blob: a12b487510488e157140842c45e512b1a7aac6af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/bindings/api_binding_test_util.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/bindings/api_invocation_errors.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/bindings/api_type_reference_map.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/bindings/argument_spec.h"
#include "gin/converter.h"
#include "gin/public/isolate_holder.h"
#include "gin/test/v8_test.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "v8/include/v8.h"
namespace extensions {
class ArgumentSpecUnitTest : public gin::V8Test {
: type_refs_(APITypeReferenceMap::InitializeTypeCallback()) {}
~ArgumentSpecUnitTest() override {}
enum class TestResult {
struct RunTestParams {
RunTestParams(const ArgumentSpec& spec,
base::StringPiece script_source,
TestResult result)
: spec(spec), script_source(script_source), expected_result(result) {}
const ArgumentSpec& spec;
base::StringPiece script_source;
TestResult expected_result;
base::StringPiece expected_json;
base::StringPiece expected_error;
base::StringPiece expected_thrown_message;
const base::Value* expected_value = nullptr;
bool should_convert = true;
void ExpectSuccess(const ArgumentSpec& spec,
const std::string& script_source,
const std::string& expected_json_single_quotes) {
RunTestParams params(spec, script_source, TestResult::PASS);
std::string expected_json =
params.expected_json = expected_json;
void ExpectSuccess(const ArgumentSpec& spec,
const std::string& script_source,
const base::Value& expected_value) {
RunTestParams params(spec, script_source, TestResult::PASS);
params.expected_value = &expected_value;
void ExpectSuccessWithNoConversion(const ArgumentSpec& spec,
const std::string& script_source) {
RunTestParams params(spec, script_source, TestResult::PASS);
params.should_convert = false;
void ExpectFailure(const ArgumentSpec& spec,
const std::string& script_source,
const std::string& expected_error) {
RunTestParams params(spec, script_source, TestResult::FAIL);
params.expected_error = expected_error;
void ExpectFailureWithNoConversion(const ArgumentSpec& spec,
const std::string& script_source,
const std::string& expected_error) {
RunTestParams params(spec, script_source, TestResult::FAIL);
params.should_convert = false;
params.expected_error = expected_error;
void ExpectThrow(const ArgumentSpec& spec,
const std::string& script_source,
const std::string& expected_thrown_message) {
RunTestParams params(spec, script_source, TestResult::THROW);
params.expected_thrown_message = expected_thrown_message;
void AddTypeRef(const std::string& id, std::unique_ptr<ArgumentSpec> spec) {
type_refs_.AddSpec(id, std::move(spec));
void RunTest(const RunTestParams& params);
APITypeReferenceMap type_refs_;
void ArgumentSpecUnitTest::RunTest(const RunTestParams& params) {
v8::Isolate* isolate = instance_->isolate();
v8::HandleScope handle_scope(instance_->isolate());
v8::Local<v8::Context> context =
v8::Local<v8::Context>::New(instance_->isolate(), context_);
v8::TryCatch try_catch(isolate);
v8::Local<v8::Value> val =
V8ValueFromScriptSource(context, params.script_source);
ASSERT_FALSE(val.IsEmpty()) << params.script_source;
std::string error;
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> out_value;
bool did_succeed = params.spec.ParseArgument(
context, val, type_refs_, params.should_convert ? &out_value : nullptr,
bool should_succeed = params.expected_result == TestResult::PASS;
ASSERT_EQ(should_succeed, did_succeed)
<< params.script_source << ", " << error;
ASSERT_EQ(did_succeed && params.should_convert, !!out_value);
bool should_throw = params.expected_result == TestResult::THROW;
ASSERT_EQ(should_throw, try_catch.HasCaught()) << params.script_source;
if (!params.expected_error.empty())
EXPECT_EQ(params.expected_error, error) << params.script_source;
if (should_succeed && params.should_convert) {
if (params.expected_value)
<< params.script_source;
EXPECT_EQ(params.expected_json, ValueToString(*out_value));
} else if (should_throw) {
TEST_F(ArgumentSpecUnitTest, Test) {
using namespace api_errors;
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString("{'type': 'integer'}"));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "1", "1");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "-1", "-1");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "0", "0");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "0.0", "0");
ExpectFailure(spec, "undefined", InvalidType(kTypeInteger, kTypeUndefined));
ExpectFailure(spec, "null", InvalidType(kTypeInteger, kTypeNull));
