blob: 7de63805549604f1cd3774a5ae44d9340a8e5f7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/android_affiliation/affiliation_utils.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_store.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_store_consumer.h"
namespace autofill {
struct PasswordForm;
} // namespace autofill
namespace password_manager {
class AffiliationService;
// Interacts with the AffiliationService on behalf of the PasswordStore.
// For each GetLogins() request, it provides the PasswordStore with a list of
// additional realms that are affiliation-based matches to the observed realm.
// Currently, the only supported use-case is obtaining Android applications
// affiliated with the web site containing the observed form. This is achieved
// by implementing the "proactive fetching" strategy for interacting with the
// AffiliationService (see affiliation_service.h for details), with Android
// applications playing the role of facet Y.
// More specifically, this class prefetches affiliation information on start-up
// for all Android applications that the PasswordStore has credentials stored
// for. Then, the actual GetLogins() can be restricted to the cache, so that
// realms of the observed web forms will never be looked up against the
// Affiliation API.
class AffiliatedMatchHelper : public PasswordStore::Observer,
public PasswordStoreConsumer {
// Callback to returns the list of affiliated signon_realms (as per defined in
// autofill::PasswordForm) to the caller.
typedef base::Callback<void(const std::vector<std::string>&)>
typedef base::Callback<void(
// The |password_store| must outlive |this|. Both arguments must be non-NULL,
// except in tests which do not Initialize() the object.
PasswordStore* password_store,
std::unique_ptr<AffiliationService> affiliation_service);
~AffiliatedMatchHelper() override;
// Schedules deferred initialization.
void Initialize();
// Retrieves realms of Android applications affiliated with the realm of the
// |observed_form| if it is web-based. Otherwise, yields the empty list. The
// |result_callback| will be invoked in both cases, on the same thread.
virtual void GetAffiliatedAndroidRealms(
const PasswordStore::FormDigest& observed_form,
const AffiliatedRealmsCallback& result_callback);
// Retrieves realms of web sites affiliated with the Android application that
// |android_form| belongs to and invokes |result_callback| on the same thread;
// or yields the empty list if |android_form| is not an Android credential.
// NOTE: This will issue an on-demand network request against the Affiliation
// API if affiliations of the Android application are not cached. However, as
// long as the |android_form| is from the PasswordStore, this should rarely
// happen as affiliation information for those applications are prefetched.
virtual void GetAffiliatedWebRealms(
const PasswordStore::FormDigest& android_form,
const AffiliatedRealmsCallback& result_callback);
// Retrieves affiliation and branding information about the Android
// credentials in |forms|, sets |affiliated_web_realm|, |app_display_name| and
// |app_icon_url| of forms, and invokes |result_callback|.
// NOTE: This will not issue an on-demand network request. If a request to
// cache fails, no affiliation and branding information will be injected into
// corresponding form.
virtual void InjectAffiliationAndBrandingInformation(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<autofill::PasswordForm>> forms,
const PasswordFormsCallback& result_callback);
// Returns whether or not |form| represents an Android credential.
static bool IsValidAndroidCredential(const PasswordStore::FormDigest& form);
// Returns whether or not |form| represents a valid Web credential for the
// purposes of affiliation-based matching.
static bool IsValidWebCredential(const PasswordStore::FormDigest& form);
// I/O heavy initialization on start-up will be delayed by this long.
// This should be high enough not to exacerbate start-up I/O contention too
// much, but also low enough that the user be able log-in shortly after
// browser start-up into web sites using Android credentials.
// TODO(engedy): See if we can tie this instead to some meaningful event.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kInitializationDelayOnStartup =
// Reads all autofillable credentials from the password store and starts
// observing the store for future changes.
void DoDeferredInitialization();
// Called back by AffiliationService to supply the list of facets affiliated
// with |original_facet_uri| so that a GetAffiliatedAndroidRealms() call can
// be completed.
void CompleteGetAffiliatedAndroidRealms(
const FacetURI& original_facet_uri,
const AffiliatedRealmsCallback& result_callback,
const AffiliatedFacets& results,
bool success);
// Called back by AffiliationService to supply the list of facets affiliated
// with the Android application that GetAffiliatedWebRealms() was called with,
// so that the call can be completed.
void CompleteGetAffiliatedWebRealms(
const AffiliatedRealmsCallback& result_callback,
const AffiliatedFacets& results,
bool success);
// Called back by AffiliationService to supply the list of facets affiliated
// with the Android credential in |form|. Injects affiliation and branding
// information by setting |affiliated_web_realm|, |app_display_name| and
// |app_icon_url| on |form| if |success| is true and |results| is non-empty.
// Invokes |barrier_closure|.
void CompleteInjectAffiliationAndBrandingInformation(
autofill::PasswordForm* form,
base::Closure barrier_closure,
const AffiliatedFacets& results,
bool success);
// PasswordStore::Observer:
void OnLoginsChanged(const PasswordStoreChangeList& changes) override;
// PasswordStoreConsumer:
void OnGetPasswordStoreResults(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<autofill::PasswordForm>> results) override;
PasswordStore* const password_store_;
// Being the sole consumer of AffiliationService, |this| owns the service.
std::unique_ptr<AffiliationService> affiliation_service_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AffiliatedMatchHelper> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace password_manager