofill signatures.
extern const char kShowAutofillSignaturesDescription[];
// Name of the flag for substring matching for Autofill suggestions.
extern const char kSuggestionsWithSubStringMatchName[];
// Description of the flag for substring matching for Autofill suggestions.
extern const char kSuggestionsWithSubStringMatchDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable affiliation based matching, so that credentials
// stored for an Android application will also be considered matches for, and be
// filled into corresponding websites (so-called 'affiliated' websites).
extern const char kAffiliationBasedMatchingName[];
// Description of the flag to enable affiliation based matching, so that
// credentials stored for an Android application will also be considered matches
// for, and be filled into corresponding websites (so-called 'affiliated'
// websites).
extern const char kAffiliationBasedMatchingDescription[];
// Name of the flag specifying how the browser will handle autofilling the users
// sync credential.
extern const char kProtectSyncCredentialName[];
// Description of the flag specifying how the browser will handle autofilling
// the users sync credential.
extern const char kProtectSyncCredentialDescription[];
// Name of the flag for showing the Import and Export buttons for importing and
// exporting passwords in Chrome's settings.
extern const char kPasswordImportExportName[];
// Description of the flag for showing the Import and Export buttons for
// importing and exporting passwords in Chrome's settings.
extern const char kPasswordImportExportDescription[];
// Name of the flag specifying how the browser will handle autofilling the users
// sync credential.
extern const char kProtectSyncCredentialOnReauthName[];
// Description of the flag specifying how the browser will handle autofilling of
// the sync credential only for transactional reauth pages.
extern const char kProtectSyncCredentialOnReauthDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable large icons on the NTP.
extern const char kIconNtpName[];
// Description for the flag to enable large icons on the NTP.
extern const char kIconNtpDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable background mode for the Push API.
extern const char kPushApiBackgroundModeName[];
// Description for the flag to enable background mode for the Push API.
extern const char kPushApiBackgroundModeDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable navigation tracing
extern const char kEnableNavigationTracing[];
// Description of the flag to enable navigation tracing
extern const char kEnableNavigationTracingDescription[];
// Name of the flag to set the trace upload url
extern const char kTraceUploadUrl[];
// Description of the flag to set the trace upload url
extern const char kTraceUploadUrlDescription[];
// Title for the flag to disable Audio Sharing.
extern const char kDisableAudioForDesktopShare[];
// Description for the flag to disable Audio Sharing.
extern const char kDisableAudioForDesktopShareDescription[];
// Title for the flag to disable tab for desktop share.
extern const char kDisableTabForDesktopShare[];
// Description for the flag to disable tab for desktop share.
extern const char kDisableTabForDesktopShareDescription[];
extern const char kTraceUploadUrlChoiceOther[];
extern const char kTraceUploadUrlChoiceEmloading[];
extern const char kTraceUploadUrlChoiceQa[];
extern const char kTraceUploadUrlChoiceTesting[];
// Name of the flag to enable the managed bookmarks folder for supervised users.
extern const char kSupervisedUserManagedBookmarksFolderName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the managed bookmarks folder for
// supervised users.
extern const char kSupervisedUserManagedBookmarksFolderDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable syncing the app list.
extern const char kSyncAppListName[];
// Description for the flag to enable syncing the app list.
extern const char kSyncAppListDescription[];
// Name of the flag for drive search in chrome launcher.
extern const char kDriveSearchInChromeLauncher[];
// Description for the flag for drive search in chrome launcher.
extern const char kDriveSearchInChromeLauncherDescription[];
// Name of the about::flags setting for V8 cache options. The V8 JavaScript
// engine supports three caching modes: disabled; parser; code. This is the
// option to choose among them.
extern const char kV8CacheOptionsName[];
// Description of the about::flags setting for V8 cache options. The V8
// JavaScript engine supports three caching modes: disabled; parser; code.
extern const char kV8CacheOptionsDescription[];
// The V8 JavaScript engine supports three 'caching' modes: disabled; caching
// data generated by the JavaScript parser; or caching data generated by the
// JavaScript compiler. This option describes the 2nd of these, caching data
// generated by the parser.
extern const char kV8CacheOptionsParse[];
// The V8 JavaScript engine supports three 'caching' modes: disabled; caching
// data generated by the JavaScript parser; or caching data generated by the
// JavaScript compiler. This option describes the 3rd of these, caching data
// generated by the compiler.
extern const char kV8CacheOptionsCode[];
// Name of the about::flags setting for V8 cache strategies for CacheStorage.
// The V8 cache for CacheStorage supports three strategies: disabled; normal;
// aggressive. This is the option to choose among them.
extern const char kV8CacheStrategiesForCacheStorageName[];
// Description of the about::flags setting for V8 cache strategies for
// CacheStorage. The V8 cache for CacheStorage supports three strategies:
// disabled; normal; aggressive.
extern const char kV8CacheStrategiesForCacheStorageDescription[];
// The V8 cache for CacheStorage supports three strategies: disabled; caching
// same as if the script is in HTTPCache; force caching on the first load. This
// option describes the 2nd of these, caching same as if the script is in
// HTTPCache.
extern const char kV8CacheStrategiesForCacheStorageNormal[];
// The V8 cache for CacheStorage supports three strategies: disabled; caching
// same as if the script is in HTTPCache; force caching on the first load. This
// option describes the 3rd of these, force caching on the first load.
extern const char kV8CacheStrategiesForCacheStorageAggressive[];
// An about::flags experiment title to enable/disable memory coordinator
extern const char kMemoryCoordinatorName[];
// Description of an about::flags to enable/disable memory coordinator
extern const char kMemoryCoordinatorDescription[];
// Name of the about::flags setting for service worker navigation preload.
extern const char kServiceWorkerNavigationPreloadName[];
// Description of the about::flags setting for service worker navigation
// preload.
extern const char kServiceWorkerNavigationPreloadDescription[];
// Data Reduction Proxy
// An about:flags experiment title to enable/disable Data Saver Lo-Fi
extern const char kDataReductionProxyLoFiName[];
// Describes an about:flags experiment to enable/disable Data Saver Lo-Fi
extern const char kDataReductionProxyLoFiDescription[];
// Option for IDS_FLAGS_DATA_REDUCTION_PROXY_LO_FI_NAME to enable Lo-Fi always
// on
extern const char kDataReductionProxyLoFiAlwaysOn[];
// Option for IDS_FLAGS_DATA_REDUCTION_PROXY_LO_FI_NAME to enable Lo-Fi only on
// celluar connections
extern const char kDataReductionProxyLoFiCellularOnly[];
extern const char kDataReductionProxyLoFiDisabled[];
// Option for IDS_FLAGS_DATA_REDUCTION_PROXY_LO_FI_NAME to enable Lo-Fi only on
// slow connections
extern const char kDataReductionProxyLoFiSlowConnectionsOnly[];
// An about:flags experiment title to enable Data Saver lite pages
extern const char kEnableDataReductionProxyLitePageName[];
// Describes an about:flags experiment to enable Data Saver lite pages
extern const char kEnableDataReductionProxyLitePageDescription[];
// An about:flags experiment title to enable using the carrier test data
// reduction proxy
extern const char kDataReductionProxyCarrierTestName[];
// Describes an about:flags experiment to enable using the carrier test data
// reduction proxy
extern const char kDataReductionProxyCarrierTestDescription[];
// An about:flags experiment title to enable a Data Saver snackbar promo for 1
// MB of savings
extern const char kEnableDataReductionProxySavingsPromoName[];
// Describes an about:flags experiment to enable a Data Saver snackbar promo for
// 1 MB of savings
extern const char kEnableDataReductionProxySavingsPromoDescription[];
// Name of about:flags option for LCD text.