ExpectFailure(spec, "1.1", InvalidType(kTypeInteger, kTypeDouble));
ExpectFailure(spec, "'foo'", InvalidType(kTypeInteger, kTypeString));
ExpectFailure(spec, "'1'", InvalidType(kTypeInteger, kTypeString));
ExpectFailure(spec, "({})", InvalidType(kTypeInteger, kTypeObject));
ExpectFailure(spec, "[1]", InvalidType(kTypeInteger, kTypeList));
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString("{'type': 'number'}"));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "1", "1.0");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "-1", "-1.0");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "0", "0.0");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "1.1", "1.1");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "1.", "1.0");
ExpectSuccess(spec, ".1", "0.1");
ExpectFailure(spec, "undefined", InvalidType(kTypeDouble, kTypeUndefined));
ExpectFailure(spec, "null", InvalidType(kTypeDouble, kTypeNull));
ExpectFailure(spec, "'foo'", InvalidType(kTypeDouble, kTypeString));
ExpectFailure(spec, "'1.1'", InvalidType(kTypeDouble, kTypeString));
ExpectFailure(spec, "({})", InvalidType(kTypeDouble, kTypeObject));
ExpectFailure(spec, "[1.1]", InvalidType(kTypeDouble, kTypeList));
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString("{'type': 'integer', 'minimum': 1}"));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "2", "2");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "1", "1");
ExpectFailure(spec, "0", NumberTooSmall(1));
ExpectFailure(spec, "-1", NumberTooSmall(1));
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString("{'type': 'integer', 'maximum': 10}"));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "10", "10");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "1", "1");
ExpectFailure(spec, "11", NumberTooLarge(10));
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString("{'type': 'string'}"));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "'foo'", "'foo'");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "''", "''");
ExpectFailure(spec, "1", InvalidType(kTypeString, kTypeInteger));
ExpectFailure(spec, "({})", InvalidType(kTypeString, kTypeObject));
ExpectFailure(spec, "['foo']", InvalidType(kTypeString, kTypeList));
ArgumentSpec spec(
*ValueFromString("{'type': 'string', 'enum': ['foo', 'bar']}"));
std::set<std::string> valid_enums = {"foo", "bar"};
ExpectSuccess(spec, "'foo'", "'foo'");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "'bar'", "'bar'");
ExpectFailure(spec, "['foo']", InvalidType(kTypeString, kTypeList));
ExpectFailure(spec, "'fo'", InvalidEnumValue(valid_enums));
ExpectFailure(spec, "'foobar'", InvalidEnumValue(valid_enums));
ExpectFailure(spec, "'baz'", InvalidEnumValue(valid_enums));
ExpectFailure(spec, "''", InvalidEnumValue(valid_enums));
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(
"{'type': 'string', 'enum': [{'name': 'foo'}, {'name': 'bar'}]}"));
std::set<std::string> valid_enums = {"foo", "bar"};
ExpectSuccess(spec, "'foo'", "'foo'");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "'bar'", "'bar'");
ExpectFailure(spec, "['foo']", InvalidType(kTypeString, kTypeList));
ExpectFailure(spec, "'fo'", InvalidEnumValue(valid_enums));
ExpectFailure(spec, "'foobar'", InvalidEnumValue(valid_enums));
ExpectFailure(spec, "'baz'", InvalidEnumValue(valid_enums));
ExpectFailure(spec, "''", InvalidEnumValue(valid_enums));
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString("{'type': 'boolean'}"));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "true", "true");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "false", "false");
ExpectFailure(spec, "1", InvalidType(kTypeBoolean, kTypeInteger));
ExpectFailure(spec, "'true'", InvalidType(kTypeBoolean, kTypeString));
ExpectFailure(spec, "null", InvalidType(kTypeBoolean, kTypeNull));
ArgumentSpec spec(
*ValueFromString("{'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}"));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "[]", "[]");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "['foo']", "['foo']");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "['foo', 'bar']", "['foo','bar']");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "var x = new Array(); x[0] = 'foo'; x;", "['foo']");
ExpectFailure(spec, "'foo'", InvalidType(kTypeList, kTypeString));
ExpectFailure(spec, "[1, 2]",
IndexError(0u, InvalidType(kTypeString, kTypeInteger)));
ExpectFailure(spec, "['foo', 1]",
IndexError(1u, InvalidType(kTypeString, kTypeInteger)));
"var x = ['a', 'b', 'c'];"
"x[4] = 'd';" // x[3] is undefined, violating the spec.
