blob: ee619425b01d5de061c4e19fcc1116e0bf477f97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Defines the struct used to describe each of a brand's install modes; see
// install_modes.h for details. For brands that integrate with Google Update,
// each mode also describes a strategy for determining its update channel.
#include <stdint.h>
namespace install_static {
// Identifies different strategies for determining an update channel.
enum class ChannelStrategy {
// Update channels are not supported. This value is for exclusive use by
// brands that do not integrate with Google Update.
// Update channel is determined by parsing the "ap" value in the registry.
// This is used by Google Chrome's primary install mode to differentiate the
// beta and dev channels from the default stable channel.
// Update channel is a fixed value. This is used by to pin Google Chrome's SxS
// secondary install mode to the canary channel.
// A POD-struct defining constants for a brand's install mode. A brand has one
// primary and one or more secondary install modes. Refer to kInstallModes in
// and for examples of
// typical mode definitions.
struct InstallConstants {
// The size (in bytes) of this structure. This serves to verify that all
// modules in a process have the same definition of the struct.
size_t size;
// The brand-specific index/identifier of this instance (defined in a brand's
// BRAND_install_modes.h file). Index 0 is reserved for a brand's primary
// install mode.
int index;
// The command-line switch originally passed to the installer to select this
// install mode.
const char* install_switch;
// The install suffix of a secondary mode (e.g., " SxS" for canary Chrome) or
// an empty string for the primary mode. This suffix is appended to file and
// registry paths used by the product.
const wchar_t* install_suffix;
// The suffix for the logos corresponding to this install mode. The
// VisualElementsManifest generated by the installer will use this suffix to
// reference the proper logos so that they appear in the Start Menu.
const wchar_t* logo_suffix;
// The app guid with which this mode is registered with Google Update, or an
// empty string if the brand does not integrate with Google Update.
const wchar_t* app_guid;
// The unsuffixed portion of the AppUserModelId. The AppUserModelId is used to
// group an app's windows together on the Windows taskbar along with its
// corresponding shortcuts; see
// for more
// information. Use ShellUtil::GetBrowserModelId to get the suffixed value --
// it is almost never correct to use the unsuffixed (base) portion of this id
// directly.
const wchar_t* base_app_id;
// The prefix for the browser's ProgID. This prefix may be no more than 11
// characters long; see ShellUtil::GetBrowserProgId and
const wchar_t* prog_id_prefix;
// A human-readable description of the browser, used when registering with
// Windows.
const wchar_t* prog_id_description;
// The GUID to be used when registering this install mode for Active Setup.
// Active Setup is used to perform certain operations in a user's context for
// system-level installs.
const wchar_t* active_setup_guid;
// The legacy CommandExecuteImpl CLSID, or an empty string if this install
// mode never included a DelegateExecute verb handler.
const wchar_t* legacy_command_execute_clsid;
// The default name for this mode's update channel.
const wchar_t* default_channel_name;
// The strategy used to determine the mode's update channel, or UNSUPPORTED if
// the brand does not integrate with Google Update.
ChannelStrategy channel_strategy;
// True if this mode supports system-level installs.
bool supports_system_level;
// True if this mode supports in-product mechanisms to make the browser the
// user's chosen default browser. Features such as the "Make default" button
// in chrome://settings are hidden when this is false.
bool supports_set_as_default_browser;
// True if this mode supports user retention experiments run by the installer
// following updates.
bool supports_retention_experiments;
// True if this mode supported the now-deprecated multi-install.
bool supported_multi_install;
// The index of this mode's main application icon in the main executable.
int app_icon_resource_index;
// The resource id of this mode's main application icon.
int16_t app_icon_resource_id;
} // namespace install_static