blob: 63239402a06d6014fb3bcd3fdd1675b2576ae2f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_invalidator.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/frame_selection.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/settings.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_block_flow.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_table.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_table_section.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/legacy_layout_tree_walking.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/svg/svg_layout_support.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/clip_path_clipper.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/find_paint_offset_and_visual_rect_needing_update.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/ng/ng_paint_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/object_paint_properties.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_layer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_layer_scrollable_area.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/pre_paint_tree_walk.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/geometry_mapper.h"
namespace blink {
// If needed, exclude composited layer's subpixel accumulation to avoid full
// layer raster invalidations during animation with subpixels.
// See for details.
template <typename Rect, typename Point>
void PaintInvalidatorContext::ExcludeCompositedLayerSubpixelAccumulation(
const LayoutObject& object,
Rect& rect) const {
// TODO(wangxianzhu): How to handle sub-pixel location animation for CAP?
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::CompositeAfterPaintEnabled())
// One of the following conditions happened in
if (!paint_invalidation_container ||
.HasLocalBorderBoxProperties() ||
if (!(paint_invalidation_container->Layer()->GetCompositingReasons() &
if (object != paint_invalidation_container &&
&paint_invalidation_container->FirstFragment().PostScrollTranslation() !=
tree_builder_context_->current.transform) {
// Subpixel accumulation doesn't propagate through non-translation
// transforms. Also skip all transforms, to avoid the runtime cost of
// verifying whether the transform is a translation.
// Exclude the subpixel accumulation so that the paint invalidator won't
// see changed visual rects during composited animation with subpixels, to
// avoid full layer invalidation. The subpixel accumulation will be added
// back in ChunkToLayerMapper::AdjustVisualRectBySubpixelOffset(). Should
// make sure the code is synced.
// TODO(wangxianzhu): Avoid exposing subpixel accumulation to platform code.
IntRect PaintInvalidatorContext::MapLocalRectToVisualRect(
const LayoutObject& object,
const LayoutRect& local_rect) const {
if (local_rect.IsEmpty())
return IntRect();
DCHECK(!object.IsSVGChild() ||
// This function applies to SVG children derived from non-SVG layout
// objects, for carets, selections, etc.
object.IsBoxModelObject() || object.IsText());
// The flip below is required because local visual rects are currently in
// "physical coordinates with flipped block-flow direction" (see
// LayoutBoxModelObject.h) but we need them to be in physical coordinates.
auto rect = local_rect;
if (object.IsBox()) {
} else {
// Also convert the rect for non-boxes into physical coordinates before
// applying paint offset.
// TODO(wangxianzhu): Avoid ContainingBlock().
// Unite visual rect with clip path bounding rect.
// It is because the clip path display items are owned by the layout object
// who has the clip path, and uses its visual rect as bounding rect too.
// Usually it is done at layout object level and included as a part of
// local visual overflow, but clip-path can be a reference to SVG, and we
// have to wait until pre-paint to ensure clean layout.
if (base::Optional<FloatRect> clip_path_bounding_box =
ExcludeCompositedLayerSubpixelAccumulation<LayoutRect, LayoutPoint>(object,
// Use EnclosingIntRect to ensure the final visual rect will cover the rect
// in source coordinates no matter if the painting will snap to pixels.
return EnclosingIntRect(rect);
IntRect PaintInvalidatorContext::MapLocalRectToVisualRectForSVGChild(
const LayoutObject& object,
const FloatRect& local_rect) const {
if (local_rect.IsEmpty())
return IntRect();
// Visual rects are in the space of their local transform node. For SVG, the
// input rect is in local SVG coordinates in which paint offset doesn't apply.
// We also don't need to adjust for clip path here because SVG the local
// visual rect has already been adjusted by clip path.
auto rect = local_rect;
ExcludeCompositedLayerSubpixelAccumulation<FloatRect, FloatPoint>(object,
// Use EnclosingIntRect to ensure the final visual rect will cover the rect
// in source coordinates no matter if the painting will snap to pixels.