extern const char kLcdTextName[];
// Description of about:flags option for LCD text.
extern const char kLcdTextDescription[];
// Name of about:flags option for distance field text.
extern const char kDistanceFieldTextName[];
// Description of about:flags option for distance field text.
extern const char kDistanceFieldTextDescription[];
// Name of about:flags option for zero-copy rasterizer.
extern const char kZeroCopyName[];
// Description of about:flags option for zero-copy rasterizer.
extern const char kZeroCopyDescription[];
extern const char kHideInactiveStackedTabCloseButtonsName[];
extern const char kHideInactiveStackedTabCloseButtonsDescription[];
// Name of about:flags option for default tile width.
extern const char kDefaultTileWidthName[];
// Description of about:flags option for default tile width.
extern const char kDefaultTileWidthDescription[];
extern const char kDefaultTileWidthShort[];
extern const char kDefaultTileWidthTall[];
extern const char kDefaultTileWidthGrande[];
extern const char kDefaultTileWidthVenti[];
// Name of about:flags option for default tile height.
extern const char kDefaultTileHeightName[];
// Description of about:flags option for default tile height.
extern const char kDefaultTileHeightDescription[];
extern const char kDefaultTileHeightShort[];
extern const char kDefaultTileHeightTall[];
extern const char kDefaultTileHeightGrande[];
extern const char kDefaultTileHeightVenti[];
// Name of about:flags option for number of raster threads.
extern const char kNumRasterThreadsName[];
// Description of about:flags option for number of raster threads.
extern const char kNumRasterThreadsDescription[];
extern const char kNumRasterThreadsOne[];
extern const char kNumRasterThreadsTwo[];
extern const char kNumRasterThreadsThree[];
extern const char kNumRasterThreadsFour[];
// Name of the flag to reset the app launcher install state.
extern const char kResetAppListInstallStateName[];
// Description of the flag to reset the app launcher install state.
extern const char kResetAppListInstallStateDescription[];
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Name of the flag to enable animated transitions for the first-run tutorial.
extern const char kFirstRunUiTransitionsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable animated transition in the first-run
// tutorial.
extern const char kFirstRunUiTransitionsDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Name of the flag to enable the new bookmark app system.
extern const char kNewBookmarkAppsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the new bookmark app system.
extern const char kNewBookmarkAppsDescription[];
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Name of the flag to allow hosted apps opening in windows.
extern const char kHostedAppsInWindowsName[];
// Description for the flag to allow hosted apps opening in windows
extern const char kHostedAppsInWindowsDescription[];
// Name of the flag to allow tabs detaching in fullscreen on Mac.
extern const char kTabDetachingInFullscreenName[];
// Description for the flag to allow tabs detaching in fullscreen on Mac
extern const char kTabDetachingInFullscreenDescription[];
// Name of the flag to reveal the fullscreen toolbar for tab strip changes
extern const char kFullscreenToolbarRevealName[];
// Description of the flag to reveal the fullscreen toolbar for tab strip
// changes
extern const char kFullscreenToolbarRevealDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable keyboard focus for the tab strip
extern const char kTabStripKeyboardFocusName[];
// Description of the flag to enable keyboard focus for the tab strip
extern const char kTabStripKeyboardFocusDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Name of the flag to enable creation of app shims for hosted apps on Mac.
extern const char kHostedAppShimCreationName[];
// Description for the flag to enable creation of app shims for hosted apps on
// Mac.
extern const char kHostedAppShimCreationDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable a notification when quitting with hosted apps.
extern const char kHostedAppQuitNotificationName[];
// Description for the flag to enable a notification when quitting with hosted
// apps.
extern const char kHostedAppQuitNotificationDescription[];
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of the flag for the pull-to-refresh effect.
extern const char kPullToRefreshEffectName[];
// Description of the flag for the pull-to-refresh effect.
extern const char kPullToRefreshEffectDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Name of the flag to enable the new Translate UX.
extern const char kTranslateNewUxName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the new Translate UX.
extern const char kTranslateNewUxDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Name of the flag to enable the Translate 2016Q2 UI.
extern const char kTranslate2016q2UiName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the Translate 2016Q2 UI.
extern const char kTranslate2016q2UiDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable the Translate Language by ULP.
extern const char kTranslateLanguageByUlpName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the Translate Language by ULP.
extern const char kTranslateLanguageByUlpDescription[];
// Name of about:flags option for rect-based targeting in views
extern const char kViewsRectBasedTargetingName[];
// Description of about:flags option for rect-based targeting in views
extern const char kViewsRectBasedTargetingDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable permission action reporting to safe browsing
// servers.
extern const char kPermissionActionReportingName[];
// Description for the flag to enable permission action reporting to safe
// browsing servers
extern const char kPermissionActionReportingDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable the permissions blacklist.
extern const char kPermissionsBlacklistName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the permissions blacklist.
extern const char kPermissionsBlacklistDescription[];
// Title for the flag for threaded scrolling.
extern const char kThreadedScrollingName[];
// Description for the flag for threaded scrolling.
extern const char kThreadedScrollingDescription[];
// Name of the about:flags HarfBuzz RenderText experiment.
extern const char kHarfbuzzRendertextName[];
// Description of the about:flags HarfBuzz RenderText experiment.
extern const char kHarfbuzzRendertextDescription[];
// Name of the flag that enables embedding extension options in
// chrome://extensions.
extern const char kEmbeddedExtensionOptionsName[];
// Description of the flag that enables embedding extension options in
// chrome://extensions.
extern const char kEmbeddedExtensionOptionsDescription[];
// Name of the flag that enables the tab audio muting UI experiment in
// chrome://extensions.
extern const char kTabAudioMutingName[];
// Description of the flag that enables the tab audio muting UI experiment in
// chrome://extensions.
extern const char kTabAudioMutingDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable Smart Lock to discover phones over Bluetooth Low
// Energy in order to unlock the Chromebook.
extern const char kEasyUnlockBluetoothLowEnergyDiscoveryName[];
// Description for the flag for Smart Lock to discover phones over Bluetooth Low
// Energy in order to unlock the Chromebook.
extern const char kEasyUnlockBluetoothLowEnergyDiscoveryDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable Smart Lock to require close proximity between
// the phone and the Chromebook in order to unlock the Chromebook.
extern const char kEasyUnlockProximityDetectionName[];
// Description for the flag that enables Smart Lock to require close proximity
// between the phone and the Chromebook in order to unlock the Chromebook.
extern const char kEasyUnlockProximityDetectionDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable WiFi credential sync, a feature which enables
// synchronizing WiFi network settings across devices.
extern const char kWifiCredentialSyncName[];
// Decription for the flag to enable WiFi credential sync, a feature which
// enables synchronizing WiFi network settings across devices.
extern const char kWifiCredentialSyncDescription[];
// Name for the flag that causes Chrome to use the sandbox (testing) server for
// Sync.
extern const char kSyncSandboxName[];
// Description for the flag that causes Chrome to use the sandbox (testing)
// server for Sync.
extern const char kSyncSandboxDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable a prompt to install Data Saver when a cellular
// network is detected.
extern const char kDatasaverPromptName[];
// Decription for the flag to enable a prompt to install Data Saver when a
// cellular network is detected.
extern const char kDatasaverPromptDescription[];
// The value of the Data Saver prompt flag which always shows prompt on network
// properties change.
extern const char kDatasaverPromptDemoMode[];
// Description for the flag to disable the unified media pipeline on Android.
extern const char kDisableUnifiedMediaPipelineDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable support for trying supported channel layouts.
extern const char kTrySupportedChannelLayoutsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable support for trying supported channel
// layouts.
extern const char kTrySupportedChannelLayoutsDescription[];
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Name of the flag to enable or disable the toolkit-views App Info dialog on
// Mac.
