blob: 5a6c33257c7173b3c7b7221c27548c5bf3ba0165 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace optimization_guide {
// The types of decisions that can be made for an optimization target.
// Keep in sync with OptimizationGuideOptimizationTargetDecision in enums.xml.
enum class OptimizationTargetDecision {
kUnknown = 0,
// The page load does not match the optimization target.
kPageLoadDoesNotMatch = 1,
// The page load matches the optimization target.
kPageLoadMatches = 2,
// The model needed to make the target decision was not available on the
// client.
kModelNotAvailableOnClient = 3,
// The page load is part of a model prediction holdback where all decisions
// will return |OptimizationGuideDecision::kFalse| in an attempt to not taint
// the data for understanding the production recall of the model.
kModelPredictionHoldback = 4,
// The OptimizationGuideDecider was not initialized yet.
kDeciderNotInitialized = 5,
// Add new values above this line.
kMaxValue = kDeciderNotInitialized,
// The statuses for a prediction model in the prediction manager when requested
// to be evaluated.
// Keep in sync with OptimizationGuidePredictionManagerModelStatus in enums.xml.
enum class PredictionManagerModelStatus {
kUnknown = 0,
// The model is loaded and available for use.
kModelAvailable = 1,
// The store is initialized but does not contain a model for the optimization
// target.
kStoreAvailableNoModelForTarget = 2,
// The store is initialized and contains a model for the optimization target
// but it is not loaded in memory.
kStoreAvailableModelNotLoaded = 3,
// The store is not initialized and it is unknown if it contains a model for
// the optimization target.
kStoreUnavailableModelUnknown = 4,
// Add new values above this line.
kMaxValue = kStoreUnavailableModelUnknown,
} // namespace optimization_guide