return EnclosingIntRect(rect);
const PaintInvalidatorContext*
PaintInvalidatorContext::ParentContextAccessor::ParentContext() const {
return tree_walk_ ? &tree_walk_->ContextAt(parent_context_index_)
: nullptr;
IntRect PaintInvalidator::ComputeVisualRect(
const LayoutObject& object,
const PaintInvalidatorContext& context) {
if (object.IsSVGChild()) {
return context.MapLocalRectToVisualRectForSVGChild(
object, SVGLayoutSupport::LocalVisualRect(object));
return context.MapLocalRectToVisualRect(object, object.LocalVisualRect());
void PaintInvalidator::UpdatePaintingLayer(const LayoutObject& object,
PaintInvalidatorContext& context) {
if (object.HasLayer() &&
ToLayoutBoxModelObject(object).HasSelfPaintingLayer()) {
context.painting_layer = ToLayoutBoxModelObject(object).Layer();
} else if (object.IsColumnSpanAll() ||
object.IsFloatingWithNonContainingBlockParent()) {
// See |LayoutObject::PaintingLayer| for the special-cases of floating under
// inline and multicolumn.
// Post LayoutNG the |LayoutObject::IsFloatingWithNonContainingBlockParent|
// check can be removed as floats will be painted by the correct layer.
context.painting_layer = object.PaintingLayer();
auto* layout_block_flow = DynamicTo<LayoutBlockFlow>(object);
if (layout_block_flow && !object.IsLayoutNGBlockFlow() &&
if (object.IsFloating() &&
(object.IsInLayoutNGInlineFormattingContext() ||
// Table collapsed borders are painted in PaintPhaseDescendantBlockBackgrounds
// on the table's layer.
if (object.IsTable() && ToLayoutTable(object).HasCollapsedBorders())
// The following flags are for descendants of the layer object only.
if (object == context.painting_layer->GetLayoutObject())
if (object.IsTableSection()) {
const auto& section = ToLayoutTableSection(object);
if (section.Table()->HasColElements())
if (object.StyleRef().HasOutline())
if (object.HasBoxDecorationBackground()
// We also paint overflow controls in background phase.
|| (object.HasOverflowClip() &&
ToLayoutBox(object).GetScrollableArea()->HasOverflowControls())) {
} else {
// Hit testing rects for touch action paint in the background phase.
if (object.HasEffectiveAllowedTouchAction())
void PaintInvalidator::UpdatePaintInvalidationContainer(
const LayoutObject& object,
PaintInvalidatorContext& context) {
if (object.IsPaintInvalidationContainer()) {
context.paint_invalidation_container = ToLayoutBoxModelObject(&object);
if (object.StyleRef().IsStackingContext())
context.paint_invalidation_container_for_stacked_contents =
} else if (object.IsLayoutView()) {
// paint_invalidation_container_for_stacked_contents is only for stacked
// descendants in its own frame, because it doesn't establish stacking
// context for stacked contents in sub-frames.
// Contents stacked in the root stacking context in this frame should use
// this frame's PaintInvalidationContainer.
context.paint_invalidation_container_for_stacked_contents =
context.paint_invalidation_container =
} else if (object.IsColumnSpanAll() ||
object.IsFloatingWithNonContainingBlockParent()) {
// In these cases, the object may belong to an ancestor of the current
// paint invalidation container, in paint order.
// Post LayoutNG the |LayoutObject::IsFloatingWithNonContainingBlockParent|
// check can be removed as floats will be painted by the correct layer.
context.paint_invalidation_container =
} else if (object.StyleRef().IsStacked() &&
// This is to exclude some objects (e.g. LayoutText) inheriting
// stacked style from parent but aren't actually stacked.
object.HasLayer() &&
->IsReplacedNormalFlowStacking() &&
context.paint_invalidation_container !=
context.paint_invalidation_container_for_stacked_contents) {
// The current object is stacked, so we should use
// m_paintInvalidationContainerForStackedContents as its paint invalidation
// container on which the current object is painted.
context.paint_invalidation_container =
if (context.subtree_flags &
PaintInvalidatorContext::kSubtreeFullInvalidationForStackedContents) {
context.subtree_flags |=
if (object == context.paint_invalidation_container) {
// When we hit a new paint invalidation container, we don't need to
// continue forcing a check for paint invalidation, since we're
// descending into a different invalidation container. (For instance if
// our parents were moved, the entire container will just move.)
if (object != context.paint_invalidation_container_for_stacked_contents) {
// However, we need to keep kSubtreeVisualRectUpdate and
// kSubtreeFullInvalidationForStackedContents flags if the current
// object isn't the paint invalidation container of stacked contents.