IndexError(3u, InvalidType(kTypeString, kTypeUndefined)));
"var x = [];"
" x, 0,"
" { get: () => { throw new Error('Badness'); } });"
"Uncaught Error: Badness");
const char kObjectSpec[] =
" 'type': 'object',"
" 'properties': {"
" 'prop1': {'type': 'string'},"
" 'prop2': {'type': 'integer', 'optional': true}"
" }"
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kObjectSpec));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({prop1: 'foo', prop2: 2})",
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({prop1: 'foo'})", "{'prop1':'foo'}");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({prop1: 'foo', prop2: null})", "{'prop1':'foo'}");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "x = {}; x.prop1 = 'foo'; x;", "{'prop1':'foo'}");
spec, "({prop1: 'foo', prop2: 'bar'})",
PropertyError("prop2", InvalidType(kTypeInteger, kTypeString)));
ExpectFailure(spec, "({prop2: 2})", MissingRequiredProperty("prop1"));
// Unknown properties are not allowed.
ExpectFailure(spec, "({prop1: 'foo', prop2: 2, prop3: 'blah'})",
// We only consider properties on the object itself, not its prototype
// chain.
"function X() {}\n"
"X.prototype = { prop1: 'foo' };\n"
"var x = new X();\n"
"function X() {}\n"
"X.prototype = { prop1: 'foo' };\n"
"function Y() { this.__proto__ = X.prototype; }\n"
"var z = new Y();\n"
// Self-referential fun. Currently we don't have to worry about these much
// because the spec won't match at some point (and V8ValueConverter has
// cycle detection and will fail).
spec, "x = {}; x.prop1 = x; x;",
PropertyError("prop1", InvalidType(kTypeString, kTypeObject)));
"({ get prop1() { throw new Error('Badness'); }});",
"Uncaught Error: Badness");
"x = {prop1: 'foo'};\n"
" x, 'prop2',\n"
" {\n"
" get: () => { throw new Error('Badness'); },\n"
" enumerable: true,\n"
"Uncaught Error: Badness");
// By default, properties from Object.defineProperty() aren't enumerable,
// so they will be ignored in our matching.
"x = {prop1: 'foo'};\n"
" x, 'prop2',\n"
" { get: () => { throw new Error('Badness'); } });\n"
const char kFunctionSpec[] = "{ 'type': 'function' }";
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kFunctionSpec));
// Functions are serialized as empty dictionaries.
ExpectSuccess(spec, "(function() {})", "{}");
ExpectSuccessWithNoConversion(spec, "(function() {})");
ExpectSuccessWithNoConversion(spec, "(function(a, b) { a(); b(); })");
ExpectSuccessWithNoConversion(spec, "(function(a, b) { a(); b(); })");
ExpectFailureWithNoConversion(spec, "({a: function() {}})",
InvalidType(kTypeFunction, kTypeObject));
ExpectFailureWithNoConversion(spec, "([function() {}])",
InvalidType(kTypeFunction, kTypeList));
ExpectFailureWithNoConversion(spec, "1",
InvalidType(kTypeFunction, kTypeInteger));
const char kBinarySpec[] = "{ 'type': 'binary' }";
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kBinarySpec));
// Simple case: empty ArrayBuffer -> empty BinaryValue.
ExpectSuccess(spec, "(new ArrayBuffer())",
// A non-empty (but zero-filled) ArrayBufferView.
const char kBuffer[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> expected_value =
base::Value::CreateWithCopiedBuffer(kBuffer, arraysize(kBuffer));
ExpectSuccessWithNoConversion(spec, "(new Int32Array(2))");
// Actual data.
const char kBuffer[] = {'p', 'i', 'n', 'g'};
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> expected_value =
base::Value::CreateWithCopiedBuffer(kBuffer, arraysize(kBuffer));
"var b = new ArrayBuffer(4);\n"
"var v = new Uint8Array(b);\n"
"var s = 'ping';\n"
"for (var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i)\n"
" v[i] = s.charCodeAt(i);\n"
ExpectFailure(spec, "1", InvalidType(kTypeBinary, kTypeInteger));
const char kAnySpec[] = "{ 'type': 'any' }";
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kAnySpec));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "42", "42");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "'foo'", "'foo'");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({prop1:'bar'})", "{'prop1':'bar'}");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "[1, 2, 3]", "[1,2,3]");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "[1, 'a']", "[1,'a']");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "null", base::Value());
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({prop1: 'alpha', prop2: null})", "{'prop1':'alpha'}");
"x = {alpha: 'alpha'};\n"
"y = {beta: 'beta', x: x};\n"
// We don't serialize undefined.
