blob: 64905a4bac9ece7dac719b696798d85fd58d8fdd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/safe_browsing_db/v4_protocol_manager_util.h"
#include "base/base64.h"
#include "base/metrics/sparse_histogram.h"
#include "base/rand_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "crypto/sha2.h"
#include "net/base/escape.h"
#include "net/http/http_request_headers.h"
#include "url/url_util.h"
using base::Time;
using base::TimeDelta;
namespace safe_browsing {
namespace {
std::string Unescape(const std::string& url) {
std::string unescaped_str(url);
const int kMaxLoopIterations = 1024;
size_t old_size = 0;
int loop_var = 0;
do {
old_size = unescaped_str.size();
unescaped_str = net::UnescapeURLComponent(
net::UnescapeRule::SPACES | net::UnescapeRule::PATH_SEPARATORS |
} while (old_size != unescaped_str.size() &&
++loop_var <= kMaxLoopIterations);
return unescaped_str;
std::string Escape(const std::string& url) {
std::string escaped_str;
// The escaped string is larger so allocate double the length to reduce the
// chance of the string being grown.
escaped_str.reserve(url.length() * 2);
const char* kHexString = "0123456789ABCDEF";
for (size_t i = 0; i < url.length(); i++) {
unsigned char c = static_cast<unsigned char>(url[i]);
if (c <= ' ' || c > '~' || c == '#' || c == '%') {
escaped_str += '%';
escaped_str += kHexString[c >> 4];
escaped_str += kHexString[c & 0xf];
} else {
escaped_str += c;
return escaped_str;
} // namespace
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const UpdateListIdentifier& id) {
os << "{hash: " << id.hash() << "; platform_type: " << id.platform_type
<< "; threat_entry_type: " << id.threat_entry_type
<< "; threat_type: " << id.threat_type << "}";
return os;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#elif defined(OS_LINUX)
#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
// This should ideally never compile but it is getting compiled on Android.
// See:
// TODO(vakh): Once that bug is fixed, this should be removed. If we leave
// the platform_type empty, the server won't recognize the request and
// return an error response which will pollute our UMA metrics.
const UpdateListIdentifier GetUrlMalwareId() {
return UpdateListIdentifier(PLATFORM_TYPE, URL, MALWARE_THREAT);
const UpdateListIdentifier GetUrlSocEngId() {
// The Safe Browsing V4 server URL prefix.
const char kSbV4UrlPrefix[] = "";
bool UpdateListIdentifier::operator==(const UpdateListIdentifier& other) const {
return platform_type == other.platform_type &&
threat_entry_type == other.threat_entry_type &&
threat_type == other.threat_type;
bool UpdateListIdentifier::operator!=(const UpdateListIdentifier& other) const {
return !operator==(other);
size_t UpdateListIdentifier::hash() const {
std::size_t first = std::hash<unsigned int>()(platform_type);
std::size_t second = std::hash<unsigned int>()(threat_entry_type);
std::size_t third = std::hash<unsigned int>()(threat_type);
std::size_t interim = base::HashInts(first, second);
return base::HashInts(interim, third);
UpdateListIdentifier::UpdateListIdentifier() {}
UpdateListIdentifier::UpdateListIdentifier(PlatformType platform_type,
ThreatEntryType threat_entry_type,
ThreatType threat_type)
: platform_type(platform_type),
threat_type(threat_type) {
UpdateListIdentifier::UpdateListIdentifier(const ListUpdateResponse& response)
: UpdateListIdentifier(response.platform_type(),
response.threat_type()) {}
V4ProtocolConfig::V4ProtocolConfig() : disable_auto_update(false) {}
V4ProtocolConfig::V4ProtocolConfig(const V4ProtocolConfig& other) = default;
V4ProtocolConfig::~V4ProtocolConfig() {}
// static
// Backoff interval is MIN(((2^(n-1))*15 minutes) * (RAND + 1), 24 hours) where
// n is the number of consecutive errors.
base::TimeDelta V4ProtocolManagerUtil::GetNextBackOffInterval(
size_t* error_count,
size_t* multiplier) {
DCHECK(multiplier && error_count);
if (*error_count > 1 && *error_count < 9) {
// With error count 9 and above we will hit the 24 hour max interval.
// Cap the multiplier here to prevent integer overflow errors.
