blob: d0ea0f29d13333aa4f6e4852eb8bc1bc8b6a146f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/animation/length_property_functions.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/computed_style.h"
namespace blink {
ValueRange LengthPropertyFunctions::GetValueRange(const CSSProperty& property) {
switch (property.PropertyID()) {
case CSSPropertyBorderBottomWidth:
case CSSPropertyBorderLeftWidth:
case CSSPropertyBorderRightWidth:
case CSSPropertyBorderTopWidth:
case CSSPropertyFlexBasis:
case CSSPropertyHeight:
case CSSPropertyLineHeight:
case CSSPropertyMaxHeight:
case CSSPropertyMaxWidth:
case CSSPropertyMinHeight:
case CSSPropertyMinWidth:
case CSSPropertyOutlineWidth:
case CSSPropertyPaddingBottom:
case CSSPropertyPaddingLeft:
case CSSPropertyPaddingRight:
case CSSPropertyPaddingTop:
case CSSPropertyPerspective:
case CSSPropertyR:
case CSSPropertyRx:
case CSSPropertyRy:
case CSSPropertyShapeMargin:
case CSSPropertyStrokeWidth:
case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderHorizontalSpacing:
case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderVerticalSpacing:
case CSSPropertyColumnGap:
case CSSPropertyRowGap:
case CSSPropertyColumnWidth:
case CSSPropertyWidth:
return kValueRangeNonNegative;
return kValueRangeAll;
bool LengthPropertyFunctions::IsZoomedLength(const CSSProperty& property) {
return property.PropertyID() != CSSPropertyStrokeWidth;
bool LengthPropertyFunctions::GetPixelsForKeyword(const CSSProperty& property,
CSSValueID value_id,
double& result) {
switch (property.PropertyID()) {
case CSSPropertyBaselineShift:
if (value_id == CSSValueBaseline) {
result = 0;
return true;
return false;
case CSSPropertyBorderBottomWidth:
case CSSPropertyBorderLeftWidth:
case CSSPropertyBorderRightWidth:
case CSSPropertyBorderTopWidth:
case CSSPropertyColumnRuleWidth:
case CSSPropertyOutlineWidth:
if (value_id == CSSValueThin) {
result = 1;
return true;
if (value_id == CSSValueMedium) {
result = 3;
return true;
if (value_id == CSSValueThick) {
result = 5;
return true;
return false;
case CSSPropertyLetterSpacing:
case CSSPropertyWordSpacing:
if (value_id == CSSValueNormal) {
result = 0;
return true;
return false;
return false;
bool LengthPropertyFunctions::GetInitialLength(const CSSProperty& property,
Length& result) {
switch (property.PropertyID()) {
// The computed value of "initial" for the following properties is 0px if
// the associated *-style property resolves to "none" or "hidden".
// - border-width:
// - outline-width:
// - column-rule-width:
// We ignore this value adjustment for animations and use the wrong value
// for hidden widths to avoid having to restart our animations based on the
// computed *-style values. This is acceptable since animations running on
// hidden widths are unobservable to the user, even via getComputedStyle().
