blob: cfc1233afb4b9c7d53e3584d889da77ada166bed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/channel_dispatcher_base.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/input_event_timestamps.h"
namespace remoting::protocol {
class InputStub;
// HostEventDispatcher dispatches incoming messages on the event channel to
// InputStub.
class HostEventDispatcher : public ChannelDispatcherBase {
HostEventDispatcher(const HostEventDispatcher&) = delete;
HostEventDispatcher& operator=(const HostEventDispatcher&) = delete;
~HostEventDispatcher() override;
// Set InputStub that will be called for each incoming input
// message. Doesn't take ownership of |input_stub|. It must outlive
// the dispatcher.
void set_input_stub(InputStub* input_stub) { input_stub_ = input_stub; }
// Returns InputEventTimestampsSource for events received on input channel.
// TODO(sergeyu): This timestamps source generates timestamps for input events
// as they are received. This means that any potential delay in the input
// injector is not accounted for. Consider moving this to InputInjector to
// ensure that the timestamps source emits timestamps for each input event
// only after it's injected. This would require updating InputStub to get
// timestamps for each event.
scoped_refptr<InputEventTimestampsSource> event_timestamps_source() {
return event_timestamps_source_;
void OnIncomingMessage(std::unique_ptr<CompoundBuffer> buffer) override;
scoped_refptr<InputEventTimestampsSourceImpl> event_timestamps_source_;
raw_ptr<InputStub> input_stub_ = nullptr;
} // namespace remoting::protocol