*multiplier *= 2;
base::TimeDelta next =
base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(*multiplier * (1 + base::RandDouble()) * 15);
base::TimeDelta day = base::TimeDelta::FromHours(24);
if (next < day)
return next;
return day;
// static
void V4ProtocolManagerUtil::RecordHttpResponseOrErrorCode(
const char* metric_name,
const net::URLRequestStatus& status,
int response_code) {
metric_name, status.is_success() ? response_code : status.error());
// static
void V4ProtocolManagerUtil::GetRequestUrlAndHeaders(
const std::string& request_base64,
const std::string& method_name,
const V4ProtocolConfig& config,
GURL* gurl,
net::HttpRequestHeaders* headers) {
*gurl = GURL(ComposeUrl(kSbV4UrlPrefix, method_name, request_base64,
// static
std::string V4ProtocolManagerUtil::ComposeUrl(const std::string& prefix,
const std::string& method,
const std::string& request_base64,
const std::string& key_param) {
DCHECK(!prefix.empty() && !method.empty());
std::string url = base::StringPrintf(
"%s/%s?$req=%s&$ct=application/x-protobuf", prefix.c_str(),
method.c_str(), request_base64.c_str());
if (!key_param.empty()) {
base::StringAppendF(&url, "&key=%s",
net::EscapeQueryParamValue(key_param, true).c_str());
return url;
// static
void V4ProtocolManagerUtil::UpdateHeaders(net::HttpRequestHeaders* headers) {
// NOTE(vakh): The following header informs the envelope server (which sits in
// front of Google's stubby server) that the received GET request should be
// interpreted as a POST.
headers->SetHeaderIfMissing("X-HTTP-Method-Override", "POST");
// static
void V4ProtocolManagerUtil::UrlToFullHashes(
const GURL& url,
base::hash_set<FullHash>* full_hashes) {
std::string canon_host, canon_path, canon_query;
CanonicalizeUrl(url, &canon_host, &canon_path, &canon_query);
std::vector<std::string> hosts;
if (url.HostIsIPAddress()) {
} else {
GenerateHostVariantsToCheck(canon_host, &hosts);
std::vector<std::string> paths;
GeneratePathVariantsToCheck(canon_path, canon_query, &paths);
for (const std::string& host : hosts) {
for (const std::string& path : paths) {
full_hashes->insert(crypto::SHA256HashString(host + path));
// static
void V4ProtocolManagerUtil::GenerateHostsToCheck(
const GURL& url,
std::vector<std::string>* hosts) {
std::string canon_host;
CanonicalizeUrl(url, &canon_host, NULL, NULL);
GenerateHostVariantsToCheck(canon_host, hosts);
// static
void V4ProtocolManagerUtil::GeneratePathsToCheck(
const GURL& url,
std::vector<std::string>* paths) {
std::string canon_path;
std::string canon_query;
CanonicalizeUrl(url, NULL, &canon_path, &canon_query);
GeneratePathVariantsToCheck(canon_path, canon_query, paths);
// static
void V4ProtocolManagerUtil::GeneratePatternsToCheck(
const GURL& url,
std::vector<std::string>* urls) {
std::string canon_host;
std::string canon_path;
std::string canon_query;
CanonicalizeUrl(url, &canon_host, &canon_path, &canon_query);
std::vector<std::string> hosts, paths;
GenerateHostVariantsToCheck(canon_host, &hosts);
GeneratePathVariantsToCheck(canon_path, canon_query, &paths);
for (size_t h = 0; h < hosts.size(); ++h) {
for (size_t p = 0; p < paths.size(); ++p) {
urls->push_back(hosts[h] + paths[p]);
// static
void V4ProtocolManagerUtil::CanonicalizeUrl(const GURL& url,
std::string* canonicalized_hostname,
std::string* canonicalized_path,
std::string* canonicalized_query) {
// We only canonicalize "normal" URLs.
if (!url.IsStandard())
// Following canonicalization steps are excluded since url parsing takes care
// of those :-
// 1. Remove any tab (0x09), CR (0x0d), and LF (0x0a) chars from url.
// (Exclude escaped version of these chars).
// 2. Normalize hostname to 4 dot-seperated decimal values.
// 3. Lowercase hostname.
// 4. Resolve path sequences "/../" and "/./".
// That leaves us with the following :-
// 1. Remove fragment in URL.
