blob: a53adddd04e53f1eb6ab38b9ae2030902fddb9b4 [file] [log] [blame]
# These tests currently fail when run with --enable-features=BackForwardCache.
# WebLock (deadlock)
# Same-document navigation pointing to a URL that would cause a redirect if it
# was reloaded. It never happen, because the document is restored directly.
# Expect an iframe to load again. It isn't because the page was restored from
# the BackForwardCache.
# Create a URLLoaderInterceptor. It should cause the navigation to fail, but it
# isn't using an URLLoader anymore.
# Document expects javascript to run again from the beginning.
# Page with no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate shouldn't be cached.
# Test expects the RenderFrameHost to be deleted after a navigation. It is now
# stored into the BackForwardCache instead. It isn't deleted.
# This test waits for a network request after a back navigation. It won't be
# made, because the document is restored from the BackForwardCache.
# Wait for the old process to exit. It won't, because it is still used by a
# bfcached document.
# Expect the swapped out RenderFrameHost to have a replacement proxy. This won't
# happen when the BackForwardCache is used to store the old document.
# FATAL:casting.h Security DCHECK failed: IsA<Derived>(from).
# In content::RenderFrameProxy::OnSetFrameOwnerProperties()
# Histogram "PrefetchedSignedExchangeCache.Count" is recorded when the document
# in the RenderFrameHost is replaced, or when the RenderFrameHost is deleted.
# With the BackForwardCache, the RenderFrameHost is not deleted, so the
# histogram is not recorded before the end of the test.
# Check failed: !is_active().
# The BackForwardCache evicts page asynchronously. The test expects the
# RenderFrameHostImpl to be removed immediately.
# Android-only test. Timeout.
# In debug mode. The FrameHostInterceptor fails, because it doesn't take into
# account pages in the BackForwardCache.
# NOTREACHED() is hit in RenderFrameHostManager::GetFrameHostForNavigation,
# because, "A frame that's pending deletion should never be navigated.".
# Failing on all platforms, need to be triaged, see
# Failing on android only, need to be triaged, see
# Flaky on android only, need to be triaged, see