blob: 0d832a0472e4603e449e5c1e9d77e2083510ff44 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
preprocess_folder = "$root_gen_dir/ui/webui/resources/preprocessed/cr_elements"
if (include_polymer) {
preprocess_gen_manifest = "preprocessed_gen_manifest.json"
if (is_chromeos_ash) {
preprocess_polymer2_manifest = "preprocessed_polymer2_manifest.json"
if (include_polymer) {
generate_grd("build_grdp") {
grd_prefix = "cr_elements"
out_grd = "$target_gen_dir/${grd_prefix}_resources.grdp"
public_deps = [ ":preprocess" ]
manifest_files = [ "$target_gen_dir/$preprocess_gen_manifest" ]
if (is_chromeos_ash) {
manifest_files += [
# TODO( Fully remove once no longer used by CrOS.
resource_path_prefix = "cr_elements"
group("preprocess") {
public_deps = [
if (include_polymer) {
public_deps += [
if (is_chromeos_ash) {
public_deps += [
# TODO( Fully remove once no longer used by CrOS.
# TS files are passed to a separate target so that they are not listed in the
# |out_manifest|.
preprocess_if_expr("preprocess_ts") {
in_folder = "."
out_folder = preprocess_folder
in_files = web_component_files_native_ts + native_html_files +
if (include_polymer) {
in_files += web_component_files_polymer_ts + polymer_html_files +
icons_html_files + css_files
if (is_chromeos_ash) {
preprocess_if_expr("preprocess_polymer2") {
in_folder = "./"
out_folder = "$preprocess_folder"
out_manifest = "$target_gen_dir/$preprocess_polymer2_manifest"
in_files = [
if (include_polymer) {
preprocess_if_expr("preprocess_generated") {
deps = [ ":custom_elements" ]
in_folder = target_gen_dir
out_folder = preprocess_folder
out_manifest = "$target_gen_dir/$preprocess_gen_manifest"
in_files = [
if (is_chromeos_ash) {
in_files += [ "chromeos/cros_color_overrides.m.js" ]
if (include_polymer) {
group("closure_compile") {
deps = [
# Targets for auto-generated Polymer 3 JS Modules
if (is_chromeos_ash) {
deps += [
js_type_check("cr_elements_resources") {
uses_legacy_modules = true
deps = [
js_library("cr_scrollable_behavior") {
deps = [ "//third_party/polymer/v1_0/components-chromium/iron-list:iron-list-extracted" ]
js_library("cr_container_shadow_behavior") {
deps = [ "//ui/webui/resources/js:assert" ]
# Targets for auto-generating Polymer 3 JS Modules.
if (include_polymer) {
polymer_modulizer("action_link_css") {
js_file = "action_link_css.m.js"
html_file = "action_link_css.html"
html_type = "style-module"
polymer_modulizer("cr_actionable_row_style") {
js_file = "cr_actionable_row_style.m.js"
html_file = "cr_actionable_row_style.html"
html_type = "style-module"
polymer_modulizer("shared_vars_css") {
js_file = "shared_vars_css.m.js"
html_file = "shared_vars_css.html"
html_type = "custom-style"
polymer_modulizer("shared_style_css") {
js_file = "shared_style_css.m.js"
html_file = "shared_style_css.html"
html_type = "style-module"
polymer_modulizer("hidden_style_css") {
js_file = "hidden_style_css.m.js"
html_file = "hidden_style_css.html"
html_type = "style-module"
polymer_modulizer("md_select_css") {
js_file = "md_select_css.m.js"
html_file = "md_select_css.html"
html_type = "style-module"
polymer_modulizer("cr_icons_css") {
js_file = "cr_icons_css.m.js"
html_file = "cr_icons_css.html"
html_type = "style-module"
polymer_modulizer("icons") {
js_file = "icons.m.js"
html_file = "icons.html"
html_type = "iron-iconset"
js_modulizer("modulize") {
input_files = [
if (include_polymer) {
group("custom_elements") {
public_deps = [
if (is_chromeos) {
public_deps += [ "chromeos:polymer3_elements" ]
if (include_polymer) {
js_type_check("cr_elements_module_resources") {
is_polymer3 = true
deps = [
if (is_chromeos_ash) {
deps += [ ":find_shortcut_behavior" ]
js_library("cr_container_shadow_behavior.m") {
sources = [ "$root_gen_dir/ui/webui/resources/cr_elements/cr_container_shadow_behavior.m.js" ]
deps = [ "//ui/webui/resources/js:assert.m" ]
extra_deps = [ ":modulize" ]
js_library("cr_scrollable_behavior.m") {
sources = [ "$root_gen_dir/ui/webui/resources/cr_elements/cr_scrollable_behavior.m.js" ]
deps = [
extra_deps = [ ":modulize" ]
if (is_chromeos_ash) {
js_library("find_shortcut_behavior") {
deps = [
html_to_wrapper("html_wrapper_files_native") {
deps = [ ":preprocess_ts" ]
in_folder = preprocess_folder
out_folder = preprocess_folder
in_files = native_html_files
minify = optimize_webui
template = "native"
if (include_polymer) {
html_to_wrapper("html_wrapper_files") {
deps = [ ":preprocess_ts" ]
in_folder = preprocess_folder
out_folder = preprocess_folder
in_files = polymer_html_files + icons_html_files
minify = optimize_webui
css_to_wrapper("css_wrapper_files") {
deps = [ ":preprocess_ts" ]
in_folder = preprocess_folder
out_folder = preprocess_folder
in_files = css_files
minify = optimize_webui