blob: d825a1f122077197da506bf83884dabe57575395 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/mru_cache.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/tick_clock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/address_list.h"
#include "net/base/completion_once_callback.h"
#include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
#include "net/base/proxy_server.h"
#include "net/cert/cert_database.h"
#include "net/dns/public/secure_dns_policy.h"
#include "net/http/http_server_properties.h"
#include "net/http/http_stream_factory.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_with_source.h"
#include "net/quic/network_connection.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_chromium_client_session.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_clock_skew_detector.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_connectivity_monitor.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_context.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_crypto_client_config_handle.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_session_key.h"
#include "net/socket/client_socket_pool.h"
#include "net/ssl/ssl_config_service.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_config.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_crypto_stream.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_packets.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_server_id.h"
namespace base {
class Value;
namespace trace_event {
class ProcessMemoryDump;
} // namespace base
namespace quic {
class QuicAlarmFactory;
class QuicClock;
class QuicRandom;
} // namespace quic
namespace net {
class CTPolicyEnforcer;
class CertVerifier;
class ClientSocketFactory;
class HostResolver;
class HttpServerProperties;
class NetLog;
class NetworkIsolationKey;
class QuicChromiumConnectionHelper;
class QuicCryptoClientStreamFactory;
class QuicServerInfo;
class QuicStreamFactory;
class QuicContext;
class SCTAuditingDelegate;
class SocketPerformanceWatcherFactory;
class SocketTag;
class TransportSecurityState;
namespace test {
class QuicStreamFactoryPeer;
} // namespace test
// Maximum number of not currently in use QuicCryptoClientConfig that can be
// stored in |recent_crypto_config_map_|.
// TODO(mmenke): Should figure out a reasonable value of this, using field
// trials. The optimal value may increase over time, as QUIC becomes more
// prevalent. Whether or not NetworkIsolationKeys end up including subframe URLs
// will also influence the ideal value.
const int kMaxRecentCryptoConfigs = 100;
enum QuicPlatformNotification {
enum AllActiveSessionsGoingAwayReason {
// Encapsulates a pending request for a QuicChromiumClientSession.
// If the request is still pending when it is destroyed, it will
// cancel the request with the factory.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicStreamRequest {
explicit QuicStreamRequest(QuicStreamFactory* factory);
// |cert_verify_flags| is bitwise OR'd of CertVerifier::VerifyFlags and it is
// passed to CertVerifier::Verify.
// |destination| will be resolved and resulting IPEndPoint used to open a
// quic::QuicConnection. This can be different than
// HostPortPair::FromURL(url).
// When |use_dns_aliases| is true, any DNS aliases found in host resolution
// are stored in the |dns_aliases_by_session_key_| map. |use_dns_aliases|
// should be false in the case of a proxy.
int Request(const HostPortPair& destination,
quic::ParsedQuicVersion quic_version,
PrivacyMode privacy_mode,
RequestPriority priority,
const SocketTag& socket_tag,
const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key,
SecureDnsPolicy secure_dns_policy,
bool use_dns_aliases,
int cert_verify_flags,
const GURL& url,
const NetLogWithSource& net_log,
NetErrorDetails* net_error_details,
CompletionOnceCallback failed_on_default_network_callback,
CompletionOnceCallback callback);
// This function must be called after Request() returns ERR_IO_PENDING.
// Returns true if Request() requires host resolution and it hasn't completed
// yet. If true is returned, |callback| will run when host resolution
// completes. It will be called with the result after host resolution during
// the connection process. For example, if host resolution returns OK and then
// crypto handshake returns ERR_IO_PENDING, then |callback| will run with
bool WaitForHostResolution(CompletionOnceCallback callback);
// Tells QuicStreamRequest it should expect OnHostResolutionComplete()
// to be called in the future.
void ExpectOnHostResolution();
// Will be called by the associated QuicStreamFactory::Job when host
// resolution completes asynchronously after Request().
void OnHostResolutionComplete(int rv);
void OnRequestComplete(int rv);
// Called when the original connection created on the default network for
// |this| fails and a new connection has been created on the alternate
// network.
void OnConnectionFailedOnDefaultNetwork();
// Helper method that calls |factory_|'s GetTimeDelayForWaitingJob(). It
// returns the amount of time waiting job should be delayed.
base::TimeDelta GetTimeDelayForWaitingJob() const;
// If host resolution is underway, changes the priority of the host resolver
// request.
void SetPriority(RequestPriority priority);
// Releases the handle to the QUIC session retrieved as a result of Request().