// TODO(devlin): This matches current behavior, but should it? Part of the
// problem is that base::Values don't differentiate between undefined and
// null, which is a potentially important distinction. However, this means
// that in serialization of an object {a: 1, foo:undefined}, we lose the
// 'foo' property.
ExpectFailure(spec, "undefined", UnserializableValue());
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({prop1: 1, prop2: undefined})", "{'prop1':1}");
TEST_F(ArgumentSpecUnitTest, TypeRefsTest) {
using namespace api_errors;
const char kObjectType[] =
" 'id': 'refObj',"
" 'type': 'object',"
" 'properties': {"
" 'prop1': {'type': 'string'},"
" 'prop2': {'type': 'integer', 'optional': true}"
" }"
const char kEnumType[] =
"{'id': 'refEnum', 'type': 'string', 'enum': ['alpha', 'beta']}";
std::set<std::string> valid_enums = {"alpha", "beta"};
const char kObjectWithRefEnumSpec[] =
" 'name': 'objWithRefEnum',"
" 'type': 'object',"
" 'properties': {"
" 'e': {'$ref': 'refEnum'},"
" 'sub': {'type': 'integer'}"
" }"
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kObjectWithRefEnumSpec));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({e: 'alpha', sub: 1})", "{'e':'alpha','sub':1}");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({e: 'beta', sub: 1})", "{'e':'beta','sub':1}");
ExpectFailure(spec, "({e: 'gamma', sub: 1})",
PropertyError("e", InvalidEnumValue(valid_enums)));
ExpectFailure(spec, "({e: 'alpha'})", MissingRequiredProperty("sub"));
const char kObjectWithRefObjectSpec[] =
" 'name': 'objWithRefObject',"
" 'type': 'object',"
" 'properties': {"
" 'o': {'$ref': 'refObj'}"
" }"
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kObjectWithRefObjectSpec));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({o: {prop1: 'foo'}})", "{'o':{'prop1':'foo'}}");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({o: {prop1: 'foo', prop2: 2}})",
spec, "({o: {prop1: 1}})",
PropertyError("o", PropertyError("prop1", InvalidType(kTypeString,
const char kRefEnumListSpec[] =
"{'type': 'array', 'items': {'$ref': 'refEnum'}}";
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kRefEnumListSpec));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "['alpha']", "['alpha']");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "['alpha', 'alpha']", "['alpha','alpha']");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "['alpha', 'beta']", "['alpha','beta']");
ExpectFailure(spec, "['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']",
IndexError(2u, InvalidEnumValue(valid_enums)));
TEST_F(ArgumentSpecUnitTest, TypeChoicesTest) {
using namespace api_errors;
const char kSimpleChoices[] =
"{'choices': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'integer'}]}";
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kSimpleChoices));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "'alpha'", "'alpha'");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "42", "42");
const char kChoicesType[] = "[string|integer]";
ExpectFailure(spec, "true", InvalidType(kChoicesType, kTypeBoolean));
const char kComplexChoices[] =
" 'choices': ["
" {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}},"
" {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'prop1': {'type': 'string'}}}"
" ]"
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kComplexChoices));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "['alpha']", "['alpha']");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "['alpha', 'beta']", "['alpha','beta']");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({prop1: 'alpha'})", "{'prop1':'alpha'}");
const char kChoicesType[] = "[array|object]";
ExpectFailure(spec, "({prop1: 1})", InvalidChoice());
ExpectFailure(spec, "'alpha'", InvalidType(kChoicesType, kTypeString));
ExpectFailure(spec, "42", InvalidType(kChoicesType, kTypeInteger));
TEST_F(ArgumentSpecUnitTest, AdditionalPropertiesTest) {
using namespace api_errors;
const char kOnlyAnyAdditionalProperties[] =
" 'type': 'object',"
" 'additionalProperties': {'type': 'any'}"
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kOnlyAnyAdditionalProperties));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({prop1: 'alpha', prop2: 42, prop3: {foo: 'bar'}})",
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({})", "{}");
// Test some crazy keys.