extern const char kAppInfoDialogName[];
// Description of flag to enable or disable the toolkit-views App Info dialog on
// Mac.
extern const char kAppInfoDialogDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable or disable toolkit-views Chrome App windows on
// Mac.
extern const char kMacViewsNativeAppWindowsName[];
// Description of flag to enable or disable toolkit-views Chrome App windows on
// Mac.
extern const char kMacViewsNativeAppWindowsDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable or disable the toolkit-views Task Manager on Mac.
extern const char kMacViewsTaskManagerName[];
// Description of the flag to enable or disable the toolkit-views Task Manager
// on Mac.
extern const char kMacViewsTaskManagerDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable or disable custom Cmd+` App window cycling on Mac.
extern const char kAppWindowCyclingName[];
// Description of flag to enable or disable custom Cmd+` App window cycling on
// Mac.
extern const char kAppWindowCyclingDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_MACOSX)
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Name of the flag to enable accelerated mjpeg decode for captured frame where
// available.
extern const char kAcceleratedMjpegDecodeName[];
// Description for the flag to enable accelerated mjpeg decode for captured
// frame where available.
extern const char kAcceleratedMjpegDecodeDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Name of the flag to enable the new simplified fullscreen and mouse lock UI.
extern const char kSimplifiedFullscreenUiName[];
// Description of the flag to enable the new simplified full screen and mouse
// lock UI.
extern const char kSimplifiedFullscreenUiDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable the experimental prototype for full screen with
// keyboard lock.
extern const char kExperimentalKeyboardLockUiName[];
// Description of the flag to enable the experimental full screen keyboard lock
// UI.
extern const char kExperimentalKeyboardLockUiDescription[];
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of the flag to configure Android page loading progress bar animation.
extern const char kProgressBarAnimationName[];
// Description of the flag to configure Android page loading progress bar
// animation.
extern const char kProgressBarAnimationDescription[];
// Linear progress bar animation style
extern const char kProgressBarAnimationLinear[];
// Smooth progress bar animation style
extern const char kProgressBarAnimationSmooth[];
// Smooth progress bar animation style with an indeterminate animation
extern const char kProgressBarAnimationSmoothIndeterminate[];
// Fast start progress bar animation style
extern const char kProgressBarAnimationFastStart[];
// Name of the flag to set when Android's page load progress bar completes.
extern const char kProgressBarCompletionName[];
// Description of the flag to set when Android's page load progress bar
// completes.
extern const char kProgressBarCompletionDescription[];
// Complete when the load event completes
extern const char kProgressBarCompletionLoadEvent[];
// Complete when domContentLoaded and any resources loaded started before
// domContentLoaded are done
extern const char kProgressBarCompletionResourcesBeforeDcl[];
// Complete when domContentLoaded is done
extern const char kProgressBarCompletionDomContentLoaded[];
// Complete when domContentLoaded and any resources loaded started before
// domContentLoaded, plus the same for same origin iframes
extern const char
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of the flag to disallow fetch of scripts inserted into the main frame by
// document.write.
extern const char kDisallowDocWrittenScriptsUiName[];
// Description of the flag to disallow fetch of scripts inserted into the main
// frame by document.write.
extern const char kDisallowDocWrittenScriptsUiDescription[];
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Name of the flag to enable AppContainer lockdown experiment.
extern const char kEnableAppcontainerName[];
// Description of the flag to enable AppContainer lockdown experiment.
extern const char kEnableAppcontainerDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
#if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) || defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of the flag to enable uploading Autofill credit cards.
extern const char kAutofillCreditCardUploadName[];
// Description of the flag to enable uploading Autofill credit cards.
extern const char kAutofillCreditCardUploadDescription[];
#endif // defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) || defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name for the flag to force a specific UI direction.
extern const char kForceUiDirectionName[];
// Description for the flag to force a specific UI direction.
extern const char kForceUiDirectionDescription[];
// Name for the option to force left-to-right UI direction mode.
extern const char kForceUiDirectionLtr[];
// Name for the option to force right-to-left UI direction mode.
extern const char kForceUiDirectionRtl[];
#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_LINUX)
// Name of the flag to enable che chrome.input.ime API.
extern const char kEnableInputImeApiName[];
// Description of the flag to enable the chrome.input.ime API.
extern const char kEnableInputImeApiDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_LINUX)
// Enables grouping websites by domain on chrome://history.
extern const char kEnableGroupedHistoryName[];
// Description of the 'group by domain' feature on chrome://history
extern const char kEnableGroupedHistoryDescription[];
extern const char kSecurityChipDefault[];
extern const char kSecurityChipShowNonsecureOnly[];
extern const char kSecurityChipShowAll[];
extern const char kSecurityChipAnimationDefault[];
extern const char kSecurityChipAnimationNone[];
extern const char kSecurityChipAnimationNonsecureOnly[];
extern const char kSecurityChipAnimationAll[];
// Name of the flag to enable switching of 'Save as' menu label to 'Download'.
extern const char kSaveasMenuLabelExperimentName[];
// Description of the flag to enable switching of 'Save as' menu label to
// 'Download'.
extern const char kSaveasMenuLabelExperimentDescription[];
// Name of the flag to experimentally enable enumerating audio devices on
// ChromeOS.
extern const char kEnableEnumeratingAudioDevicesName[];
// Description of the flag that experimentally enables enumerating audio devices
// on ChromeOS.
extern const char kEnableEnumeratingAudioDevicesDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable the new USB backend.
extern const char kNewUsbBackendName[];
// Description of the flag to enable the new USB backend.
extern const char kNewUsbBackendDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable the new answers in suggest types in the omnibox.
extern const char kNewOmniboxAnswerTypesName[];
// Description of the flag to enable the new answers in suggest types in the
// omnibox.
extern const char kNewOmniboxAnswerTypesDescription[];
// Name of the flag option to enable the redirect of omnibox zero suggest
// requests to a backend maintained by Chrome.
extern const char kEnableZeroSuggestRedirectToChromeName[];
// Description of the flag option to enable the redirect of omnibox zero suggest
// requests to a backend maintained by Chrome.
extern const char kEnableZeroSuggestRedirectToChromeDescription[];
// Name of the experiment for the password manager to fill on account selection
// rather than page load
extern const char kFillOnAccountSelectName[];
// Description of the experiment for the password manager to fill on account
// selection rather than page load
extern const char kFillOnAccountSelectDescription[];
// Name of the flag that enables the data volume counters in the Clear browsing
// data dialog.
extern const char kEnableClearBrowsingDataCountersName[];
// Description of the flag that enables the data volume counters in the Clear
// browsing data dialog.
extern const char kEnableClearBrowsingDataCountersDescription[];
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of the flag to enable a tabbed version of the Clear Browsing Data dialog
// in android.
extern const char kTabsInCbdName[];
// Description of the flag that enables a tabbed version of the Clear Browsing
// Data dialog.
extern const char kTabsInCbdDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of the flag to enable native notifications.
extern const char kNotificationsNativeFlag[];
// Description of the flag to enable native notifications.
extern const char kNotificationsNativeFlagDescription[];
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// The description for the flag to enable use of the Android spellchecker.
extern const char kEnableAndroidSpellcheckerDescription[];
// The name of the flag to enable use of the Android spellchecker.
extern const char kEnableAndroidSpellcheckerName[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of the flag to enable custom layouts for Web Notifications.
extern const char kEnableWebNotificationCustomLayoutsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable custom layouts for Web Notifications.
extern const char kEnableWebNotificationCustomLayoutsDescription[];
// Title for the flag for account consistency between browser and cookie jar.
extern const char kAccountConsistencyName[];
// Description for the flag for account consistency between browser and cookie
// jar.
extern const char kAccountConsistencyDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable the new gaia password-separated sign in flow.
