blob: 3806c9688d6fc8ff7e64c3acbc470379b034e1da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Private API for reporting Chrome browser status to admin console.
namespace enterprise.reportingPrivate {
// Invoked by <code>UploadChromeDesktopReport</code> when the upload is
// finished.
// Also Invoked by <code>setDeviceData</code> when data is stored.
[platforms = ("win", "mac", "linux")]
callback DoneCallback = void();
// Invoked by <code>getDeviceId</code> to return the ID.
[platforms = ("win", "mac", "linux")]
callback GetDeviceIdCallback = void(DOMString id);
// Invoked by <code>getPersistentSecret</code> to return the secret.
[platforms = ("win", "mac")]
callback GetPersistentSecretCallback = void(ArrayBuffer secret);
// Invoked by <code>getDeviceDataCallback</code> to return the device data.
[platforms = ("win", "mac", "linux")]
callback GetDeviceDataCallback = void(ArrayBuffer data);
// Possible states a particular device setting can be in.
[platforms = ("win", "mac", "linux")]
enum SettingValue { UNKNOWN, DISABLED, ENABLED };
// Device info fields returned by the getDeviceInfo API.
[platforms = ("win", "mac", "linux")]
dictionary DeviceInfo {
DOMString osName;
DOMString osVersion;
DOMString deviceHostName;
DOMString deviceModel;
DOMString serialNumber;
SettingValue screenLockSecured;
SettingValue diskEncrypted;
DOMString[] macAddresses;
// Invoked by <code>getDeviceInfo</code> to return device information.
[platforms = ("win", "mac", "linux")]
callback GetDeviceInfoCallback = void(DeviceInfo deviceInfo);
// Possible states for the EnterpriseRealTimeUrlCheckMode policy.
enum RealtimeUrlCheckMode { DISABLED, ENABLED_MAIN_FRAME };
// Possible states for the SafeBrowsingProtectionLevel policy.
enum SafeBrowsingLevel { DISABLED, STANDARD, ENHANCED };
// Possible states for the PasswordProtectionWarningTrigger policy
enum PasswordProtectionTrigger {
// Context info fields returned by the getContextInfo API.
dictionary ContextInfo {
DOMString[] browserAffiliationIds;
DOMString[] profileAffiliationIds;
DOMString[] onFileAttachedProviders;
DOMString[] onFileDownloadedProviders;
DOMString[] onBulkDataEntryProviders;
RealtimeUrlCheckMode realtimeUrlCheckMode;
DOMString[] onSecurityEventProviders;
DOMString browserVersion;
SafeBrowsingLevel safeBrowsingProtectionLevel;
boolean siteIsolationEnabled;
boolean builtInDnsClientEnabled;
PasswordProtectionTrigger passwordProtectionWarningTrigger;
boolean? chromeCleanupEnabled;
// Invoked by <code>getContextInfo</code> to return context information.
callback GetContextInfoCallback = void(ContextInfo contextInfo);
// The status passed to the callback of <code>getCertificate</code> to
// indicate if the required policy is set.
enum CertificateStatus { OK, POLICY_UNSET };
// The certificate, if one meets the requirements, returned by the
// $(ref:getCertificate) API. <code>encodedCertificate</code> will be
// the DER encoding (binary encoding following X.690 Distinguished Encoding
// Rules) of the X.509 certificate.
dictionary Certificate {
CertificateStatus status;
ArrayBuffer? encodedCertificate;
// Invoked by <code>getCertificate</code> to return the selected certificate.
callback CertificateCallback = void(Certificate certificate);
interface Functions {
// Gets the identity of device that Chrome browser is running on. The ID is
// retrieved from the local device and used by the Google admin console.
[platforms = ("win", "mac", "linux")]
static void getDeviceId(optional GetDeviceIdCallback callback);
// Gets a randomly generated persistent secret (symmetric key) that
// can be used to encrypt the data stored with |setDeviceData|. If the
// optional parameter |forceCreation| is set to true the secret is recreated
// in case of any failure to retrieve the currently stored one. Sets
// $(ref:runtime.lastError) on failure.
[platforms = ("win", "mac")]
static void getPersistentSecret(optional boolean resetSecret,
GetPersistentSecretCallback callback);
// Gets the device data for |id|. Sets $(ref:runtime.lastError) on failure.
[platforms = ("win", "mac", "linux")]
static void getDeviceData(DOMString id, GetDeviceDataCallback callback);
// Sets the device data for |id|. Sets $(ref:runtime.lastError) on failure.
// If the |data| parameter is undefined and there is already data
// associated with |id| it will be cleared.
[platforms = ("win", "mac", "linux")]
static void setDeviceData(DOMString id,
optional ArrayBuffer data,
optional DoneCallback callback);
// Gets the device information (including disk encryption status,
// screen lock status, serial number, model).
[platforms = ("win", "mac", "linux")]
static void getDeviceInfo(GetDeviceInfoCallback callback);
// Gets the context information (including management status of the browser,
// state of key security policies, browser version).
static void getContextInfo(GetContextInfoCallback callback);
// Returns the certificate that would be selected by the filters in the
// AutoSelectCertificateForUrls policy for <code>url</code>.
static void getCertificate(DOMString url, CertificateCallback callback);