blob: 11b885e2f13ed3d4e0bc2c3c7cc7e3949e658627 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/android/library_loader/anchor_functions.h"
#include "base/android/library_loader/anchor_functions_buildflags.h"
#include "base/debug/elf_reader.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
#include "base/format_macros.h"
#include "base/memory/page_size.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/process/process_metrics.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "services/resource_coordinator/public/cpp/memory_instrumentation/os_metrics.h"
// Symbol with virtual address of the start of ELF header of the current binary.
extern char __ehdr_start;
namespace memory_instrumentation {
namespace {
using mojom::VmRegion;
using mojom::VmRegionPtr;
const char kClearPeakRssCommand[] = "5";
const uint32_t kMaxLineSize = 4096;
// TODO(chiniforooshan): Many of the utility functions in this anonymous
// namespace should move to base/process/ to make the
// code a lot cleaner. However, we should do so after we made sure the metrics
// we are experimenting with here have real value.
base::FilePath GetProcPidDir(base::ProcessId pid) {
return base::FilePath("/proc").Append(
pid == base::kNullProcessId ? "self" : base::NumberToString(pid));
bool GetResidentAndSharedPagesFromStatmFile(int fd,
uint64_t* resident_pages,
uint64_t* shared_pages) {
lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
char line[kMaxLineSize];
int res = read(fd, line, kMaxLineSize - 1);
if (res <= 0)
return false;
line[res] = '\0';
int num_scanned =
sscanf(line, "%*s %" SCNu64 " %" SCNu64, resident_pages, shared_pages);
return num_scanned == 2;
bool ResetPeakRSSIfPossible(base::ProcessId pid) {
static bool is_peak_rss_resettable = true;
if (!is_peak_rss_resettable)
return false;
auto clear_refs_file = GetProcPidDir(pid).Append("clear_refs");
base::ScopedFD clear_refs_fd(open(clear_refs_file.value().c_str(), O_WRONLY));
is_peak_rss_resettable =
clear_refs_fd.get() >= 0 &&
base::WriteFileDescriptor(clear_refs_fd.get(), kClearPeakRssCommand);
return is_peak_rss_resettable;
std::unique_ptr<base::ProcessMetrics> CreateProcessMetrics(
base::ProcessId pid) {
if (pid == base::kNullProcessId) {
return base::ProcessMetrics::CreateCurrentProcessMetrics();
return base::ProcessMetrics::CreateProcessMetrics(pid);
struct ModuleData {
std::string path;
std::string build_id;
ModuleData GetMainModuleData() {
ModuleData module_data;
Dl_info dl_info;
if (dladdr(&__ehdr_start, &dl_info)) {
base::debug::ElfBuildIdBuffer build_id;
size_t build_id_length =
base::debug::ReadElfBuildId(&__ehdr_start, true, build_id);
if (build_id_length) {
module_data.path = dl_info.dli_fname;
module_data.build_id = std::string(build_id, build_id_length);
return module_data;
bool ParseSmapsHeader(const char* header_line,
const ModuleData& main_module_data,
VmRegion* region) {
// e.g., "00400000-00421000 r-xp 00000000 fc:01 1234 /\n"
bool res = true; // Whether this region should be appended or skipped.
uint64_t end_addr = 0;
char protection_flags[5] = {0};
char mapped_file[kMaxLineSize];
if (sscanf(header_line, "%" SCNx64 "-%" SCNx64 " %4c %*s %*s %*s%4095[^\n]\n",
&region->start_address, &end_addr, protection_flags,
mapped_file) != 4) {
return false;
if (end_addr > region->start_address) {
region->size_in_bytes = end_addr - region->start_address;
} else {
// This is not just paranoia, it can actually happen (See
region->size_in_bytes = 0;
res = false;
region->protection_flags = 0;
if (protection_flags[0] == 'r') {
region->protection_flags |= VmRegion::kProtectionFlagsRead;
if (protection_flags[1] == 'w') {
region->protection_flags |= VmRegion::kProtectionFlagsWrite;
if (protection_flags[2] == 'x') {
region->protection_flags |= VmRegion::kProtectionFlagsExec;
if (protection_flags[3] == 's') {
region->protection_flags |= VmRegion::kProtectionFlagsMayshare;
region->mapped_file = mapped_file;
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(region->mapped_file, base::TRIM_ALL,
// Build ID is needed to symbolize heap profiles, and is generated only on
// official builds. Build ID is only added for the current library (chrome)
// since it is racy to read other libraries which can be unmapped any time.