case CSSPropertyBorderBottomWidth:
case CSSPropertyBorderLeftWidth:
case CSSPropertyBorderRightWidth:
case CSSPropertyBorderTopWidth:
result = Length(ComputedStyleInitialValues::InitialBorderWidth(), kFixed);
return true;
case CSSPropertyOutlineWidth:
result =
Length(ComputedStyleInitialValues::InitialOutlineWidth(), kFixed);
return true;
case CSSPropertyColumnRuleWidth:
result =
Length(ComputedStyleInitialValues::InitialColumnRuleWidth(), kFixed);
return true;
return GetLength(property, ComputedStyle::InitialStyle(), result);
bool LengthPropertyFunctions::GetLength(const CSSProperty& property,
const ComputedStyle& style,
Length& result) {
switch (property.PropertyID()) {
case CSSPropertyBottom:
result = style.Bottom();
return true;
case CSSPropertyCx:
result = style.SvgStyle().Cx();
return true;
case CSSPropertyCy:
result = style.SvgStyle().Cy();
return true;
case CSSPropertyFlexBasis:
result = style.FlexBasis();
return true;
case CSSPropertyHeight:
result = style.Height();
return true;
case CSSPropertyLeft:
result = style.Left();
return true;
case CSSPropertyMarginBottom:
result = style.MarginBottom();
return true;
case CSSPropertyMarginLeft:
result = style.MarginLeft();
return true;
case CSSPropertyMarginRight:
result = style.MarginRight();
return true;
case CSSPropertyMarginTop:
result = style.MarginTop();
return true;
case CSSPropertyMaxHeight:
result = style.MaxHeight();
return true;
case CSSPropertyMaxWidth:
result = style.MaxWidth();
return true;
case CSSPropertyMinHeight:
result = style.MinHeight();
return true;
case CSSPropertyMinWidth:
result = style.MinWidth();
return true;
case CSSPropertyOffsetDistance:
result = style.OffsetDistance();
return true;
case CSSPropertyPaddingBottom:
result = style.PaddingBottom();
return true;
case CSSPropertyPaddingLeft:
result = style.PaddingLeft();
return true;
case CSSPropertyPaddingRight:
result = style.PaddingRight();
return true;
case CSSPropertyPaddingTop:
result = style.PaddingTop();
return true;
case CSSPropertyR:
result = style.SvgStyle().R();
return true;
case CSSPropertyRight:
result = style.Right();
return true;
case CSSPropertyRx:
result = style.SvgStyle().Rx();
return true;
case CSSPropertyRy:
result = style.SvgStyle().Ry();
return true;
case CSSPropertyShapeMargin:
result = style.ShapeMargin();
return true;
case CSSPropertyStrokeDashoffset:
result = style.StrokeDashOffset();
return true;
case CSSPropertyTextIndent:
result = style.TextIndent();
return true;
case CSSPropertyTop:
result = style.Top();
return true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitPerspectiveOriginX:
result = style.PerspectiveOriginX();
return true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitPerspectiveOriginY:
result = style.PerspectiveOriginY();
return true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitTransformOriginX:
result = style.TransformOriginX();
return true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitTransformOriginY:
result = style.TransformOriginY();
return true;
case CSSPropertyWidth:
result = style.Width();
return true;
case CSSPropertyX:
result = style.SvgStyle().X();
return true;
case CSSPropertyY:
result = style.SvgStyle().Y();
return true;
case CSSPropertyBorderBottomWidth:
result = Length(style.BorderBottomWidth(), kFixed);
return true;
case CSSPropertyBorderLeftWidth:
result = Length(style.BorderLeftWidth(), kFixed);
return true;
case CSSPropertyBorderRightWidth:
result = Length(style.BorderRightWidth(), kFixed);
return true;
case CSSPropertyBorderTopWidth:
result = Length(style.BorderTopWidth(), kFixed);
return true;
case CSSPropertyLetterSpacing:
result = Length(style.LetterSpacing(), kFixed);
return true;
case CSSPropertyOutlineOffset:
result = Length(style.OutlineOffset(), kFixed);
return true;
case CSSPropertyOutlineWidth:
result = Length(style.OutlineWidth(), kFixed);
return true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderHorizontalSpacing:
result = Length(style.HorizontalBorderSpacing(), kFixed);
return true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderVerticalSpacing:
result = Length(style.VerticalBorderSpacing(), kFixed);
return true;
case CSSPropertyRowGap:
if (style.RowGap().IsNormal())
return false;
result = style.RowGap().GetLength();
return true;
case CSSPropertyColumnGap:
if (style.ColumnGap().IsNormal())
return false;
result = style.ColumnGap().GetLength();
return true;
case CSSPropertyColumnRuleWidth:
result = Length(style.ColumnRuleWidth(), kFixed);
return true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitTransformOriginZ:
result = Length(style.TransformOriginZ(), kFixed);
return true;
case CSSPropertyWordSpacing:
result = Length(style.WordSpacing(), kFixed);
return true;
case CSSPropertyBaselineShift:
if (style.BaselineShift() != BS_LENGTH)
return false;
result = style.BaselineShiftValue();
return true;
case CSSPropertyLineHeight:
// Percent Lengths are used to represent numbers on line-height.
