blob: 4441d78eb6b0610564678d6e6029f4f6f25f9eac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
namespace remoting {
namespace protocol {
struct RtpHeader {
// RTP version is always set to 2.
// version = 2
bool padding;
bool extension;
uint8 sources;
bool marker;
uint8 payload_type;
uint16 sequence_number;
uint32 timestamp;
uint32 sync_source_id;
uint32 source_id[15];
struct RtcpReceiverReport {
uint32 receiver_ssrc;
uint32 sender_ssrc;
uint8 loss_fraction; // 8bit fixed point value in the interval [0..1].
uint32 total_lost_packets;
uint32 last_sequence_number;
uint32 jitter;
uint32 last_sender_report_timestamp;
uint32 last_sender_report_delay;
// Vp8Descriptor struct used to store values of the VP8 RTP descriptor
// fields. Meaning of each field is documented in the RTP Payload
// Format for VP8 spec: .
struct Vp8Descriptor {
enum FragmentationInfo {
: non_reference_frame(false),
picture_id(kuint32max) {
bool non_reference_frame;
uint8 fragmentation_info;
bool frame_beginning;
// PictureID is considered to be absent if |picture_id| is set to kuint32max.
uint32 picture_id;
// Returns size of RTP header for the specified number of sources.
int GetRtpHeaderSize(const RtpHeader& header);
// Packs RTP header into the buffer.
void PackRtpHeader(const RtpHeader& header, uint8* buffer, int buffer_size);
// Unpacks RTP header and stores unpacked values in |header|.
int UnpackRtpHeader(const uint8* buffer, int buffer_size, RtpHeader* header);
// Three following functions below are used to pack and unpack RTCP
// Receiver Report packets. They implement only subset of RTCP that is
// useful for chromoting. Particularly there are following
// limitations:
// 1. Only one report per packet. There is always only one sender and
// only one receiver in chromotocol session, so we never need to
// have more than one report per packet.
// 2. No RTCP Sender Report. Sender Reports are useful for streams
// synchronization (e.g. audio/video syncronization), but it is
// not needed for screencasts.
// Returns size of RTCP Receiver Report packet.
int GetRtcpReceiverReportSize(const RtcpReceiverReport& report);
// Packs RTCP Receiver Report into the |buffer|.
void PackRtcpReceiverReport(const RtcpReceiverReport& report,
uint8* buffer, int buffer_size);
// Unpack RTCP Receiver Report packet. If the packet is invalid
// returns -1, othewise returns size of the data that was read from
// the packet.
int UnpackRtcpReceiverReport(const uint8* buffer, int buffer_size,
RtcpReceiverReport* report);
// Returns size of VP8 Payload Descriptor.
int GetVp8DescriptorSize(const Vp8Descriptor& descriptor);
// Packs VP8 Payload Descriptor into the |buffer|.
void PackVp8Descriptor(const Vp8Descriptor& descriptor, uint8* buffer,
int buffer_size);
// Unpacks VP8 Payload Descriptor. If the descriptor is not valid
// returns -1, otherwise returns size of the descriptor.
int UnpackVp8Descriptor(const uint8* buffer, int buffer_size,
Vp8Descriptor* descriptor);
} // namespace protocol
} // namespace remoting