blob: f4ce967d7cdb215829d14480331372e95f3598b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/url_formatter/url_formatter.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/cxx17_backports.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace url_formatter {
namespace {
using base::WideToUTF16;
using base::ASCIIToUTF16;
const size_t kNpos = std::u16string::npos;
struct AdjustOffsetCase {
size_t input_offset;
size_t output_offset;
struct UrlTestData {
const char* const description;
const char* const input;
FormatUrlTypes format_types;
net::UnescapeRule::Type escape_rules;
const wchar_t* output; // Use |wchar_t| to handle Unicode constants easily.
size_t prefix_len;
// A pair of helpers for the FormatUrlWithOffsets() test.
void VerboseExpect(size_t expected,
size_t actual,
const std::string& original_url,
size_t position,
const std::u16string& formatted_url) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual) << "Original URL: " << original_url
<< " (at char " << position << ")\nFormatted URL: " << formatted_url;
void CheckAdjustedOffsets(const std::string& url_string,
FormatUrlTypes format_types,
net::UnescapeRule::Type unescape_rules,
const size_t* output_offsets) {
GURL url(url_string);
size_t url_length = url_string.length();
std::vector<size_t> offsets;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= url_length + 1; ++i)
offsets.push_back(500000); // Something larger than any input length.
std::u16string formatted_url = FormatUrlWithOffsets(
url, format_types, unescape_rules, nullptr, nullptr, &offsets);
for (size_t i = 0; i < url_length; ++i)
VerboseExpect(output_offsets[i], offsets[i], url_string, i, formatted_url);
VerboseExpect(formatted_url.length(), offsets[url_length], url_string,
url_length, formatted_url);
VerboseExpect(std::u16string::npos, offsets[url_length + 1], url_string,
500000, formatted_url);
VerboseExpect(std::u16string::npos, offsets[url_length + 2], url_string,
std::string::npos, formatted_url);
} // namespace
TEST(UrlFormatterTest, FormatUrl) {
FormatUrlTypes default_format_type = kFormatUrlOmitUsernamePassword;
// clang-format off
const UrlTestData tests[] = {
{"Empty URL", "", default_format_type, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 0},
{"Simple URL", "", default_format_type,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 7},
{"With a port number and a reference",
"\xE3\x82\xB0", default_format_type,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"\x30B0", 7},
// -------- IDN tests --------
{"Japanese IDN with ja", "",
default_format_type, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"http://\x671d\x65e5\x3042\x3055\", 7},
{"mailto: with Japanese IDN", "",
default_format_type, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
// GURL doesn't assume an email address's domain part as a host name.
L"", 7},
{"file: with Japanese IDN", "file://",
default_format_type, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"file://\x671d\x65e5\x3042\x3055\", 7},
{"ftp: with Japanese IDN", "",
default_format_type, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"ftp://\x671d\x65e5\x3042\x3055\", 6},
// -------- omit_username_password flag tests --------
{"With username and password, omit_username_password=false",
"", kFormatUrlOmitNothing,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 19},
{"With username and password, omit_username_password=true",
"", default_format_type,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 7},
{"With username and no password", "",
default_format_type, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"", 7},
{"Just '@' without username and password", "",
default_format_type, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"", 7},
// GURL doesn't think local-part of an email address is username for URL.
{"mailto:, omit_username_password=true", "",
default_format_type, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"", 7},
// -------- unescape flag tests --------
{"Do not unescape",
default_format_type, net::UnescapeRule::NONE,
// GURL parses %-encoded hostnames into Punycode.
{"Unescape normally",
default_format_type, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
{"Unescape normally with BiDi control character",
"", default_format_type,
L"", 7},
{"Unescape normally including unescape spaces",
"", default_format_type,
net::UnescapeRule::SPACES, L" World",
{"unescape=true with some special characters",
kFormatUrlOmitNothing, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"", 25},
// Disabled: the resultant URL becomes "...user%253A:%2540passwd...".
