blob: 0e05abaad3e8e26736b0f5ddeef31f7f7e8a2c4e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "cc/input/browser_controls_state.h"
#include "cc/metrics/frame_sequence_tracker_collection.h"
#include "cc/trees/paint_holding_commit_trigger.h"
#include "cc/trees/paint_holding_reason.h"
#include "cc/trees/property_tree.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/vector2d_f.h"
namespace gfx {
struct PresentationFeedback;
namespace viz {
struct BeginFrameArgs;
namespace cc {
struct BeginMainFrameMetrics;
struct CommitState;
struct WebVitalMetrics;
struct ApplyViewportChangesArgs {
// Scroll offset delta of the inner (visual) viewport.
gfx::Vector2dF inner_delta;
// Elastic overscroll effect offset delta. This is used only on Mac. a.k.a
// "rubber-banding" overscroll.
gfx::Vector2dF elastic_overscroll_delta;
// "Pinch-zoom" page scale delta. This is a multiplicative delta. i.e.
// main_thread_scale * delta == impl_thread_scale.
float page_scale_delta;
// Indicates that a pinch gesture is currently active or not; used to allow
// subframe compositors to throttle their re-rastering during the gesture.
bool is_pinch_gesture_active;
// How much the top controls have been shown or hidden. The ratio runs
// between a set min-height (default 0) and 1 (full-shown). This is additive.
float top_controls_delta;
// How much the bottom controls have been shown or hidden. The ratio runs
// between a set min-height (default 0) and 1 (full-shown). This is additive.
float bottom_controls_delta;
// Whether the browser controls have been locked to fully hidden or shown or
// whether they can be freely moved.
BrowserControlsState browser_controls_constraint;
// Set to true when a scroll gesture being handled on the compositor has
// ended.
bool scroll_gesture_did_end;
using ManipulationInfo = uint32_t;
constexpr ManipulationInfo kManipulationInfoNone = 0;
constexpr ManipulationInfo kManipulationInfoWheel = 1 << 0;
constexpr ManipulationInfo kManipulationInfoTouch = 1 << 1;
constexpr ManipulationInfo kManipulationInfoPrecisionTouchPad = 1 << 2;
constexpr ManipulationInfo kManipulationInfoPinchZoom = 1 << 3;
constexpr ManipulationInfo kManipulationInfoScrollbar = 1 << 4;
struct PaintBenchmarkResult {
double record_time_ms = 0;
double record_time_caching_disabled_ms = 0;
double record_time_subsequence_caching_disabled_ms = 0;
double raster_invalidation_and_convert_time_ms = 0;
double paint_artifact_compositor_update_time_ms = 0;
size_t painter_memory_usage = 0;
// A LayerTreeHost is bound to a LayerTreeHostClient. The main rendering
// loop (in ProxyMain or SingleThreadProxy) calls methods on the
// LayerTreeHost, which then handles them and also calls into the equivalent
// methods on its LayerTreeHostClient when applicable.
// One important example of a LayerTreeHostClient is (via additional
// indirections) Blink.
class LayerTreeHostClient {
virtual void WillBeginMainFrame() = 0;
// Marks finishing compositing-related tasks on the main thread. In threaded
// mode, this corresponds to DidCommit().
// For a LayerTreeHostClient backed by Blink, BeginMainFrame will:
// -Dispatch BeginMainFrame-aligned input events.
// -Advance frame-synchronized animations and callbacks. These include
// gesture animations, autoscroll animations, declarative
// CSS animations (including both main-thread and compositor thread
// animations), and script-implemented requestAnimationFrame animations.
// Note: CSS animations which run on the main thread invalidate rendering
// phases as appropriate. CSS animations which run on the compositor
// invalidate styles, and then update transforms or opacity on the Layer tree.
// Compositor animations need to be updated here, because there is no
// other mechanism by which the compositor syncs animation state for these
// animations to Blink.
virtual void BeginMainFrame(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args) = 0;
virtual void BeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon() = 0;
virtual void BeginMainFrameNotExpectedUntil(base::TimeTicks time) = 0;
// This is called immediately after notifying the impl thread that it should
// do a commit, possibly before the commit has finished (depending on whether
// features::kNonBlockingCommit is enabled). It is meant for work that must
// happen prior to returning control to the main thread event loop.