extern const char kEnablePasswordSeparatedSigninFlowName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the new gaia password-separated sign in
// flow.
extern const char kEnablePasswordSeparatedSigninFlowDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable the google profile information
extern const char kGoogleProfileInfoName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the google profile information
extern const char kGoogleProfileInfoDescription[];
// Name of the flag to force show the checkbox to save Wallet cards locally.
extern const char kOfferStoreUnmaskedWalletCards[];
// Name of the flag to force show the checkbox to save Wallet cards locally.
extern const char kOfferStoreUnmaskedWalletCardsDescription[];
// Name of the flag to make pages which failed to load while offline auto-reload
extern const char kOfflineAutoReloadName[];
// Description of the flag to make pages which failed to load while offline
// auto-reload
extern const char kOfflineAutoReloadDescription[];
// Name of the flag to only enable auto-reload on visible tabs
extern const char kOfflineAutoReloadVisibleOnlyName[];
// Description of the flag to only auto-reload visible tabs
extern const char kOfflineAutoReloadVisibleOnlyDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable offering users the option of loading a stale copy
// of a page when an error occurs.
extern const char kShowSavedCopyName[];
// Description of the flag to enable offering users the option of loading a
// stale copy of a page when an error occurs.
extern const char kShowSavedCopyDescription[];
// Option for IDS_FLAGS_SHOW_SAVED_NAME to use the show saved copy as the
// primary button.
extern const char kEnableShowSavedCopyPrimary[];
// Option for IDS_FLAGS_SHOW_SAVED_COPY_NAME to use the reload as the primary
// button (in contrast to the show saved button).
extern const char kEnableShowSavedCopySecondary[];
// Option to disable IDS_FLAGS_SHOW_SAVED_COPY_NAME.
extern const char kDisableShowSavedCopy[];
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Name of about:flags option to toggle smart deployment of the virtual
// keyboard.
extern const char kSmartVirtualKeyboardName[];
// Description of about:flags option to turn off smart deployment of the virtual
// keyboard
extern const char kSmartVirtualKeyboardDescription[];
// Name of about:flags option to turn on the virtual keyboard
extern const char kVirtualKeyboardName[];
// Description of about:flags option to turn on the virtual keyboard
extern const char kVirtualKeyboardDescription[];
// Name of about:flags option to turn on the overscrolling for the virtual
// keyboard
extern const char kVirtualKeyboardOverscrollName[];
// Description of about:flags option to turn on overscrolling for the virtual
// keyboard
extern const char kVirtualKeyboardOverscrollDescription[];
// Name of about::flags option to enable IME extensions to override the virtual
// keyboard view
extern const char kInputViewName[];
// Description of about::flags option to enable IME extensions to override the
// virtual keyboard view
extern const char kInputViewDescription[];
// Name of about::flags option for the new Korean IME
extern const char kNewKoreanImeName[];
// Description of about::flags option for the new Korean IME
extern const char kNewKoreanImeDescription[];
// Name of about::flags option to enable physical keyboard autocorrect for US
// keyboard
extern const char kPhysicalKeyboardAutocorrectName[];
// Description of about::flags option to enable physical keyboard autocorrect
// for US keyboard
extern const char kPhysicalKeyboardAutocorrectDescription[];
// Name of about::flags option for voice input on virtual keyboard
extern const char kVoiceInputName[];
// Description of about::flags option for voice input on virtual keyboard
extern const char kVoiceInputDescription[];
// Name of about::flags option to enable experimental features for IME
// input-views
extern const char kExperimentalInputViewFeaturesName[];
// Description of about::flags option to enable experimental features for IME
// input-views
extern const char kExperimentalInputViewFeaturesDescription[];
// Name of about::flags option to toggle floating virtual keyboard
extern const char kFloatingVirtualKeyboardName[];
// Description of about::flags option to toggle floating virtual keyboard
extern const char kFloatingVirtualKeyboardDescription[];
// Name of about::flags option to toggle gesture typing for the virtual keyboard
extern const char kGestureTypingName[];
// Description of about::flags option to toggle gesture typing for the virtual
// keyboard
extern const char kGestureTypingDescription[];
// Name of about::flags option to toggle gesture editing for the virtual
// keyboard
extern const char kGestureEditingName[];
// Description of about::flags option to toggle gesture editing in the settings
// page for the virtual keyboard
extern const char kGestureEditingDescription[];
// Name of about::flags option for bypass proxy for captive portal authorization
// on Chrome OS.
extern const char kCaptivePortalBypassProxyName[];
// Description of about::flags option for bypass proxy for captive portal
// authorization on Chrome OS.
extern const char kCaptivePortalBypassProxyDescription[];
// Name of option to enable touch screen calibration in material design settings
extern const char kTouchscreenCalibrationName[];
// Description of option to enable touch screen calibration settings in
// chrome://md-settings/display.
extern const char kTouchscreenCalibrationDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Strings for controlling credit card assist feature in about:flags.
// The name of about:flags option to enable the credit card assisted filling.
extern const char kCreditCardAssistName[];
// The description of about:flags option to enable the credit card assisted
// filling..
extern const char kCreditCardAssistDescription[];
// Strings for controlling credit card scanning feature in about:flags.
// Simple Cache Backend experiment.
// Name of about:flags option to turn on the Simple Cache Backend
extern const char kSimpleCacheBackendName[];
// Description of about:flags option to turn on the Simple Cache Backend
extern const char kSimpleCacheBackendDescription[];
// Spelling feedback field trial.
// Name of about:flags option to enable the field trial for sending feedback to
// spelling service.
extern const char kSpellingFeedbackFieldTrialName[];
// Description of about:flags option to enable the field trial for sending
// feedback to spelling service.
extern const char kSpellingFeedbackFieldTrialDescription[];
// Web MIDI API.
// Name of about:flag option to turn on Web MIDI API
extern const char kWebMidiName[];
// Description of about:flag option to turn on Web MIDI API
extern const char kWebMidiDescription[];
// Site per process mode
// Name of about:flag option to turn on experimental out-of-process iframe
// support
extern const char kSitePerProcessName[];
// Description of about:flag option to turn on experimental out-of-process
// iframe support
extern const char kSitePerProcessDescription[];
// Top document isolation mode
// Name of about:flag option to turn on experimental top document isolation
// support
extern const char kTopDocumentIsolationName[];
// Description of about:flag option to turn on top document isolation
extern const char kTopDocumentIsolationDescription[];
// Cross process guest frames isolation mode
// Name of about:flag option to turn on experimental guests using out-of-process
// iframes
extern const char kCrossProcessGuestViewIsolationName[];
// Description of about:flag option to turn on experimental guests using
// out-of-process iframes
extern const char kCrossProcessGuestViewIsolationDescription[];
// Task Scheduler
// Name of about:flag option to control redirection to the task scheduler.
extern const char kBrowserTaskSchedulerName[];
// Description of about:flag option to control redirection to the task
// scheduler.
extern const char kBrowserTaskSchedulerDescription[];
// Arc authorization
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Name of about:flag option to control the arc authorization endpoint.
extern const char kArcUseAuthEndpointName[];
// Desciption of about:flag option to control the arc authorization endpoint.
extern const char kArcUseAuthEndpointDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Autofill experiment flags
// Name of the single click autofill lab
extern const char kSingleClickAutofillName[];
// Description of the single click autofill lab
extern const char kSingleClickAutofillDescription[];
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Title for the flag to show Autofill suggestions at top of keyboard
extern const char kAutofillAccessoryViewName[];
// Description for the flag to show Autofill suggestions at top of keyboard
extern const char kAutofillAccessoryViewDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Reader mode experiment flags
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// A name of an about:flags experiment for controlling when to show the reader
// mode button
extern const char kReaderModeHeuristicsName[];
// Describes about:flags experiment options for controlling when to show the
// reader mode button
extern const char kReaderModeHeuristicsDescription[];
// A choice in dropdown dialog on about:flags page to show the reader mode
// button with article structured markup
extern const char kReaderModeHeuristicsMarkup[];
// A choice in dropdown dialog on about:flags page to show the reader mode
// button on pages that appear to be long form content
extern const char kReaderModeHeuristicsAdaboost[];
// A choice in dropdown dialog on about:flags page to never show the reader mode
// button
extern const char kReaderModeHeuristicsAlwaysOff[];
// A choice in dropdown dialog on about:flags page to show the reader mode
// button on all pages
extern const char kReaderModeHeuristicsAlwaysOn[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Chrome home flags
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// The name of the Chrome Home experiment in about:flags.
extern const char kChromeHomeName[];
// Description of the Chrome Home experiment in about:flags.
extern const char kChromeHomeDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Settings window flags
// An about::flags experiment title to show settings in a separate window
extern const char kSettingsWindowName[];
// Describes an about:flags experiment to show settings in a separate window
extern const char kSettingsWindowDescription[];
// Mixed content issue workaround flags
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Flag strings for seccomp-bpf sandbox flag.
// Title for the flag to enable the seccomp-bpf sandbox on Android.
extern const char kSeccompFilterSandboxAndroidName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the seccomp-bpf sandbox on Android.
extern const char kSeccompFilterSandboxAndroidDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Extension Content Verification
// Name of the 'Extension Content Verification' flag
extern const char kExtensionContentVerificationName[];
// Title for the flag to turn on verification of the contents of extensions from
// the webstore
extern const char kExtensionContentVerificationDescription[];
// Description of the 'Extension Content Verification' bootstrap mode
extern const char kExtensionContentVerificationBootstrap[];
// Description of the 'Extension Content Verification' enforce mode
extern const char kExtensionContentVerificationEnforce[];
// Description of the 'Extension Content Verification' enforce strict mode
extern const char kExtensionContentVerificationEnforceStrict[];
// Built-in hotword detection display strings
// Name of about:flags option for hotword hardware detection.
extern const char kExperimentalHotwordHardwareName[];
// Description of about:flags option for hotword hardware detection.
extern const char kExperimentalHotwordHardwareDescription[];
// Message center strings
// Name of about:flags option for message center always scroll up experiment.
extern const char kMessageCenterAlwaysScrollUpUponRemovalName[];
// Description of about:flags option for message center always scroll up
// experiment.
extern const char kMessageCenterAlwaysScrollUpUponRemovalDescription[];
// Name of chrome:flags option for Cast Streaming hardware video encoding
// support.
extern const char kCastStreamingHwEncodingName[];
// Description of chrome:flags option for Cast Streaming hardware video encoding
// support.
extern const char kCastStreamingHwEncodingDescription[];
// Name of the 'Allow insecure localhost' flag.
extern const char kAllowInsecureLocalhost[];
// Description of the 'Allow insecure localhost' flag.
extern const char kAllowInsecureLocalhostDescription[];
#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Tab discarding
// Name for the flag to enable or disable automatic tab discarding.
extern const char kAutomaticTabDiscardingName[];
// Description for the flag to enable or disable automatic tab description.
extern const char kAutomaticTabDiscardingDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MACOSX)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name for the flag to enable offline bookmarks.
extern const char kOfflineBookmarksName[];
// Description for the flag to enable offline bookmarks.
extern const char kOfflineBookmarksDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable badging of offline pages on the NTP.
extern const char kNtpOfflinePagesName[];
// Description for the flag to enable badging of offline pages on the NTP.
extern const char kNtpOfflinePagesDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable offline pages for async download.
extern const char kOfflinePagesAsyncDownloadName[];
// Description for the flag to enable offline pages.
extern const char kOfflinePagesAsyncDownloadDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable concurrent background loading on svelte (512MB
// RAM) devices.
extern const char kOfflinePagesSvelteConcurrentLoadingName[];
// Description for the flag to enable concurrent background loading on svelte
// (512MB RAM) devices.
extern const char kOfflinePagesSvelteConcurrentLoadingDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable offline pages to be prefetched.
extern const char kOfflinePagesPrefetchingName[];
// Description for the flag to enable offline pages prefetching.
extern const char kOfflinePagesPrefetchingDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable offline pages to be shared.
extern const char kOfflinePagesSharingName[];
// Description for the flag to enable offline pages sharing.
extern const char kOfflinePagesSharingDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable downloads to load pages in the background.
extern const char kBackgroundLoaderForDownloadsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable offline pages for downloads.
extern const char kBackgroundLoaderForDownloadsDescription[];
// Name for the flag to use background loader to offline and download pages
extern const char kNewBackgroundLoaderName[];
// Description for the flag to enable background offlining of pages to use
// background loader rather than prerenderer.
extern const char kNewBackgroundLoaderDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable showing non-personalized popular suggestions on
// the New Tab Page, when no personal suggestions are available yet.
extern const char kNtpPopularSitesName[];
// Description for the flag to enable showing non-personalized popular
// suggestions on the New Tab Page, when no personal suggestions are available
// yet.
extern const char kNtpPopularSitesDescription[];
// Name of the flag to control the behaviour when opening a suggested web page
// from the New Tab Page if there is an existing tab open for it.
extern const char kNtpSwitchToExistingTabName[];
// Description of the flag to control the behaviour when opening a suggested web
// page from the New Tab Page if there is an existing tab open for it.
extern const char kNtpSwitchToExistingTabDescription[];
// Match the webpage to open with existing tabs by their URLs.
extern const char kNtpSwitchToExistingTabMatchUrl[];
// Match the webpage to open with existing tabs by their Hostnames.
extern const char kNtpSwitchToExistingTabMatchHost[];
// Name for the flag to use android midi api.
extern const char kUseAndroidMidiApiName[];
// Description for the flag to use android midi api.
extern const char kUseAndroidMidiApiDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable web payments modifiers.
extern const char kWebPaymentsModifiersName[];
// Description for the flag to use android midi api.
extern const char kWebPaymentsModifiersDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Exporting tracing events to ETW
// Name for the flag to enable exporting of tracing events to ETW.
extern const char kTraceExportEventsToEtwName[];
// Description for the flag to enable exporting of tracing events to ETW.
extern const char kTraceExportEventsToEtwDesription[];
// Name for the flag to enable/disable merging the key event with char event.
extern const char kMergeKeyCharEventsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable/disable merging the key event with char
// event.
extern const char kMergeKeyCharEventsDescription[];
// Name for the flag to use Windows Runtime MIDI API.
extern const char kUseWinrtMidiApiName[];
// Description for the flag to use Windows Runtime MIDI API.
extern const char kUseWinrtMidiApiDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Data Use
// Update Menu Item Flags
// Name of the flag to force show the update menu item.
extern const char kUpdateMenuItemName[];
// Description of the flag to force show the update menu item.
extern const char kUpdateMenuItemDescription[];
// Name of the flag to show a summary below the update menu item.
extern const char kUpdateMenuItemSummaryName[];
// Description of the flag to show a summary below the update menu item.
extern const char kUpdateMenuItemSummaryDescription[];
// Option to not show a summary for the update menu item.
extern const char kUpdateMenuItemNoSummary[];
// Option to show the default summary for the update menu item.
extern const char kUpdateMenuItemDefaultSummary[];
// Option to show a summary for the update menu item prompting users to 'get the
// latest features'.
extern const char kUpdateMenuItemNewFeaturesSummary[];
// Option to show a custom summary for the update menu item.
extern const char kUpdateMenuItemCustomSummary[];
// Name of the flag to force show the update menu badge.
