blob: 4e2ec20ece9b5108554441c055e633a1e5e19e31 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "net/base/schemeful_site.h"
#include "net/cookies/cookie_constants.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace network {
// Class FirstPartySets is a pseudo-singleton owned by NetworkService; it stores
// all known information about First-Party Sets state. This information is
// updated by the component updater via |ParseAndSet|.
class FirstPartySets {
FirstPartySets(const FirstPartySets&) = delete;
FirstPartySets& operator=(const FirstPartySets&) = delete;
void SetManuallySpecifiedSet(const std::string& flag_value);
// Overwrites the current members-to-owners map with the values in |raw_sets|,
// which should be the JSON-encoded string representation of a collection of
// set declarations according to the format specified in this document:
// Returns a pointer to the
// mapping, for testing.
// In case of invalid input, clears the current members-to-owners map, but
// keeps any manually-specified set (i.e. a set provided on the command line).
base::flat_map<net::SchemefulSite, net::SchemefulSite>* ParseAndSet(
base::StringPiece raw_sets);
// Returns whether the `site` is same-party with the `party_context`, and
// `top_frame_site` (if it is not nullopt). That is, is the `site`'s owner the
// same as the owners of every member of `party_context` and of
// `top_frame_site`? Note: if `site` is not a member of a First-Party Set
// (with more than one member), then this returns false. If `top_frame_site`
// is nullopt, then it is ignored.
bool IsContextSamePartyWithSite(
const net::SchemefulSite& site,
const absl::optional<net::SchemefulSite>& top_frame_site,
const std::set<net::SchemefulSite>& party_context) const;
// Computes the "type" of the context. I.e., categorizes contexts based on
// whether the top frame site and resource URL are same-party; whether the top
// frame site was ignored; whether the `party_context` is same-party with
// everything else; etc.
// Since this metric may be used to inform decisions based on actual usage
// patterns of sites on the web, this infers singleton sets. That is, it
// treats sites that do not belong to a First-Party Set as belonging to an
// implictly-declared singleton First-Party Set.
net::FirstPartySetsContextType ComputeContextType(
const net::SchemefulSite& site,
const absl::optional<net::SchemefulSite>& top_frame_site,
const std::set<net::SchemefulSite>& party_context) const;
// Returns whether the `site` is a member of a non-trivial (i.e.
// non-singleton) First-Party Set.
bool IsInNontrivialFirstPartySet(const net::SchemefulSite& site) const;
int64_t size() const { return sets_.size(); }
// Returns a mapping from owner to set members. For convenience of iteration,
// the members of the set includes the owner.
base::flat_map<net::SchemefulSite, std::set<net::SchemefulSite>> Sets() const;
// We must ensure there's no intersection between the manually-specified set
// and the sets that came from Component Updater. (When reconciling the
// manually-specified set and `sets_`, entries in the manually-specified set
// always win.) We must also ensure that `sets_` includes the set described by
// `manually_specified_set_`.
void ApplyManuallySpecifiedSet();
// Represents the mapping of site -> site, where keys are members of sets, and
// values are owners of the sets. Owners are explicitly represented as members
// of the set.
base::flat_map<net::SchemefulSite, net::SchemefulSite> sets_;
std::pair<net::SchemefulSite, base::flat_set<net::SchemefulSite>>>
} // namespace network