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumClientSession::Handle> ReleaseSessionHandle();
// Sets |session_|.
void SetSession(std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumClientSession::Handle> session);
NetErrorDetails* net_error_details() { return net_error_details_; }
const QuicSessionKey& session_key() const { return session_key_; }
const NetLogWithSource& net_log() const { return net_log_; }
QuicStreamFactory* factory_;
QuicSessionKey session_key_;
NetLogWithSource net_log_;
CompletionOnceCallback callback_;
CompletionOnceCallback failed_on_default_network_callback_;
NetErrorDetails* net_error_details_; // Unowned.
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumClientSession::Handle> session_;
// Set in Request(). If true, then OnHostResolutionComplete() is expected to
// be called in the future.
bool expect_on_host_resolution_;
// Callback passed to WaitForHostResolution().
CompletionOnceCallback host_resolution_callback_;
// A factory for fetching QuicChromiumClientSessions.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicStreamFactory
: public NetworkChangeNotifier::IPAddressObserver,
public NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkObserver,
public CertDatabase::Observer {
// This class encompasses |destination| and |server_id|.
// |destination| is a HostPortPair which is resolved
// and a quic::QuicConnection is made to the resulting IP address.
// |server_id| identifies the origin of the request,
// the crypto handshake advertises || to the server,
// and the certificate is also matched against ||.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicSessionAliasKey {
QuicSessionAliasKey() = default;
QuicSessionAliasKey(const HostPortPair& destination,
const QuicSessionKey& session_key);
~QuicSessionAliasKey() = default;
// Needed to be an element of std::set.
bool operator<(const QuicSessionAliasKey& other) const;
bool operator==(const QuicSessionAliasKey& other) const;
const HostPortPair& destination() const { return destination_; }
const quic::QuicServerId& server_id() const {
return session_key_.server_id();
const QuicSessionKey& session_key() const { return session_key_; }
// Returns the estimate of dynamically allocated memory in bytes.
HostPortPair destination_;
QuicSessionKey session_key_;
NetLog* net_log,
HostResolver* host_resolver,
SSLConfigService* ssl_config_service,
ClientSocketFactory* client_socket_factory,
HttpServerProperties* http_server_properties,
CertVerifier* cert_verifier,
CTPolicyEnforcer* ct_policy_enforcer,
TransportSecurityState* transport_security_state,
SCTAuditingDelegate* sct_auditing_delegate,
SocketPerformanceWatcherFactory* socket_performance_watcher_factory,
QuicCryptoClientStreamFactory* quic_crypto_client_stream_factory,
QuicContext* context);
~QuicStreamFactory() override;
// Returns true if there is an existing session for |session_key| or if the
// request can be pooled to an existing session to the IP address of
// |destination|.
bool CanUseExistingSession(const QuicSessionKey& session_key,
const HostPortPair& destination);
// Fetches a QuicChromiumClientSession to |host_port_pair| which will be
// owned by |request|.
// If a matching session already exists, this method will return OK. If no
// matching session exists, this will return ERR_IO_PENDING and will invoke
// OnRequestComplete asynchronously.
// When |use_dns_aliases| is true, any DNS aliases found in host resolution
// are stored in the |dns_aliases_by_session_key_| map. |use_dns_aliases|
// should be false in the case of a proxy.
int Create(const QuicSessionKey& session_key,
const HostPortPair& destination,
quic::ParsedQuicVersion quic_version,
RequestPriority priority,
bool use_dns_aliases,
int cert_verify_flags,
const GURL& url,
const NetLogWithSource& net_log,
QuicStreamRequest* request);
// Called by a session when it is going away and no more streams should be
// created on it.
void OnSessionGoingAway(QuicChromiumClientSession* session);
// Called by a session after it shuts down.
void OnSessionClosed(QuicChromiumClientSession* session);
// Called by a session when it blackholes after the handshake is confirmed.
void OnBlackholeAfterHandshakeConfirmed(QuicChromiumClientSession* session);
// Cancels a pending request.
void CancelRequest(QuicStreamRequest* request);
// Sets priority of a request.
void SetRequestPriority(QuicStreamRequest* request, RequestPriority priority);
// Closes all current sessions with specified network, QUIC error codes.
