blob: d4277a82a78e64e80777752e0d924533856189c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/authenticator.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/channel_authenticator.h"
namespace remoting::protocol {
class FakeChannelAuthenticator : public ChannelAuthenticator {
FakeChannelAuthenticator(bool accept, bool async);
FakeChannelAuthenticator(const FakeChannelAuthenticator&) = delete;
FakeChannelAuthenticator& operator=(const FakeChannelAuthenticator&) = delete;
~FakeChannelAuthenticator() override;
// ChannelAuthenticator interface.
void SecureAndAuthenticate(std::unique_ptr<P2PStreamSocket> socket,
DoneCallback done_callback) override;
void OnAuthBytesWritten(int result);
void OnAuthBytesRead(int result);
void CallDoneCallback();
const int result_;
const bool async_;
std::unique_ptr<P2PStreamSocket> socket_;
DoneCallback done_callback_;
bool did_read_bytes_ = false;
bool did_write_bytes_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<FakeChannelAuthenticator> weak_factory_{this};
class FakeAuthenticator : public Authenticator {
enum Type {
enum Action {
struct Config {
Config(Action action);
Config(int round_trips, Action action, bool async);
int round_trips = 1;
Action action = Action::ACCEPT;
bool async = true;
FakeAuthenticator(Type type,
Config config,
const std::string& local_id,
const std::string& remote_id);
// Special constructor for authenticators in ACCEPTED or REJECTED state that
// don't exchange any messages.
FakeAuthenticator(Action action);
FakeAuthenticator(const FakeAuthenticator&) = delete;
FakeAuthenticator& operator=(const FakeAuthenticator&) = delete;
~FakeAuthenticator() override;
// Set the number of messages that the authenticator needs to process before
// started() returns true. Default to 0.
void set_messages_till_started(int messages);
// Sets auth key to be returned by GetAuthKey(). Must be called when
// |round_trips| is set to 0.
void set_auth_key(const std::string& auth_key) { auth_key_ = auth_key; }
// When pause_message_index is set the authenticator will pause in
// PROCESSING_MESSAGE state after that message, until
// TakeResumeClosure().Run() is called.
void set_pause_message_index(int pause_message_index) {
pause_message_index_ = pause_message_index;
void Resume();
// Authenticator interface.
State state() const override;
bool started() const override;
RejectionReason rejection_reason() const override;
void ProcessMessage(const jingle_xmpp::XmlElement* message,
base::OnceClosure resume_callback) override;
std::unique_ptr<jingle_xmpp::XmlElement> GetNextMessage() override;
const std::string& GetAuthKey() const override;
std::unique_ptr<ChannelAuthenticator> CreateChannelAuthenticator()
const override;
const Type type_;
const Config config_;
const std::string local_id_;
const std::string remote_id_;
// Total number of messages that have been processed.
int messages_ = 0;
// Number of messages that the authenticator needs to process before started()
// returns true. Default to 0.
int messages_till_started_ = 0;
int pause_message_index_ = -1;
base::OnceClosure resume_closure_;
std::string auth_key_;
class FakeHostAuthenticatorFactory : public AuthenticatorFactory {
FakeHostAuthenticatorFactory(int messages_till_start,
FakeAuthenticator::Config config);
FakeHostAuthenticatorFactory(const FakeHostAuthenticatorFactory&) = delete;
FakeHostAuthenticatorFactory& operator=(const FakeHostAuthenticatorFactory&) =
~FakeHostAuthenticatorFactory() override;
// AuthenticatorFactory interface.
std::unique_ptr<Authenticator> CreateAuthenticator(
const std::string& local_jid,
const std::string& remote_jid) override;
const int messages_till_started_;
const FakeAuthenticator::Config config_;
} // namespace remoting::protocol