blob: e896834d8c6333080ca22bbd44b6bd0323fa4885 [file] [log] [blame]
The :not(body) adds extra selector specificity so that these colors 'win'
against paper-styles/color.html.
TODO( Remove once deprecated colors are removed from
Chrome OS pages.
html:not(body) {
{%- for var_name, color in light_variables.colors.items() %}
{{var_name | to_var_name}}-rgb: {{color | css_color_rgb}};
{{var_name | to_var_name}}: {{css_color_from_rgb_var(var_name, color.a)}};
{% endfor %}
{% if dark_variables.colors -%}
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
The :not(body) adds extra selector specificity so that these colors 'win'
against paper-styles/color.html.
TODO( Remove once deprecated colors are removed from
Chrome OS pages.
html:not(body) {
{%- for var_name, color in dark_variables.colors.items() %}
{{var_name | to_var_name}}-rgb: {{color | css_color_rgb}};
{{var_name | to_var_name}}: {{css_color_from_rgb_var(var_name, color.a)}};
{% endfor %}
{%- endif %}