// It sends connection close packet when closing connections.
void CloseAllSessions(int error, quic::QuicErrorCode quic_error);
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> QuicStreamFactoryInfoToValue() const;
// Delete cached state objects in |crypto_config_|. If |origin_filter| is not
// null, only objects on matching origins will be deleted.
void ClearCachedStatesInCryptoConfig(
const base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const GURL&)>& origin_filter);
// Helper method that configures a DatagramClientSocket. Socket is
// bound to the default network if the |network| param is
// NetworkChangeNotifier::kInvalidNetworkHandle.
// Returns net_error code.
int ConfigureSocket(DatagramClientSocket* socket,
IPEndPoint addr,
NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle network,
const SocketTag& socket_tag);
// Finds an alternative to |old_network| from the platform's list of connected
// networks. Returns NetworkChangeNotifier::kInvalidNetworkHandle if no
// alternative is found.
NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle FindAlternateNetwork(
NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle old_network);
// Creates a datagram socket. |source| is the NetLogSource for the entity
// trying to create the socket, if it has one.
std::unique_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> CreateSocket(
NetLog* net_log,
const NetLogSource& source);
// NetworkChangeNotifier::IPAddressObserver methods:
// Until the servers support roaming, close all connections when the local
// IP address changes.
void OnIPAddressChanged() override;
// NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkObserver methods:
void OnNetworkConnected(
NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle network) override;
void OnNetworkDisconnected(
NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle network) override;
void OnNetworkSoonToDisconnect(
NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle network) override;
void OnNetworkMadeDefault(
NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle network) override;
// CertDatabase::Observer methods:
// We close all sessions when certificate database is changed.
void OnCertDBChanged() override;
bool is_quic_known_to_work_on_current_network() const {
return is_quic_known_to_work_on_current_network_;
bool allow_server_migration() const { return params_.allow_server_migration; }
// Returns true is gQUIC 0-RTT is disabled from quic_context.
bool gquic_zero_rtt_disabled() const {
return params_.disable_gquic_zero_rtt;
void set_is_quic_known_to_work_on_current_network(
bool is_quic_known_to_work_on_current_network);
// It returns the amount of time waiting job should be delayed.
base::TimeDelta GetTimeDelayForWaitingJob(const QuicSessionKey& session_key);
QuicChromiumConnectionHelper* helper() { return helper_.get(); }
quic::QuicAlarmFactory* alarm_factory() { return alarm_factory_.get(); }
void set_server_push_delegate(ServerPushDelegate* push_delegate) {
push_delegate_ = push_delegate;
NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle default_network() const {
return default_network_;
// Dumps memory allocation stats. |parent_dump_absolute_name| is the name
// used by the parent MemoryAllocatorDump in the memory dump hierarchy.
void DumpMemoryStats(base::trace_event::ProcessMemoryDump* pmd,
const std::string& parent_absolute_name) const;
// Returns the stored DNS aliases for the session key.
const std::vector<std::string>& GetDnsAliasesForSessionKey(
const QuicSessionKey& key) const;
class Job;
class QuicCryptoClientConfigOwner;
class CryptoClientConfigHandle;
friend class test::QuicStreamFactoryPeer;
using SessionMap = std::map<QuicSessionKey, QuicChromiumClientSession*>;
using SessionIdMap =
std::map<QuicChromiumClientSession*, QuicSessionAliasKey>;
using AliasSet = std::set<QuicSessionAliasKey>;
using SessionAliasMap = std::map<QuicChromiumClientSession*, AliasSet>;
using SessionSet = std::set<QuicChromiumClientSession*>;
using IPAliasMap = std::map<IPEndPoint, SessionSet>;
using SessionPeerIPMap = std::map<QuicChromiumClientSession*, IPEndPoint>;
using JobMap = std::map<QuicSessionKey, std::unique_ptr<Job>>;
using DnsAliasesBySessionKeyMap =
std::map<QuicSessionKey, std::vector<std::string>>;
using QuicCryptoClientConfigMap =
bool HasMatchingIpSession(const QuicSessionAliasKey& key,
const AddressList& address_list,
bool use_dns_aliases);
void OnJobComplete(Job* job, int rv);
bool HasActiveSession(const QuicSessionKey& session_key) const;
bool HasActiveJob(const QuicSessionKey& session_key) const;
int CreateSession(const QuicSessionAliasKey& key,
quic::ParsedQuicVersion quic_version,
int cert_verify_flags,
bool require_confirmation,
const AddressList& address_list,
base::TimeTicks dns_resolution_start_time,
base::TimeTicks dns_resolution_end_time,
const NetLogWithSource& net_log,
QuicChromiumClientSession** session,
NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle* network);
void ActivateSession(const QuicSessionAliasKey& key,
QuicChromiumClientSession* session,
std::vector<std::string> dns_aliases);
// Go away all active sessions. May disable session's connectivity monitoring
// based on the |reason|.