#if defined(OFFICIAL_BUILD)
if (!region->mapped_file.empty() &&
base::StartsWith(main_module_data.path, region->mapped_file,
base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) &&
!main_module_data.build_id.empty()) {
region->module_debugid = main_module_data.build_id;
#endif // defined(OFFICIAL_BUILD)
return res;
uint64_t ReadCounterBytes(char* counter_line) {
uint64_t counter_value = 0;
int res = sscanf(counter_line, "%*s %" SCNu64 " kB", &counter_value);
return res == 1 ? counter_value * 1024 : 0;
uint32_t ParseSmapsCounter(char* counter_line, VmRegion* region) {
// A smaps counter lines looks as follows: "RSS: 0 Kb\n"
uint32_t res = 1;
char counter_name[20];
int did_read = sscanf(counter_line, "%19[^\n ]", counter_name);
if (did_read != 1)
return 0;
if (strcmp(counter_name, "Pss:") == 0) {
region->byte_stats_proportional_resident = ReadCounterBytes(counter_line);
} else if (strcmp(counter_name, "Private_Dirty:") == 0) {
region->byte_stats_private_dirty_resident = ReadCounterBytes(counter_line);
} else if (strcmp(counter_name, "Private_Clean:") == 0) {
region->byte_stats_private_clean_resident = ReadCounterBytes(counter_line);
} else if (strcmp(counter_name, "Shared_Dirty:") == 0) {
region->byte_stats_shared_dirty_resident = ReadCounterBytes(counter_line);
} else if (strcmp(counter_name, "Shared_Clean:") == 0) {
region->byte_stats_shared_clean_resident = ReadCounterBytes(counter_line);
} else if (strcmp(counter_name, "Swap:") == 0) {
region->byte_stats_swapped = ReadCounterBytes(counter_line);
} else if (strcmp(counter_name, "Locked:") == 0) {
region->byte_locked = ReadCounterBytes(counter_line);
} else {
res = 0;
return res;
uint32_t ReadLinuxProcSmapsFile(FILE* smaps_file,
std::vector<VmRegionPtr>* maps) {
if (!smaps_file)
return 0;
fseek(smaps_file, 0, SEEK_SET);
char line[kMaxLineSize];
const uint32_t kNumExpectedCountersPerRegion = 7;
uint32_t counters_parsed_for_current_region = 0;
uint32_t num_valid_regions = 0;
bool should_add_current_region = false;
VmRegion region;
ModuleData main_module_data = GetMainModuleData();
for (;;) {
line[0] = '\0';
if (fgets(line, kMaxLineSize, smaps_file) == nullptr || !strlen(line))
if (isxdigit(line[0]) && !isupper(line[0])) {
region = VmRegion();
counters_parsed_for_current_region = 0;
should_add_current_region =
ParseSmapsHeader(line, main_module_data, &region);
} else if (should_add_current_region) {
counters_parsed_for_current_region += ParseSmapsCounter(line, &region);
if (counters_parsed_for_current_region == kNumExpectedCountersPerRegion) {
should_add_current_region = false;
return num_valid_regions;
// RAII class making the current process dumpable via prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 1),
// in case it is not currently dumpable as described in proc(5) and prctl(2).
// Noop if the original dumpable state could not be determined.
class ScopedProcessSetDumpable {
ScopedProcessSetDumpable() {
int result = prctl(PR_GET_DUMPABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (result < 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "prctl";
was_dumpable_ = result > 0;
if (!was_dumpable_) {
if (prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 1, 0, 0, 0) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "prctl";
// PR_SET_DUMPABLE is often disallowed, avoid crashing in this case.
ScopedProcessSetDumpable(const ScopedProcessSetDumpable&) = delete;
ScopedProcessSetDumpable& operator=(const ScopedProcessSetDumpable&) = delete;
~ScopedProcessSetDumpable() {
if (!was_dumpable_) {
PCHECK(prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0) == 0) << "prctl";
void AvoidPrctlOnDestruction() { was_dumpable_ = true; }
bool was_dumpable_;
} // namespace
FILE* g_proc_smaps_for_testing = nullptr;
// static
void OSMetrics::SetProcSmapsForTesting(FILE* f) {
g_proc_smaps_for_testing = f;
// static
bool OSMetrics::FillOSMemoryDump(base::ProcessId pid,
mojom::RawOSMemDump* dump) {
// TODO(chiniforooshan): There is no need to read both /statm and /status
// files. Refactor to get everything from /status using ProcessMetric.