// -------- omit http: --------
{"omit http", "", kFormatUrlOmitHTTP,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 0},
{"omit http on bare scheme", "http://", kFormatUrlOmitDefaults,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 0},
{"omit http with user name", "",
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"",
{"omit http with https", "", kFormatUrlOmitHTTP,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 8},
{"omit http starts with ftp.", "",
kFormatUrlOmitHTTP, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"",
// -------- omit file: --------
#if defined(OS_WIN)
{"omit file on Windows", "file:///C:/Users/homedirname/folder/file.pdf/",
kFormatUrlOmitFileScheme, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"C:/Users/homedirname/folder/file.pdf/", static_cast<size_t>(-1)},
{"omit file", "file:///Users/homedirname/folder/file.pdf/",
kFormatUrlOmitFileScheme, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"/Users/homedirname/folder/file.pdf/", 0},
// -------- omit mailto: --------
{ "omit mailto", "",
kFormatUrlOmitMailToScheme, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"", 0 },
// -------- omit trailing slash on bare hostname --------
{"omit slash when it's the entire path", "",
kFormatUrlOmitTrailingSlashOnBareHostname, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"", 7},
{"omit slash when there's a ref", "",
kFormatUrlOmitTrailingSlashOnBareHostname, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"", 7},
{"omit slash when there's a query", "",
kFormatUrlOmitTrailingSlashOnBareHostname, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"", 7},
{"omit slash when it's not the entire path", "",
kFormatUrlOmitTrailingSlashOnBareHostname, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"", 7},
{"omit slash for nonstandard URLs", "data:/",
kFormatUrlOmitTrailingSlashOnBareHostname, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"data:/", 5},
{"omit slash for file URLs", "file:///",
kFormatUrlOmitTrailingSlashOnBareHostname, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"file:///", 7},
// -------- view-source: --------
{"view-source", "view-source:",
default_format_type, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"view-source:http://\x30B0\x30FC\x30B0\", 19},
{"view-source of view-source",
"view-source:view-source:", default_format_type,
L"view-source:view-source:", 12},
// view-source should omit http and trailing slash where non-view-source
// would.
{"view-source omit http", "view-source:http://a.b/c",
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"view-source:a.b/c",
{"view-source omit http starts with ftp.", "view-source:http://ftp.b/c",
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"view-source:http://ftp.b/c", 19},
{"view-source omit slash when it's the entire path",
"view-source:http://a.b/", kFormatUrlOmitDefaults,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"view-source:a.b", 12},
{"view-source never applies destructive elisions to its inner URL",
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlOmitHTTPS |
kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains | kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"view-source:",
#if defined(OS_WIN)
{"view-source should not omit file on Windows",
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlOmitFileScheme,
L"view-source:file:///C:/Users/homedirname/folder/file.pdf/", 19},
{"view-source should not omit file",
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlOmitFileScheme,
L"view-source:file:///Users/homedirname/folder/file.pdf/", 19},
// -------- omit https --------
{"omit https", "", kFormatUrlOmitHTTPS,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 0},
{"omit https but do not omit http", "",
kFormatUrlOmitHTTPS, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"", 7},
{"omit https, username, and password",
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlOmitHTTPS, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"", 0},
{"omit https, but preserve user name and password",
"", kFormatUrlOmitHTTPS,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 14},
{"omit https should not affect hosts starting with ftp.",
"", kFormatUrlOmitHTTP | kFormatUrlOmitHTTPS,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 8},
// -------- omit trivial subdomains --------
{"omit trivial subdomains - trim leading www",
"", kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 7},
{"omit trivial subdomains - don't trim leading m",
"", kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 7},
{"omit trivial subdomains - don't trim www after a leading m",
"", kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 7},
{"omit trivial subdomains - trim first www only",
"", kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 7},
{"omit trivial subdomains - don't trim www from middle",
"", kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 7},
{"omit trivial subdomains - don't do blind substring matches for www",
"", kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 7},
{"omit trivial subdomains - don't crash on multiple delimiters",
"", kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 7},
{"omit trivial subdomains - sanity check for ordinary subdomains",
"", kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 7},
{"omit trivial subdomains - sanity check for auth",
"", kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 13},
{"omit trivial subdomains - sanity check for path",
"", kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 7},
{"omit trivial subdomains - sanity check for IDN",
kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
L"http://\x89c6\x9891.www.\x89c6\", 7},
{"omit trivial subdomains but leave registry and domain alone - trivial",
"", kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 7},
{"omit trivial subdomains but leave registry and domain alone - www",
"", kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 7},
{"omit trivial subdomains but leave registry and domain alone -",
"", kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 7},
{"omit trivial subdomains but leave eTLD (effective TLD) alone",
"", kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 7},
{"omit trivial subdomains but leave intranet hostnames alone",
"http://router/", kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"http://router/", 7},
{"omit trivial subdomains but leave alone if host itself is a registry",
"", kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 7},
// -------- trim after host --------
{"omit the trailing slash when ommitting the path", "",
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 0},
{"omit the simple file path when ommitting the path",
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 0},
{"omit the file and folder path when ommitting the path",
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 0},
{"omit everything after host with query only",
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 0},
{"omit everything after host with ref only", "",
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 0},
{"omit everything after host with path and query only",
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 0},
{"omit everything after host with path and ref only",
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 0},
{"omit everything after host with query and ref only",
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 0},
{"omit everything after host with path, query and ref",
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 0},
{"omit everything after host with repeated delimiters (sanity check)",
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, L"", 0},
{"never trim file paths", "file:///Users/homedirname/folder/file.pdf/",
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost,
L"file:///Users/homedirname/folder/file.pdf/", 7},
// clang-format on
for (size_t i = 0; i < base::size(tests); ++i) {
size_t prefix_len;
std::u16string formatted =
FormatUrl(GURL(tests[i].input), tests[i].format_types,
tests[i].escape_rules, nullptr, &prefix_len, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(WideToUTF16(tests[i].output), formatted) << tests[i].description;
EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].prefix_len, prefix_len) << tests[i].description;
TEST(UrlFormatterTest, FormatUrlParsed) {
// No unescape case.
url::Parsed parsed;
std::u16string formatted =
kFormatUrlOmitNothing, net::UnescapeRule::NONE, &parsed,
nullptr, nullptr);
formatted.substr(parsed.username.begin, parsed.username.len));
formatted.substr(parsed.password.begin, parsed.password.len));
EXPECT_EQ(u"8080", formatted.substr(parsed.port.begin, parsed.port.len));
formatted.substr(parsed.path.begin, parsed.path.len));
formatted.substr(parsed.query.begin, parsed.query.len));
EXPECT_EQ(u"%E3%82%B0", formatted.substr(parsed.ref.begin, parsed.ref.len));
// Unescape case.
formatted =
kFormatUrlOmitNothing, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, &parsed,
nullptr, nullptr);
formatted.substr(parsed.username.begin, parsed.username.len));
formatted.substr(parsed.password.begin, parsed.password.len));
EXPECT_EQ(u"8080", formatted.substr(parsed.port.begin, parsed.port.len));
EXPECT_EQ(u"/\x30B0/", formatted.substr(parsed.path.begin, parsed.path.len));
formatted.substr(parsed.query.begin, parsed.query.len));
EXPECT_EQ(u"\x30B0", formatted.substr(parsed.ref.begin, parsed.ref.len));
// Omit_username_password + unescape case.
formatted =
kFormatUrlOmitUsernamePassword, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
&parsed, nullptr, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(u"8080", formatted.substr(parsed.port.begin, parsed.port.len));
EXPECT_EQ(u"/\x30B0/", formatted.substr(parsed.path.begin, parsed.path.len));
formatted.substr(parsed.query.begin, parsed.query.len));
EXPECT_EQ(u"\x30B0", formatted.substr(parsed.ref.begin, parsed.ref.len));
// View-source case.
formatted =
kFormatUrlOmitUsernamePassword, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
&parsed, nullptr, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(u"view-source:http://host:81/path?query#ref", formatted);
formatted.substr(parsed.scheme.begin, parsed.scheme.len));
EXPECT_EQ(u"host", formatted.substr(,;
EXPECT_EQ(u"81", formatted.substr(parsed.port.begin, parsed.port.len));
EXPECT_EQ(u"/path", formatted.substr(parsed.path.begin, parsed.path.len));
EXPECT_EQ(u"query", formatted.substr(parsed.query.begin, parsed.query.len));
EXPECT_EQ(u"ref", formatted.substr(parsed.ref.begin, parsed.ref.len));
// omit http case.