"var x = {};\n"
"var y = {prop1: 'alpha'};\n"
"y[42] = 'beta';\n"
"y[x] = 'gamma';\n"
"y[undefined] = 'delta';\n"
"{'42':'beta','[object Object]':'gamma','prop1':'alpha',"
// We (typically*, see "Fun case" below) don't serialize properties on an
// object prototype.
" __proto__: {protoProp: 'proto'},\n"
" instanceProp: 'instance'\n"
// Fun case: Remove a property as a result of getting another. Currently,
// we don't check each property with HasOwnProperty() during iteration, so
// Fun case: Remove a property as a result of getting another. Currently,
// we don't check each property with HasOwnProperty() during iteration, so
// we still try to serialize it. But we don't serialize undefined, so in the
// case of the property not being defined on the prototype, this works as
// expected.
"var x = {};\n"
" x, 'alpha',\n"
" {\n"
" enumerable: true,\n"
" get: () => { delete; return 'alpha'; }\n"
" });\n"
" = 'omega';\n"
// Fun case continued: If an object removes the property, and the property
// *is* present on the prototype, then we serialize the value from the
// prototype. This is inconsistent, but only manifests scripts are doing
// crazy things (and is still safe).
// TODO(devlin): We *could* add a HasOwnProperty() check, in which case
// the result of this call should be {'alpha':'alpha'}.
"var x = {\n"
" __proto__: { omega: 'different omega' }\n"
" x, 'alpha',\n"
" {\n"
" enumerable: true,\n"
" get: () => { delete; return 'alpha'; }\n"
" });\n"
" = 'omega';\n"
"{'alpha':'alpha','omega':'different omega'}");
const char kPropertiesAndAnyAdditionalProperties[] =
" 'type': 'object',"
" 'properties': {"
" 'prop1': {'type': 'string'}"
" },"
" 'additionalProperties': {'type': 'any'}"
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kPropertiesAndAnyAdditionalProperties));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({prop1: 'alpha', prop2: 42, prop3: {foo: 'bar'}})",
// Additional properties are optional.
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({prop1: 'foo'})", "{'prop1':'foo'}");
ExpectFailure(spec, "({prop2: 42, prop3: {foo: 'bar'}})",
spec, "({prop1: 42})",
PropertyError("prop1", InvalidType(kTypeString, kTypeInteger)));
const char kTypedAdditionalProperties[] =
" 'type': 'object',"
" 'additionalProperties': {'type': 'string'}"
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kTypedAdditionalProperties));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({prop1: 'alpha', prop2: 'beta', prop3: 'gamma'})",
spec, "({prop1: 'alpha', prop2: 42})",
PropertyError("prop2", InvalidType(kTypeString, kTypeInteger)));
TEST_F(ArgumentSpecUnitTest, InstanceOfTest) {
using namespace api_errors;
const char kInstanceOfRegExp[] =
" 'type': 'object',"
" 'isInstanceOf': 'RegExp'"
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kInstanceOfRegExp));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "(new RegExp())", "{}");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({ __proto__: RegExp.prototype })", "{}");
"(function() {\n"
" function subRegExp() {}\n"
" subRegExp.prototype = { __proto__: RegExp.prototype };\n"
" return new subRegExp();\n"
"(function() {\n"
" function RegExp() {}\n"
" return new RegExp();\n"
ExpectFailure(spec, "({})", NotAnInstance("RegExp"));
ExpectFailure(spec, "('')", InvalidType("RegExp", kTypeString));
ExpectFailure(spec, "('.*')", InvalidType("RegExp", kTypeString));
ExpectFailure(spec, "({ __proto__: Date.prototype })",
const char kInstanceOfCustomClass[] =
" 'type': 'object',"
" 'isInstanceOf': 'customClass'"
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kInstanceOfCustomClass));
"(function() {\n"
" function customClass() {}\n"
" return new customClass();\n"
"(function() {\n"
" function customClass() {}\n"
" function otherClass() {}\n"
" otherClass.prototype = \n"
" { __proto__: customClass.prototype };\n"
" return new otherClass();\n"
ExpectFailure(spec, "({})", NotAnInstance("customClass"));
"(function() {\n"
" function otherClass() {}\n"
" return new otherClass();\n"
TEST_F(ArgumentSpecUnitTest, MinAndMaxLengths) {
using namespace api_errors;
const char kMinLengthString[] = "{'type': 'string', 'minLength': 3}";
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kMinLengthString));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "'aaa'", "'aaa'");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "'aaaa'", "'aaaa'");
ExpectFailure(spec, "'aa'", TooFewStringChars(3, 2));
ExpectFailure(spec, "''", TooFewStringChars(3, 0));
