blob: 5f651dc61f7f578f26c8d40a0f5e19509800b7ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <type_traits>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/variant.h"
// TODO(b/172501195): Make these available outside namespace borealis.
namespace borealis {
// When signaling results that can succeed or fail, an Expected is used to
// formalize those two options either with a |T|, indicating success, or an |E|
// which indicates failure.
// This class is a non-drop-in-replacement for the std::expected, as that RFC is
// still pending (
template <typename T, typename E>
class Expected {
// TODO(b/172501195): This implementation is only partial, either complete it
// or replace it with the standard. Until then |T| and |E| should probably be
// movable.
"Expected's value type must be move-constructible");
"Expected's error type must be move-constructible");
// Construct an object with the expected type.
template <typename TT>
explicit Expected(TT&& value) : storage_(std::forward<T>(value)) {}
// Construct an object with the error type.
template <typename EE>
static Expected<T, E> Unexpected(EE&& error) {
return Expected(Marker{.item_{std::forward<E>(error)}});
// Returns true iff we are holding the expected value (i.e. a |T|).
explicit operator bool() const {
return absl::holds_alternative<T>(storage_);
// Convenience for negating the expectedness test.
bool Unexpected() const { return !*this; }
// Unsafe access to the underlying value. Use only if you know |this| is in
// the requested state.
T& Value() { return absl::get<T>(storage_); }
const T& Value() const { return absl::get<T>(storage_); }
// Unsafe access to the underlying error. Use only if you know |this| is in
// the requested state.
E& Error() { return absl::get<Marker>(storage_).item_; }
const E& Error() const { return absl::get<Marker>(storage_).item_; }
// Safe access to the underlying value, or nullptr;
T* MaybeValue() { return absl::get_if<T>(&storage_); }
// Safe access to the underlying error, or nullptr;
E* MaybeError() {
Marker* maybe_error = absl::get_if<Marker>(&storage_);
return maybe_error ? &(maybe_error->item_) : nullptr;
// Invoke exactly one of the |on_value| or |on_error| callbacks, depending
// on the state of |this|. Works a bit like absl::visit() but more
// chrome-ey. Returns whatever type those callbacks return (which must be
// the same).
template <typename R>
R Handle(base::OnceCallback<R(T&)> on_value,
base::OnceCallback<R(E&)> on_error) {
if (*this) {
return std::move(on_value).Run(Value());
} else {
return std::move(on_error).Run(Error());
// This wrapper is used to distinguish between the expected and unexpected
// type, in case they are the same.
struct Marker {
E item_;
// Construct an unexpected object, using the Marker.
explicit Expected(Marker error) : storage_(std::move(error)) {}
// Under-the-hood, the two states are recorded as a type-safe union.
absl::variant<T, Marker> storage_;
// Convenience function for creating Expected<T, E> objects in the error
// state.
template <typename T, typename E, typename EE>
Expected<T, E> Unexpected(EE&& error) {
return Expected<T, E>::Unexpected(std::forward<E>(error));
} // namespace borealis