formatted = FormatUrl(GURL("http://host:8000/a?b=c#d"), kFormatUrlOmitHTTP,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, &parsed, nullptr, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(u"host:8000/a?b=c#d", formatted);
EXPECT_EQ(u"host", formatted.substr(,;
EXPECT_EQ(u"8000", formatted.substr(parsed.port.begin, parsed.port.len));
EXPECT_EQ(u"/a", formatted.substr(parsed.path.begin, parsed.path.len));
EXPECT_EQ(u"b=c", formatted.substr(parsed.query.begin, parsed.query.len));
EXPECT_EQ(u"d", formatted.substr(parsed.ref.begin, parsed.ref.len));
// omit http starts with ftp case.
formatted = FormatUrl(GURL(""),
kFormatUrlOmitHTTP, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, &parsed,
nullptr, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(u"", formatted);
EXPECT_EQ(u"http", formatted.substr(parsed.scheme.begin, parsed.scheme.len));
EXPECT_EQ(u"", formatted.substr(,;
EXPECT_EQ(u"8000", formatted.substr(parsed.port.begin, parsed.port.len));
EXPECT_EQ(u"/a", formatted.substr(parsed.path.begin, parsed.path.len));
EXPECT_EQ(u"b=c", formatted.substr(parsed.query.begin, parsed.query.len));
EXPECT_EQ(u"d", formatted.substr(parsed.ref.begin, parsed.ref.len));
// omit http starts with 'f' case.
formatted = FormatUrl(GURL("http://f/"), kFormatUrlOmitHTTP,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, &parsed, nullptr, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(u"f/", formatted);
EXPECT_EQ(u"f", formatted.substr(,;
EXPECT_EQ(u"/", formatted.substr(parsed.path.begin, parsed.path.len));
// Make sure that calling FormatUrl on a GURL and then converting back to a GURL
// results in the original GURL, for each ASCII character in the path.
TEST(UrlFormatterTest, FormatUrlRoundTripPathASCII) {
for (unsigned char test_char = 32; test_char < 128; ++test_char) {
GURL url(std::string("") +
size_t prefix_len;
std::u16string formatted =
FormatUrl(url, kFormatUrlOmitUsernamePassword,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, nullptr, &prefix_len, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(url.spec(), GURL(formatted).spec());
// Make sure that calling FormatUrl on a GURL and then converting back to a GURL
// results in the original GURL, for each escaped ASCII character in the path.
TEST(UrlFormatterTest, FormatUrlRoundTripPathEscaped) {
for (unsigned char test_char = 32; test_char < 128; ++test_char) {
std::string original_url("");
original_url.append(base::HexEncode(&test_char, 1));
GURL url(original_url);
size_t prefix_len;
std::u16string formatted =
FormatUrl(url, kFormatUrlOmitUsernamePassword,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, nullptr, &prefix_len, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(url.spec(), GURL(formatted).spec());
// Make sure that calling FormatUrl on a GURL and then converting back to a GURL
// results in the original GURL, for each ASCII character in the query.
TEST(UrlFormatterTest, FormatUrlRoundTripQueryASCII) {
for (unsigned char test_char = 32; test_char < 128; ++test_char) {
GURL url(std::string("") +
size_t prefix_len;
std::u16string formatted =
FormatUrl(url, kFormatUrlOmitUsernamePassword,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, nullptr, &prefix_len, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(url.spec(), GURL(formatted).spec());
// Make sure that calling FormatUrl on a GURL and then converting back to a GURL
// only results in a different GURL for certain characters.
TEST(UrlFormatterTest, FormatUrlRoundTripQueryEscaped) {
// A full list of characters which FormatURL should unescape and GURL should
// not escape again, when they appear in a query string.
const char kUnescapedCharacters[] =
for (unsigned char test_char = 0; test_char < 128; ++test_char) {
std::string original_url("");
original_url.append(base::HexEncode(&test_char, 1));
GURL url(original_url);
size_t prefix_len;
std::u16string formatted =
FormatUrl(url, kFormatUrlOmitUsernamePassword,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, nullptr, &prefix_len, nullptr);
if (test_char &&
strchr(kUnescapedCharacters, static_cast<char>(test_char))) {
EXPECT_NE(url.spec(), GURL(formatted).spec());
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(url.spec(), GURL(formatted).spec());
TEST(UrlFormatterTest, StripWWWFromHostComponent) {
// Typical public URL should have www stripped.