auto statm_file = GetProcPidDir(pid).Append("statm");
auto autoclose = base::ScopedFD(open(statm_file.value().c_str(), O_RDONLY));
int statm_fd = autoclose.get();
if (statm_fd == -1)
return false;
uint64_t resident_pages;
uint64_t shared_pages;
bool success = GetResidentAndSharedPagesFromStatmFile(
statm_fd, &resident_pages, &shared_pages);
if (!success)
return false;
auto process_metrics = CreateProcessMetrics(pid);
static const size_t page_size = base::GetPageSize();
uint64_t rss_anon_bytes = (resident_pages - shared_pages) * page_size;
uint64_t vm_swap_bytes = process_metrics->GetVmSwapBytes();
dump->platform_private_footprint->rss_anon_bytes = rss_anon_bytes;
dump->platform_private_footprint->vm_swap_bytes = vm_swap_bytes;
dump->resident_set_kb = process_metrics->GetResidentSetSize() / 1024;
dump->peak_resident_set_kb = GetPeakResidentSetSize(pid);
dump->is_peak_rss_resettable = ResetPeakRSSIfPossible(pid);
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
if (!base::android::AreAnchorsSane()) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "Incorrect code ordering";
return false;
std::vector<uint8_t> accessed_pages_bitmap;
OSMetrics::MappedAndResidentPagesDumpState state =
// MappedAndResidentPagesDumpState |state| can be |kAccessPagemapDenied|
// for Android devices running a kernel version < 4.4 or because the process
// is not "dumpable", as described in proc(5).
if (state != OSMetrics::MappedAndResidentPagesDumpState::kSuccess)
return state != OSMetrics::MappedAndResidentPagesDumpState::kFailure;
dump->native_library_pages_bitmap = std::move(accessed_pages_bitmap);
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
return true;
// static
std::vector<VmRegionPtr> OSMetrics::GetProcessMemoryMaps(base::ProcessId pid) {
std::vector<VmRegionPtr> maps;
uint32_t res = 0;
if (g_proc_smaps_for_testing) {
res = ReadLinuxProcSmapsFile(g_proc_smaps_for_testing, &maps);
} else {
std::string file_name =
"/proc/" +
(pid == base::kNullProcessId ? "self" : base::NumberToString(pid)) +
base::ScopedFILE smaps_file(fopen(file_name.c_str(), "r"));
res = ReadLinuxProcSmapsFile(smaps_file.get(), &maps);
if (!res)
return std::vector<VmRegionPtr>();
return maps;
// static
OSMetrics::MappedAndResidentPagesDumpState OSMetrics::GetMappedAndResidentPages(
const size_t start_address,
const size_t end_address,
std::vector<uint8_t>* accessed_pages_bitmap) {
const char* kPagemap = "/proc/self/pagemap";
base::ScopedFILE pagemap_file(fopen(kPagemap, "r"));
if (!pagemap_file.get()) {
ScopedProcessSetDumpable set_dumpable;
pagemap_file.reset(fopen(kPagemap, "r"));
if (!pagemap_file.get()) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "Could not open " << kPagemap;
return OSMetrics::MappedAndResidentPagesDumpState::kAccessPagemapDenied;
const size_t kPageSize = base::GetPageSize();
const size_t start_page = start_address / kPageSize;
// |end_address| is exclusive.
const size_t end_page = (end_address - 1) / kPageSize;
const size_t total_pages = end_page - start_page + 1;
// The pagemap has one 64 bit entry per page or 8 bytes.
auto offset = static_cast<long>(start_page * 8);
if (fseek(pagemap_file.get(), offset, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Error in fseek " << kPagemap;
return OSMetrics::MappedAndResidentPagesDumpState::kFailure;
// |entries| will be 2kB/MB (if |kPageSize| = 4096),
// that would only be ~80kB on Android, and up to 200kB on Linux (for 100MB)
std::vector<uint64_t> entries(total_pages);
if (fread(&entries[0], sizeof(uint64_t), total_pages, pagemap_file.get()) !=
total_pages) {
return OSMetrics::MappedAndResidentPagesDumpState::kFailure;
accessed_pages_bitmap->resize(1 + (total_pages - 1) / 8);
for (size_t page = 0; page < total_pages; page++) {
// Bit 63 is "page present" according to
if (entries[page] & (1LL << 63)) {
auto byte = page / 8;
auto bit = page & 0x7;
CHECK_LT(byte, accessed_pages_bitmap->size());
(*accessed_pages_bitmap)[byte] |= 1 << bit;
return OSMetrics::MappedAndResidentPagesDumpState::kSuccess;
// static
size_t OSMetrics::GetPeakResidentSetSize(base::ProcessId pid) {
std::string data;
// Synchronously reading files in /proc does not hit the disk.
base::ScopedAllowBlocking allow_blocking;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(GetProcPidDir(pid).Append("status"), &data))
return 0;
base::StringPairs pairs;
base::SplitStringIntoKeyValuePairs(data, ':', '\n', &pairs);
for (auto& pair : pairs) {
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(pair.first, base::TRIM_ALL, &pair.first);
// VmHWM gives the peak resident set size since the start of the process or
// since the last time it was reset. HWM stands for "High Water Mark".
if (pair.first == "VmHWM") {
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(pair.second, base::TRIM_ALL, &pair.second);
auto split_value_str = base::SplitStringPiece(
pair.second, " ", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL);
if (split_value_str.size() != 2 || split_value_str[1] != "kB") {
return 0;
size_t res;
if (!base::StringToSizeT(split_value_str[0], &res)) {
return 0;
return res;
return 0;
} // namespace memory_instrumentation