virtual void DidBeginMainFrame() = 0;
virtual void WillUpdateLayers() = 0;
virtual void DidUpdateLayers() = 0;
virtual void DidObserveFirstScrollDelay(
base::TimeDelta first_scroll_delay,
base::TimeTicks first_scroll_timestamp) = 0;
// Notification that the proxy started or stopped deferring main frame updates
virtual void OnDeferMainFrameUpdatesChanged(bool) = 0;
// Notification that the proxy started or stopped deferring commits. |reason|
// indicates why commits are/were deferred. |trigger| indicates why the commit
// restarted. |trigger| is always provided on restarts, when |defer_status|
// switches to false.
virtual void OnDeferCommitsChanged(
bool defer_status,
PaintHoldingReason reason,
absl::optional<PaintHoldingCommitTrigger> trigger) = 0;
// Notification that rendering has been paused or resumed.
virtual void OnPauseRenderingChanged(bool) = 0;
// Visual frame-based updates to the state of the LayerTreeHost are expected
// to happen only in calls to LayerTreeHostClient::UpdateLayerTreeHost, which
// should mutate/invalidate the layer tree or other page parameters as
// appropriate.
// For a LayerTreeHostClient backed by Blink, this method will update
// (Blink's notions of) style, layout, paint invalidation and compositing
// state. (The "compositing state" will result in a mutated layer tree on the
// LayerTreeHost via additional interface indirections which lead back to
// mutations on the LayerTreeHost.)
virtual void UpdateLayerTreeHost() = 0;
// Notifies the client of viewport-related changes that occured in the
// LayerTreeHost since the last commit. This typically includes things
// related to pinch-zoom, browser controls (aka URL bar), overscroll, etc.
virtual void ApplyViewportChanges(const ApplyViewportChangesArgs& args) = 0;
// Notifies the client about scroll and input related changes that occurred in
// the LayerTreeHost since the last commit.
virtual void UpdateCompositorScrollState(
const CompositorCommitData& commit_data) = 0;
// Request a LayerTreeFrameSink from the client. When the client has one it
// should call LayerTreeHost::SetLayerTreeFrameSink. This will result in
// either DidFailToInitializeLayerTreeFrameSink or
// DidInitializeLayerTreeFrameSink being called.
virtual void RequestNewLayerTreeFrameSink() = 0;
virtual void DidInitializeLayerTreeFrameSink() = 0;
virtual void DidFailToInitializeLayerTreeFrameSink() = 0;
virtual void WillCommit(const CommitState&) = 0;
// Report that a commit to the impl thread has completed. The
// commit_start_time is the time that the impl thread began processing the
// commit, or base::TimeTicks() if the commit did not require action by the
// impl thread.
virtual void DidCommit(base::TimeTicks commit_start_time,
base::TimeTicks commit_finish_time) = 0;
virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() = 0;
virtual void DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck() = 0;
virtual void DidCompletePageScaleAnimation() = 0;
virtual void DidPresentCompositorFrame(
uint32_t frame_token,
const gfx::PresentationFeedback& feedback) = 0;
// Mark the frame start and end time for UMA and UKM metrics that require
// the time from the start of BeginMainFrame to the Commit, or early out.
virtual void RecordStartOfFrameMetrics() = 0;
// This is called immediately after notifying the impl thread that it should
// do a commit, possibly before the commit has finished (depending on whether
// features::kNonBlockingCommit is enabled). It is meant to record the time
// when the main thread is finished with its part of a main frame, and will
// return control to the main thread event loop.
virtual void RecordEndOfFrameMetrics(
base::TimeTicks frame_begin_time,
ActiveFrameSequenceTrackers trackers) = 0;
// Return metrics information for the stages of BeginMainFrame. This is
// ultimately implemented by Blink's LocalFrameUKMAggregator. It must be a
// distinct call from the FrameMetrics above because the BeginMainFrameMetrics
// for compositor latency must be gathered before the layer tree is
// committed to the compositor, which is before the call to
// RecordEndOfFrameMetrics.
virtual std::unique_ptr<BeginMainFrameMetrics> GetBeginMainFrameMetrics() = 0;
virtual void NotifyThroughputTrackerResults(CustomTrackerResults results) = 0;
// Should only be implemented by Blink.
virtual std::unique_ptr<WebVitalMetrics> GetWebVitalMetrics() = 0;
virtual void RunPaintBenchmark(int repeat_count,
PaintBenchmarkResult& result) {}
virtual ~LayerTreeHostClient() = default;
// LayerTreeHost->WebThreadScheduler callback interface. Instances of this class
// must be safe to use on both the compositor and main threads.
class LayerTreeHostSchedulingClient {
// Called unconditionally when BeginMainFrame runs on the main thread.
virtual void DidRunBeginMainFrame() = 0;
} // namespace cc