context.subtree_flags &=
(PaintInvalidatorContext::kSubtreeVisualRectUpdate |
} else {
context.subtree_flags = 0;
DCHECK(context.paint_invalidation_container ==
DCHECK(context.painting_layer == object.PaintingLayer());
void PaintInvalidator::UpdateVisualRect(const LayoutObject& object,
FragmentData& fragment_data,
PaintInvalidatorContext& context) {
if (!context.NeedsVisualRectUpdate(object))
DCHECK(context.tree_builder_context_->current.paint_offset ==
fragment_data.SetVisualRect(ComputeVisualRect(object, context));
void PaintInvalidator::UpdateEmptyVisualRectFlag(
const LayoutObject& object,
PaintInvalidatorContext& context) {
bool is_paint_invalidation_container =
object == context.paint_invalidation_container;
// Content under transforms needs to invalidate, even if visual
// rects before and after update were the same. This is because
// we don't know whether this transform will end up composited in
// CAP, so such transforms are painted even if not visible
// due to ancestor clips. This does not apply in SPv1 mode when
// crossing paint invalidation container boundaries.
if (is_paint_invalidation_container) {
// Remove the flag when crossing paint invalidation container boundaries.
context.subtree_flags &=
} else if (object.StyleRef().HasTransform()) {
context.subtree_flags |=
bool PaintInvalidator::InvalidatePaint(
const LayoutObject& object,
const PaintPropertyTreeBuilderContext* tree_builder_context,
PaintInvalidatorContext& context) {
"PaintInvalidator::InvalidatePaint()", "object",
if (object.IsSVGHiddenContainer())
context.subtree_flags |= PaintInvalidatorContext::kSubtreeNoInvalidation;
if (context.subtree_flags & PaintInvalidatorContext::kSubtreeNoInvalidation)
return false;
UpdatePaintingLayer(object, context);
UpdatePaintInvalidationContainer(object, context);
UpdateEmptyVisualRectFlag(object, context);
if (!object.ShouldCheckForPaintInvalidation() && !context.NeedsSubtreeWalk())
return false;
unsigned tree_builder_index = 0;
for (auto* fragment_data = &object.GetMutableForPainting().FirstFragment();
fragment_data = fragment_data->NextFragment(), tree_builder_index++) {
context.old_visual_rect = fragment_data->VisualRect();
context.fragment_data = fragment_data;
DCHECK(!tree_builder_context ||
tree_builder_index < tree_builder_context->fragments.size());
context.tree_builder_context_actually_needed_ =
tree_builder_context && tree_builder_context->is_actually_needed;
FindObjectVisualRectNeedingUpdateScope finder(object, *fragment_data,
if (tree_builder_context) {
context.tree_builder_context_ =
context.old_paint_offset =
} else {
context.tree_builder_context_ = nullptr;
context.old_paint_offset = fragment_data->PaintOffset();
UpdateVisualRect(object, *fragment_data, context);
auto reason = static_cast<const DisplayItemClient&>(object)
if (object.ShouldDelayFullPaintInvalidation() &&
(!IsFullPaintInvalidationReason(reason) ||
// Delay invalidation if the client has never been painted.
reason == PaintInvalidationReason::kJustCreated))
if (object.SubtreeShouldDoFullPaintInvalidation()) {
context.subtree_flags |=
PaintInvalidatorContext::kSubtreeFullInvalidation |
if (object.SubtreeShouldCheckForPaintInvalidation()) {
context.subtree_flags |=
if (context.subtree_flags && context.NeedsVisualRectUpdate(object)) {
// If any subtree flag is set, we also need to pass needsVisualRectUpdate
// requirement to the subtree.
// TODO(vmpstr): Investigate why this is true. Specifically, when crossing
// an isolation boundary, is it safe to clear this subtree requirement.
context.subtree_flags |= PaintInvalidatorContext::kSubtreeVisualRectUpdate;
if (context.NeedsVisualRectUpdate(object) &&
object.ContainsInlineWithOutlineAndContinuation()) {
// Force subtree visual rect update and invalidation checking to ensure
// invalidation of focus rings when continuation's geometry changes.
context.subtree_flags |=
PaintInvalidatorContext::kSubtreeVisualRectUpdate |
return reason != PaintInvalidationReason::kNone;
void PaintInvalidator::ProcessPendingDelayedPaintInvalidations() {
for (auto* target : pending_delayed_paint_invalidations_)
} // namespace blink