blob: b34c938ac75d6eefb50374e1bf16b48511621a69 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "cc/output/overlay_candidate.h"
#include "cc/resources/resource_provider.h"
namespace viz {
class SharedBitmapManager;
} // namespace viz
namespace cc {
// This class is not thread-safe and can only be called from the thread it was
// created on.
class CC_EXPORT DisplayResourceProvider : public ResourceProvider {
viz::ContextProvider* compositor_context_provider,
viz::SharedBitmapManager* shared_bitmap_manager,
gpu::GpuMemoryBufferManager* gpu_memory_buffer_manager,
const viz::ResourceSettings& resource_settings);
~DisplayResourceProvider() override;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Send an overlay promotion hint to all resources that requested it via
// |wants_promotion_hints_set_|. |promotable_hints| contains all the
// resources that should be told that they're promotable. Others will be told
// that they're not promotable right now.
void SendPromotionHints(
const OverlayCandidateList::PromotionHintInfoMap& promotion_hints);
// The following lock classes are part of the DisplayResourceProvider API and
// are needed to read the resource contents. The user must ensure that they
// only use GL locks on GL resources, etc, and this is enforced by assertions.
class CC_EXPORT ScopedReadLockGL {
ScopedReadLockGL(DisplayResourceProvider* resource_provider,
viz::ResourceId resource_id);
GLuint texture_id() const { return texture_id_; }
GLenum target() const { return target_; }
const gfx::Size& size() const { return size_; }
const gfx::ColorSpace& color_space() const { return color_space_; }
DisplayResourceProvider* const resource_provider_;
const viz::ResourceId resource_id_;
GLuint texture_id_;
GLenum target_;
gfx::Size size_;
gfx::ColorSpace color_space_;
class CC_EXPORT ScopedSamplerGL {
ScopedSamplerGL(DisplayResourceProvider* resource_provider,
viz::ResourceId resource_id,
GLenum filter);
ScopedSamplerGL(DisplayResourceProvider* resource_provider,
viz::ResourceId resource_id,
GLenum unit,
GLenum filter);
GLuint texture_id() const { return resource_lock_.texture_id(); }
GLenum target() const { return target_; }
const gfx::ColorSpace& color_space() const {
return resource_lock_.color_space();
const ScopedReadLockGL resource_lock_;
const GLenum unit_;
const GLenum target_;
class CC_EXPORT ScopedReadLockSkImage {
ScopedReadLockSkImage(DisplayResourceProvider* resource_provider,
viz::ResourceId resource_id);
const SkImage* sk_image() const { return sk_image_.get(); }
bool valid() const { return !!sk_image_; }
DisplayResourceProvider* const resource_provider_;
const viz::ResourceId resource_id_;
sk_sp<SkImage> sk_image_;
class CC_EXPORT ScopedReadLockSoftware {
ScopedReadLockSoftware(DisplayResourceProvider* resource_provider,
viz::ResourceId resource_id);
const SkBitmap* sk_bitmap() const {
return &sk_bitmap_;
bool valid() const { return !!sk_bitmap_.getPixels(); }
DisplayResourceProvider* const resource_provider_;
const viz::ResourceId resource_id_;
SkBitmap sk_bitmap_;
// All resources that are returned to children while an instance of this
// class exists will be stored and returned when the instance is destroyed.
class CC_EXPORT ScopedBatchReturnResources {
explicit ScopedBatchReturnResources(
DisplayResourceProvider* resource_provider);
DisplayResourceProvider* const resource_provider_;
// Sets the current read fence. If a resource is locked for read
// and has read fences enabled, the resource will not allow writes
// until this fence has passed.
void SetReadLockFence(viz::ResourceFence* fence) {
current_read_lock_fence_ = fence;
// Creates accounting for a child. Returns a child ID.
int CreateChild(const ReturnCallback& return_callback);
// Destroys accounting for the child, deleting all accounted resources.
void DestroyChild(int child);
// Sets whether resources need sync points set on them when returned to this
// child. Defaults to true.
void SetChildNeedsSyncTokens(int child, bool needs_sync_tokens);
// Gets the child->parent resource ID map.
const ResourceIdMap& GetChildToParentMap(int child) const;
// Receives resources from a child, moving them from mailboxes. ResourceIds
// passed are in the child namespace, and will be translated to the parent
// namespace, added to the child->parent map.
// This adds the resources to the working set in the ResourceProvider without
// declaring which resources are in use. Use DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild
// after calling this method to do that. All calls to ReceiveFromChild should
// be followed by a DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild.
// NOTE: if the sync_token is set on any viz::TransferableResource, this will
// wait on it.
void ReceiveFromChild(
int child,
const std::vector<viz::TransferableResource>& transferable_resources);
// Once a set of resources have been received, they may or may not be used.
// This declares what set of resources are currently in use from the child,
// releasing any other resources back to the child.
void DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(
int child,
const viz::ResourceIdSet& resources_from_child);
friend class ScopedBatchReturnResources;
const viz::internal::Resource* LockForRead(viz::ResourceId id);
void UnlockForRead(viz::ResourceId id);
struct Child {
Child(const Child& other);
ResourceIdMap child_to_parent_map;
ReturnCallback return_callback;
bool marked_for_deletion;
bool needs_sync_tokens;
using ChildMap = std::unordered_map<int, Child>;
void DeleteAndReturnUnusedResourcesToChild(ChildMap::iterator child_it,
DeleteStyle style,
const ResourceIdArray& unused);
void DestroyChildInternal(ChildMap::iterator it, DeleteStyle style);
void SetBatchReturnResources(bool aggregate);
scoped_refptr<viz::ResourceFence> current_read_lock_fence_;
ChildMap children_;
base::flat_map<viz::ResourceId, sk_sp<SkImage>> resource_sk_image_;
} // namespace cc