std::string url = "";
url::Component host(8, 14);
ASSERT_EQ("", url.substr(host.begin, host.len));
StripWWWFromHostComponent(url, &host);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.substr(host.begin, host.len));
// Intranet hostname should not have www stripped.
std::string url = "https://www.foobar/abc";
url::Component host(8, 10);
ASSERT_EQ("www.foobar", url.substr(host.begin, host.len));
StripWWWFromHostComponent(url, &host);
EXPECT_EQ("www.foobar", url.substr(host.begin, host.len));
// Domain and registry should be excluded from www stripping.
std::string url = "";
url::Component host(8, 9);
ASSERT_EQ("", url.substr(host.begin, host.len));
StripWWWFromHostComponent(url, &host);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.substr(host.begin, host.len));
TEST(UrlFormatterTest, FormatUrlWithOffsets) {
CheckAdjustedOffsets(std::string(), kFormatUrlOmitNothing,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, nullptr);
const size_t basic_offsets[] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25
kFormatUrlOmitNothing, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
const size_t omit_auth_offsets_1[] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, omit_auth_offsets_1);
const size_t omit_auth_offsets_2[] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, omit_auth_offsets_2);
const size_t dont_omit_auth_offsets[] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos,
kNpos, kNpos, 11, 12, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos,
kNpos, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
30, 31
// Unescape to "http://foo\x30B0:\".
kFormatUrlOmitNothing, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
const size_t view_source_offsets[] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, kNpos,
kNpos, kNpos, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, view_source_offsets);
const size_t idn_hostname_offsets_1[] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos,
kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, 12,
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
// Convert punycode to "http://\x671d\x65e5\x3042\x3055\".
kFormatUrlOmitNothing, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
const size_t idn_hostname_offsets_2[] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos,
kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, 14, 15, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos,
kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos,
kNpos, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
// Convert punycode to
// "http://test.\x89c6\x9891.\x5317\x4eac\x5927\x5b78.test/".
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, idn_hostname_offsets_2);
const size_t unescape_offsets[] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, kNpos, kNpos, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos,
kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, 31, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos,
kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, 32, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos,
kNpos, 33, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos
// Unescape to " bar/\x30B0\x30FC\x30B0\x30EB".
kFormatUrlOmitNothing, net::UnescapeRule::SPACES, unescape_offsets);
const size_t ref_offsets[] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
30, 31, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos,
32, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, 33};
// Unescape to "\x30B0\x30B0z".
kFormatUrlOmitNothing, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL,
const size_t omit_http_offsets[] = {
0, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14
CheckAdjustedOffsets("", kFormatUrlOmitHTTP,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, omit_http_offsets);
const size_t omit_http_start_with_ftp_offsets[] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
CheckAdjustedOffsets("", kFormatUrlOmitHTTP,
const size_t omit_all_offsets[] = {
0, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, 0, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos,
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
CheckAdjustedOffsets("", kFormatUrlOmitDefaults,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, omit_all_offsets);
const size_t trim_after_host_offsets[] = {
0, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, 9};
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, trim_after_host_offsets);
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, trim_after_host_offsets);
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, trim_after_host_offsets);
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, trim_after_host_offsets);
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, trim_after_host_offsets);
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, trim_after_host_offsets);
const size_t omit_https_offsets[] = {
0, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, 0, 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14};
CheckAdjustedOffsets("", kFormatUrlOmitHTTPS,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, omit_https_offsets);
const size_t omit_https_with_auth_offsets[] = {
0, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, 0,
kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14};
kFormatUrlOmitDefaults | kFormatUrlOmitHTTPS,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, omit_https_with_auth_offsets);
const size_t strip_trivial_subdomains_offsets_1[] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21};
"", kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, strip_trivial_subdomains_offsets_1);
const size_t strip_trivial_subdomains_from_idn_offsets[] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, kNpos, kNpos,
kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos,
kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, kNpos, 12,
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19};
"", kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains,
net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, strip_trivial_subdomains_from_idn_offsets);
} // namespace url_formatter