if (style.SpecifiedLineHeight().IsPercentOrCalc())
return false;
result = style.SpecifiedLineHeight();
return true;
case CSSPropertyPerspective:
if (!style.HasPerspective())
return false;
result = Length(style.Perspective(), kFixed);
return true;
case CSSPropertyStrokeWidth:
result = style.StrokeWidth().length();
return true;
case CSSPropertyVerticalAlign:
if (style.VerticalAlign() != EVerticalAlign::kLength)
return false;
result = style.GetVerticalAlignLength();
return true;
case CSSPropertyColumnWidth:
if (style.HasAutoColumnWidth())
return false;
result = Length(style.ColumnWidth(), kFixed);
return true;
return false;
bool LengthPropertyFunctions::SetLength(const CSSProperty& property,
ComputedStyle& style,
const Length& value) {
switch (property.PropertyID()) {
// Setters that take a Length value.
case CSSPropertyBaselineShift:
return true;
case CSSPropertyBottom:
return true;
case CSSPropertyCx:
return true;
case CSSPropertyCy:
return true;
case CSSPropertyFlexBasis:
return true;
case CSSPropertyHeight:
return true;
case CSSPropertyLeft:
return true;
case CSSPropertyMarginBottom:
return true;
case CSSPropertyMarginLeft:
return true;
case CSSPropertyMarginRight:
return true;
case CSSPropertyMarginTop:
return true;
case CSSPropertyMaxHeight:
return true;
case CSSPropertyMaxWidth:
return true;
case CSSPropertyMinHeight:
return true;
case CSSPropertyMinWidth:
return true;
case CSSPropertyOffsetDistance:
return true;
case CSSPropertyPaddingBottom:
return true;
case CSSPropertyPaddingLeft:
return true;
case CSSPropertyPaddingRight:
return true;
case CSSPropertyPaddingTop:
return true;
case CSSPropertyR:
return true;
case CSSPropertyRx:
return true;
case CSSPropertyRy:
return true;
case CSSPropertyRight:
return true;
case CSSPropertyShapeMargin:
return true;
case CSSPropertyStrokeDashoffset:
return true;
case CSSPropertyTop:
return true;
case CSSPropertyWidth:
return true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitPerspectiveOriginX:
return true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitPerspectiveOriginY:
return true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitTransformOriginX:
return true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitTransformOriginY:
return true;
case CSSPropertyX:
return true;
case CSSPropertyY:
return true;
case CSSPropertyLineHeight:
// Percent Lengths are used to represent numbers on line-height.
if (value.IsPercentOrCalc())
return false;
return true;
// TODO(alancutter): Support setters that take a numeric value (need to
// resolve percentages).
case CSSPropertyBorderBottomWidth:
case CSSPropertyBorderLeftWidth:
case CSSPropertyBorderRightWidth:
case CSSPropertyBorderTopWidth:
case CSSPropertyLetterSpacing:
case CSSPropertyOutlineOffset:
case CSSPropertyOutlineWidth:
case CSSPropertyPerspective:
case CSSPropertyStrokeWidth:
case CSSPropertyVerticalAlign:
case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderHorizontalSpacing:
case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderVerticalSpacing:
case CSSPropertyColumnGap:
case CSSPropertyRowGap:
case CSSPropertyColumnRuleWidth:
case CSSPropertyColumnWidth:
case CSSPropertyWebkitTransformOriginZ:
case CSSPropertyWordSpacing:
return false;
return false;
} // namespace blink