blob: 6b18bbaf1bf79dd2dd0cf5c3359ed9d4b554f9b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace physical_web_ui {
// Resource paths.
// Must match the resource file names.
extern const char kPhysicalWebJS[];
extern const char kPhysicalWebCSS[];
extern const char kPhysicalWebLinkIcon[];
// Message handlers.
// Must match the constants used in the resource files.
extern const char kPhysicalWebPageLoaded[];
extern const char kPhysicalWebItemClicked[];
// Strings.
// Must match the constants used in the resource files.
extern const char kTitle[];
extern const char kEmptyMessage[];
extern const char kPageInfoDescription[];
extern const char kPageInfoIcon[];
extern const char kPageInfoTitle[];
extern const char kResolvedUrl[];
extern const char kIndex[];
extern const char kPushNearbyUrls[];
extern const char kMetadata[];
} // namespace physical_web_ui