blob: 98afa0190b0e49ed9a90be1ad356c424ad23603a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/css/StyleColor.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTheme.h"
namespace blink {
Color StyleColor::colorFromKeyword(CSSValueID keyword) {
if (const char* valueName = getValueName(keyword)) {
if (const NamedColor* namedColor = findColor(valueName, strlen(valueName)))
return Color(namedColor->ARGBValue);
return LayoutTheme::theme().systemColor(keyword);
bool StyleColor::isColorKeyword(CSSValueID id) {
// Named colors and color keywords:
// <named-color>
// 'aqua', 'black', 'blue', ..., 'yellow' (CSS3: "basic color keywords")
// 'aliceblue', ..., 'yellowgreen' (CSS3: "extended color keywords")
// 'transparent'
// 'currentcolor'
// <deprecated-system-color>
// 'ActiveBorder', ..., 'WindowText'
// WebKit proprietary/internal:
// '-webkit-link'
// '-webkit-activelink'
// '-internal-active-list-box-selection'
// '-internal-active-list-box-selection-text'
// '-internal-inactive-list-box-selection'
// '-internal-inactive-list-box-selection-text'
// '-webkit-focus-ring-color'
// '-internal-quirk-inherit'
return (id >= CSSValueAqua && id <= CSSValueInternalQuirkInherit) ||
(id >= CSSValueAliceblue && id <= CSSValueYellowgreen) ||
id == CSSValueMenu;
bool StyleColor::isSystemColor(CSSValueID id) {
return (id >= CSSValueActiveborder && id <= CSSValueWindowtext) ||
id == CSSValueMenu;
} // namespace blink