void MarkAllActiveSessionsGoingAway(AllActiveSessionsGoingAwayReason reason);
void ConfigureInitialRttEstimate(
const quic::QuicServerId& server_id,
const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key,
quic::QuicConfig* config);
// Returns |srtt| in micro seconds from ServerNetworkStats. Returns 0 if there
// is no |http_server_properties_| or if |http_server_properties_| doesn't
// have ServerNetworkStats for the given |server_id|.
int64_t GetServerNetworkStatsSmoothedRttInMicroseconds(
const quic::QuicServerId& server_id,
const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key) const;
// Returns |srtt| from ServerNetworkStats. Returns null if there
// is no |http_server_properties_| or if |http_server_properties_| doesn't
// have ServerNetworkStats for the given |server_id|.
const base::TimeDelta* GetServerNetworkStatsSmoothedRtt(
const quic::QuicServerId& server_id,
const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key) const;
// Helper methods.
bool WasQuicRecentlyBroken(const QuicSessionKey& session_key) const;
// Helper method to initialize the following migration options and check
// pre-requisites:
// - |params_.migrate_sessions_on_network_change_v2|
// - |params_.migrate_sessions_early_v2|
// - |params_.migrate_idle_sessions|
// - |params_.retry_on_alternate_network_before_handshake|
// If pre-requisites are not met, turn off the corresponding options.
void InitializeMigrationOptions();
// Initializes the cached state associated with |server_id| in
// |crypto_config_| with the information in |server_info|. Populates
// |connection_id| with the next server designated connection id,
// if any, and otherwise leaves it unchanged.
void InitializeCachedStateInCryptoConfig(
const CryptoClientConfigHandle& crypto_config_handle,
const quic::QuicServerId& server_id,
const std::unique_ptr<QuicServerInfo>& server_info,
quic::QuicConnectionId* connection_id);
void ProcessGoingAwaySession(QuicChromiumClientSession* session,
const quic::QuicServerId& server_id,
bool was_session_active);
// Insert the given alias `key` in the AliasSet for the given `session` in
// the map `session_aliases_`, and add the given `dns_aliases` for
// `key.session_key()` in `dns_aliases_by_session_key_`.
void MapSessionToAliasKey(QuicChromiumClientSession* session,
const QuicSessionAliasKey& key,
std::vector<std::string> dns_aliases);
// For all alias keys for `session` in `session_aliases_`, erase the
// corresponding DNS aliases in `dns_aliases_by_session_key_`. Then erase
// `session` from `session_aliases_`.
void UnmapSessionFromSessionAliases(QuicChromiumClientSession* session);
// Creates a CreateCryptoConfigHandle for the specified NetworkIsolationKey.
// If there's already a corresponding entry in |active_crypto_config_map_|,
// reuses it. If there's a corresponding entry in |recent_crypto_config_map_|,
// promotes it to |active_crypto_config_map_| and then reuses it. Otherwise,
// creates a new entry in |active_crypto_config_map_|.
std::unique_ptr<CryptoClientConfigHandle> CreateCryptoConfigHandle(
const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key);
// Salled when the indicated member of |active_crypto_config_map_| has no
// outstanding references. The QuicCryptoClientConfigOwner is then moved to
// |recent_crypto_config_map_|, an MRU cache.
void OnAllCryptoClientRefReleased(
QuicCryptoClientConfigMap::iterator& map_iterator);
// Called when a network change happens.
