blob: cc979fac48bb7c1484bb0956d25ea1bd8c25250e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/common/wm/workspace/workspace_types.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
namespace gfx {
class Point;
namespace ash {
class AlwaysOnTopController;
class AnimatingWallpaperWidgetController;
class WallpaperWidgetController;
class WmShelf;
class WmShell;
class WmWindow;
class WorkspaceController;
namespace wm {
class RootWindowLayoutManager;
// Provides state associated with a root of a window hierarchy.
class ASH_EXPORT WmRootWindowController {
explicit WmRootWindowController(WmWindow* window);
virtual ~WmRootWindowController();
wm::RootWindowLayoutManager* root_window_layout_manager() {
return root_window_layout_manager_;
WallpaperWidgetController* wallpaper_widget_controller() {
return wallpaper_widget_controller_.get();
void SetWallpaperWidgetController(WallpaperWidgetController* controller);
AnimatingWallpaperWidgetController* animating_wallpaper_widget_controller() {
return animating_wallpaper_widget_controller_.get();
void SetAnimatingWallpaperWidgetController(
AnimatingWallpaperWidgetController* controller);
WorkspaceController* workspace_controller() {
return workspace_controller_.get();
wm::WorkspaceWindowState GetWorkspaceWindowState();
virtual bool HasShelf() = 0;
virtual WmShell* GetShell() = 0;
virtual AlwaysOnTopController* GetAlwaysOnTopController() = 0;
virtual WmShelf* GetShelf() = 0;
// Returns the window associated with this WmRootWindowController.
virtual WmWindow* GetWindow() = 0;
// Configures |init_params| prior to initializing |widget|.
// |shell_container_id| is the id of the container to parent |widget| to.
virtual void ConfigureWidgetInitParamsForContainer(
views::Widget* widget,
int shell_container_id,
views::Widget::InitParams* init_params) = 0;
// Returns the window events will be targeted at for the specified location
// (in screen coordinates).
// NOTE: the returned window may not contain the location as resize handles
// may extend outside the bounds of the window.
virtual WmWindow* FindEventTarget(const gfx::Point& location_in_screen) = 0;
// Gets the last location seen in a mouse event in this root window's
// coordinates. This may return a point outside the root window's bounds.
virtual gfx::Point GetLastMouseLocationInRoot() = 0;
// Called when the wallpaper animation has started or finished.
// TODO: port remaining classic ash wallpaper functionality here.
virtual void OnInitialWallpaperAnimationStarted();
virtual void OnWallpaperAnimationFinished(views::Widget* widget);
// Creates the containers (WmWindows) used by the shell.
void CreateContainers();
// Creates the LayoutManagers for the windows created by CreateContainers().
void CreateLayoutManagers();
void DeleteWorkspaceController();
WmWindow* root_;
wm::RootWindowLayoutManager* root_window_layout_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<WallpaperWidgetController> wallpaper_widget_controller_;
std::unique_ptr<WorkspaceController> workspace_controller_;
} // namespace ash