blob: 5b81363e0408aa0ee962d3e14ed42fda829cd16b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/tab_group_header.h"
#include "components/tab_groups/tab_group_color.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/views/bubble/bubble_dialog_delegate_view.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/button/label_button.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/button/toggle_button.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/textfield/textfield.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/textfield/textfield_controller.h"
class Browser;
namespace tab_groups {
enum class TabGroupColorId;
class TabGroupId;
} // namespace tab_groups
namespace views {
class ToggleButton;
} // namespace views
class ColorPickerView;
class TabGroupHeader;
// A dialog for changing a tab group's visual parameters.
class TabGroupEditorBubbleView : public views::BubbleDialogDelegateView {
static constexpr int TAB_GROUP_HEADER_CXMENU_SAVE_GROUP = 13;
static constexpr int TAB_GROUP_HEADER_CXMENU_NEW_TAB_IN_GROUP = 14;
static constexpr int TAB_GROUP_HEADER_CXMENU_UNGROUP = 15;
static constexpr int TAB_GROUP_HEADER_CXMENU_CLOSE_GROUP = 16;
static constexpr int TAB_GROUP_HEADER_CXMENU_FEEDBACK = 18;
using Colors =
std::vector<std::pair<tab_groups::TabGroupColorId, std::u16string>>;
// Shows the editor for |group|. Returns a *non-owning* pointer to the
// bubble's widget.
static views::Widget* Show(
const Browser* browser,
const tab_groups::TabGroupId& group,
TabGroupHeader* header_view,
absl::optional<gfx::Rect> anchor_rect = absl::nullopt,
// If not provided, will be set to |header_view|.
views::View* anchor_view = nullptr,
bool stop_context_menu_propagation = false);
// views::BubbleDialogDelegateView:
views::View* GetInitiallyFocusedView() override;
gfx::Rect GetAnchorRect() const override;
// This needs to be added as it does not know the correct theme color until it
// is added to widget.
void AddedToWidget() override;
TabGroupEditorBubbleView(const Browser* browser,
const tab_groups::TabGroupId& group,
views::View* anchor_view,
absl::optional<gfx::Rect> anchor_rect,
TabGroupHeader* header_view,
bool stop_context_menu_propagation);
~TabGroupEditorBubbleView() override;
void UpdateGroup();
void OnSaveTogglePressed();
void NewTabInGroupPressed();
void UngroupPressed(TabGroupHeader* header_view);
void CloseGroupPressed();
void MoveGroupToNewWindowPressed();
void SendFeedbackPressed();
void OnBubbleClose();
const raw_ptr<const Browser> browser_;
const tab_groups::TabGroupId group_;
class TitleFieldController : public views::TextfieldController {
explicit TitleFieldController(TabGroupEditorBubbleView* parent)
: parent_(parent) {}
~TitleFieldController() override = default;
// views::TextfieldController:
void ContentsChanged(views::Textfield* sender,
const std::u16string& new_contents) override;
bool HandleKeyEvent(views::Textfield* sender,
const ui::KeyEvent& key_event) override;
const raw_ptr<TabGroupEditorBubbleView> parent_;
TitleFieldController title_field_controller_;
class TitleField : public views::Textfield {
explicit TitleField(bool stop_context_menu_propagation)
: stop_context_menu_propagation_(stop_context_menu_propagation) {}
~TitleField() override = default;
// views::Textfield:
void ShowContextMenu(const gfx::Point& p,
ui::MenuSourceType source_type) override;
// Whether the context menu should be hidden the first time it shows.
// Needed because there is no easy way to stop the propagation of a
// ShowContextMenu event, which is sometimes used to open the bubble
// itself.
bool stop_context_menu_propagation_;
raw_ptr<TitleField> title_field_;
Colors colors_;
raw_ptr<ColorPickerView> color_selector_;
raw_ptr<views::ToggleButton> save_group_toggle_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::LabelButton> move_menu_item_ = nullptr;
// If true will use the |anchor_rect_| provided in the constructor, otherwise
// fall back to using the anchor view bounds.
const bool use_set_anchor_rect_;
// Creates the set of tab group colors to display and returns the color that
// is initially selected.
tab_groups::TabGroupColorId InitColorSet();
std::u16string title_at_opening_;