blob: e97fbe0f6ca9cbc9c8624f7e12fda88488667ac1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/app_install_event_log_uploader.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/app_install_event_logger.h"
class Profile;
namespace base {
class FilePath;
class SequencedTaskRunner;
} // namespace base
namespace enterprise_management {
class AppInstallReportLogEvent;
class AppInstallReportRequest;
} // namespace enterprise_management
namespace policy {
class AppInstallEventLog;
// Ties together collection, storage and upload of app push-install event logs.
// Owns an |AppInstallEventLog| for log storage and an |AppInstallEventLogger|
// for log collection. The |AppInstallEventUploader| is passed to the
// constructor and must outlive |this|.
// Newly added log entries are held in memory first and stored to disk no more
// than five seconds later. The log is also written to disk every time it has
// been successfully uploaded to the server and on logout.
// Uploads to the server are scheduled as follows:
// * The first upload happens fifteen minutes after |this| is instantiated. This
// ensures that initial activity in short-lived, ephemeral sessions is not
// lost.
// * Subsequent uploads are scheduled three hours after the last successful
// upload and suspended if the log becomes empty.
// * If the log is getting full, the next upload is expedited from three hours
// to fifteen minutes delay.
class AppInstallEventLogManager : public AppInstallEventLogger::Delegate,
public AppInstallEventLogUploader::Delegate {
// Helper that returns a |base::SequencedTaskRunner| for background operations
// on an event log. All background operations relating to a given log file,
// whether by an |AppInstallEventLogManager| or any other class, must use the
// same |base::SequencedTaskRunner| returned by a |LogTaskRunnerWrapper|
// instance to ensure correct serialization.
class LogTaskRunnerWrapper {
virtual ~LogTaskRunnerWrapper();
// Returns a |base::SequencedTaskRunner| that executes tasks in order and
// runs any pending tasks on shutdown (to ensure the log is stored to disk).
// Virtual for testing.
virtual scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> GetTaskRunner();
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;
// All accesses to the |profile|'s app push-install event log file must use
// the same |log_task_runner_wrapper| to ensure correct I/O serialization.
// |uploader| must outlive |this|.
AppInstallEventLogManager(LogTaskRunnerWrapper* log_task_runner_wrapper,
AppInstallEventLogUploader* uploader,
Profile* profile);
// Posts a task to |log_task_runner_| that stores the log to file and destroys
// |log_|. |log_| thus outlives |this| but any pending callbacks are canceled
// by invalidating weak pointers.
~AppInstallEventLogManager() override;
// Clears all data related to the app-install event log for |profile|. Must
// not be called while an |AppInstallEventLogManager| exists for |profile|.
// This method and any other accesses to the |profile|'s app push-install
// event log must use the same |log_task_runner_wrapper| to ensure correct I/O
// serialization.
static void Clear(LogTaskRunnerWrapper* log_task_runner_wrapper,
Profile* profile);
// AppInstallEventLogger::Delegate:
void Add(
const std::set<std::string>& packages,
const enterprise_management::AppInstallReportLogEvent& event) override;
// AppInstallEventLogUploader::Delegate:
void SerializeForUpload(
AppInstallEventLogUploader::Delegate::SerializationCallback callback)
void OnUploadSuccess() override;
// The current size of the log, returned by each operation on the log store.
struct LogSize {
// The total number of log entries, across all apps.
int total_size;
// The maximum number of log entries for a single app.
int max_size;
// Once created, |Log| runs in the background and must be accessed and
// eventually destroyed via |log_task_runner_|. |Log| outlives its parent and
// stores the current log to disk in its destructor.
class Log {
// Stores the current log to disk.
// Loads the log from disk or creates an empty log if the log file does not
// exist. Must be called before any other methods, including the destructor.
LogSize Init(const base::FilePath& file_path);
// Adds an identical log entry for app in |packages|.
LogSize Add(const std::set<std::string>& packages,
const enterprise_management::AppInstallReportLogEvent& event);
// Stores the log to disk.
void Store();
// Serializes the log to a protobuf for upload.
std::unique_ptr<enterprise_management::AppInstallReportRequest> Serialize();
// Clears log entries that were previously serialized and stores the
// resulting log to disk.
LogSize ClearSerializedAndStore();
// Returns the current size of the log.
LogSize GetSize() const;
// The actual log store.
std::unique_ptr<AppInstallEventLog> log_;
// Ensures that methods are not called from the wrong thread.
// Callback invoked by |Log::Init()|. Schedules the first log upload.
void OnLogInit(const LogSize& log_size);
// Callback invoked by all other operations on |Log| that may change its
// contents. (Re-)schedules log upload and log storage to disk.
void OnLogChange(const LogSize& log_size);
// Callback invoked by |Log::Serialize()|. Forwards the log contents received
// in |log| to |callback| for upload to the server.
void OnSerializeLogDone(
AppInstallEventLogUploader::Delegate::SerializationCallback callback,
std::unique_ptr<enterprise_management::AppInstallReportRequest> log);
// Stores the log to disk.
void StoreLog();
// Ensure that an upload is either already requested or scheduled for the
// future. If |expedited| is |true|, ensures that a scheduled upload lies no
// more than fifteen minutes in the future.
void EnsureUpload(bool expedited);
// Requests that |uploader_| upload the log to the server.
void RequestUpload();
// Task runner via which |log_| is accessed.
const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> log_task_runner_;
// Uploads logs to the server.
AppInstallEventLogUploader* const uploader_;
// Helper that owns the log store. Once created, must only be accessed via
// |log_task_runner_|. Outlives |this| and ensures the log is stored to disk
// in its destructor.
std::unique_ptr<Log> log_;
// Collects log events and passes them to |this|.
std::unique_ptr<AppInstallEventLogger> logger_;
// The current size of the log.
LogSize log_size_;
// Any change to the log contents causes a task to be scheduled that will
// store the log contents to disk five seconds later. Changes during this five
// second window will be picked up by the scheduled store and do not require
// another store to be scheduled.
bool store_scheduled_ = false;
// Whether an upload request has been sent to the |uploader_| already. If so,
// no further uploads are scheduled until the current request is successful.
// The |uploader_| retries indefinitely on errors.
bool upload_requested_ = false;
// Whether an upload has been scheduled for some time in the future.
bool upload_scheduled_ = false;
// Whether a scheduled upload is expedited (fifteen minute delay) instead of
// regular (three hour delay).
bool expedited_upload_scheduled_ = false;
// After successful upload, uploaded log entries are cleared and the log is
// stored to disk. If a store task is scheduled, this factory's weak pointers
// are invalidated to cancel it and avoid unnecessary I/O.
base::WeakPtrFactory<AppInstallEventLogManager> store_weak_factory_;
// Invalidated to cancel a pending upload when the log becomes empty after
// upload or an expedited upload is needed instead of a previously scheduled
// regular upload.
base::WeakPtrFactory<AppInstallEventLogManager> upload_weak_factory_;
// Used by |log_| to access |this|. Invalidated when |this| is destroyed as
// |log_| outlives it.
base::WeakPtrFactory<AppInstallEventLogManager> log_weak_factory_;
} // namespace policy