const char kMaxLengthString[] = "{'type': 'string', 'maxLength': 3}";
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kMaxLengthString));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "'aaa'", "'aaa'");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "'aa'", "'aa'");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "''", "''");
ExpectFailure(spec, "'aaaa'", TooManyStringChars(3, 4));
const char kMinLengthArray[] =
"{'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'integer'}, 'minItems': 3}";
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kMinLengthArray));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "[1, 2, 3]", "[1,2,3]");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "[1, 2, 3, 4]", "[1,2,3,4]");
ExpectFailure(spec, "[1, 2]", TooFewArrayItems(3, 2));
ExpectFailure(spec, "[]", TooFewArrayItems(3, 0));
const char kMaxLengthArray[] =
"{'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'integer'}, 'maxItems': 3}";
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kMaxLengthArray));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "[1, 2, 3]", "[1,2,3]");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "[1, 2]", "[1,2]");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "[]", "[]");
ExpectFailure(spec, "[1, 2, 3, 4]", TooManyArrayItems(3, 4));
TEST_F(ArgumentSpecUnitTest, PreserveNull) {
using namespace api_errors;
const char kObjectSpec[] =
" 'type': 'object',"
" 'additionalProperties': {'type': 'any'},"
" 'preserveNull': true"
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kObjectSpec));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({foo: 1, bar: null})", "{'bar':null,'foo':1}");
// Subproperties shouldn't preserve null (if not specified).
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({prop: {subprop1: 'foo', subprop2: null}})",
const char kObjectSpec[] =
" 'type': 'object',"
" 'additionalProperties': {'type': 'any', 'preserveNull': true},"
" 'preserveNull': true"
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kObjectSpec));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({foo: 1, bar: null})", "{'bar':null,'foo':1}");
// Here, subproperties should preserve null.
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({prop: {subprop1: 'foo', subprop2: null}})",
const char kObjectSpec[] =
" 'type': 'object',"
" 'properties': {'prop1': {'type': 'string', 'optional': true}},"
" 'preserveNull': true"
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kObjectSpec));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({})", "{}");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({prop1: null})", "{'prop1':null}");
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({prop1: 'foo'})", "{'prop1':'foo'}");
// Undefined should not be preserved.
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({prop1: undefined})", "{}");
// preserveNull shouldn't affect normal parsing restrictions.
spec, "({prop1: 1})",
PropertyError("prop1", InvalidType(kTypeString, kTypeInteger)));
TEST_F(ArgumentSpecUnitTest, NaNFun) {
using namespace api_errors;
const char kAnySpec[] = "{'type': 'any'}";
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kAnySpec));
ExpectFailure(spec, "NaN", UnserializableValue());
const char kObjectWithAnyPropertiesSpec[] =
"{'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': {'type': 'any'}}";
ArgumentSpec spec(*ValueFromString(kObjectWithAnyPropertiesSpec));
ExpectSuccess(spec, "({foo: NaN, bar: 'baz'})", "{'bar':'baz'}");
TEST_F(ArgumentSpecUnitTest, GetTypeName) {
struct {
ArgumentType type;
const char* expected_type_name;
} simple_cases[] = {
{ArgumentType::BOOLEAN, api_errors::kTypeBoolean},
{ArgumentType::INTEGER, api_errors::kTypeInteger},
{ArgumentType::OBJECT, api_errors::kTypeObject},
{ArgumentType::LIST, api_errors::kTypeList},
{ArgumentType::BINARY, api_errors::kTypeBinary},
{ArgumentType::FUNCTION, api_errors::kTypeFunction},
{ArgumentType::ANY, api_errors::kTypeAny},
for (const auto& test_case : simple_cases) {
ArgumentSpec spec(test_case.type);
EXPECT_EQ(test_case.expected_type_name, spec.GetTypeName());
const char kRefName[] = "someRef";
ArgumentSpec ref_spec(ArgumentType::REF);
EXPECT_EQ(kRefName, ref_spec.GetTypeName());
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ArgumentSpec>> choices;
ArgumentSpec choices_spec(ArgumentType::CHOICES);
EXPECT_EQ("[integer|string]", choices_spec.GetTypeName());
} // namespace extensions