blob: a8626ea032794e0d05f07a97ad3805ebcd55309d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/ui/login_display_host_common.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/ui/oobe_ui_dialog_delegate.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/ash/login_screen_client.h"
#include "chromeos/login/auth/auth_status_consumer.h"
namespace chromeos {
class ExistingUserController;
class LoginDisplayMojo;
class OobeUIDialogDelegate;
class UserBoardViewMojo;
class UserSelectionScreen;
class MojoSystemInfoDispatcher;
// A LoginDisplayHost instance that sends requests to the views-based signin
// screen.
class LoginDisplayHostMojo : public LoginDisplayHostCommon,
public LoginScreenClient::Delegate,
public AuthStatusConsumer {
~LoginDisplayHostMojo() override;
// Called when the gaia dialog is destroyed.
void OnDialogDestroyed(const OobeUIDialogDelegate* dialog);
// Set the users in the views login screen.
void SetUsers(const user_manager::UserList& users);
// Show password changed dialog. If |show_password_error| is true, user
// already tried to enter old password but it turned out to be incorrect.
void ShowPasswordChangedDialog(bool show_password_error,
const std::string& email);
// Show whitelist check failed error. Happens after user completes online
// signin but whitelist check fails.
void ShowWhitelistCheckFailedError();
// Displays detailed error screen for error with ID |error_id|.
void ShowErrorScreen(LoginDisplay::SigninError error_id);
// Shows signin UI with specified email.
void ShowSigninUI(const std::string& email);
UserSelectionScreen* user_selection_screen() {
return user_selection_screen_.get();
// LoginDisplayHost:
LoginDisplay* GetLoginDisplay() override;
ExistingUserController* GetExistingUserController() override;
gfx::NativeWindow GetNativeWindow() const override;
OobeUI* GetOobeUI() const override;
content::WebContents* GetOobeWebContents() const override;
WebUILoginView* GetWebUILoginView() const override;
void OnFinalize() override;
void SetStatusAreaVisible(bool visible) override;
void StartWizard(OobeScreen first_screen) override;
WizardController* GetWizardController() override;
void OnStartUserAdding() override;
void CancelUserAdding() override;
void OnStartSignInScreen(const LoginScreenContext& context) override;
void OnPreferencesChanged() override;
void OnStartAppLaunch() override;
void OnStartArcKiosk() override;
void OnBrowserCreated() override;
void ShowGaiaDialog(
bool can_close,
const base::Optional<AccountId>& prefilled_account) override;
void HideOobeDialog() override;
void UpdateOobeDialogSize(int width, int height) override;
void UpdateOobeDialogState(ash::mojom::OobeDialogState state) override;
const user_manager::UserList GetUsers() override;
void OnCancelPasswordChangedFlow() override;
void ShowFeedback() override;
void ShowResetScreen() override;
void HandleDisplayCaptivePortal() override;
void UpdateAddUserButtonStatus() override;
// LoginScreenClient::Delegate:
void HandleAuthenticateUserWithPasswordOrPin(
const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& password,
bool authenticated_by_pin,
AuthenticateUserWithPasswordOrPinCallback callback) override;
void HandleAuthenticateUserWithExternalBinary(
const AccountId& account_id,
AuthenticateUserWithExternalBinaryCallback callback) override;
void HandleEnrollUserWithExternalBinary(
EnrollUserWithExternalBinaryCallback callback) override;
void HandleAuthenticateUserWithEasyUnlock(
const AccountId& account_id) override;
void HandleHardlockPod(const AccountId& account_id) override;
void HandleOnFocusPod(const AccountId& account_id) override;
void HandleOnNoPodFocused() override;
bool HandleFocusLockScreenApps(bool reverse) override;
void HandleFocusOobeDialog() override;
void HandleLaunchPublicSession(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& locale,
const std::string& input_method) override;
// AuthStatusConsumer:
void OnAuthFailure(const AuthFailure& error) override;
void OnAuthSuccess(const UserContext& user_context) override;
void OnPasswordChangeDetected() override;
void OnOldEncryptionDetected(const UserContext& user_context,
bool has_incomplete_migration) override;
void LoadOobeDialog();
// State associated with a pending authentication attempt.
struct AuthState {
AuthState(AccountId account_id,
AuthenticateUserWithPasswordOrPinCallback callback);
// Account that is being authenticated.
AccountId account_id;
// Callback that should be executed the authentication result is available.
AuthenticateUserWithPasswordOrPinCallback callback;
std::unique_ptr<AuthState> pending_auth_state_;
std::unique_ptr<LoginDisplayMojo> login_display_;
std::unique_ptr<UserBoardViewMojo> user_board_view_mojo_;
std::unique_ptr<UserSelectionScreen> user_selection_screen_;
std::unique_ptr<ExistingUserController> existing_user_controller_;
// Called after host deletion.
std::vector<base::OnceClosure> completion_callbacks_;
OobeUIDialogDelegate* dialog_ = nullptr;
bool can_close_dialog_ = true;
std::unique_ptr<WizardController> wizard_controller_;
// Users that are visible in the views login screen.
// TODO( consider remove user case.
user_manager::UserList users_;
// The account id of the user pod that's being focused.
AccountId focused_pod_account_id_;
// Fetches system information and sends it to the UI over mojo.
std::unique_ptr<MojoSystemInfoDispatcher> system_info_updater_;
// Prevents repeated calls to OnStartSigninScreen, which can happen when a
// user cancels the Powerwash dialog in the login screen. Set to true on the
// first OnStartSigninScreen and remains true afterward.
bool signin_screen_started_ = false;
// Set if the signin screen initialization was delayed to show a OOBE dialog,
// for example to run reset or enable debugging wizard.
bool start_delayed_for_oobe_dialog_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<LoginDisplayHostMojo> weak_factory_;
} // namespace chromeos