extern const char kUpdateMenuBadgeName[];
// Description of the flag to force show the update menu badge.
extern const char kUpdateMenuBadgeDescription[];
// Name of the flag to set a market URL for testing the update menu item.
extern const char kSetMarketUrlForTestingName[];
// Description of the flag to set a market URL for testing the update menu item.
extern const char kSetMarketUrlForTestingDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name for the flag to enable the new UI prototypes for tab management.
extern const char kHerbPrototypeChoicesName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the new UI prototypes for tab management.
extern const char kHerbPrototypeChoicesDescription[];
// CCT everywhere
extern const char kHerbPrototypeFlavorElderberry[];
// Name of the option to show special locale.
extern const char kEnableSpecialLocaleName[];
// Description of the option to show special locale.
extern const char kEnableSpecialLocaleDescription[];
// WebApks
// Name for the flag to enable WebAPK feature.
extern const char kEnableWebapk[];
// Description for the flag to enable WebAPK feature.
extern const char kEnableWebapkDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Title for the flag to enable Brotli Content-Encoding.
extern const char kEnableBrotliName[];
// Description for the flag to enable Brotli Content-Encoding.
extern const char kEnableBrotliDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable WebFonts User Agent Intervention.
extern const char kEnableWebfontsInterventionName[];
// Description for the flag to enable WebFonts User Agent Intervention.
extern const char kEnableWebfontsInterventionDescription[];
// Text to indicate a experiment group name for enable-webfonts-intervention-v2
extern const char kEnableWebfontsInterventionV2ChoiceDefault[];
// Text to indicate a experiment group name for enable-webfonts-intervention-v2
extern const char kEnableWebfontsInterventionV2ChoiceEnabledWith2g[];
// Text to indicate a experiment group name for enable-webfonts-intervention-v2
extern const char kEnableWebfontsInterventionV2ChoiceEnabledWith3g[];
// Text to indicate a experiment group name for enable-webfonts-intervention-v2
extern const char kEnableWebfontsInterventionV2ChoiceEnabledWithSlow2g[];
// Text to indicate a experiment group name for enable-webfonts-intervention-v2
extern const char kEnableWebfontsInterventionV2ChoiceDisabled[];
// Title for the flag to trigger WebFonts User Agent Intervention always.
extern const char kEnableWebfontsInterventionTriggerName[];
// Description for the flag to trigger WebFonts User Agent Intervention always.
extern const char kEnableWebfontsInterventionTriggerDescription[];
// Name of the scroll anchoring flag.
extern const char kEnableScrollAnchoringName[];
// Description of the scroll anchoring flag
extern const char kEnableScrollAnchoringDescription[];
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Name of the native cups flag.
extern const char kEnableNativeCupsName[];
// Description of the native CUPS flag
extern const char kEnableNativeCupsDescription[];
// Name of the Android Wallpapers App flag.
extern const char kEnableAndroidWallpapersAppName[];
// Description of the Android Wallpapers App flag.
extern const char kEnableAndroidWallpapersAppDescription[];
// Name of the touch support for screen magnifier flag.
extern const char kEnableTouchSupportForScreenMagnifierName[];
// Description of the touch support for screen magnifier flag.
extern const char kEnableTouchSupportForScreenMagnifierDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name for the flag to choose a default category order for content suggestions,
// e.g. on the New Tab page.
extern const char kContentSuggestionsCategoryOrderName[];
// Description for the flag to choose a default category order for content
// suggestions, e.g. on the New Tab page.
extern const char kContentSuggestionsCategoryOrderDescription[];
// Name for the flag to choose a category ranker for content suggestions, e.g.
// on the New Tab page.
extern const char kContentSuggestionsCategoryRankerName[];
// Description for the flag to choose a category ranker for content suggestions,
// e.g. on the New Tab page.
extern const char kContentSuggestionsCategoryRankerDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable increased visibilty for snippets on the New Tab
// Page.
extern const char kEnableNtpSnippetsVisibilityName[];
// Description for the flag to enable increased visibility for recently viewed
// tabs on the New Tab page.
extern const char kEnableNtpSnippetsVisibilityDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable server-side suggestions on the New Tab Page.
extern const char kEnableNtpRemoteSuggestionsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable server-side suggestions on the New Tab
// Page.
extern const char kEnableNtpRemoteSuggestionsDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable suggestions for recently viewed tabs, which were
// captured offline, on the New Tab page.
extern const char kEnableNtpRecentOfflineTabSuggestionsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable suggestions for recently viewed tabs on
// the New Tab page.
extern const char kEnableNtpRecentOfflineTabSuggestionsDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable offline page suggestions on the New Tab page.
extern const char kEnableNtpSaveToOfflineName[];
// Description for the flag to enable offline page suggestions on the New Tab
// page.
extern const char kEnableNtpSaveToOfflineDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable offline badges for snippets on the New Tab page.
extern const char kEnableNtpOfflineBadgeName[];
// Description for the flag to enable offline badges for snippets on the New Tab
// page.
extern const char kEnableNtpOfflineBadgeDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable asset downloads suggestions (e.g. books,
// pictures, audio) on the New Tab page.
extern const char kEnableNtpAssetDownloadSuggestionsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable asset downloads suggestions (e.g. books,
// pictures, audio) on the New Tab page.
extern const char kEnableNtpAssetDownloadSuggestionsDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable offline page downloads suggestions on the New Tab
// page.
extern const char kEnableNtpOfflinePageDownloadSuggestionsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable offline page downloads suggestions on the
// New Tab page.
extern const char kEnableNtpOfflinePageDownloadSuggestionsDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable bookmark suggestions on the New Tab page.
extern const char kEnableNtpBookmarkSuggestionsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable bookmark suggestions on the New Tab page.
extern const char kEnableNtpBookmarkSuggestionsDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable physical web page suggestions on the New Tab
// page.
extern const char kEnableNtpPhysicalWebPageSuggestionsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable physical web page suggestions on the New
// Tab page.
extern const char kEnableNtpPhysicalWebPageSuggestionsDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable foreign sessions suggestions on the New Tab page.
extern const char kEnableNtpForeignSessionsSuggestionsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable foreign sessions suggestions on the New
// Tab page.
extern const char kEnableNtpForeignSessionsSuggestionsDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable notifications for content suggestions on the New
// Tab page.
extern const char kEnableNtpSuggestionsNotificationsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable notifications for content suggestions on
// the New Tab page.
extern const char kEnableNtpSuggestionsNotificationsDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable the condensed New Tab Page layout.
extern const char kNtpCondensedLayoutName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the condensed New Tab Page layout.
extern const char kNtpCondensedLayoutDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable the condensed tile layout on the New Tab Page.
extern const char kNtpCondensedTileLayoutName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the condensed tile layout on the New Tab
// Page.
extern const char kNtpCondensedTileLayoutDescription[];
// Name for the flag to show a Google G in the omnibox on the New Tab Page.
extern const char kNtpGoogleGInOmniboxName[];
// Description for the flag to show a Google G in the omnibox on the New Tab
// Page.
extern const char kNtpGoogleGInOmniboxDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name for the flag to enable offlining of recently visited pages.
extern const char kOffliningRecentPagesName[];
// Description for the flag to enable offlining of recently visited pages.
extern const char kOffliningRecentPagesDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable offlining CT features.
extern const char kOfflinePagesCtName[];
// Description for the flag to enable offline pages CT features.
extern const char kOfflinePagesCtDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name for the flag to enable expanded autofill poup layout for credit cards.
extern const char kEnableExpandedAutofillCreditCardPopupLayout[];
// Description for the flag to enable expanded autofill poup layout for credit
// cards.
extern const char kEnableExpandedAutofillCreditCardPopupLayoutDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name for the flag to enable display the last used date of a credit card in
// autofill.
