blob: 358d655c1e67d8577fe04f18c2c813a99ac976c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/memory_pressure/direct_memory_pressure_calculator_linux.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/process/process_metrics.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/sys_info.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
namespace memory_pressure {
namespace {
const int kKiBperMiB = 1024;
// Used to calculate a moving average of faults/sec. Our sample times are
// inconsistent because MemoryPressureMonitor calls
// CalculateCurrentPressureLevel more frequently when memory pressure is high,
// and because we're measuring CPU time instead of real time. So our
// exponentially weighted moving average is generalized to a low-pass filter.
// Represents the amount of CPU time, in seconds, for a sample to be 50%
// forgotten in our moving average. Systems with more CPUs that are under high
// load will have a moving average that changes more quickly than a system with
// fewer CPUs under the same load. Do not normalize based on the number of CPUs
// because this behavior is accurate: if a system with a large number of CPUs
// is getting lots of work done without page faulting, it must not be under
// memory pressure.
// TODO(thomasanderson): Experimentally determine the correct value for this
// constant.
const double kLowPassHalfLife = 30.0;
// Returns the amount of memory that is available for use right now, or that can
// be easily reclaimed by the OS, in MBs.
int GetAvailableSystemMemoryMiB(const base::SystemMemoryInfoKB* mem_info) {
return mem_info->available
? mem_info->available / kKiBperMiB
: (mem_info->free + mem_info->buffers + mem_info->cached) /
} // namespace
// Thresholds at which we consider the system being under moderate/critical
// memory pressure. They represent the percentage of system memory in use.
const int DirectMemoryPressureCalculator::kDefaultModerateThresholdPc = 70;
const int DirectMemoryPressureCalculator::kDefaultCriticalThresholdPc = 90;
: moderate_threshold_mb_(0),
critical_threshold_mb_(0) {
int moderate_threshold_mb,
int critical_threshold_mb)
: moderate_threshold_mb_(moderate_threshold_mb),
critical_threshold_mb_(critical_threshold_mb) {
DCHECK_GE(moderate_threshold_mb_, critical_threshold_mb_);
DCHECK_LE(0, critical_threshold_mb_);
const base::SystemMemoryInfoKB& mem_info) {
base::TimeDelta new_user_exec_time = GetUserCpuTimeSinceBoot();
if (new_user_exec_time == base::TimeDelta())
return MemoryPressureListener::MEMORY_PRESSURE_LEVEL_NONE;
uint64_t new_major_page_faults = mem_info.pgmajfault;
if (new_user_exec_time != base::TimeDelta() && new_major_page_faults &&
(new_user_exec_time - last_user_exec_time_) != base::TimeDelta()) {
double delta_user_exec_time =
(new_user_exec_time - last_user_exec_time_).InSecondsF();
double delta_major_page_faults =
new_major_page_faults - last_major_page_faults_;
double sampled_faults_per_second =
delta_major_page_faults / delta_user_exec_time;
double adjusted_ewma_coefficient =
1 - exp2(-delta_user_exec_time / low_pass_half_life_seconds_);
current_faults_per_second_ =
adjusted_ewma_coefficient * sampled_faults_per_second +
(1 - adjusted_ewma_coefficient) * current_faults_per_second_;
last_user_exec_time_ = new_user_exec_time;
last_major_page_faults_ = new_major_page_faults;
if (current_faults_per_second_ >
critical_multiplier_ * AverageFaultsPerSecond()) {
return MemoryPressureListener::MEMORY_PRESSURE_LEVEL_CRITICAL;
if (current_faults_per_second_ >
moderate_multiplier_ * AverageFaultsPerSecond()) {
return MemoryPressureListener::MEMORY_PRESSURE_LEVEL_MODERATE;
return MemoryPressureListener::MEMORY_PRESSURE_LEVEL_NONE;
const base::SystemMemoryInfoKB& mem_info) {
int phys_free = GetAvailableSystemMemoryMiB(&mem_info);
if (phys_free <= critical_threshold_mb_)
return MemoryPressureListener::MEMORY_PRESSURE_LEVEL_CRITICAL;
if (phys_free <= moderate_threshold_mb_)
return MemoryPressureListener::MEMORY_PRESSURE_LEVEL_MODERATE;
return MemoryPressureListener::MEMORY_PRESSURE_LEVEL_NONE;
DirectMemoryPressureCalculator::CalculateCurrentPressureLevel() {
base::SystemMemoryInfoKB mem_info = {};
if (!GetSystemMemoryInfo(&mem_info))
return MemoryPressureListener::MEMORY_PRESSURE_LEVEL_NONE;
return std::max(PressureCausedByThrashing(mem_info),
bool DirectMemoryPressureCalculator::GetSystemMemoryInfo(
base::SystemMemoryInfoKB* mem_info) const {
return base::GetSystemMemoryInfo(mem_info);
base::TimeDelta DirectMemoryPressureCalculator::GetUserCpuTimeSinceBoot()
const {
return base::GetUserCpuTimeSinceBoot();
void DirectMemoryPressureCalculator::InferThresholds() {
base::SystemMemoryInfoKB mem_info = {};
if (!GetSystemMemoryInfo(&mem_info))
moderate_threshold_mb_ = * (100 - kDefaultModerateThresholdPc) / 100 / kKiBperMiB;
critical_threshold_mb_ = * (100 - kDefaultCriticalThresholdPc) / 100 / kKiBperMiB;
void DirectMemoryPressureCalculator::InitPageFaultMonitor() {
low_pass_half_life_seconds_ = kLowPassHalfLife;
last_user_exec_time_ = GetUserCpuTimeSinceBoot();
base::SystemMemoryInfoKB mem_info = {};
last_major_page_faults_ =
GetSystemMemoryInfo(&mem_info) ? mem_info.pgmajfault : 0;
current_faults_per_second_ = AverageFaultsPerSecond();
double DirectMemoryPressureCalculator::AverageFaultsPerSecond() const {
return last_major_page_faults_ == 0
? last_user_exec_time_.InSecondsF() / last_major_page_faults_
: 0;
} // namespace memory_pressure