GURL url_without_fragment;
GURL::Replacements f_replacements;
url_without_fragment = url.ReplaceComponents(f_replacements);
// 2. Do URL unescaping until no more hex encoded characters exist.
std::string url_unescaped_str(Unescape(url_without_fragment.spec()));
url::Parsed parsed;
url::ParseStandardURL(, url_unescaped_str.length(),
// 3. In hostname, remove all leading and trailing dots.
base::StringPiece host;
if ( > 0)
host.set( +,;
base::StringPiece host_without_end_dots =
base::TrimString(host, ".", base::TrimPositions::TRIM_ALL);
// 4. In hostname, replace consecutive dots with a single dot.
std::string host_without_consecutive_dots(
RemoveConsecutiveChars(host_without_end_dots, '.'));
// 5. In path, replace runs of consecutive slashes with a single slash.
base::StringPiece path;
if (parsed.path.len > 0)
path.set( + parsed.path.begin, parsed.path.len);
std::string path_without_consecutive_slash(RemoveConsecutiveChars(path, '/'));
url::Replacements<char> hp_replacements;
url::Component(0, host_without_consecutive_dots.length()));
url::Component(0, path_without_consecutive_slash.length()));
std::string url_unescaped_with_can_hostpath;
url::StdStringCanonOutput output(&url_unescaped_with_can_hostpath);
url::Parsed temp_parsed;
url::ReplaceComponents(, url_unescaped_str.length(),
parsed, hp_replacements, NULL, &output, &temp_parsed);
// 6. Step needed to revert escaping done in url::ReplaceComponents.
url_unescaped_with_can_hostpath = Unescape(url_unescaped_with_can_hostpath);
// 7. After performing all above steps, percent-escape all chars in url which
// are <= ASCII 32, >= 127, #, %. Escapes must be uppercase hex characters.
std::string escaped_canon_url_str(Escape(url_unescaped_with_can_hostpath));
url::Parsed final_parsed;
escaped_canon_url_str.length(), &final_parsed);
if (canonicalized_hostname && > 0) {
*canonicalized_hostname = escaped_canon_url_str.substr(,;
if (canonicalized_path && final_parsed.path.len > 0) {
*canonicalized_path = escaped_canon_url_str.substr(final_parsed.path.begin,
if (canonicalized_query && final_parsed.query.len > 0) {
*canonicalized_query = escaped_canon_url_str.substr(
final_parsed.query.begin, final_parsed.query.len);
// static
std::string V4ProtocolManagerUtil::RemoveConsecutiveChars(base::StringPiece str,
const char c) {
std::string output;
// Output is at most the length of the original string.
size_t i = 0;
while (i < str.size()) {
output.append(1, str[i++]);
if (str[i - 1] == c) {
while (i < str.size() && str[i] == c) {
return output;
// static
void V4ProtocolManagerUtil::GenerateHostVariantsToCheck(
const std::string& host,
std::vector<std::string>* hosts) {
if (host.empty())
// Per the Safe Browsing Protocol v2 spec, we try the host, and also up to 4
// hostnames formed by starting with the last 5 components and successively
// removing the leading component. The last component isn't examined alone,
// since it's the TLD or a subcomponent thereof.
// Note that we don't need to be clever about stopping at the "real" eTLD --
// the data on the server side has been filtered to ensure it will not
// blacklist a whole TLD, and it's not significantly slower on our side to
// just check too much.
// Also note that because we have a simple blacklist, not some sort of complex
// whitelist-in-blacklist or vice versa, it doesn't matter what order we check
// these in.
const size_t kMaxHostsToCheck = 4;
bool skipped_last_component = false;
for (std::string::const_reverse_iterator i(host.rbegin());
i != host.rend() && hosts->size() < kMaxHostsToCheck; ++i) {
if (*i == '.') {
if (skipped_last_component)
hosts->push_back(std::string(i.base(), host.end()));
skipped_last_component = true;
// static
void V4ProtocolManagerUtil::GeneratePathVariantsToCheck(
const std::string& path,
const std::string& query,
std::vector<std::string>* paths) {
if (path.empty())
// Per the Safe Browsing Protocol v2 spec, we try the exact path with/without
// the query parameters, and also up to 4 paths formed by starting at the root
// and adding more path components.
// As with the hosts above, it doesn't matter what order we check these in.
const size_t kMaxPathsToCheck = 4;
for (std::string::const_iterator i(path.begin());
i != path.end() && paths->size() < kMaxPathsToCheck; ++i) {
if (*i == '/')
paths->push_back(std::string(path.begin(), i + 1));
if (!paths->empty() && paths->back() != path)
if (!query.empty())
paths->push_back(path + "?" + query);
} // namespace safe_browsing