extern const char kEnableAutofillCreditCardLastUsedDateDisplay[];
// Description for the flag to enable display the last used date of a credit
// card in autofill.
extern const char kEnableAutofillCreditCardLastUsedDateDisplayDescription[];
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID) && defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD)
// Name for the flag to enable Google branding in the context menu.
extern const char kGoogleBrandedContextMenuName[];
// Description for the flag to enable Google branding in the context menu.
extern const char kGoogleBrandedContextMenuDescription[];
#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID) && defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD)
// Title for the flag to enable WebUSB.
extern const char kEnableWebUsbName[];
// Description for the flag to enable WebUSB.
extern const char kEnableWebUsbDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable Generic Sensor API.
extern const char kEnableGenericSensorName[];
// Description for the flag to enable Generic Sensor API.
extern const char kEnableGenericSensorDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable FontCache scaling
extern const char kFontCacheScalingName[];
// Description for the flag to enable FontCache scaling
extern const char kFontCacheScalingDescription[];
// Title for the flag to enable Framebusting restrictions
extern const char kFramebustingName[];
// Description for the flag that prevents an iframe (typically an ad) from
// navigating the top level browsing context (the whole tab) unless the top and
// the iframe are part of the same website or the the navigation is requested in
// response to a user action (e.g., the user clicked on the tab)
extern const char kFramebustingDescription[];
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of the flag to enable VR shell
extern const char kEnableVrShellName[];
// Description for the flag to enable VR shell
extern const char kEnableVrShellDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Web payments
// Name of the flag to enable Web Payments API.
extern const char kWebPaymentsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable Web Payments API
extern const char kWebPaymentsDescription[];
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of the flag to enable the first version of Android Pay integration
extern const char kEnableAndroidPayIntegrationV1Name[];
// Description for the flag to enable the first version of Android Pay
// integration
extern const char kEnableAndroidPayIntegrationV1Description[];
// Name of the flag to enable the second version of Android Pay integration
extern const char kEnableAndroidPayIntegrationV2Name[];
// Description for the flag to enable the second version of Android Pay
// integration
extern const char kEnableAndroidPayIntegrationV2Description[];
// Name of the flag to enable the Web Payments to skip UI
extern const char kEnableWebPaymentsSingleAppUiSkipName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the Web Payments to skip UI
extern const char kEnableWebPaymentsSingleAppUiSkipDescription[];
// Name of the flag to enable third party Android payment apps
extern const char kAndroidPaymentAppsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable third party Android payment apps
extern const char kAndroidPaymentAppsDescription[];
// Title of the flag to enable filtering out third party Android payment apps
extern const char kAndroidPaymentAppsFilterTitle[];
// Description for the flag to enable filtering out third party Android payment
// apps
extern const char kAndroidPaymentAppsFilterDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name for the flag to enable feature policy.
extern const char kFeaturePolicyName[];
// Description for the flag to enable feature policy.
extern const char kFeaturePolicyDescription[];
// Audio rendering mixing experiment strings.
// Name of the flag for enabling the new audio rendering mixing strategy.
extern const char kNewAudioRenderingMixingStrategyName[];
// Description of the flag for enabling the new audio rendering mixing strategy.
extern const char kNewAudioRenderingMixingStrategyDescription[];
// Background video track disabling experiment strings.
// Name of the flag for enabling optimizing background video playback.
extern const char kBackgroundVideoTrackOptimizationName[];
// Description of the flag for enabling optimizing background video playback.
extern const char kBackgroundVideoTrackOptimizationDescription[];
// Video fullscreen with orientation lock experiment strings.
// Name of the flag for enabling orientation lock for fullscreen video playback.
extern const char kVideoFullscreenOrientationLockName[];
// Description of the flag for enabling orientation lock for fullscreen video
// playback.
extern const char kVideoFullscreenOrientationLockDescription[];
// Expensive background timer throttling flag
// Name for the flag to enable expensive background timer throttling
extern const char kExpensiveBackgroundTimerThrottlingName[];
// Description for the flag to enable expensive background timer throttling
extern const char kExpensiveBackgroundTimerThrottlingDescription[];
// Enable default MediaSession flag
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name for the flag to enable default MediaSession on desktop
extern const char kEnableDefaultMediaSessionName[];
// Desciption for the flag to enable default MediaSession on desktop
extern const char kEnableDefaultMediaSessionDescription[];
// Option for disabling the default MediaSession
extern const char kEnableDefaultMediaSessionDisabled[];
// Option for enabling the default MediaSession
extern const char kEnableDefaultMediaSessionEnabled[];
// Option for enabling the default MediaSession with Flash
extern const char kEnableDefaultMediaSessionEnabledDuckFlash[];
#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Name for the flag that enables using GDI to print text
extern const char kGdiTextPrinting[];
// Description of the flag that enables using GDI to print text.
extern const char kGdiTextPrintingDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name for the flag to enable modal permission prompts on Android
extern const char kModalPermissionPromptsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable modal permission prompts on Android.
extern const char kModalPermissionPromptsDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if !defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Name for the flag to enable a persistence toggle in permission prompts
extern const char kPermissionPromptPersistenceToggleName[];
// Description for the flag to enable a persistence toggle in permission prompts
extern const char kPermissionPromptPersistenceToggleDescription[];
#endif // !defined(OS_MACOSX)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Title for the flag to enable the No Card Abort in Payment Request.
extern const char kNoCreditCardAbort[];
// Description for the flag to enable the No Card Abort in Payment Request.
extern const char kNoCreditCardAbortDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Consistent omnibox geolocation
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name for the flag to enable consistent omnibox geolocation
extern const char kEnableConsistentOmniboxGeolocationName[];
// Desciption for the flag to enable consistent omnibox geolocation
extern const char kEnableConsistentOmniboxGeolocationDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Media Remoting chrome://flags strings
// Name for the flag to enable Media Remoting
extern const char kMediaRemotingName[];
// Desciption for the flag to enable Media Remoting
extern const char kMediaRemotingDescription[];
// Name for the flag to enable Media Remoting of encrypted content
extern const char kMediaRemotingEncryptedName[];
// Desciption for the flag to enable Media Remoting of encrypted content
extern const char kMediaRemotingEncryptedDescription[];
// Chrome OS component updates chrome://flags strings
// Name for the flag to enable Chrome OS component flash updates
extern const char kCrosCompUpdatesName[];
// Description for the flag to enable Chrome OS component flash updates
extern const char kCrosCompUpdatesDescription[];
// Native Android History chrome://flags strings
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of the flag that enables the native Android history UI.
extern const char kNativeAndroidHistoryManager[];
// Description of the flag that enables the native Android history UI.
extern const char kNativeAndroidHistoryManagerDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Play Services LSD permission prompt chrome://flags strings
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name for the flag to enable LSD permission prompts on Android
extern const char kLsdPermissionPromptName[];
// Description for the flag to enable LSD permission prompts on Android.
extern const char kLsdPermissionPromptDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Custom draw the Windows 10 titlebar.
