blob: 7a1dda51e649711073566531f9a7ecf0ed473da5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef APP_L10N_UTIL_WIN_H_
#define APP_L10N_UTIL_WIN_H_
#pragma once
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace l10n_util {
// Returns the locale-dependent extended window styles.
// This function is used for adding locale-dependent extended window styles
// (e.g. WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL, WS_EX_RTLREADING, etc.) when creating a window.
// Callers should OR this value into their extended style value when creating
// a window.
int GetExtendedStyles();
// TODO(xji):
// This is a temporary name, it will eventually replace GetExtendedStyles
int GetExtendedTooltipStyles();
// Give an HWND, this function sets the WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL extended style for the
// underlying window. When this style is set, the UI for the window is going to
// be mirrored. This is generally done for the UI of right-to-left languages
// such as Hebrew.
void HWNDSetRTLLayout(HWND hwnd);
// See
// and
// as to why we need these three functions.
// Return true if the default font (we get from Windows) is not suitable
// to use in the UI of the current UI (e.g. Malayalam, Bengali). If
// override_font_family and font_size_scaler are not null, they'll be
// filled with the font family name and the size scaler.
bool NeedOverrideDefaultUIFont(std::wstring* override_font_family,
double* font_size_scaler);
// If the default UI font stored in |logfont| is not suitable, its family
// and size are replaced with those stored in the per-locale resource.
void AdjustUIFont(LOGFONT* logfont);
// If the font for a given window (pointed to by HWND) is not suitable for the
// UI in the current UI langauge, its family and size are replaced with those
// stored in the per-locale resource.
void AdjustUIFontForWindow(HWND hwnd);
// Allow processes to override the configured locale with the user's Windows UI
// languages. This function should generally be called once early in
// Application startup.
void OverrideLocaleWithUILanguageList();
// Retrieve the locale override, or an empty vector if the locale has not been
// or failed to be overridden.
const std::vector<std::string>& GetLocaleOverrides();
} // namespace l10n_util
#endif // APP_L10N_UTIL_WIN_H_