blob: bd93ce4261063880f65f541c06ae1df39b6a044a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/values.h"
namespace optimization_guide {
// Corresponds to `OptimizationGuidePageEntityCollection` in
// tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
// Source of the original collection list:
// Use `GetPageEntityCollectionForString` to map a raw collection string to its
// enum value.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class PageEntityCollection {
kUnknown = 0,
kAccommodations = 1,
kActors = 2,
kAirports = 3,
kAnatomicalStructures = 4,
kArtworks = 5,
kAthletes = 6,
kAuthors = 7,
kBookEditions = 8,
kBusinessOperations = 9,
kCars = 10,
kCausesOfDeath = 11,
kCelestialObjectWithCoordinateSystems = 12,
kChemicalCompounds = 13,
kConsumerProducts = 14,
kCuisines = 15,
kCulinaryMeasures = 16,
kCurrencies = 17,
kDiets = 18,
kDiseaseOrMedicalConditions = 19,
kEducationalInstitutions = 20,
kEmployers = 21,
kEvents = 22,
kFictionalCharacters = 23,
kFilmActors = 24,
kFilmScreeningVenues = 25,
kFilmSeries = 26,
kFilms = 27,
kFoods = 28,
kGarments = 29,
kGeoBusinessChain = 30,
kGeoEstablishment = 31,
kGeoLocality = 32,
kGeoNaturalFeature = 33,
kGeoPolitical = 34,
kHolidays = 35,
kHumanLanguages = 36,
kSoftware = 37,
kJobTitles = 38,
kLiterarySeries = 39,
kLocalShoppingBuyables = 40,
kMaterials = 41,
kMedicalTreatments = 42,
kModels = 43,
kMusicGroupMembers = 44,
kMusicalAlbums = 45,
kMusicalArtists = 46,
kMusicalGenres = 47,
kMusicalGroups = 48,
kMusicalRecordings = 49,
kMusicalReleases = 50,
kMusicians = 51,
kOrganismClassifications = 52,
kOrganizations = 53,
kPeople = 54,
kPeriodicals = 55,
kPoliticians = 56,
kRecordingClusters = 57,
kReligions = 58,
kRestaurants = 59,
kRideOfferingServices = 60,
kShoppingCenters = 61,
kSocialNetworkServiceWebsites = 62,
kSports = 63,
kSportsTeams = 64,
kStructures = 65,
kTouristAttractions = 66,
kTravelDestinations = 67,
kTvActors = 68,
kTvEpisodes = 69,
kTvPrograms = 70,
kVenues = 71,
kVideoGames = 72,
kWebsites = 73,
kWrittenWorks = 74,
kMaxValue = kWrittenWorks
// Returns a collection enum value corresponding to the raw entity collection
// string.
PageEntityCollection GetPageEntityCollectionForString(
const std::string& collection_str);
// Returns a label for the given raw entity collection string.
std::string GetPageEntityCollectionLabel(const std::string& collection_str);
// The metadata associated with a single entity.
struct EntityMetadata {
const std::string& entity_id,
const std::string& human_readable_name,
const base::flat_map<std::string, float>& human_readable_categories,
const std::vector<std::string>& human_readable_aliases = {},
const std::vector<std::string>& collections = {});
EntityMetadata(const EntityMetadata&);
// The opaque entity id.
std::string entity_id;
// The human-readable name of the entity in the user's locale.
std::string human_readable_name;
// A map from human-readable category the entity belongs to in the user's
// locale to the confidence that the category is related to the entity. Will
// contain the top 5 entries based on confidence score.
base::flat_map<std::string, float> human_readable_categories;
// The ordered set of aliases for this entity in the user's locale.
std::vector<std::string> human_readable_aliases;
// A vector of collections of the entity. Will contain the top 5 collections.
// For UMA metrics, use `GetPageEntityCollectionForString` to convert strings
// to enum values.
std::vector<std::string> collections;
std::string ToString() const;
std::string ToHumanReadableString() const;
base::Value AsValue() const;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const EntityMetadata& md);
friend bool operator==(const EntityMetadata& lhs, const EntityMetadata& rhs);
// The metadata with its score as output of the model execution.
struct ScoredEntityMetadata {
ScoredEntityMetadata(float score, const EntityMetadata& md);
ScoredEntityMetadata(const ScoredEntityMetadata&);
// The metadata.
EntityMetadata metadata;
// The score.
float score;
std::string ToString() const;
base::Value AsValue() const;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
const ScoredEntityMetadata& md);
friend bool operator==(const ScoredEntityMetadata& lhs,
const ScoredEntityMetadata& rhs);
} // namespace optimization_guide