blob: c5baf8d9939ed23cda536908f907b332d463b577 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
namespace variations {
// Provides a mapping from hashes of generated resource names to their IDs. The
// mapping is provided by the embedder as two arrays |resource_hashes|, a sorted
// array of resource name hashes, and |resource_indices| an array of resource
// indices in the same order.
// The mapping is created by based on generated
// resources header files. The script ensure that if one header file contains
// |#define IDS_FOO 12345| then for some index |i|, |resource_hashes[i]| will
// be equal to |HASH("IDS_FOO")| and |resource_indices[i]| will be equal to
// |12345|.
// Both array must have the same length |num_resources|. They are not owned by
// the UIStringOverrider and the embedder is responsible for their lifetime
// (usually by passing pointer to static data).
// This class is copy-constructible by design as it does not owns the array
// and only have reference to globally allocated constants.
class UIStringOverrider {
UIStringOverrider(const uint32_t* resource_hashes,
const int* resource_indices,
size_t num_resources);
// Returns the resource index corresponding to the given hash or -1 if no
// resources is found. Visible for testing.
int GetResourceIndex(uint32_t hash);
// Overrides the string resource specified by |hash| with |string| in the
// resource bundle.
void OverrideUIString(uint32_t hash, const base::string16& string);
const uint32_t* const resource_hashes_;
const int* const resource_indices_;
size_t const num_resources_;
} // namespace variations