// Name of the flag that enables custom drawing of the Windows 10 titlebar.
extern const char kWindows10CustomTitlebarName[];
// Description for the flag that enables custom drawing of the Windows 10
// titlebar.
extern const char kWindows10CustomTitlebarDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Name of the flag that enables postscript printing.
extern const char kPostscriptPrinting[];
// Description of the flag that enables postscript printing.
extern const char kPostscriptPrintingDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of the flag that enables intermediate certificate fetching.
extern const char kAiaFetchingName[];
// Description of the flag that enables intermediate certificate fetching.
extern const char kAiaFetchingDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Web MIDI supports MIDIManager dynamic instantiation chrome://flags strings
// Name for the flag to enable MIDIManager dynamic instantiation
extern const char kEnableMidiManagerDynamicInstantiationName[];
// Description for the flag to enable MIDIManager dynamic instantiation
extern const char kEnableMidiManagerDynamicInstantiationDescription[];
// Desktop iOS promotion chrome://flags strings
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Name for the flag to enable desktop to iOS promotions
extern const char kEnableDesktopIosPromotionsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable desktop to iOS promotions
extern const char kEnableDesktopIosPromotionsDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name for the flag to enable custom feeback UI
extern const char kEnableCustomFeedbackUiName[];
// Name for the flag to enable custom feeback UI
extern const char kEnableCustomFeedbackUiDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name of the flag that enables adjustable large cursor.
extern const char kEnableAdjustableLargeCursorName[];
// Description of the flag that enables adjustable large cursor.
extern const char kEnableAdjustableLargeCursorDescription[];
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) || defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_MACOSX) || \
// Name of the flag that enables receiving entity suggestions.
extern const char kOmniboxEntitySuggestionsName[];
// Description of the flag that enables entity suggestions.
extern const char kOmniboxEntitySuggestionsDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS) || defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_MACOSX) ||
// defined(OS_WIN)
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Name of the flag that enables ChromeVox support for ARC.
extern const char kEnableChromevoxArcSupportName[];
// Description of the flag that enables ChromeVox support for ARC.
extern const char kEnableChromevoxArcSupportDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Title for the flag to enable Mojo IPC for resource loading
extern const char kMojoLoadingName[];
// Description for the flag to enable Mojo IPC for resource loading
extern const char kMojoLoadingDescription[];
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Name for the flag to enable the new Doodle API
extern const char kUseNewDoodleApiName[];
// Description for the flag to enable the new Doodle API
extern const char kUseNewDoodleApiDescription[];
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Title for the flag to delay navigation
extern const char kDelayNavigationName[];
// Description for the flag to delay navigation
extern const char kDelayNavigationDescription[];
// Description of the 'Debugging keyboard shortcuts' lab.
extern const char kDebugShortcutsDescription[];
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// File Manager
// Name of the about:flag option to enable the chromecast support for video app.
extern const char kVideoPlayerChromecastSupportName[];
// Description of the about:flag option to the enable the chromecast support for
// video app.
extern const char kVideoPlayerChromecastSupportDescription[];
// Name of about::flags option for the new ZIP unpacker based on the File System
// Provider API.
extern const char kNewZipUnpackerName[];
// Description of about::flags option for the new ZIP unpacker based on the File
// System Provider API.
extern const char kNewZipUnpackerDescription[];
// Name of about::flags option for showing Android Files app in launcher.
extern const char kShowArcFilesAppName[];
// Description of the about::flag option for showing ARC Files app in launcher.
extern const char kShowArcFilesAppDescription[];
// Name for the flag for Office Editing for Docs, Sheets & Slides component
// extension.
extern const char kOfficeEditingComponentAppName[];
// Description for the flag for Office Editing for Docs, Sheets & Slides
// component extension.
extern const char kOfficeEditingComponentAppDescription[];
// Name for the flag for the color calibration of the display.
extern const char kDisplayColorCalibrationName[];
// Description for the flag for the color calibration of the display.
extern const char kDisplayColorCalibrationDescription[];
// Name for the flag which specifies which memory pressure strategy should be
// used on ChromeOS.
extern const char kMemoryPressureThresholdName[];
// Description for the flag which specifies which memory pressure strategy
// should be used on ChromeOS.
extern const char kMemoryPressureThresholdDescription[];
// The value of the Memory pressure for ChromeOS which requests conservative
// thresholds.
extern const char kConservativeThresholds[];
// The value of the Memory pressure thresholds for ChromeOS which use an
// aggressive cache release strategy.
extern const char kAggressiveCacheDiscardThresholds[];
// The value of the Memory pressure thresholds for ChromeOS which uses an
// aggressive tab release strategy.
extern const char kAggressiveTabDiscardThresholds[];
// The value of the Memory pressure thresholds for ChromeOS which use an
// aggressive release strategy.
extern const char kAggressiveThresholds[];
// Name for the flag to enable wake on packets.
extern const char kWakeOnPacketsName[];
// Description for the flag to enable wake on packets.
extern const char kWakeOnPacketsDescription[];
// Title of the flag used to enable quick unlock pin.
extern const char kQuickUnlockPin[];
// Description of the flag used to enable quick unlock pin.
extern const char kQuickUnlockPinDescription[];
// Title of the flag used to enable quick unlock fingerprint.
extern const char kQuickUnlockFingerprint[];
// Description of the flag used to enable quick unlock fingerprint.
extern const char kQuickUnlockFingerprintDescription[];
// Name of the about:flag option for experimental accessibility features.
extern const char kExperimentalAccessibilityFeaturesName[];
// Description of the about:flag option for experimental accessibility features.
extern const char kExperimentalAccessibilityFeaturesDescription[];
// Name of the about:flag option for disabling
// EnableSystemTimezoneAutomaticDetection policy.
extern const char kDisableSystemTimezoneAutomaticDetectionName[];
// Description of the about:flag option for disabling
// EnableSystemTimezoneAutomaticDetection policy.
extern const char kDisableSystemTimezoneAutomaticDetectionDescription[];
// Name of the about:flag option to disable eol notification.
extern const char kEolNotificationName[];
// Description of the about:flag option to disable eol notification.
extern const char kEolNotificationDescription[];
// Stylus strings
// Name of the about:flag option to enable stylus tools.
extern const char kForceEnableStylusToolsName[];
// Description of the about:flag option to enable stylus tools.
extern const char kForceEnableStylusToolsDescription[];
// Network portal notification
// Title for the flag to enable/disable notifications about captive portals.
extern const char kNetworkPortalNotificationName[];
// Description for the flag to enable/disable notifications about captive
// portals.
extern const char kNetworkPortalNotificationDescription[];
// Name of the option for mtp write support.
extern const char kMtpWriteSupportName[];
// Description of the option for mtp write support.
extern const char kMtpWriteSupportDescription[];
// Title for the flag to select cros-regions file handling mode.
extern const char kCrosRegionsModeName[];
// Description for the flag to select cros-regions file handling mode.
extern const char kCrosRegionsModeDescription[];
// Name of the value for cros-regions file handling mode for 'default' mode.
extern const char kCrosRegionsModeDefault[];
// Name of the value for cros-regions file handling mode for 'override' mode
// (values from region file replace matching VPD values).
extern const char kCrosRegionsModeOverride[];
// Name of the value for cros-regions file handling mode for 'hide' mode (VPD
// values are hidden, only cros-region values are used).
extern const char kCrosRegionsModeHide[];
// Name of the flag used to enable launching Chrome Web Store Gallery widget app
// for searching for printer provider apps.
extern const char kPrinterProviderSearchAppName[];
// Description of a flag in chrome://flags that enables launching Chrome Web
// Store Gallery widget app for searching for printer provider apps.
extern const char kPrinterProviderSearchAppDescription[];
// Name of the flag for blocking the ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast for
// third-party apps on ARC.
extern const char kArcBootCompleted[];
// Description for the flag for blocking ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast for
// third-party apps.
extern const char kArcBootCompletedDescription[];
// Name of the about: flag for enabling opt-in IME menu.
extern const char kEnableImeMenuName[];
// Description of the about: flag for enabling opt-in IME menu.
extern const char kEnableImeMenuDescription[];
// Name of the about: flag for enabling emoji, handwriting and voice input on
// opt-in IME menu.
extern const char kEnableEhvInputName[];
// Description of the about: flag enabling emoji, handwriting and voice input on
// opt-in IME menu.
extern const char kEnableEhvInputDescription[];
#endif // #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
} // namespace flag_descriptions