blob: c2d464ac940c8e18d0210149db5eaca4eb4b2542 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace media_router {
struct HangoutsMediaStatusExtraData {
// Whether the session associated with the Hangouts MediaRoute is presenting
// content in "local present" (aka high-bandwidth) mode.
bool local_present = false;
struct MirroringMediaStatusExtraData {
explicit MirroringMediaStatusExtraData(bool media_remoting_enabled);
// Whether media remoting is enabled for mirroring session associated with the
// MediaRoute.
bool media_remoting_enabled;
// Represents the current state of a media content.
struct MediaStatus {
enum class PlayState { PLAYING, PAUSED, BUFFERING };
MediaStatus(const MediaStatus& other);
MediaStatus& operator=(const MediaStatus& other);
bool operator==(const MediaStatus& other) const;
// The main title of the media. For example, in a MediaStatus representing
// a YouTube Cast session, this could be the title of the video.
std::string title;
// Text describing the media, or a secondary title. For example, in a
// MediaStatus representing a YouTube Cast session, this could be "YouTube".
// DEPRECATED. TODO( Remove this when no longer used.
std::string description;
// If this is true, the media can be played and paused.
bool can_play_pause = false;
// If this is true, the media can be muted and unmuted.
bool can_mute = false;
// If this is true, the media's volume can be changed.
bool can_set_volume = false;
// If this is true, the media's current playback position can be changed.
bool can_seek = false;
PlayState play_state = PlayState::PLAYING;
bool is_muted = false;
// Current volume of the media, with 1 being the highest and 0 being the
// lowest/no sound. When |is_muted| is true, there should be no sound
// regardless of |volume|.
float volume = 0;
// The length of the media. A value of zero indicates that this is a media
// with no set duration (e.g. a live stream).
base::TimeDelta duration;
// Current playback position. Must be less than or equal to |duration|.
base::TimeDelta current_time;
// Only set for Hangouts routes.
base::Optional<HangoutsMediaStatusExtraData> hangouts_extra_data;
// Only set for mirroring routes.
base::Optional<MirroringMediaStatusExtraData> mirroring_extra_data;
} // namespace media_router