blob: 94370fea82c22c11191782c9108d7caed1b9389b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/audio/iir_filter.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <complex>
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/audio/audio_utilities.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/audio/vector_math.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/math_extras.h"
namespace blink {
// The length of the memory buffers for the IIR filter. This MUST be a power of
// two and must be greater than the possible length of the filter coefficients.
const int kBufferLength = 32;
static_assert(kBufferLength >= IIRFilter::kMaxOrder + 1,
"Internal IIR buffer length must be greater than maximum IIR "
"Filter order.");
IIRFilter::IIRFilter(const AudioDoubleArray* feedforward,
const AudioDoubleArray* feedback)
: buffer_index_(0), feedback_(feedback), feedforward_(feedforward) {
// These are guaranteed to be zero-initialized.
IIRFilter::~IIRFilter() = default;
void IIRFilter::Reset() {
buffer_index_ = 0;
static std::complex<double> EvaluatePolynomial(const double* coef,
std::complex<double> z,
int order) {
// Use Horner's method to evaluate the polynomial P(z) = sum(coef[k]*z^k, k,
// 0, order);
std::complex<double> result = 0;
for (int k = order; k >= 0; --k)
result = result * z + std::complex<double>(coef[k]);
return result;
void IIRFilter::Process(const float* source_p,
float* dest_p,
uint32_t frames_to_process) {
// Compute
// y[n] = sum(b[k] * x[n - k], k = 0, M) - sum(a[k] * y[n - k], k = 1, N)
// where b[k] are the feedforward coefficients and a[k] are the feedback
// coefficients of the filter.
// This is a Direct Form I implementation of an IIR Filter. Should we
// consider doing a different implementation such as Transposed Direct Form
// II?
const double* feedback = feedback_->Data();
const double* feedforward = feedforward_->Data();
// Sanity check to see if the feedback coefficients have been scaled
// appropriately. It must be EXACTLY 1!
DCHECK_EQ(feedback[0], 1);
int feedback_length = feedback_->size();
int feedforward_length = feedforward_->size();
int min_length = std::min(feedback_length, feedforward_length);
double* x_buffer = x_buffer_.Data();
double* y_buffer = y_buffer_.Data();
for (size_t n = 0; n < frames_to_process; ++n) {
// To help minimize roundoff, we compute using double's, even though the
// filter coefficients only have single precision values.
double yn = feedforward[0] * source_p[n];
// Run both the feedforward and feedback terms together, when possible.
for (int k = 1; k < min_length; ++k) {
int m = (buffer_index_ - k) & (kBufferLength - 1);
yn += feedforward[k] * x_buffer[m];
yn -= feedback[k] * y_buffer[m];
// Handle any remaining feedforward or feedback terms.
for (int k = min_length; k < feedforward_length; ++k)
yn +=
feedforward[k] * x_buffer[(buffer_index_ - k) & (kBufferLength - 1)];
for (int k = min_length; k < feedback_length; ++k)
yn -= feedback[k] * y_buffer[(buffer_index_ - k) & (kBufferLength - 1)];
// Save the current input and output values in the memory buffers for the
// next output.
x_buffer_[buffer_index_] = source_p[n];
y_buffer_[buffer_index_] = yn;
buffer_index_ = (buffer_index_ + 1) & (kBufferLength - 1);
dest_p[n] = yn;
void IIRFilter::GetFrequencyResponse(int n_frequencies,
const float* frequency,
float* mag_response,
float* phase_response) {
// Evaluate the z-transform of the filter at the given normalized frequencies
// from 0 to 1. (One corresponds to the Nyquist frequency.)
// The z-tranform of the filter is
// H(z) = sum(b[k]*z^(-k), k, 0, M) / sum(a[k]*z^(-k), k, 0, N);
// The desired frequency response is H(exp(j*omega)), where omega is in [0,
// 1).
// Let P(x) = sum(c[k]*x^k, k, 0, P) be a polynomial of order P. Then each of
// the sums in H(z) is equivalent to evaluating a polynomial at the point
// 1/z.
for (int k = 0; k < n_frequencies; ++k) {
if (frequency[k] < 0 || frequency[k] > 1) {
// Out-of-bounds frequencies should return NaN.
mag_response[k] = std::nanf("");
phase_response[k] = std::nanf("");
} else {
// zRecip = 1/z = exp(-j*frequency)
double omega = -kPiDouble * frequency[k];
std::complex<double> z_recip =
std::complex<double>(cos(omega), sin(omega));
std::complex<double> numerator = EvaluatePolynomial(
feedforward_->Data(), z_recip, feedforward_->size() - 1);
std::complex<double> denominator =
EvaluatePolynomial(feedback_->Data(), z_recip, feedback_->size() - 1);
std::complex<double> response = numerator / denominator;
mag_response[k] = static_cast<float>(abs(response));
phase_response[k] =
static_cast<float>(atan2(imag(response), real(response)));
double IIRFilter::TailTime(double sample_rate, bool is_filter_stable) {
// The maximum tail time. This is somewhat arbitrary, but we're assuming that
// no one is going to expect the IIRFilter to produce an output after this
// much time after the inputs have stopped.
const double kMaxTailTime = 10;
// If the maximum amplitude of the impulse response is less than this, we
// assume that we've reached the tail of the response. Currently, this means
// that the impulse is less than 1 bit of a 16-bit PCM value.
const float kMaxTailAmplitude = 1 / 32768.0;
// If filter is not stable, just return max tail. Since the filter is not
// stable, the impulse response won't converge to zero, so we don't need to
// find the impulse response to find the actual tail time.
if (!is_filter_stable) {
return kMaxTailTime;
// How to compute the tail time? We're going to filter an impulse
// for |kMaxTailTime| seconds, in blocks of kRenderQuantumFrames at
// a time. The maximum magnitude of this block is saved. After all
// of the samples have been computed, find the last block with a
// maximum magnitude greater than |kMaxTaileAmplitude|. That block
// index + 1 will be the tail time. We don't need to be
// super-accurate in computing the tail time since we process on
// blocks, block accuracy is good enough, and the value just needs
// to be larger than the "real" tail time, so we don't prematurely
// zero out the output of the node.
// Number of render quanta needed to reach the max tail time.
int number_of_blocks = std::ceil(sample_rate * kMaxTailTime /
// Input and output buffers for filtering.
AudioFloatArray input(audio_utilities::kRenderQuantumFrames);
AudioFloatArray output(audio_utilities::kRenderQuantumFrames);
// Array to hold the max magnitudes
AudioFloatArray magnitudes(number_of_blocks);
// Create the impulse input signal.
input[0] = 1;
// Process the first block and get the max magnitude of the output.
Process(input.Data(), output.Data(), audio_utilities::kRenderQuantumFrames);
vector_math::Vmaxmgv(output.Data(), 1, &magnitudes[0],
// Process the rest of the signal, getting the max magnitude of the
// output for each block.
input[0] = 0;
for (int k = 1; k < number_of_blocks; ++k) {
Process(input.Data(), output.Data(), audio_utilities::kRenderQuantumFrames);
vector_math::Vmaxmgv(output.Data(), 1, &magnitudes[k],
// Done computing the impulse response; reset the state so the actual node
// starts in the expected initial state.
// Find the last block with amplitude greater than the threshold.
int index = number_of_blocks - 1;
for (int k = index; k >= 0; --k) {
if (magnitudes[k] > kMaxTailAmplitude) {
index = k;
// The magnitude first become lower than the threshold at the next block.
// Compute the corresponding time value value; that's the tail time.
return (index + 1) * audio_utilities::kRenderQuantumFrames / sample_rate;
} // namespace blink