// Collect platform notification metrics, and if the change affects the
// original default network interface, collect connectivity degradation
// metrics from |connectivity_monitor_| and add to histograms.
void CollectDataOnPlatformNotification(
enum QuicPlatformNotification notification,
NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle affected_network) const;
std::unique_ptr<QuicCryptoClientConfigHandle> GetCryptoConfigForTesting(
const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key);
bool CryptoConfigCacheIsEmptyForTesting(
const quic::QuicServerId& server_id,
const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key);
// Whether QUIC is known to work on current network. This is true when QUIC is
// expected to work in general, rather than whether QUIC was broken / recently
// broken when used with a particular server. That information is stored in
// the broken alternative service map in HttpServerProperties.
bool is_quic_known_to_work_on_current_network_;
NetLog* net_log_;
HostResolver* host_resolver_;
ClientSocketFactory* client_socket_factory_;
HttpServerProperties* http_server_properties_;
ServerPushDelegate* push_delegate_;
CertVerifier* const cert_verifier_;
CTPolicyEnforcer* const ct_policy_enforcer_;
TransportSecurityState* const transport_security_state_;
SCTAuditingDelegate* const sct_auditing_delegate_;
QuicCryptoClientStreamFactory* quic_crypto_client_stream_factory_;
quic::QuicRandom* random_generator_; // Unowned.
const quic::QuicClock* clock_; // Unowned.
QuicParams params_;
QuicClockSkewDetector clock_skew_detector_;
// Factory which is used to create socket performance watcher. A new watcher
// is created for every QUIC connection.
// |socket_performance_watcher_factory_| may be null.
SocketPerformanceWatcherFactory* socket_performance_watcher_factory_;
// The helper used for all connections.
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumConnectionHelper> helper_;
// The alarm factory used for all connections.
std::unique_ptr<quic::QuicAlarmFactory> alarm_factory_;
// Contains owning pointers to all sessions that currently exist.
SessionIdMap all_sessions_;
// Contains non-owning pointers to currently active session
// (not going away session, once they're implemented).
SessionMap active_sessions_;
// Map from session to set of aliases that this session is known by.
SessionAliasMap session_aliases_;
// Map from IP address to sessions which are connected to this address.
IPAliasMap ip_aliases_;
// Map from session to its original peer IP address.
SessionPeerIPMap session_peer_ip_;
// Origins which have gone away recently.
AliasSet gone_away_aliases_;
// A map of DNS alias vectors by session keys.
DnsAliasesBySessionKeyMap dns_aliases_by_session_key_;
// When a QuicCryptoClientConfig is in use, it has one or more live
// CryptoClientConfigHandles, and is stored in |active_crypto_config_map_|.
// Once all the handles are deleted, it's moved to
// |recent_crypto_config_map_|. If reused before it is evicted from MRUCache,
// it will be removed from the cache and return to the active config map.
// These two maps should never both have entries with the same
// NetworkIsolationKey.
QuicCryptoClientConfigMap active_crypto_config_map_;
const quic::QuicConfig config_;
JobMap active_jobs_;
// PING timeout for connections.
quic::QuicTime::Delta ping_timeout_;
quic::QuicTime::Delta reduced_ping_timeout_;
// Timeout for how long the wire can have no retransmittable packets.
quic::QuicTime::Delta retransmittable_on_wire_timeout_;
// If more than |yield_after_packets_| packets have been read or more than
// |yield_after_duration_| time has passed, then
// QuicChromiumPacketReader::StartReading() yields by doing a PostTask().
int yield_after_packets_;
quic::QuicTime::Delta yield_after_duration_;
// If |migrate_sessions_early_v2_| is true, tracks the current default
// network, and is updated OnNetworkMadeDefault.
// Otherwise, always set to NetworkChangeNotifier::kInvalidNetwork.
NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle default_network_;
// Local address of socket that was created in CreateSession.
IPEndPoint local_address_;
// True if we need to check HttpServerProperties if QUIC was supported last
// time.
bool need_to_check_persisted_supports_quic_;
bool prefer_aes_gcm_recorded_;
NetworkConnection network_connection_;
int num_push_streams_created_;
QuicConnectivityMonitor connectivity_monitor_;
const base::TickClock* tick_clock_;
base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner_;
SSLConfigService* const ssl_config_service_;
// Whether NetworkIsolationKeys should be used for
// |active_crypto_config_map_|. If false, there will just be one config with
// an empty NetworkIsolationKey. Whether QuicSessionAliasKeys all have an
// empty NIK is based on whether socket pools are respecting NIKs, but whether
// those NIKs are also used when accessing |active_crypto_config_map_| is also
// gated this, which is set based on whether HttpServerProperties is
// respecting NIKs, as that data is fed into the crypto config map using the
// corresponding NIK.
const bool use_network_isolation_key_for_crypto_configs_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<QuicStreamFactory> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace net