blob: d2fdd21cdcec7598aed44d5d1a0550692f53fba8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// A toy client, which connects to a specified port and sends QUIC
// request to that endpoint.
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_config.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_data_stream.h"
#include "net/tools/balsa/balsa_headers.h"
#include "net/tools/epoll_server/epoll_server.h"
#include "net/tools/quic/quic_client_base.h"
namespace net {
class QuicServerId;
namespace tools {
class QuicEpollConnectionHelper;
namespace test {
class QuicClientPeer;
} // namespace test
class QuicClient : public QuicClientBase,
public EpollCallbackInterface,
public QuicDataStream::Visitor {
class ResponseListener {
ResponseListener() {}
virtual ~ResponseListener() {}
virtual void OnCompleteResponse(QuicStreamId id,
const BalsaHeaders& response_headers,
const std::string& response_body) = 0;
// The client uses these objects to keep track of any data to resend upon
// receipt of a stateless reject. Recall that the client API allows callers
// to optimistically send data to the server prior to handshake-confirmation.
// If the client subsequently receives a stateless reject, it must tear down
// its existing session, create a new session, and resend all previously sent
// data. It uses these objects to keep track of all the sent data, and to
// resend the data upon a subsequent connection.
class QuicDataToResend {
// Takes ownership of |headers|. |headers| may be null, since it's possible
// to send data without headers.
QuicDataToResend(BalsaHeaders* headers, base::StringPiece body, bool fin);
virtual ~QuicDataToResend();
// Must be overridden by specific classes with the actual method for
// re-sending data.
virtual void Resend() = 0;
BalsaHeaders* headers_;
base::StringPiece body_;
bool fin_;
// Create a quic client, which will have events managed by an externally owned
// EpollServer.
QuicClient(IPEndPoint server_address,
const QuicServerId& server_id,
const QuicVersionVector& supported_versions,
EpollServer* epoll_server);
QuicClient(IPEndPoint server_address,
const QuicServerId& server_id,
const QuicVersionVector& supported_versions,
const QuicConfig& config,
EpollServer* epoll_server);
~QuicClient() override;
// From QuicClientBase
bool Initialize() override;
bool WaitForEvents() override;
// "Connect" to the QUIC server, including performing synchronous crypto
// handshake.
bool Connect();
// Start the crypto handshake. This can be done in place of the synchronous
// Connect(), but callers are responsible for making sure the crypto handshake
// completes.
void StartConnect();
// Disconnects from the QUIC server.
void Disconnect();
// Sends an HTTP request and does not wait for response before returning.
void SendRequest(const BalsaHeaders& headers,
base::StringPiece body,
bool fin);
// Sends an HTTP request and waits for response before returning.
void SendRequestAndWaitForResponse(const BalsaHeaders& headers,
base::StringPiece body,
bool fin);
// Sends a request simple GET for each URL in |args|, and then waits for
// each to complete.
void SendRequestsAndWaitForResponse(
const std::vector<std::string>& url_list);
// Migrate to a new socket during an active connection.
bool MigrateSocket(const IPAddressNumber& new_host);
// From EpollCallbackInterface
void OnRegistration(EpollServer* eps, int fd, int event_mask) override {}
void OnModification(int fd, int event_mask) override {}
void OnEvent(int fd, EpollEvent* event) override;
// |fd_| can be unregistered without the client being disconnected. This
// happens in b3m QuicProber where we unregister |fd_| to feed in events to
// the client from the SelectServer.
void OnUnregistration(int fd, bool replaced) override {}
void OnShutdown(EpollServer* eps, int fd) override {}
// QuicDataStream::Visitor
void OnClose(QuicDataStream* stream) override;
// If the crypto handshake has not yet been confirmed, adds the data to the
// queue of data to resend if the client receives a stateless reject.
// Otherwise, deletes the data. Takes ownerership of |data_to_resend|.
void MaybeAddQuicDataToResend(QuicDataToResend* data_to_resend);
void set_bind_to_address(IPAddressNumber address) {
bind_to_address_ = address;
IPAddressNumber bind_to_address() const { return bind_to_address_; }
void set_local_port(int local_port) { local_port_ = local_port; }
const IPEndPoint& server_address() const { return server_address_; }
const IPEndPoint& client_address() const { return client_address_; }
int fd() { return fd_; }
// Takes ownership of the listener.
void set_response_listener(ResponseListener* listener) {
void set_store_response(bool val) { store_response_ = val; }
size_t latest_response_code() const;
const std::string& latest_response_headers() const;
const std::string& latest_response_body() const;
virtual QuicEpollConnectionHelper* CreateQuicConnectionHelper();
virtual QuicPacketWriter* CreateQuicPacketWriter();
virtual int ReadPacket(char* buffer,
int buffer_len,
IPEndPoint* server_address,
IPAddressNumber* client_ip);
EpollServer* epoll_server() { return epoll_server_; }
// If the socket has been created, then unregister and close() the FD.
virtual void CleanUpUDPSocket();
friend class net::tools::test::QuicClientPeer;
// Specific QuicClient class for storing data to resend.
class ClientQuicDataToResend : public QuicDataToResend {
// Takes ownership of |headers|.
ClientQuicDataToResend(BalsaHeaders* headers,
base::StringPiece body,
bool fin,
QuicClient* client)
: QuicDataToResend(headers, body, fin), client_(client) {
~ClientQuicDataToResend() override {}
void Resend() override;
QuicClient* client_;
// Used during initialization: creates the UDP socket FD, sets socket options,
// and binds the socket to our address.
bool CreateUDPSocket();
// Actually clean up the socket.
void CleanUpUDPSocketImpl();
// Read a UDP packet and hand it to the framer.
bool ReadAndProcessPacket();
// Address of the server.
const IPEndPoint server_address_;
// Address of the client if the client is connected to the server.
IPEndPoint client_address_;
// If initialized, the address to bind to.
IPAddressNumber bind_to_address_;
// Local port to bind to. Initialize to 0.
int local_port_;
// Listens for events on the client socket.
EpollServer* epoll_server_;
// UDP socket.
int fd_;
// Helper to be used by created connections.
scoped_ptr<QuicEpollConnectionHelper> helper_;
// Listens for full responses.
scoped_ptr<ResponseListener> response_listener_;
// Tracks if the client is initialized to connect.
bool initialized_;
// If overflow_supported_ is true, this will be the number of packets dropped
// during the lifetime of the server.
QuicPacketCount packets_dropped_;
// True if the kernel supports SO_RXQ_OVFL, the number of packets dropped
// because the socket would otherwise overflow.
bool overflow_supported_;
// If true, store the latest response code, headers, and body.
bool store_response_;
// HTTP response code from most recent response.
size_t latest_response_code_;
// HTTP headers from most recent response.
std::string latest_response_headers_;
// Body of most recent response.
std::string latest_response_body_;
// Keeps track of any data sent before the handshake.
std::vector<QuicDataToResend*> data_sent_before_handshake_;
// Once the client receives a stateless reject, keeps track of any data that
// must be resent upon a subsequent successful connection.
std::vector<QuicDataToResend*> data_to_resend_on_connect_;
} // namespace tools
} // namespace net